Inspired by work done here https : //github.com/PX4/Firmware/tree/master/src/drivers/frsky_telemetry from Stefan Rado <px4@sradonia.net>
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
FRSKY Telemetry library
# include "AP_Frsky_Telem.h"
# include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
# include <AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.h>
# include <AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.h>
# include <AP_Common/AP_FWVersion.h>
# include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
# include <AP_Common/Location.h>
# include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
# include <stdio.h>
extern const AP_HAL : : HAL & hal ;
AP_Frsky_Telem : : AP_Frsky_Telem ( void ) :
* init - perform required initialisation
bool AP_Frsky_Telem : : init ( )
const AP_SerialManager & serial_manager = AP : : serialmanager ( ) ;
// check for protocol configured for a serial port - only the first serial port with one of these protocols will then run (cannot have FrSky on multiple serial ports)
if ( ( _port = serial_manager . find_serial ( AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_D , 0 ) ) ) {
_protocol = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_D ; // FrSky D protocol (D-receivers)
} else if ( ( _port = serial_manager . find_serial ( AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_SPort , 0 ) ) ) {
_protocol = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_SPort ; // FrSky SPort protocol (X-receivers)
} else if ( ( _port = serial_manager . find_serial ( AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_SPort_Passthrough , 0 ) ) ) {
_protocol = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_SPort_Passthrough ; // FrSky SPort and SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) protocols (X-receivers)
// make frsky_telemetry available to GCS_MAVLINK (used to queue statustext messages from GCS_MAVLINK)
// add firmware and frame info to message queue
const char * _frame_string = gcs ( ) . frame_string ( ) ;
if ( _frame_string = = nullptr ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , AP : : fwversion ( ) . fw_string ) ;
} else {
char firmware_buf [ MAVLINK_MSG_STATUSTEXT_FIELD_TEXT_LEN + 1 ] ;
snprintf ( firmware_buf , sizeof ( firmware_buf ) , " %s %s " , AP : : fwversion ( ) . fw_string , _frame_string ) ;
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , firmware_buf ) ;
if ( _port ! = nullptr ) {
if ( ! hal . scheduler - > thread_create ( FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER ( & AP_Frsky_Telem : : loop , void ) ,
" FrSky " ,
1024 , AP_HAL : : Scheduler : : PRIORITY_RCIN , 1 ) ) {
return false ;
// we don't want flow control for either protocol
_port - > set_flow_control ( AP_HAL : : UARTDriver : : FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLE ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
* send telemetry data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : send_SPort_Passthrough ( void )
int16_t numc ;
numc = _port - > available ( ) ;
// check if available is negative
if ( numc < 0 ) {
return ;
// this is the constant for hub data frame
if ( _port - > txspace ( ) < 19 ) {
return ;
// keep only the last two bytes of the data found in the serial buffer, as we shouldn't respond to old poll requests
uint8_t prev_byte = 0 ;
for ( int16_t i = 0 ; i < numc ; i + + ) {
prev_byte = _passthrough . new_byte ;
_passthrough . new_byte = _port - > read ( ) ;
if ( ( prev_byte = = START_STOP_SPORT ) & & ( _passthrough . new_byte = = SENSOR_ID_28 ) ) { // byte 0x7E is the header of each poll request
if ( _passthrough . send_chunk ) { // skip other data and send a message chunk during this iteration
_passthrough . send_chunk = false ;
if ( get_next_msg_chunk ( ) ) {
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID , _msg_chunk . chunk ) ;
} else {
// build message queue for sensor_status_flags
check_sensor_status_flags ( ) ;
// build message queue for ekf_status
check_ekf_status ( ) ;
// if there are pending messages in the queue, send them during next iteration
if ( ! _statustext_queue . empty ( ) ) {
_passthrough . send_chunk = true ;
if ( _passthrough . send_attiandrng ) { // skip other data, send attitude (roll, pitch) and range only this iteration
_passthrough . send_attiandrng = false ; // next iteration, check if we should send something other
} else { // send other sensor data if it's time for them, and reset the corresponding timer if sent
_passthrough . send_attiandrng = true ; // next iteration, send attitude b/c it needs frequent updates to remain smooth
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
if ( ( now - _passthrough . params_timer ) > = 1000 ) {
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 7 , calc_param ( ) ) ;
