using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using System.IO.Ports ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
//using KMLib;
//using KMLib.Feature;
//using KMLib.Geometry;
//using Core.Geometry;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip ;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Checksums ;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Core ;
using SharpKml.Base ;
using SharpKml.Dom ;
using SharpKml.Dom.GX ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Xml ;
using log4net ;
using ZedGraph ; // Graphs
namespace ArdupilotMega
public partial class MavlinkLog : Form
private static readonly ILog log = LogManager . GetLogger ( System . Reflection . MethodBase . GetCurrentMethod ( ) . DeclaringType ) ;
List < CurrentState > flightdata = new List < CurrentState > ( ) ;
List < string > selection = new List < string > ( ) ;
Hashtable data = new Hashtable ( ) ;
public MavlinkLog ( )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
zg1 . GraphPane . YAxis . Title . IsVisible = false ;
zg1 . GraphPane . Title . IsVisible = true ;
zg1 . GraphPane . Title . Text = "Mavlink Log Graph" ;
private void writeKML ( string filename )
SharpKml . Dom . AltitudeMode altmode = SharpKml . Dom . AltitudeMode . Absolute ;
if ( MainV2 . cs . firmware = = MainV2 . Firmwares . ArduPlane )
altmode = SharpKml . Dom . AltitudeMode . Absolute ;
else if ( MainV2 . cs . firmware = = MainV2 . Firmwares . ArduCopter2 )
altmode = SharpKml . Dom . AltitudeMode . RelativeToGround ;
Color [ ] colours = { Color . Red , Color . Orange , Color . Yellow , Color . Green , Color . Blue , Color . Indigo , Color . Violet , Color . Pink } ;
Document kml = new Document ( ) ;
Tour tour = new Tour ( ) { Name = "First Person View" } ;
Playlist tourplaylist = new Playlist ( ) ;
AddNamespace ( kml , "gx" , "" ) ;
Style style = new Style ( ) ;
style . Id = "yellowLineGreenPoly" ;
style . Line = new LineStyle ( new Color32 ( HexStringToColor ( "7f00ffff" ) ) , 4 ) ;
PolygonStyle pstyle = new PolygonStyle ( ) ;
pstyle . Color = new Color32 ( HexStringToColor ( "7f00ff00" ) ) ;
style . Polygon = pstyle ;
kml . AddStyle ( style ) ;
Style stylet = new Style ( ) ;
stylet . Id = "track" ;
SharpKml . Dom . IconStyle ico = new SharpKml . Dom . IconStyle ( ) ;
LabelStyle lst = new LabelStyle ( ) ;
lst . Scale = 0 ;
stylet . Icon = ico ;
ico . Icon = new IconStyle . IconLink ( new Uri ( "" ) ) ;
stylet . Icon . Scale = 0.5 ;
stylet . Label = lst ;
kml . AddStyle ( stylet ) ;
// create sub folders
Folder planes = new Folder ( ) ;
planes . Name = "Planes" ;
kml . AddFeature ( planes ) ;
Folder points = new Folder ( ) ;
points . Name = "Points" ;
kml . AddFeature ( points ) ;
// coords for line string
CoordinateCollection coords = new CoordinateCollection ( ) ;
int a = 1 ;
int c = - 1 ;
DateTime lasttime = DateTime . MaxValue ;
DateTime starttime = DateTime . MinValue ;
Color stylecolor = Color . AliceBlue ;
string mode = "" ;
if ( flightdata . Count > 0 )
mode = flightdata [ 0 ] . mode ;
foreach ( CurrentState cs in flightdata )
progressBar1 . Value = 5 0 + ( int ) ( ( float ) a / ( float ) flightdata . Count * 1 0 0.0f / 2.0f ) ;
progressBar1 . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( starttime = = DateTime . MinValue )
starttime = cs . datetime ;
lasttime = cs . datetime ;
if ( mode ! = cs . mode | | flightdata . Count = = a )
c + + ;
LineString ls = new LineString ( ) ;
ls . AltitudeMode = altmode ;
ls . Extrude = true ;
ls . Coordinates = coords ;
Placemark pm = new Placemark ( ) ;
pm . Name = c + " Flight Path " + mode ;
pm . StyleUrl = new Uri ( "#yellowLineGreenPoly" , UriKind . Relative ) ;
pm . Geometry = ls ;
SharpKml . Dom . TimeSpan ts = new SharpKml . Dom . TimeSpan ( ) ;
ts . Begin = starttime ;
ts . End = cs . datetime ;
pm . Time = ts ;
