namespace ArdupilotMega.GCSViews
partial class FlightPlanner
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System . ComponentModel . IContainer components = null ;
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
protected override void Dispose ( bool disposing )
if ( disposing & & ( components ! = null ) )
components . Dispose ( ) ;
base . Dispose ( disposing ) ;
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent ( )
this . components = new System . ComponentModel . Container ( ) ;
System . ComponentModel . ComponentResourceManager resources = new System . ComponentModel . ComponentResourceManager ( typeof ( FlightPlanner ) ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle1 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle5 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle6 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle2 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle3 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle4 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle7 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle8 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellStyle ( ) ;
this . CHK_altmode = new System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox ( ) ;
this . CHK_holdalt = new System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox ( ) ;
this . Commands = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridView ( ) ;
this . Command = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Param1 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Param2 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Param3 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Param4 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Lat = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Lon = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Alt = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ( ) ;
this . Delete = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewButtonColumn ( ) ;
this . Up = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn ( ) ;
this . Down = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn ( ) ;
this . CHK_geheight = new System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox ( ) ;
this . TXT_WPRad = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . TXT_DefaultAlt = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . LBL_WPRad = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . LBL_defalutalt = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . TXT_loiterrad = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . label5 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . panel5 = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . BUT_write = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton ( ) ;
this . BUT_read = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton ( ) ;
this . SaveFile = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton ( ) ;
this . BUT_loadwpfile = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton ( ) ;
this . panel1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . label4 = new System . Windows . Forms . LinkLabel ( ) ;
this . label3 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . label2 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . Label1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . TXT_homealt = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . TXT_homelng = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . TXT_homelat = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn1 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn ( ) ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn2 = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn ( ) ;
this . label6 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . panel2 = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . label7 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . label8 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . label9 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . label10 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . TXT_mousealt = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . TXT_mouselong = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . TXT_mouselat = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . comboBoxMapType = new System . Windows . Forms . ComboBox ( ) ;
this . lbl_status = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . panelWaypoints = new BSE . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . splitter1 = new BSE . Windows . Forms . Splitter ( ) ;
this . BUT_Camera = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton ( ) ;
this . button1 = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton ( ) ;
this . BUT_Add = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton ( ) ;
this . panelAction = new BSE . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . panelMap = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . lbl_distance = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lbl_homedist = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lbl_prevdist = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . MainMap = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . myGMAP ( ) ;
this . contextMenuStrip1 = new System . Windows . Forms . ContextMenuStrip ( this . components ) ;
this . deleteWPToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . setROIToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . loiterToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . loitertimeToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . jumpToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . jumpstartToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . jumpwPToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . clearMissionToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . toolStripSeparator1 = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripSeparator ( ) ;
this . polygonToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . geoFenceToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . toolStripMenuItem1 = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . toolStripSeparator4 = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripSeparator ( ) ;
this . GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . saveToFileToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . autoWPToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . gridToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . mapToolToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . ContextMeasure = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . rotateMapToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . zoomToToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . prefetchToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . trackBar1 = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyTrackBar ( ) ;
this . label11 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . panelBASE = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . toolTip1 = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolTip ( this . components ) ;
this . timer1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . Commands ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
this . panel5 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . panel1 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . panel2 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . panelAction . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . panelMap . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . contextMenuStrip1 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . trackBar1 ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
this . panelBASE . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
// CHK_altmode
resources . ApplyResources ( this . CHK_altmode , "CHK_altmode" ) ;
this . CHK_altmode . Name = "CHK_altmode" ;
this . CHK_altmode . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . CHK_altmode . CheckedChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . CHK_altmode_CheckedChanged ) ;
// CHK_holdalt
resources . ApplyResources ( this . CHK_holdalt , "CHK_holdalt" ) ;
this . CHK_holdalt . Checked = true ;
this . CHK_holdalt . CheckState = System . Windows . Forms . CheckState . Checked ;
this . CHK_holdalt . Name = "CHK_holdalt" ;
this . CHK_holdalt . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// Commands
this . Commands . AllowUserToAddRows = false ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Commands , "Commands" ) ;
dataGridViewCellStyle1 . Alignment = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewContentAlignment . MiddleLeft ;
dataGridViewCellStyle1 . BackColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . Control ;
dataGridViewCellStyle1 . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8.25F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
dataGridViewCellStyle1 . ForeColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . WindowText ;
dataGridViewCellStyle1 . SelectionBackColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . Highlight ;
dataGridViewCellStyle1 . SelectionForeColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . HighlightText ;
dataGridViewCellStyle1 . WrapMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTriState . True ;
this . Commands . ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle1 ;
this . Commands . Columns . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumn [ ] {
this . Command ,
this . Param1 ,
this . Param2 ,
this . Param3 ,
this . Param4 ,
this . Lat ,
this . Lon ,
this . Alt ,
this . Delete ,
this . Up ,
this . Down } ) ;
this . Commands . Name = "Commands" ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . Alignment = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewContentAlignment . MiddleLeft ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . BackColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . Control ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8.25F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . ForeColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . WindowText ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . Format = "N0" ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . NullValue = "0" ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . SelectionBackColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . Highlight ;
dataGridViewCellStyle5 . SelectionForeColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . HighlightText ;
this . Commands . RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle5 ;
dataGridViewCellStyle6 . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . Commands . RowsDefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle6 ;
this . Commands . CellContentClick + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellEventHandler ( this . Commands_CellContentClick ) ;
this . Commands . CellEndEdit + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellEventHandler ( this . Commands_CellEndEdit ) ;
this . Commands . DataError + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewDataErrorEventHandler ( this . Commands_DataError ) ;
this . Commands . DefaultValuesNeeded + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewRowEventHandler ( this . Commands_DefaultValuesNeeded ) ;
this . Commands . EditingControlShowing + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler ( this . Commands_EditingControlShowing ) ;
this . Commands . RowEnter + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellEventHandler ( this . Commands_RowEnter ) ;
this . Commands . RowsAdded + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler ( this . Commands_RowsAdded ) ;
this . Commands . RowValidating + = new System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler ( this . Commands_RowValidating ) ;