_passthrough . params_timer = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ( now - _passthrough . ap_status_timer ) > = 500 ) {
if ( gcs ( ) . vehicle_initialised ( ) ) { // send ap status only once vehicle has been initialised
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 1 , calc_ap_status ( ) ) ;
_passthrough . ap_status_timer = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ( now - _passthrough . batt_timer ) > = 1000 ) {
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 3 , calc_batt ( 0 ) ) ;
_passthrough . batt_timer = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
if ( AP : : battery ( ) . num_instances ( ) > 1 ) {
if ( ( now - _passthrough . batt_timer2 ) > = 1000 ) {
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 8 , calc_batt ( 1 ) ) ;
_passthrough . batt_timer2 = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ( now - _passthrough . gps_status_timer ) > = 1000 ) {
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 2 , calc_gps_status ( ) ) ;
_passthrough . gps_status_timer = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ( now - _passthrough . home_timer ) > = 500 ) {
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 4 , calc_home ( ) ) ;
_passthrough . home_timer = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ( now - _passthrough . velandyaw_timer ) > = 500 ) {
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 5 , calc_velandyaw ( ) ) ;
_passthrough . velandyaw_timer = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ( now - _passthrough . gps_latlng_timer ) > = 1000 ) {
send_uint32 ( GPS_LONG_LATI_FIRST_ID , calc_gps_latlng ( & _passthrough . send_latitude ) ) ; // gps latitude or longitude
if ( ! _passthrough . send_latitude ) { // we've cycled and sent one each of longitude then latitude, so reset the timer
_passthrough . gps_latlng_timer = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
return ;
// if nothing else needed to be sent, send attitude (roll, pitch) and range data
send_uint32 ( DIY_FIRST_ID + 6 , calc_attiandrng ( ) ) ;
* send telemetry data
* for FrSky SPort protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : send_SPort ( void )
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
int16_t numc ;
numc = _port - > available ( ) ;
// check if available is negative
if ( numc < 0 ) {
return ;
// this is the constant for hub data frame
if ( _port - > txspace ( ) < 19 ) {
return ;
for ( int16_t i = 0 ; i < numc ; i + + ) {
int16_t readbyte = _port - > read ( ) ;
if ( _SPort . sport_status = = false ) {
if ( readbyte = = START_STOP_SPORT ) {
_SPort . sport_status = true ;
} else {
const AP_BattMonitor & _battery = AP : : battery ( ) ;
switch ( readbyte ) {
switch ( _SPort . fas_call ) {
case 0 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_FUEL , ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _battery . capacity_remaining_pct ( ) ) ) ; // send battery remaining
break ;
case 1 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_VFAS , ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _battery . voltage ( ) * 10.0f ) ) ; // send battery voltage
break ;
case 2 :
float current ;
if ( ! _battery . current_amps ( current ) ) {
current = 0 ;
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_CURRENT , ( uint16_t ) roundf ( current * 10.0f ) ) ; // send current consumption
break ;
if ( _SPort . fas_call + + > 2 ) _SPort . fas_call = 0 ;
break ;
switch ( _SPort . gps_call ) {
case 0 :
calc_gps_position ( ) ; // gps data is not recalculated until all of it has been sent
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_BP , _gps . latdddmm ) ; // send gps lattitude degree and minute integer part
break ;
case 1 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_AP , _gps . latmmmm ) ; // send gps lattitude minutes decimal part
break ;
case 2 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_NS , _gps . lat_ns ) ; // send gps North / South information
break ;
case 3 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_BP , _gps . londddmm ) ; // send gps longitude degree and minute integer part
break ;
case 4 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_AP , _gps . lonmmmm ) ; // send gps longitude minutes decimal part
break ;
case 5 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_EW , _gps . lon_ew ) ; // send gps East / West information
break ;
case 6 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_SPEED_BP , _gps . speed_in_meter ) ; // send gps speed integer part
break ;
case 7 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_SPEED_AP , _gps . speed_in_centimeter ) ; // send gps speed decimal part
break ;
case 8 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_ALT_BP , _gps . alt_gps_meters ) ; // send gps altitude integer part
break ;
case 9 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_ALT_AP , _gps . alt_gps_cm ) ; // send gps altitude decimals