// setup for next line
mode = cs . mode ;
starttime = cs . datetime ;
stylecolor = colours [ c % ( colours . Length - 1 ) ] ;
Style style2 = new Style ( ) ;
style2 . Line = new LineStyle ( new Color32 ( stylecolor ) , 4 ) ;
pm . StyleSelector = style2 ;
kml . AddFeature ( pm ) ;
coords = new CoordinateCollection ( ) ;
coords . Add ( new Vector ( cs . lat , cs . lng , cs . alt ) ) ;
SharpKml . Dom . Timestamp tstamp = new SharpKml . Dom . Timestamp ( ) ;
tstamp . When = cs . datetime ;
FlyTo flyto = new FlyTo ( ) ;
flyto . Duration = ( cs . datetime - lasttime ) . TotalMilliseconds / 1 0 0 0.0 ;
flyto . Mode = FlyToMode . Smooth ;
SharpKml . Dom . Camera cam = new SharpKml . Dom . Camera ( ) ;
cam . AltitudeMode = altmode ;
cam . Latitude = cs . lat ;
cam . Longitude = cs . lng ;
cam . Altitude = cs . alt ;
cam . Heading = cs . yaw ;
cam . Roll = - cs . roll ;
cam . Tilt = ( 9 0 - ( cs . pitch * - 1 ) ) ;
cam . GXTimePrimitive = tstamp ;
flyto . View = cam ;
//if (Math.Abs(flyto.Duration.Value) > 0.1)
tourplaylist . AddTourPrimitive ( flyto ) ;
lasttime = cs . datetime ;
Placemark pmplane = new Placemark ( ) ;
pmplane . Name = "Point " + a ;
pmplane . Time = tstamp ;
pmplane . Visibility = false ;
SharpKml . Dom . Location loc = new SharpKml . Dom . Location ( ) ;
loc . Latitude = cs . lat ;
loc . Longitude = cs . lng ;
loc . Altitude = cs . alt ;
if ( loc . Altitude < 0 )
loc . Altitude = 0.01 ;
SharpKml . Dom . Orientation ori = new SharpKml . Dom . Orientation ( ) ;
ori . Heading = cs . yaw ;
ori . Roll = - cs . roll ;
ori . Tilt = - cs . pitch ;
SharpKml . Dom . Scale sca = new SharpKml . Dom . Scale ( ) ;
sca . X = 2 ;
sca . Y = 2 ;
sca . Z = 2 ;
Model model = new Model ( ) ;
model . Location = loc ;
model . Orientation = ori ;
model . AltitudeMode = altmode ;
model . Scale = sca ;
Description desc = new Description ( ) ;
desc . Text = @ "<![CDATA[
< table >
< tr > < td > Roll : " + model.Orientation.Roll.Value.ToString(" 0.00 ") + @" < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > Pitch : " + model.Orientation.Tilt.Value.ToString(" 0.00 ") + @" < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > Yaw : " + model.Orientation.Heading.Value.ToString(" 0.00 ") + @" < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > Time : " + cs.datetime.ToString(" HH : mm : sszzzzzz ") + @" < / td > < / tr >
< / table > ";
// ]]>";
pmplane . Description = desc ;
catch { }
SharpKml . Dom . Link link = new SharpKml . Dom . Link ( ) ;
link . Href = new Uri ( "block_plane_0.dae" , UriKind . Relative ) ;
model . Link = link ;
pmplane . Geometry = model ;
planes . AddFeature ( pmplane ) ;
Placemark pmt = new Placemark ( ) ;
SharpKml . Dom . Point pnt = new SharpKml . Dom . Point ( ) ;
pnt . AltitudeMode = altmode ;
pnt . Coordinate = new Vector ( cs . lat , cs . lng , cs . alt ) ;
pmt . Name = "" + a ;
pmt . Description = pmplane . Description ;
pmt . Time = tstamp ;
pmt . Geometry = pnt ;
pmt . StyleUrl = new Uri ( "#track" , UriKind . Relative ) ;
points . AddFeature ( pmt ) ;
a + + ;
tour . Playlist = tourplaylist ;
kml . AddFeature ( tour ) ;
Serializer serializer = new Serializer ( ) ;
serializer . Serialize ( kml ) ;
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter ( filename ) ;
sw . Write ( serializer . Xml ) ;
sw . Close ( ) ;
// create kmz - aka zip file
FileStream fs = File . Open ( filename . Replace ( Path . GetExtension ( filename ) , ".kmz" ) , FileMode . Create ) ;
ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ZipOutputStream ( fs ) ;
zipStream . SetLevel ( 9 ) ; //0-9, 9 being the highest level of compression
zipStream . UseZip64 = UseZip64 . Off ; // older zipfile
// entry 1
string entryName = ZipEntry . CleanName ( Path . GetFileName ( filename ) ) ; // Removes drive from name and fixes slash direction
ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry ( entryName ) ;
newEntry . DateTime = DateTime . Now ;
zipStream . PutNextEntry ( newEntry ) ;
// Zip the file in buffered chunks
// the "using" will close the stream even if an exception occurs
byte [ ] buffer = new byte [ 4 0 9 6 ] ;
using ( FileStream streamReader = File . Open ( filename , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . ReadWrite ) )
StreamUtils . Copy ( streamReader , zipStream , buffer ) ;
zipStream . CloseEntry ( ) ;
filename = Path . GetDirectoryName ( Application . ExecutablePath ) + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar + "block_plane_0.dae" ;
// entry 2
entryName = ZipEntry . CleanName ( Path . GetFileName ( filename ) ) ; // Removes drive from name and fixes slash direction
newEntry = new ZipEntry ( entryName ) ;
newEntry . DateTime = DateTime . Now ;
zipStream . PutNextEntry ( newEntry ) ;
// Zip the file in buffered chunks
// the "using" will close the stream even if an exception occurs
buffer = new byte [ 4 0 9 6 ] ;
using ( FileStream streamReader = File . OpenRead ( filename ) )
StreamUtils . Copy ( streamReader , zipStream , buffer ) ;
zipStream . CloseEntry ( ) ;
zipStream . IsStreamOwner = true ; // Makes the Close also Close the underlying stream
zipStream . Close ( ) ;
flightdata . Clear ( ) ;
static void AddNamespace ( Element element , string prefix , string uri )
// The Namespaces property is marked as internal.
PropertyInfo property = typeof ( Element ) . GetProperty (
"Namespaces" ,
BindingFlags . Instance | BindingFlags . NonPublic ) ;
var namespaces = ( XmlNamespaceManager ) property . GetValue ( element , null ) ;
namespaces . AddNamespace ( prefix , uri ) ;
private void Log_FormClosing ( object sender , FormClosingEventArgs e )
private void BUT_redokml_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
openFileDialog1 . Filter = "*.tlog|*.tlog" ;
openFileDialog1 . FilterIndex = 2 ;
openFileDialog1 . RestoreDirectory = true ;
openFileDialog1 . Multiselect = true ;
openFileDialog1 . InitialDirectory = Path . GetDirectoryName ( Application . ExecutablePath ) + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar + @"logs" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
catch { } // incase dir doesnt exist
if ( openFileDialog1 . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( string logfile in openFileDialog1 . FileNames )
MAVLink mine = new MAVLink ( ) ;
mine . logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader ( File . Open ( logfile , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex ) { log . Debug ( ex . ToString ( ) ) ; CustomMessageBox . Show ( "Log Can not be opened. Are you still connected?" ) ; return ; }
mine . logreadmode = true ;
mine . packets . Initialize ( ) ; // clear
CurrentState cs = new CurrentState ( ) ;
float oldlatlngalt = 0 ;
int appui = 0 ;
while ( mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position < mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length )
// bar moves to 50 % in this step
progressBar1 . Value = ( int ) ( ( float ) mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position / ( float ) mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length * 1 0 0.0f / 2.0f ) ;
progressBar1 . Invalidate ( ) ;
progressBar1 . Refresh ( ) ;
byte [ ] packet = mine . readPacket ( ) ;
cs . datetime = mine . lastlogread ;
cs . UpdateCurrentSettings ( null , true , mine ) ;
if ( appui ! = DateTime . Now . Second )
// cant do entire app as mixes with flightdata timer
this . Refresh ( ) ;
appui = DateTime . Now . Second ;
if ( MainV2 . speechEngine ! = null )
MainV2 . speechEngine . SpeakAsyncCancelAll ( ) ;
catch { } // ignore because of this Exception System.PlatformNotSupportedException: No voice installed on the system or none available with the current security setting.