// Command
dataGridViewCellStyle2 . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 6 7 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 6 8 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 6 9 ) ) ) ) ) ;
dataGridViewCellStyle2 . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . Command . DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle2 ;
this . Command . DisplayStyle = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle . ComboBox ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Command , "Command" ) ;
this . Command . Name = "Command" ;
// Param1
this . Param1 . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode . DisplayedCellsExceptHeader ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Param1 , "Param1" ) ;
this . Param1 . Name = "Param1" ;
this . Param1 . Resizable = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTriState . True ;
this . Param1 . SortMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumnSortMode . NotSortable ;
// Param2
this . Param2 . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode . DisplayedCellsExceptHeader ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Param2 , "Param2" ) ;
this . Param2 . Name = "Param2" ;
this . Param2 . Resizable = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTriState . True ;
this . Param2 . SortMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumnSortMode . NotSortable ;
// Param3
this . Param3 . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode . DisplayedCellsExceptHeader ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Param3 , "Param3" ) ;
this . Param3 . Name = "Param3" ;
this . Param3 . Resizable = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTriState . True ;
this . Param3 . SortMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumnSortMode . NotSortable ;
// Param4
this . Param4 . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode . DisplayedCellsExceptHeader ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Param4 , "Param4" ) ;
this . Param4 . Name = "Param4" ;
this . Param4 . Resizable = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTriState . True ;
this . Param4 . SortMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumnSortMode . NotSortable ;
// Lat
this . Lat . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode . DisplayedCellsExceptHeader ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Lat , "Lat" ) ;
this . Lat . Name = "Lat" ;
this . Lat . SortMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumnSortMode . NotSortable ;
// Lon
this . Lon . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode . DisplayedCellsExceptHeader ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Lon , "Lon" ) ;
this . Lon . Name = "Lon" ;
this . Lon . SortMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumnSortMode . NotSortable ;
// Alt
this . Alt . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode . DisplayedCellsExceptHeader ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Alt , "Alt" ) ;
this . Alt . Name = "Alt" ;
this . Alt . SortMode = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewColumnSortMode . NotSortable ;
// Delete
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Delete , "Delete" ) ;
this . Delete . Name = "Delete" ;
this . Delete . Text = "X" ;
// Up
this . Up . DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle3 ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Up , "Up" ) ;
this . Up . Image = global :: ArdupilotMega . Properties . Resources . up ;
this . Up . ImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageCellLayout . Stretch ;
this . Up . Name = "Up" ;
// Down
dataGridViewCellStyle4 . Alignment = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
this . Down . DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle4 ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Down , "Down" ) ;
this . Down . Image = global :: ArdupilotMega . Properties . Resources . down ;
this . Down . ImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageCellLayout . Stretch ;
this . Down . Name = "Down" ;
// CHK_geheight
resources . ApplyResources ( this . CHK_geheight , "CHK_geheight" ) ;
this . CHK_geheight . Name = "CHK_geheight" ;
this . CHK_geheight . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// TXT_WPRad
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_WPRad , "TXT_WPRad" ) ;
this . TXT_WPRad . Name = "TXT_WPRad" ;
this . TXT_WPRad . KeyPress + = new System . Windows . Forms . KeyPressEventHandler ( this . TXT_WPRad_KeyPress ) ;
this . TXT_WPRad . Leave + = new System . EventHandler ( this . TXT_WPRad_Leave ) ;
// TXT_DefaultAlt
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_DefaultAlt , "TXT_DefaultAlt" ) ;
this . TXT_DefaultAlt . Name = "TXT_DefaultAlt" ;
this . TXT_DefaultAlt . KeyPress + = new System . Windows . Forms . KeyPressEventHandler ( this . TXT_DefaultAlt_KeyPress ) ;
this . TXT_DefaultAlt . Leave + = new System . EventHandler ( this . TXT_DefaultAlt_Leave ) ;
// LBL_WPRad
resources . ApplyResources ( this . LBL_WPRad , "LBL_WPRad" ) ;
this . LBL_WPRad . Name = "LBL_WPRad" ;
// LBL_defalutalt
resources . ApplyResources ( this . LBL_defalutalt , "LBL_defalutalt" ) ;
this . LBL_defalutalt . Name = "LBL_defalutalt" ;
// TXT_loiterrad
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_loiterrad , "TXT_loiterrad" ) ;
this . TXT_loiterrad . Name = "TXT_loiterrad" ;
this . TXT_loiterrad . KeyPress + = new System . Windows . Forms . KeyPressEventHandler ( this . TXT_loiterrad_KeyPress ) ;
this . TXT_loiterrad . Leave + = new System . EventHandler ( this . TXT_loiterrad_Leave ) ;
// label5
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label5 , "label5" ) ;
this . label5 . Name = "label5" ;
// panel5
resources . ApplyResources ( this . panel5 , "panel5" ) ;
this . panel5 . Controls . Add ( this . BUT_write ) ;
