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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#include <AP_HAL.h>
#include "AP_InertialSensor_PX4.h"
const extern AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <drivers/drv_accel.h>
#include <drivers/drv_gyro.h>
Vector3f AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_accel_sum;
uint32_t AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_accel_sum_count;
Vector3f AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_gyro_sum;
uint32_t AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_gyro_sum_count;
volatile bool AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_in_accumulate;
uint64_t AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_last_accel_timestamp;
uint64_t AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_last_gyro_timestamp;
int AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_accel_fd;
int AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_gyro_fd;
uint16_t AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_init_sensor( Sample_rate sample_rate )
switch (sample_rate) {
case RATE_50HZ:
_sample_divider = 4;
_default_filter_hz = 10;
case RATE_100HZ:
_sample_divider = 2;
_default_filter_hz = 20;
case RATE_200HZ:
_sample_divider = 1;
_default_filter_hz = 20;
// init accelerometers
_accel_fd = open(ACCEL_DEVICE_PATH, O_RDONLY);
if (_accel_fd < 0) {
hal.scheduler->panic("Unable to open accel device " ACCEL_DEVICE_PATH);
_gyro_fd = open(GYRO_DEVICE_PATH, O_RDONLY);
if (_gyro_fd < 0) {
hal.scheduler->panic("Unable to open gyro device " GYRO_DEVICE_PATH);
* set the accel and gyro sampling rate. We always set these to
* 200 then average in this driver
ioctl(_accel_fd, ACCELIOCSSAMPLERATE, 200);
ioctl(_accel_fd, SENSORIOCSPOLLRATE, 200);
ioctl(_gyro_fd, GYROIOCSSAMPLERATE, 200);
ioctl(_gyro_fd, SENSORIOCSPOLLRATE, 200);
// ask for a 10 sample buffer. The mpu6000 PX4 driver doesn't
// support this yet, but when it does we want to use it
ioctl(_accel_fd, SENSORIOCSQUEUEDEPTH, 10);
ioctl(_gyro_fd, SENSORIOCSQUEUEDEPTH, 10);
// register a 1kHz timer to read from PX4 sensor drivers
set the filter frequency
void AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_set_filter_frequency(uint8_t filter_hz)
if (filter_hz == 0) {
filter_hz = _default_filter_hz;
ioctl(_gyro_fd, GYROIOCSLOWPASS, filter_hz);
ioctl(_accel_fd, ACCELIOCSLOWPASS, filter_hz);
/*================ AP_INERTIALSENSOR PUBLIC INTERFACE ==================== */
bool AP_InertialSensor_PX4::update(void)
while (num_samples_available() == 0) {
Vector3f accel_scale = _accel_scale.get();
// base the time on the gyro timestamp, as that is what is
// multiplied by time to integrate in DCM
_delta_time = (_last_gyro_timestamp - _last_update_usec) * 1.0e-6f;
_last_update_usec = _last_gyro_timestamp;
_accel = _accel_sum / _accel_sum_count;;
_accel_sum_count = 0;
_gyro = _gyro_sum / _gyro_sum_count;;
_gyro_sum_count = 0;
// add offsets and rotation
_accel.x *= accel_scale.x;
_accel.y *= accel_scale.y;
_accel.z *= accel_scale.z;
_accel -= _accel_offset;
_gyro -= _gyro_offset;
if (_last_filter_hz != _mpu6000_filter) {
_last_filter_hz = _mpu6000_filter;
return true;
float AP_InertialSensor_PX4::get_delta_time(void)
return _delta_time;
uint32_t AP_InertialSensor_PX4::get_last_sample_time_micros(void)
return _last_update_usec;
float AP_InertialSensor_PX4::get_gyro_drift_rate(void)
// 0.5 degrees/second/minute
return ToRad(0.5/60);
void AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_accumulate(void)
struct accel_report accel_report;
struct gyro_report gyro_report;
if (_in_accumulate) {
_in_accumulate = true;
if (::read(_accel_fd, &accel_report, sizeof(accel_report)) == sizeof(accel_report) &&
accel_report.timestamp != _last_accel_timestamp) {
_accel_sum += Vector3f(accel_report.x, accel_report.y, accel_report.z);
_last_accel_timestamp = accel_report.timestamp;
if (::read(_gyro_fd, &gyro_report, sizeof(gyro_report)) == sizeof(gyro_report) &&
gyro_report.timestamp != _last_gyro_timestamp) {
_gyro_sum += Vector3f(gyro_report.x, gyro_report.y, gyro_report.z);
_last_gyro_timestamp = gyro_report.timestamp;
_in_accumulate = false;
void AP_InertialSensor_PX4::_ins_timer(uint32_t now)
uint16_t AP_InertialSensor_PX4::num_samples_available(void)
return min(_accel_sum_count, _gyro_sum_count) / _sample_divider;