if ( ( float ) ( cs . lat + cs . lng ) ! = oldlatlngalt
& & cs . lat ! = 0 & & cs . lng ! = 0 )
Console . WriteLine ( cs . lat + " " + cs . lng + " " + cs . alt + " lah " + ( float ) ( cs . lat + cs . lng ) + "!=" + oldlatlngalt ) ;
CurrentState cs2 = ( CurrentState ) cs . Clone ( ) ;
flightdata . Add ( cs2 ) ;
oldlatlngalt = ( cs . lat + cs . lng ) ;
mine . logreadmode = false ;
mine . logplaybackfile . Close ( ) ;
mine . logplaybackfile = null ;
Application . DoEvents ( ) ;
writeKML ( logfile + ".kml" ) ;
progressBar1 . Value = 1 0 0 ;
public static Color HexStringToColor ( string hexColor )
string hc = ( hexColor ) ;
if ( hc . Length ! = 8 )
// you can choose whether to throw an exception
//throw new ArgumentException("hexColor is not exactly 6 digits.");
return Color . Empty ;
string a = hc . Substring ( 0 , 2 ) ;
string r = hc . Substring ( 6 , 2 ) ;
string g = hc . Substring ( 4 , 2 ) ;
string b = hc . Substring ( 2 , 2 ) ;
Color color = Color . Empty ;
int ai
= Int32 . Parse ( a , System . Globalization . NumberStyles . HexNumber ) ;
int ri
= Int32 . Parse ( r , System . Globalization . NumberStyles . HexNumber ) ;
int gi
= Int32 . Parse ( g , System . Globalization . NumberStyles . HexNumber ) ;
int bi
= Int32 . Parse ( b , System . Globalization . NumberStyles . HexNumber ) ;
color = Color . FromArgb ( ai , ri , gi , bi ) ;
// you can choose whether to throw an exception
//throw new ArgumentException("Conversion failed.");
return Color . Empty ;
return color ;
private void BUT_humanreadable_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
openFileDialog1 . Filter = "*.tlog|*.tlog" ;
openFileDialog1 . FilterIndex = 2 ;
openFileDialog1 . RestoreDirectory = true ;
openFileDialog1 . Multiselect = true ;
openFileDialog1 . InitialDirectory = Path . GetDirectoryName ( Application . ExecutablePath ) + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar + @"logs" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
catch { } // incase dir doesnt exist
if ( openFileDialog1 . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( string logfile in openFileDialog1 . FileNames )
MAVLink mine = new MAVLink ( ) ;
mine . logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader ( File . Open ( logfile , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) ) ;
mine . logreadmode = true ;
mine . packets . Initialize ( ) ; // clear
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( logfile ) + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar + Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( logfile ) + ".txt" ) ;
while ( mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position < mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length )
// bar moves to 100 % in this step
progressBar1 . Value = ( int ) ( ( float ) mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position / ( float ) mine . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length * 1 0 0.0f / 1.0f ) ;
progressBar1 . Refresh ( ) ;
byte [ ] packet = mine . readPacket ( ) ;
string text = "" ;
mine . DebugPacket ( packet , ref text ) ;
sw . Write ( mine . lastlogread + " " + text ) ;
sw . Close ( ) ;
progressBar1 . Value = 1 0 0 ;
mine . logreadmode = false ;