this . panel5 . Controls . Add ( this . BUT_read ) ;
this . panel5 . Controls . Add ( this . SaveFile ) ;
this . panel5 . Controls . Add ( this . BUT_loadwpfile ) ;
this . panel5 . Name = "panel5" ;
// BUT_write
resources . ApplyResources ( this . BUT_write , "BUT_write" ) ;
this . BUT_write . Name = "BUT_write" ;
this . BUT_write . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . BUT_write . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . BUT_write_Click ) ;
// BUT_read
resources . ApplyResources ( this . BUT_read , "BUT_read" ) ;
this . BUT_read . Name = "BUT_read" ;
this . BUT_read . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . BUT_read . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . BUT_read_Click ) ;
// SaveFile
resources . ApplyResources ( this . SaveFile , "SaveFile" ) ;
this . SaveFile . Name = "SaveFile" ;
this . SaveFile . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . SaveFile . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . SaveFile_Click ) ;
// BUT_loadwpfile
resources . ApplyResources ( this . BUT_loadwpfile , "BUT_loadwpfile" ) ;
this . BUT_loadwpfile . Name = "BUT_loadwpfile" ;
this . BUT_loadwpfile . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . BUT_loadwpfile . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . BUT_loadwpfile_Click ) ;
// panel1
resources . ApplyResources ( this . panel1 , "panel1" ) ;
this . panel1 . Controls . Add ( this . label4 ) ;
this . panel1 . Controls . Add ( this . label3 ) ;
this . panel1 . Controls . Add ( this . label2 ) ;
this . panel1 . Controls . Add ( this . Label1 ) ;
this . panel1 . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_homealt ) ;
this . panel1 . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_homelng ) ;
this . panel1 . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_homelat ) ;
this . panel1 . Name = "panel1" ;
// label4
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label4 , "label4" ) ;
this . label4 . Name = "label4" ;
this . label4 . TabStop = true ;
this . label4 . LinkClicked + = new System . Windows . Forms . LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler ( this . label4_LinkClicked ) ;
// label3
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label3 , "label3" ) ;
this . label3 . Name = "label3" ;
// label2
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label2 , "label2" ) ;
this . label2 . Name = "label2" ;
// Label1
resources . ApplyResources ( this . Label1 , "Label1" ) ;
this . Label1 . Name = "Label1" ;
// TXT_homealt
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_homealt , "TXT_homealt" ) ;
this . TXT_homealt . Name = "TXT_homealt" ;
this . TXT_homealt . TextChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . TXT_homealt_TextChanged ) ;
// TXT_homelng
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_homelng , "TXT_homelng" ) ;
this . TXT_homelng . Name = "TXT_homelng" ;
this . TXT_homelng . TextChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . TXT_homelng_TextChanged ) ;
// TXT_homelat
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_homelat , "TXT_homelat" ) ;
this . TXT_homelat . Name = "TXT_homelat" ;
this . TXT_homelat . TextChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . TXT_homelat_TextChanged ) ;
this . TXT_homelat . Enter + = new System . EventHandler ( this . TXT_homelat_Enter ) ;
// dataGridViewImageColumn1
dataGridViewCellStyle7 . Alignment = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn1 . DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle7 ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . dataGridViewImageColumn1 , "dataGridViewImageColumn1" ) ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn1 . Image = global :: ArdupilotMega . Properties . Resources . up ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn1 . ImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageCellLayout . Stretch ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn1 . Name = "dataGridViewImageColumn1" ;
// dataGridViewImageColumn2
dataGridViewCellStyle8 . Alignment = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn2 . DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle8 ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . dataGridViewImageColumn2 , "dataGridViewImageColumn2" ) ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn2 . Image = global :: ArdupilotMega . Properties . Resources . down ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn2 . ImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageCellLayout . Stretch ;
this . dataGridViewImageColumn2 . Name = "dataGridViewImageColumn2" ;
// label6
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label6 , "label6" ) ;
this . label6 . Name = "label6" ;
// panel2
resources . ApplyResources ( this . panel2 , "panel2" ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . label7 ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . label8 ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . label9 ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . label10 ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_mousealt ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_mouselong ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_mouselat ) ;
this . panel2 . Name = "panel2" ;
// label7
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label7 , "label7" ) ;
this . label7 . Name = "label7" ;
// label8
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label8 , "label8" ) ;
this . label8 . Name = "label8" ;
// label9
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label9 , "label9" ) ;
this . label9 . Name = "label9" ;
// label10
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label10 , "label10" ) ;
this . label10 . Name = "label10" ;
// TXT_mousealt
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_mousealt , "TXT_mousealt" ) ;
this . TXT_mousealt . Name = "TXT_mousealt" ;
// TXT_mouselong