break ;
case 10 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_GPS_COURS_BP , ( uint16_t ) ( ( _ahrs . yaw_sensor / 100 ) % 360 ) ) ; // send heading in degree based on AHRS and not GPS
break ;
if ( _SPort . gps_call + + > 10 ) _SPort . gps_call = 0 ;
break ;
switch ( _SPort . vario_call ) {
case 0 :
calc_nav_alt ( ) ; // nav altitude is not recalculated until all of it has been sent
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_BARO_ALT_BP , _gps . alt_nav_meters ) ; // send altitude integer part
break ;
case 1 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_BARO_ALT_AP , _gps . alt_nav_cm ) ; // send altitude decimal part
break ;
if ( _SPort . vario_call + + > 1 ) _SPort . vario_call = 0 ;
break ;
switch ( _SPort . various_call ) {
case 0 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_TEMP2 , ( uint16_t ) ( AP : : gps ( ) . num_sats ( ) * 10 + AP : : gps ( ) . status ( ) ) ) ; // send GPS status and number of satellites as num_sats*10 + status (to fit into a uint8_t)
break ;
case 1 :
send_uint32 ( DATA_ID_TEMP1 , gcs ( ) . custom_mode ( ) ) ; // send flight mode
break ;
if ( _SPort . various_call + + > 1 ) _SPort . various_call = 0 ;
break ;
_SPort . sport_status = false ;
* send frame1 and frame2 telemetry data
* one frame ( frame1 ) is sent every 200 ms with baro alt , nb sats , batt volts and amp , control_mode
* a second frame ( frame2 ) is sent every second ( 1000 ms ) with gps position data , and ahrs . yaw_sensor heading ( instead of GPS heading )
* for FrSky D protocol ( D - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : send_D ( void )
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
const AP_BattMonitor & _battery = AP : : battery ( ) ;
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
// send frame1 every 200ms
if ( now - _D . last_200ms_frame > = 200 ) {
_D . last_200ms_frame = now ;
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_TEMP2 , ( uint16_t ) ( AP : : gps ( ) . num_sats ( ) * 10 + AP : : gps ( ) . status ( ) ) ) ; // send GPS status and number of satellites as num_sats*10 + status (to fit into a uint8_t)
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_TEMP1 , gcs ( ) . custom_mode ( ) ) ; // send flight mode
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_FUEL , ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _battery . capacity_remaining_pct ( ) ) ) ; // send battery remaining
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_VFAS , ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _battery . voltage ( ) * 10.0f ) ) ; // send battery voltage
float current ;
if ( ! _battery . current_amps ( current ) ) {
current = 0 ;
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_CURRENT , ( uint16_t ) roundf ( current * 10.0f ) ) ; // send current consumption
calc_nav_alt ( ) ;
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_BARO_ALT_BP , _gps . alt_nav_meters ) ; // send nav altitude integer part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_BARO_ALT_AP , _gps . alt_nav_cm ) ; // send nav altitude decimal part
// send frame2 every second
if ( now - _D . last_1000ms_frame > = 1000 ) {
_D . last_1000ms_frame = now ;
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_COURS_BP , ( uint16_t ) ( ( _ahrs . yaw_sensor / 100 ) % 360 ) ) ; // send heading in degree based on AHRS and not GPS
calc_gps_position ( ) ;
if ( AP : : gps ( ) . status ( ) > = 3 ) {
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_BP , _gps . latdddmm ) ; // send gps lattitude degree and minute integer part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_AP , _gps . latmmmm ) ; // send gps lattitude minutes decimal part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_NS , _gps . lat_ns ) ; // send gps North / South information
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_BP , _gps . londddmm ) ; // send gps longitude degree and minute integer part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_AP , _gps . lonmmmm ) ; // send gps longitude minutes decimal part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_EW , _gps . lon_ew ) ; // send gps East / West information
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_SPEED_BP , _gps . speed_in_meter ) ; // send gps speed integer part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_SPEED_AP , _gps . speed_in_centimeter ) ; // send gps speed decimal part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_ALT_BP , _gps . alt_gps_meters ) ; // send gps altitude integer part
send_uint16 ( DATA_ID_GPS_ALT_AP , _gps . alt_gps_cm ) ; // send gps altitude decimal part
thread to loop handling bytes
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : loop ( void )
// initialise uart (this must be called from within tick b/c the UART begin must be called from the same thread as it is used from)