mine . logplaybackfile . Close ( ) ;
mine . logplaybackfile = null ;
private void BUT_graphmavlog_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//string mathExpression = "(1+1)*3";
//Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}={1}",mathExpression, Evaluate(mathExpression)));
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
openFileDialog1 . Filter = "*.tlog|*.tlog" ;
openFileDialog1 . FilterIndex = 2 ;
openFileDialog1 . RestoreDirectory = true ;
openFileDialog1 . Multiselect = false ;
openFileDialog1 . InitialDirectory = Path . GetDirectoryName ( Application . ExecutablePath ) + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar + @"logs" + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
catch { } // incase dir doesnt exist
if ( openFileDialog1 . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
List < string > fields = GetLogFileValidFields ( openFileDialog1 . FileName ) ;
zg1 . GraphPane . CurveList . Clear ( ) ;
//GetLogFileData(zg1, openFileDialog1.FileName, fields);
// fix new line types
ThemeManager . ApplyThemeTo ( this ) ;
zg1 . Invalidate ( ) ;
zg1 . AxisChange ( ) ;
catch { }
static int [ ] ColourValues = new int [ ] {
0xFF0000 , 0x00FF00 , 0x0000FF , 0xFFFF00 , 0xFF00FF , 0x00FFFF , 0x000000 ,
0x800000 , 0x008000 , 0x000080 , 0x808000 , 0x800080 , 0x008080 , 0x808080 ,
0xC00000 , 0x00C000 , 0x0000C0 , 0xC0C000 , 0xC000C0 , 0x00C0C0 , 0xC0C0C0 ,
0x400000 , 0x004000 , 0x000040 , 0x404000 , 0x400040 , 0x004040 , 0x404040 ,
0x200000 , 0x002000 , 0x000020 , 0x202000 , 0x200020 , 0x002020 , 0x202020 ,
0x600000 , 0x006000 , 0x000060 , 0x606000 , 0x600060 , 0x006060 , 0x606060 ,
0xA00000 , 0x00A000 , 0x0000A0 , 0xA0A000 , 0xA000A0 , 0x00A0A0 , 0xA0A0A0 ,
0xE00000 , 0x00E000 , 0x0000E0 , 0xE0E000 , 0xE000E0 , 0x00E0E0 , 0xE0E0E0 ,
} ;
private void GetLogFileData ( ZedGraphControl zg1 , string logfile , List < string > lookforfields )
if ( zg1 = = null )
return ;
if ( lookforfields ! = null & & lookforfields . Count = = 0 )
return ;
PointPairList [ ] lists = new PointPairList [ lookforfields . Count ] ;
Random rand = new Random ( ) ;
// setup arrays
for ( int a = 0 ; a < lookforfields . Count ; a + + )
lists [ a ] = new PointPairList ( ) ;
MAVLink MavlinkInterface = new MAVLink ( ) ;
MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader ( File . Open ( logfile , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) ) ;
MavlinkInterface . logreadmode = true ;
MavlinkInterface . packets . Initialize ( ) ; // clear
int appui = 0 ;
// to get first packet time
MavlinkInterface . readPacket ( ) ;
DateTime startlogtime = MavlinkInterface . lastlogread ;
while ( MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position < MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length )
progressBar1 . Value = ( int ) ( ( float ) MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position / ( float ) MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length * 1 0 0.0f ) ;
progressBar1 . Refresh ( ) ;
byte [ ] packet = MavlinkInterface . readPacket ( ) ;
object data = MavlinkInterface . DebugPacket ( packet , false ) ;
Type test = data . GetType ( ) ;
foreach ( var field in test . GetFields ( ) )
// field.Name has the field's name.