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_mouselong , "TXT_mouselong" ) ;
this . TXT_mouselong . Name = "TXT_mouselong" ;
// TXT_mouselat
resources . ApplyResources ( this . TXT_mouselat , "TXT_mouselat" ) ;
this . TXT_mouselat . Name = "TXT_mouselat" ;
// comboBoxMapType
resources . ApplyResources ( this . comboBoxMapType , "comboBoxMapType" ) ;
this . comboBoxMapType . DropDownStyle = System . Windows . Forms . ComboBoxStyle . DropDownList ;
this . comboBoxMapType . FormattingEnabled = true ;
this . comboBoxMapType . Name = "comboBoxMapType" ;
this . toolTip1 . SetToolTip ( this . comboBoxMapType , resources . GetString ( "comboBoxMapType.ToolTip" ) ) ;
// lbl_status
resources . ApplyResources ( this . lbl_status , "lbl_status" ) ;
this . lbl_status . Name = "lbl_status" ;
// panelWaypoints
this . panelWaypoints . AssociatedSplitter = this . splitter1 ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . panelWaypoints , "panelWaypoints" ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelWaypoints . CaptionFont = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Segoe UI" , 1 1.75F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . CaptionHeight = 2 1 ;
this . panelWaypoints . ColorScheme = BSE . Windows . Forms . ColorScheme . Custom ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . BUT_Camera ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . CHK_altmode ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . LBL_WPRad ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . button1 ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . label5 ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_loiterrad ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . CHK_holdalt ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . LBL_defalutalt ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . Commands ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_DefaultAlt ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . CHK_geheight ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . TXT_WPRad ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Controls . Add ( this . BUT_Add ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . BorderColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionCloseIcon = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionExpandIcon = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionGradientBegin = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 1 4 8 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 1 9 3 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 3 1 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionGradientEnd = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 0 5 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 2 6 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 1 5 0 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionGradientMiddle = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionSelectedGradientBegin = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionSelectedGradientEnd = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CaptionText = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 6 4 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 8 7 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 4 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . CollapsedCaptionText = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 6 4 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 8 7 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 4 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . ContentGradientBegin = System . Drawing . SystemColors . ButtonFace ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . ContentGradientEnd = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 5 2 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 5 2 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 5 2 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . CustomColors . InnerBorderColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . Window ;
this . panelWaypoints . ForeColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . ControlText ;
this . panelWaypoints . Image = null ;
this . panelWaypoints . LinearGradientMode = System . Drawing . Drawing2D . LinearGradientMode . Vertical ;
this . panelWaypoints . MinimumSize = new System . Drawing . Size ( 2 1 , 2 1 ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . Name = "panelWaypoints" ;
this . panelWaypoints . PanelStyle = BSE . Windows . Forms . PanelStyle . Default ;
this . panelWaypoints . ShowExpandIcon = true ;
this . panelWaypoints . ToolTipTextCloseIcon = null ;
this . panelWaypoints . ToolTipTextExpandIconPanelCollapsed = null ;
this . panelWaypoints . ToolTipTextExpandIconPanelExpanded = null ;
// splitter1
this . splitter1 . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . splitter1 , "splitter1" ) ;
this . splitter1 . Name = "splitter1" ;
this . splitter1 . TabStop = false ;
// BUT_Camera
resources . ApplyResources ( this . BUT_Camera , "BUT_Camera" ) ;
this . BUT_Camera . Name = "BUT_Camera" ;
this . toolTip1 . SetToolTip ( this . BUT_Camera , resources . GetString ( "BUT_Camera.ToolTip" ) ) ;
this . BUT_Camera . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . BUT_Camera . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . BUT_Camera_Click ) ;
// button1
resources . ApplyResources ( this . button1 , "button1" ) ;
this . button1 . Name = "button1" ;
this . toolTip1 . SetToolTip ( this . button1 , resources . GetString ( "button1.ToolTip" ) ) ;
this . button1 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . button1 . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . button1_Click ) ;
// BUT_Add
resources . ApplyResources ( this . BUT_Add , "BUT_Add" ) ;
this . BUT_Add . Name = "BUT_Add" ;
this . toolTip1 . SetToolTip ( this . BUT_Add , resources . GetString ( "BUT_Add.ToolTip" ) ) ;