if ( _protocol = = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_D ) { // FrSky D protocol (D-receivers)
} else { // FrSky SPort and SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) protocols (X-receivers)
_port - > set_unbuffered_writes ( true ) ;
while ( true ) {
hal . scheduler - > delay ( 1 ) ;
if ( _protocol = = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_D ) { // FrSky D protocol (D-receivers)
send_D ( ) ;
} else if ( _protocol = = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_SPort ) { // FrSky SPort protocol (X-receivers)
send_SPort ( ) ;
} else if ( _protocol = = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_SPort_Passthrough ) { // FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) protocol (X-receivers)
send_SPort_Passthrough ( ) ;
* build up the frame ' s crc
* for FrSky SPort protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_crc ( uint8_t byte )
_crc + = byte ; //0-1FF
_crc + = _crc > > 8 ; //0-100
_crc & = 0xFF ;
* send the frame ' s crc at the end of the frame
* for FrSky SPort protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : send_crc ( void )
send_byte ( 0xFF - _crc ) ;
_crc = 0 ;
send 1 byte and do byte stuffing
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : send_byte ( uint8_t byte )
if ( _protocol = = AP_SerialManager : : SerialProtocol_FrSky_D ) { // FrSky D protocol (D-receivers)
if ( byte = = START_STOP_D ) {
_port - > write ( 0x5D ) ;
_port - > write ( 0x3E ) ;
} else if ( byte = = BYTESTUFF_D ) {
_port - > write ( 0x5D ) ;
_port - > write ( 0x3D ) ;
} else {
_port - > write ( byte ) ;
} else { // FrSky SPort protocol (X-receivers)
if ( byte = = START_STOP_SPORT ) {
_port - > write ( 0x7D ) ;
_port - > write ( 0x5E ) ;
} else if ( byte = = BYTESTUFF_SPORT ) {
_port - > write ( 0x7D ) ;
_port - > write ( 0x5D ) ;
} else {
_port - > write ( byte ) ;
calc_crc ( byte ) ;
* send one uint32 frame of FrSky data - for FrSky SPort protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : send_uint32 ( uint16_t id , uint32_t data )
send_byte ( 0x10 ) ; // DATA_FRAME
uint8_t * bytes = ( uint8_t * ) & id ;
send_byte ( bytes [ 0 ] ) ; // LSB
send_byte ( bytes [ 1 ] ) ; // MSB
bytes = ( uint8_t * ) & data ;
send_byte ( bytes [ 0 ] ) ; // LSB
send_byte ( bytes [ 1 ] ) ;
send_byte ( bytes [ 2 ] ) ;
send_byte ( bytes [ 3 ] ) ; // MSB
send_crc ( ) ;
* send one uint16 frame of FrSky data - for FrSky D protocol ( D - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : send_uint16 ( uint16_t id , uint16_t data )
_port - > write ( START_STOP_D ) ; // send a 0x5E start byte
uint8_t * bytes = ( uint8_t * ) & id ;
send_byte ( bytes [ 0 ] ) ;
bytes = ( uint8_t * ) & data ;
send_byte ( bytes [ 0 ] ) ; // LSB
send_byte ( bytes [ 1 ] ) ; // MSB
* grabs one " chunk " ( 4 bytes ) of the queued message to be transmitted
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
bool AP_Frsky_Telem : : get_next_msg_chunk ( void )
if ( _statustext_queue . empty ( ) ) {
return false ;
if ( _msg_chunk . repeats = = 0 ) { // if it's the first time get_next_msg_chunk is called for a given chunk
uint8_t character = 0 ;
_msg_chunk . chunk = 0 ; // clear the 4 bytes of the chunk buffer
for ( int i = 3 ; i > - 1 & & _msg_chunk . char_index < sizeof ( _statustext_queue [ 0 ] - > text ) ; i - - ) {
character = _statustext_queue [ 0 ] - > text [ _msg_chunk . char_index + + ] ;
if ( ! character ) {
break ;
_msg_chunk . chunk | = character < < i * 8 ;
if ( ! character | | ( _msg_chunk . char_index = = sizeof ( _statustext_queue [ 0 ] - > text ) ) ) { // we've reached the end of the message (string terminated by '\0' or last character of the string has been processed)
_msg_chunk . char_index = 0 ; // reset index to get ready to process the next message
// add severity which is sent as the MSB of the last three bytes of the last chunk (bits 24, 16, and 8) since a character is on 7 bits
_msg_chunk . chunk | = ( _statustext_queue [ 0 ] - > severity & 0x4 ) < < 21 ;
_msg_chunk . chunk | = ( _statustext_queue [ 0 ] - > severity & 0x2 ) < < 14 ;
_msg_chunk . chunk | = ( _statustext_queue [ 0 ] - > severity & 0x1 ) < < 7 ;
if ( _msg_chunk . repeats + + > 2 ) { // repeat each message chunk 3 times to ensure transmission
_msg_chunk . repeats = 0 ;
if ( _msg_chunk . char_index = = 0 ) { // if we're ready for the next message
_statustext_queue . remove ( 0 ) ;
return true ;
* add message to message cue for transmission through FrSky link
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY severity , const char * text )
mavlink_statustext_t statustext { } ;
statustext . severity = severity ;
strncpy ( statustext . text , text , sizeof ( statustext . text ) ) ;
// The force push will ensure comm links do not block other comm links forever if they fail.