object fieldValue = field . GetValue ( data ) ; // Get value
if ( field . FieldType . IsArray )
string currentitem = field . Name + " " + field . DeclaringType . Name ;
int a = 0 ;
foreach ( var lookforfield in lookforfields )
if ( currentitem = = lookforfield )
object value = field . GetValue ( data ) ;
// seconds scale
double time = ( MavlinkInterface . lastlogread - startlogtime ) . TotalMilliseconds / 1 0 0 0.0 ;
if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( Single ) )
lists [ a ] . Add ( time , ( Single ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( short ) )
lists [ a ] . Add ( time , ( short ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( ushort ) )
lists [ a ] . Add ( time , ( ushort ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( byte ) )
lists [ a ] . Add ( time , ( byte ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( Int32 ) )
lists [ a ] . Add ( time , ( Int32 ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
a + + ;
if ( appui ! = DateTime . Now . Second )
// cant do entire app as mixes with flightdata timer
this . Refresh ( ) ;
appui = DateTime . Now . Second ;
MavlinkInterface . logreadmode = false ;
MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . Close ( ) ;
MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile = null ;
//writeKML(logfile + ".kml");
progressBar1 . Value = 1 0 0 ;
int step = 0 ;
zg1 . GraphPane . AddY2Axis ( "PWM" ) ;
zg1 . GraphPane . AddY2Axis ( "Angle" ) ;
//zg1.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Seconds";
// setup display and arrays
for ( int a = 0 ; a < lookforfields . Count ; a + + )
LineItem myCurve ;
int colorvalue = ColourValues [ step % ColourValues . Length ] ;
step + + ;
myCurve = zg1 . GraphPane . AddCurve ( lookforfields [ a ] . Replace ( "__mavlink_" , "" ) , lists [ a ] , Color . FromArgb ( unchecked ( colorvalue + ( int ) 0xff000000 ) ) , SymbolType . None ) ;
double xMin , xMax , yMin , yMax ;
myCurve . GetRange ( out xMin , out xMax , out yMin , out yMax , true , false , zg1 . GraphPane ) ;
if ( yMin > 9 0 0 & & yMax < 2 1 0 0 )
myCurve . IsY2Axis = true ;
myCurve . YAxisIndex = 0 ;
zg1 . GraphPane . Y2Axis . IsVisible = true ;
private List < string > GetLogFileValidFields ( string logfile )
Form selectform = SelectDataToGraphForm ( ) ;
Hashtable seenIt = new Hashtable ( ) ;
selection = new List < string > ( ) ;
List < string > options = new List < string > ( ) ;
this . data . Clear ( ) ;
colorStep = 0 ;
MAVLink MavlinkInterface = new MAVLink ( ) ;
MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader ( File . Open ( logfile , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) ) ;
MavlinkInterface . logreadmode = true ;
MavlinkInterface . packets . Initialize ( ) ; // clear
// to get first packet time
MavlinkInterface . readPacket ( ) ;
DateTime startlogtime = MavlinkInterface . lastlogread ;
while ( MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position < MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length )
progressBar1 . Value = ( int ) ( ( float ) MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Position / ( float ) MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . BaseStream . Length * 1 0 0.0f ) ;
progressBar1 . Refresh ( ) ;
byte [ ] packet = MavlinkInterface . readPacket ( ) ;
object data = MavlinkInterface . DebugPacket ( packet , false ) ;
Type test = data . GetType ( ) ;
foreach ( var field in test . GetFields ( ) )
// field.Name has the field's name.
object fieldValue = field . GetValue ( data ) ; // Get value
if ( field . FieldType . IsArray )
if ( ! seenIt . ContainsKey ( field . DeclaringType . Name + "." + field . Name ) )
seenIt [ field . DeclaringType . Name + "." + field . Name ] = 1 ;
//AddDataOption(selectform, field.Name + " " + field.DeclaringType.Name);
options . Add ( field . DeclaringType . Name + "." + field . Name ) ;
if ( ! this . data . ContainsKey ( field . Name + " " + field . DeclaringType . Name ) )
this . data [ field . Name + " " + field . DeclaringType . Name ] = new PointPairList ( ) ;
PointPairList list = ( ( PointPairList ) this . data [ field . Name + " " + field . DeclaringType . Name ] ) ;
object value = fieldValue ;
// seconds scale