this . BUT_Add . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . BUT_Add . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . BUT_Add_Click ) ;
// panelAction
this . panelAction . AssociatedSplitter = null ;
this . panelAction . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelAction . CaptionFont = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Segoe UI" , 1 1.75F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold ) ;
this . panelAction . CaptionHeight = 2 1 ;
this . panelAction . ColorScheme = BSE . Windows . Forms . ColorScheme . Custom ;
this . panelAction . Controls . Add ( this . panel5 ) ;
this . panelAction . Controls . Add ( this . panel1 ) ;
this . panelAction . Controls . Add ( this . panel2 ) ;
this . panelAction . Controls . Add ( this . comboBoxMapType ) ;
this . panelAction . Controls . Add ( this . lbl_status ) ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . BorderColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionCloseIcon = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionExpandIcon = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionGradientBegin = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 1 4 8 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 1 9 3 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 3 1 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionGradientEnd = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 0 5 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 2 6 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 1 5 0 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionGradientMiddle = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionSelectedGradientBegin = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionSelectedGradientEnd = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CaptionText = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 6 4 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 8 7 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 4 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . CollapsedCaptionText = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . ContentGradientBegin = System . Drawing . SystemColors . ButtonFace ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . ContentGradientEnd = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 5 2 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 5 2 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 2 5 2 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . panelAction . CustomColors . InnerBorderColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . Window ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . panelAction , "panelAction" ) ;
this . panelAction . ForeColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . ControlText ;
this . panelAction . Image = null ;
this . panelAction . LinearGradientMode = System . Drawing . Drawing2D . LinearGradientMode . Vertical ;
this . panelAction . MinimumSize = new System . Drawing . Size ( 2 1 , 2 1 ) ;
this . panelAction . Name = "panelAction" ;
this . panelAction . PanelStyle = BSE . Windows . Forms . PanelStyle . Default ;
this . panelAction . ShowExpandIcon = true ;
this . panelAction . ToolTipTextCloseIcon = null ;
this . panelAction . ToolTipTextExpandIconPanelCollapsed = null ;
this . panelAction . ToolTipTextExpandIconPanelExpanded = null ;
this . panelAction . PanelCollapsing + = new System . EventHandler < BSE . Windows . Forms . XPanderStateChangeEventArgs > ( this . panel4_PanelCollapsing ) ;
// panelMap
this . panelMap . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Transparent ;
this . panelMap . Controls . Add ( this . lbl_distance ) ;
this . panelMap . Controls . Add ( this . lbl_homedist ) ;
this . panelMap . Controls . Add ( this . lbl_prevdist ) ;
this . panelMap . Controls . Add ( this . MainMap ) ;
this . panelMap . Controls . Add ( this . trackBar1 ) ;
this . panelMap . Controls . Add ( this . label11 ) ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . panelMap , "panelMap" ) ;
this . panelMap . ForeColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . ControlText ;
this . panelMap . MinimumSize = new System . Drawing . Size ( 2 7 , 2 7 ) ;
this . panelMap . Name = "panelMap" ;
this . panelMap . Resize + = new System . EventHandler ( this . panelMap_Resize ) ;
// lbl_distance
resources . ApplyResources ( this . lbl_distance , "lbl_distance" ) ;
this . lbl_distance . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . lbl_distance . Name = "lbl_distance" ;
// lbl_homedist
resources . ApplyResources ( this . lbl_homedist , "lbl_homedist" ) ;
this . lbl_homedist . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . lbl_homedist . Name = "lbl_homedist" ;
// lbl_prevdist
resources . ApplyResources ( this . lbl_prevdist , "lbl_prevdist" ) ;
this . lbl_prevdist . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . lbl_prevdist . Name = "lbl_prevdist" ;
// MainMap
resources . ApplyResources ( this . MainMap , "MainMap" ) ;
this . MainMap . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 3 8 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 3 9 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 4 0 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . MainMap . Bearing = 0F ;
this . MainMap . CanDragMap = true ;
this . MainMap . ContextMenuStrip = this . contextMenuStrip1 ;
this . MainMap . GrayScaleMode = false ;
this . MainMap . LevelsKeepInMemmory = 5 ;
this . MainMap . MapType = GMap . NET . MapType . GoogleSatellite ;
this . MainMap . MarkersEnabled = true ;
this . MainMap . MaxZoom = 1 9 ;
this . MainMap . MinZoom = 1 ;
this . MainMap . MouseWheelZoomType = GMap . NET . MouseWheelZoomType . MousePositionAndCenter ;
this . MainMap . Name = "MainMap" ;
this . MainMap . NegativeMode = false ;
this . MainMap . PolygonsEnabled = true ;
this . MainMap . RetryLoadTile = 0 ;
this . MainMap . RoutesEnabled = false ;
this . MainMap . ShowTileGridLines = false ;