// If we push to a full buffer then we overwrite the oldest entry, effectively removing the
// block but not until the buffer fills up.
_statustext_queue . push_force ( statustext ) ;
* add sensor_status_flags information to message cue , normally passed as sys_status mavlink messages to the GCS , for transmission through FrSky link
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : check_sensor_status_flags ( void )
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
const uint32_t _sensor_status_flags = sensor_status_flags ( ) ;
if ( ( now - check_sensor_status_timer ) > = 5000 ) { // prevent repeating any system_status messages unless 5 seconds have passed
// only one error is reported at a time (in order of preference). Same setup and displayed messages as Mission Planner.
if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_GPS ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad GPS Health " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_GYRO ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad Gyro Health " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_ACCEL ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad Accel Health " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_MAG ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad Compass Health " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ABSOLUTE_PRESSURE ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad Baro Health " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad LiDAR Health " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_OPTICAL_FLOW ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad OptFlow Health " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_TERRAIN ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad or No Terrain Data " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Geofence Breach " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_AHRS ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad AHRS " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_RC_RECEIVER ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " No RC Receiver " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
} else if ( ( _sensor_status_flags & MAV_SYS_STATUS_LOGGING ) > 0 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Bad Logging " ) ;
check_sensor_status_timer = now ;
* add innovation variance information to message cue , normally passed as ekf_status_report mavlink messages to the GCS , for transmission through FrSky link
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : check_ekf_status ( void )
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
// get variances
float velVar , posVar , hgtVar , tasVar ;
Vector3f magVar ;
Vector2f offset ;
if ( _ahrs . get_variances ( velVar , posVar , hgtVar , magVar , tasVar , offset ) ) {
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
if ( ( now - check_ekf_status_timer ) > = 10000 ) { // prevent repeating any ekf_status message unless 10 seconds have passed
// multiple errors can be reported at a time. Same setup as Mission Planner.
if ( velVar > = 1 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Error velocity variance " ) ;
check_ekf_status_timer = now ;
if ( posVar > = 1 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Error pos horiz variance " ) ;
check_ekf_status_timer = now ;
if ( hgtVar > = 1 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Error pos vert variance " ) ;
check_ekf_status_timer = now ;
if ( magVar . length ( ) > = 1 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Error compass variance " ) ;
check_ekf_status_timer = now ;
if ( tasVar > = 1 ) {
queue_message ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Error terrain alt variance " ) ;
check_ekf_status_timer = now ;
* prepare parameter data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_param ( void )
const AP_BattMonitor & _battery = AP : : battery ( ) ;
uint32_t param = 0 ;
// cycle through paramIDs
if ( _paramID > = 5 ) {
_paramID = 0 ;
_paramID + + ;
switch ( _paramID ) {
case 1 :
param = gcs ( ) . frame_type ( ) ; // see MAV_TYPE in Mavlink definition file common.h
break ;
case 2 : // was used to send the battery failsafe voltage
case 3 : // was used to send the battery failsafe capacity in mAh
break ;
case 4 :
param = ( uint32_t ) roundf ( _battery . pack_capacity_mah ( 0 ) ) ; // battery pack capacity in mAh
break ;
case 5 :