double time = ( MavlinkInterface . lastlogread - startlogtime ) . TotalMilliseconds / 1 0 0 0.0 ;
if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( Single ) )
list . Add ( time , ( Single ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( short ) )
list . Add ( time , ( short ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( ushort ) )
list . Add ( time , ( ushort ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( byte ) )
list . Add ( time , ( byte ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
else if ( value . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( Int32 ) )
list . Add ( time , ( Int32 ) field . GetValue ( data ) ) ;
MavlinkInterface . logreadmode = false ;
MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile . Close ( ) ;
MavlinkInterface . logplaybackfile = null ;
// custom sort based on packet name
//options.Sort(delegate(string c1, string c2) { return String.Compare(c1.Substring(0,c1.IndexOf('.')),c2.Substring(0,c2.IndexOf('.')));});
// this needs sorting
foreach ( string item in options )
var items = item . Split ( '.' ) ;
AddDataOption ( selectform , items [ 1 ] + " " + items [ 0 ] ) ;
selectform . Show ( ) ;
progressBar1 . Value = 1 0 0 ;
return selection ;
private void AddDataOption ( Form selectform , string Name )
CheckBox chk_box = new CheckBox ( ) ;
log . Info ( "Add Option " + Name ) ;
chk_box . Text = Name ;
chk_box . Name = Name ;
chk_box . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( x , y ) ;
chk_box . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1 0 0 , 2 0 ) ;
chk_box . CheckedChanged + = new EventHandler ( chk_box_CheckedChanged ) ;
selectform . Controls . Add ( chk_box ) ;
Application . DoEvents ( ) ;
x + = 0 ;
y + = 2 0 ;
if ( y > selectform . Height - 5 0 )
x + = 1 0 0 ;
y = 1 0 ;
selectform . Width = x + 1 0 0 ;
int colorStep = 0 ;
void chk_box_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Checked )
selection . Add ( ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Name ) ;
LineItem myCurve ;
int colorvalue = ColourValues [ colorStep % ColourValues . Length ] ;
colorStep + + ;
myCurve = zg1 . GraphPane . AddCurve ( ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Name . Replace ( "__mavlink_" , "" ) , ( PointPairList ) data [ ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Name ] , Color . FromArgb ( unchecked ( colorvalue + ( int ) 0xff000000 ) ) , SymbolType . None ) ;
myCurve . Tag = ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Name ;
if ( myCurve . Tag . ToString ( ) = = "roll __mavlink_attitude_t" | |
myCurve . Tag . ToString ( ) = = "pitch __mavlink_attitude_t" | |
myCurve . Tag . ToString ( ) = = "yaw __mavlink_attitude_t" )
PointPairList ppl = new PointPairList ( ( PointPairList ) data [ ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Name ] ) ;
for ( int a = 0 ; a < ppl . Count ; a + + )
ppl [ a ] . Y = ppl [ a ] . Y * ( 1 8 0.0 / Math . PI ) ;
myCurve . Points = ppl ;
double xMin , xMax , yMin , yMax ;
myCurve . GetRange ( out xMin , out xMax , out yMin , out yMax , true , false , zg1 . GraphPane ) ;
if ( yMin > 9 0 0 & & yMax < 2 1 0 0 & & yMin < 2 1 0 0 )
myCurve . IsY2Axis = true ;
myCurve . YAxisIndex = 0 ;
zg1 . GraphPane . Y2Axis . IsVisible = true ;
selection . Remove ( ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Name ) ;
foreach ( var item in zg1 . GraphPane . CurveList )
if ( item . Tag = = ( ( CheckBox ) sender ) . Name )
zg1 . GraphPane . CurveList . Remove ( item ) ;
break ;
// fix new line types
ThemeManager . ApplyThemeTo ( this ) ;
zg1 . Invalidate ( ) ;
zg1 . AxisChange ( ) ;
catch { }
int x = 1 0 ;
int y = 1 0 ;
private Form SelectDataToGraphForm ( )
Form selectform = new Form ( )
Name = "select" ,
Width = 5 0 ,
Height = 5 0 0 ,
Text = "Graph This" ,
TopLevel = true
} ;
x = 1 0 ;
y = 1 0 ;
CheckBox chk_box = new CheckBox ( ) ;
chk_box . Text = "Logarithmic" ;
chk_box . Name = "Logarithmic" ;
chk_box . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( x , y ) ;
chk_box . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1 0 0 , 2 0 ) ;
//chk_box.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chk_log_CheckedChanged);
selectform . Controls . Add ( chk_box ) ;
y + = 2 0 ;
ThemeManager . ApplyThemeTo ( selectform ) ;
return selectform ;