param = ( uint32_t ) roundf ( _battery . pack_capacity_mah ( 1 ) ) ; // battery pack capacity in mAh
break ;
//Reserve first 8 bits for param ID, use other 24 bits to store parameter value
param = ( _paramID < < PARAM_ID_OFFSET ) | ( param & PARAM_VALUE_LIMIT ) ;
return param ;
* prepare gps latitude / longitude data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_gps_latlng ( bool * send_latitude )
uint32_t latlng ;
const Location & loc = AP : : gps ( ) . location ( 0 ) ; // use the first gps instance (same as in send_mavlink_gps_raw)
// alternate between latitude and longitude
if ( ( * send_latitude ) = = true ) {
if ( loc . lat < 0 ) {
latlng = ( ( labs ( loc . lat ) / 100 ) * 6 ) | 0x40000000 ;
} else {
latlng = ( ( labs ( loc . lat ) / 100 ) * 6 ) ;
( * send_latitude ) = false ;
} else {
if ( loc . lng < 0 ) {
latlng = ( ( labs ( loc . lng ) / 100 ) * 6 ) | 0xC0000000 ;
} else {
latlng = ( ( labs ( loc . lng ) / 100 ) * 6 ) | 0x80000000 ;
( * send_latitude ) = true ;
return latlng ;
* prepare gps status data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_gps_status ( void )
const AP_GPS & gps = AP : : gps ( ) ;
uint32_t gps_status ;
// number of GPS satellites visible (limit to 15 (0xF) since the value is stored on 4 bits)
gps_status = ( gps . num_sats ( ) < GPS_SATS_LIMIT ) ? gps . num_sats ( ) : GPS_SATS_LIMIT ;
// GPS receiver status (limit to 0-3 (0x3) since the value is stored on 2 bits: NO_GPS = 0, NO_FIX = 1, GPS_OK_FIX_2D = 2, GPS_OK_FIX_3D or GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS or GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT or GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED = 3)
gps_status | = ( ( gps . status ( ) < GPS_STATUS_LIMIT ) ? gps . status ( ) : GPS_STATUS_LIMIT ) < < GPS_STATUS_OFFSET ;
// GPS horizontal dilution of precision in dm
gps_status | = prep_number ( roundf ( gps . get_hdop ( ) * 0.1f ) , 2 , 1 ) < < GPS_HDOP_OFFSET ;
// GPS receiver advanced status (0: no advanced fix, 1: GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS, 2: GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT, 3: GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED)
gps_status | = ( ( gps . status ( ) > GPS_STATUS_LIMIT ) ? gps . status ( ) - GPS_STATUS_LIMIT : 0 ) < < GPS_ADVSTATUS_OFFSET ;
// Altitude MSL in dm
const Location & loc = gps . location ( ) ;
gps_status | = prep_number ( roundf ( loc . alt * 0.1f ) , 2 , 2 ) < < GPS_ALTMSL_OFFSET ;
return gps_status ;
* prepare battery data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_batt ( uint8_t instance )
const AP_BattMonitor & _battery = AP : : battery ( ) ;
uint32_t batt ;
float current , consumed_mah ;
if ( ! _battery . current_amps ( current , instance ) ) {
current = 0 ;
if ( ! _battery . consumed_mah ( consumed_mah , instance ) ) {
consumed_mah = 0 ;
// battery voltage in decivolts, can have up to a 12S battery (4.25Vx12S = 51.0V)
batt = ( ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _battery . voltage ( instance ) * 10.0f ) ) & BATT_VOLTAGE_LIMIT ) ;
// battery current draw in deciamps
batt | = prep_number ( roundf ( current * 10.0f ) , 2 , 1 ) < < BATT_CURRENT_OFFSET ;
// battery current drawn since power on in mAh (limit to 32767 (0x7FFF) since value is stored on 15 bits)
batt | = ( ( consumed_mah < BATT_TOTALMAH_LIMIT ) ? ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( consumed_mah ) & BATT_TOTALMAH_LIMIT ) : BATT_TOTALMAH_LIMIT ) < < BATT_TOTALMAH_OFFSET ;
return batt ;
* prepare various autopilot status data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_ap_status ( void )
uint32_t ap_status ;
// IMU temperature: offset -19, 0 means temp =< 19°, 63 means temp => 82°
uint8_t imu_temp = ( uint8_t ) roundf ( constrain_float ( AP : : ins ( ) . get_temperature ( 0 ) , AP_IMU_TEMP_MIN , AP_IMU_TEMP_MAX ) - AP_IMU_TEMP_MIN ) ;
// control/flight mode number (limit to 31 (0x1F) since the value is stored on 5 bits)
ap_status = ( uint8_t ) ( ( gcs ( ) . custom_mode ( ) + 1 ) & AP_CONTROL_MODE_LIMIT ) ;
// simple/super simple modes flags
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( gcs ( ) . simple_input_active ( ) ) < < AP_SIMPLE_OFFSET ;
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( gcs ( ) . supersimple_input_active ( ) ) < < AP_SSIMPLE_OFFSET ;
// is_flying flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . flying ) < < AP_FLYING_OFFSET ;
// armed flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . armed ) < < AP_ARMED_OFFSET ;
// battery failsafe flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_battery ) < < AP_BATT_FS_OFFSET ;
// bad ekf flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . ekf_bad ) < < AP_EKF_FS_OFFSET ;
// IMU temperature
ap_status | = imu_temp < < AP_IMU_TEMP_OFFSET ;
return ap_status ;
* prepare home position related data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_home ( void )
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
uint32_t home = 0 ;
Location loc ;
float _relative_home_altitude = 0 ;
if ( _ahrs . get_position ( loc ) ) {
// check home_loc is valid
const Location & home_loc = _ahrs . get_home ( ) ;
if ( home_loc . lat ! = 0 | | home_loc . lng ! = 0 ) {
// distance between vehicle and home_loc in meters
home = prep_number ( roundf ( home_loc . get_distance ( loc ) ) , 3 , 2 ) ;
// angle from front of vehicle to the direction of home_loc in 3 degree increments (just in case, limit to 127 (0x7F) since the value is stored on 7 bits)
home | = ( ( ( uint8_t ) roundf ( loc . get_bearing_to ( home_loc ) * 0.00333f ) ) & HOME_BEARING_LIMIT ) < < HOME_BEARING_OFFSET ;
// altitude between vehicle and home_loc
_relative_home_altitude = loc . alt ;
if ( ! loc . relative_alt ) {
// loc.alt has home altitude added, remove it
_relative_home_altitude - = _ahrs . get_home ( ) . alt ;
// altitude above home in decimeters
home | = prep_number ( roundf ( _relative_home_altitude * 0.1f ) , 3 , 2 ) < < HOME_ALT_OFFSET ;
return home ;
* prepare velocity and yaw data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_velandyaw ( void )
AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
uint32_t velandyaw ;
Vector3f velNED { } ;
// if we can't get velocity then we use zero for vertical velocity
if ( ! _ahrs . get_velocity_NED ( velNED ) ) {
velNED . zero ( ) ;
// vertical velocity in dm/s
velandyaw = prep_number ( roundf ( - velNED . z * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) ;
// horizontal velocity in dm/s (use airspeed if available and enabled - even if not used - otherwise use groundspeed)
const AP_Airspeed * aspeed = _ahrs . get_airspeed ( ) ;
if ( aspeed & & aspeed - > enabled ( ) ) {
velandyaw | = prep_number ( roundf ( aspeed - > get_airspeed ( ) * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) < < VELANDYAW_XYVEL_OFFSET ;
} else { // otherwise send groundspeed estimate from ahrs
velandyaw | = prep_number ( roundf ( _ahrs . groundspeed ( ) * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) < < VELANDYAW_XYVEL_OFFSET ;
// yaw from [0;36000] centidegrees to .2 degree increments [0;1800] (just in case, limit to 2047 (0x7FF) since the value is stored on 11 bits)
velandyaw | = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _ahrs . yaw_sensor * 0.05f ) & VELANDYAW_YAW_LIMIT ) < < VELANDYAW_YAW_OFFSET ;
return velandyaw ;
* prepare attitude ( roll , pitch ) and range data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_attiandrng ( void )
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
const RangeFinder * _rng = RangeFinder : : get_singleton ( ) ;
uint32_t attiandrng ;
// roll from [-18000;18000] centidegrees to unsigned .2 degree increments [0;1800] (just in case, limit to 2047 (0x7FF) since the value is stored on 11 bits)
attiandrng = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( ( _ahrs . roll_sensor + 18000 ) * 0.05f ) & ATTIANDRNG_ROLL_LIMIT ) ;
// pitch from [-9000;9000] centidegrees to unsigned .2 degree increments [0;900] (just in case, limit to 1023 (0x3FF) since the value is stored on 10 bits)
attiandrng | = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( ( _ahrs . pitch_sensor + 9000 ) * 0.05f ) & ATTIANDRNG_PITCH_LIMIT ) < < ATTIANDRNG_PITCH_OFFSET ;
// rangefinder measurement in cm
attiandrng | = prep_number ( _rng ? _rng - > distance_cm_orient ( ROTATION_PITCH_270 ) : 0 , 3 , 1 ) < < ATTIANDRNG_RNGFND_OFFSET ;
return attiandrng ;
* prepare value for transmission through FrSky link
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint16_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : prep_number ( int32_t number , uint8_t digits , uint8_t power )
uint16_t res = 0 ;
uint32_t abs_number = abs ( number ) ;
if ( ( digits = = 2 ) & & ( power = = 1 ) ) { // number encoded on 8 bits: 7 bits for digits + 1 for 10^power
if ( abs_number < 100 ) {
res = abs_number < < 1 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 1270 ) {
res = ( ( uint8_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.1f ) < < 1 ) | 0x1 ;
} else { // transmit max possible value (0x7F x 10^1 = 1270)
res = 0xFF ;
if ( number < 0 ) { // if number is negative, add sign bit in front
res | = 0x1 < < 8 ;
} else if ( ( digits = = 2 ) & & ( power = = 2 ) ) { // number encoded on 9 bits: 7 bits for digits + 2 for 10^power
if ( abs_number < 100 ) {
res = abs_number < < 2 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 1000 ) {
res = ( ( uint8_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.1f ) < < 2 ) | 0x1 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 10000 ) {
res = ( ( uint8_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.01f ) < < 2 ) | 0x2 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 127000 ) {
res = ( ( uint8_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.001f ) < < 2 ) | 0x3 ;
} else { // transmit max possible value (0x7F x 10^3 = 127000)
res = 0x1FF ;
if ( number < 0 ) { // if number is negative, add sign bit in front
res | = 0x1 < < 9 ;
} else if ( ( digits = = 3 ) & & ( power = = 1 ) ) { // number encoded on 11 bits: 10 bits for digits + 1 for 10^power
if ( abs_number < 1000 ) {
res = abs_number < < 1 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 10240 ) {
res = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.1f ) < < 1 ) | 0x1 ;
} else { // transmit max possible value (0x3FF x 10^1 = 10240)
res = 0x7FF ;
if ( number < 0 ) { // if number is negative, add sign bit in front
res | = 0x1 < < 11 ;
} else if ( ( digits = = 3 ) & & ( power = = 2 ) ) { // number encoded on 12 bits: 10 bits for digits + 2 for 10^power
if ( abs_number < 1000 ) {
res = abs_number < < 2 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 10000 ) {
res = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.1f ) < < 2 ) | 0x1 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 100000 ) {
res = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.01f ) < < 2 ) | 0x2 ;
} else if ( abs_number < 1024000 ) {
res = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( abs_number * 0.001f ) < < 2 ) | 0x3 ;
} else { // transmit max possible value (0x3FF x 10^3 = 127000)
res = 0xFFF ;
if ( number < 0 ) { // if number is negative, add sign bit in front
res | = 0x1 < < 12 ;
return res ;
* prepare altitude between vehicle and home location data
* for FrSky D and SPort protocols
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_nav_alt ( void )
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
Location loc ;
float current_height = 0 ; // in centimeters above home
if ( _ahrs . get_position ( loc ) ) {
current_height = loc . alt * 0.01f ;
if ( ! loc . relative_alt ) {
// loc.alt has home altitude added, remove it
current_height - = _ahrs . get_home ( ) . alt * 0.01f ;
_gps . alt_nav_meters = ( int16_t ) current_height ;
_gps . alt_nav_cm = ( current_height - _gps . alt_nav_meters ) * 100 ;
* format the decimal latitude / longitude to the required degrees / minutes
* for FrSky D and SPort protocols
float AP_Frsky_Telem : : format_gps ( float dec )
uint8_t dm_deg = ( uint8_t ) dec ;
return ( dm_deg * 100.0f ) + ( dec - dm_deg ) * 60 ;
* prepare gps data
* for FrSky D and SPort protocols
void AP_Frsky_Telem : : calc_gps_position ( void )
float lat ;
float lon ;
float alt ;
float speed ;
if ( AP : : gps ( ) . status ( ) > = 3 ) {
const Location & loc = AP : : gps ( ) . location ( ) ; //get gps instance 0
lat = format_gps ( fabsf ( loc . lat / 10000000.0f ) ) ;
_gps . latdddmm = lat ;
_gps . latmmmm = ( lat - _gps . latdddmm ) * 10000 ;
_gps . lat_ns = ( loc . lat < 0 ) ? ' S ' : ' N ' ;
lon = format_gps ( fabsf ( loc . lng / 10000000.0f ) ) ;
_gps . londddmm = lon ;
_gps . lonmmmm = ( lon - _gps . londddmm ) * 10000 ;
_gps . lon_ew = ( loc . lng < 0 ) ? ' W ' : ' E ' ;
alt = loc . alt * 0.01f ;
_gps . alt_gps_meters = ( int16_t ) alt ;
_gps . alt_gps_cm = ( alt - _gps . alt_gps_meters ) * 100 ;
speed = AP : : gps ( ) . ground_speed ( ) ;
_gps . speed_in_meter = speed ;
_gps . speed_in_centimeter = ( speed - _gps . speed_in_meter ) * 100 ;
} else {
_gps . latdddmm = 0 ;
_gps . latmmmm = 0 ;
_gps . lat_ns = 0 ;
_gps . londddmm = 0 ;
_gps . lonmmmm = 0 ;
_gps . alt_gps_meters = 0 ;
_gps . alt_gps_cm = 0 ;
_gps . speed_in_meter = 0 ;
_gps . speed_in_centimeter = 0 ;
uint32_t AP_Frsky_Telem : : sensor_status_flags ( ) const
uint32_t present ;
uint32_t enabled ;
uint32_t health ;
gcs ( ) . get_sensor_status_flags ( present , enabled , health ) ;
return ~ health & enabled & present ;