this . MainMap . streamjpg = ( ( System . IO . MemoryStream ) ( resources . GetObject ( "MainMap.streamjpg" ) ) ) ;
this . MainMap . Zoom = 0D ;
// contextMenuStrip1
this . contextMenuStrip1 . Items . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . deleteWPToolStripMenuItem ,
this . setROIToolStripMenuItem ,
this . loiterToolStripMenuItem ,
this . jumpToolStripMenuItem ,
this . clearMissionToolStripMenuItem ,
this . toolStripSeparator1 ,
this . polygonToolStripMenuItem ,
this . geoFenceToolStripMenuItem ,
this . autoWPToolStripMenuItem ,
this . mapToolToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . contextMenuStrip1 . Name = "contextMenuStrip1" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . contextMenuStrip1 , "contextMenuStrip1" ) ;
// deleteWPToolStripMenuItem
this . deleteWPToolStripMenuItem . Name = "deleteWPToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . deleteWPToolStripMenuItem , "deleteWPToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . deleteWPToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . deleteWPToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// setROIToolStripMenuItem
this . setROIToolStripMenuItem . Name = "setROIToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . setROIToolStripMenuItem , "setROIToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . setROIToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . setROIToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// loiterToolStripMenuItem
this . loiterToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem ,
this . loitertimeToolStripMenuItem ,
this . loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . loiterToolStripMenuItem . Name = "loiterToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . loiterToolStripMenuItem , "loiterToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem
this . loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem . Name = "loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem , "loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// loitertimeToolStripMenuItem
this . loitertimeToolStripMenuItem . Name = "loitertimeToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . loitertimeToolStripMenuItem , "loitertimeToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . loitertimeToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . loitertimeToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem
this . loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem . Name = "loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem , "loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// jumpToolStripMenuItem
this . jumpToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . jumpstartToolStripMenuItem ,
this . jumpwPToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . jumpToolStripMenuItem . Name = "jumpToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . jumpToolStripMenuItem , "jumpToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// jumpstartToolStripMenuItem
this . jumpstartToolStripMenuItem . Name = "jumpstartToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . jumpstartToolStripMenuItem , "jumpstartToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . jumpstartToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . jumpstartToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// jumpwPToolStripMenuItem
this . jumpwPToolStripMenuItem . Name = "jumpwPToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . jumpwPToolStripMenuItem , "jumpwPToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . jumpwPToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . jumpwPToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// clearMissionToolStripMenuItem
this . clearMissionToolStripMenuItem . Name = "clearMissionToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . clearMissionToolStripMenuItem , "clearMissionToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . clearMissionToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . clearMissionToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// toolStripSeparator1
this . toolStripSeparator1 . Name = "toolStripSeparator1" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . toolStripSeparator1 , "toolStripSeparator1" ) ;
// polygonToolStripMenuItem
this . polygonToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem ,
this . clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . polygonToolStripMenuItem . Name = "polygonToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . polygonToolStripMenuItem , "polygonToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem
this . addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem . Name = "addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem , "addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem
this . clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem . Name = "clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem , "clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// geoFenceToolStripMenuItem
this . geoFenceToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . toolStripMenuItem1 ,
this . toolStripSeparator4 ,
this . GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem ,
this . GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem ,
this . setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem ,
this . loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem ,
this . saveToFileToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . geoFenceToolStripMenuItem . Name = "geoFenceToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . geoFenceToolStripMenuItem , "geoFenceToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// toolStripMenuItem1
this . toolStripMenuItem1 . Name = "toolStripMenuItem1" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . toolStripMenuItem1 , "toolStripMenuItem1" ) ;
// toolStripSeparator4
this . toolStripSeparator4 . Name = "toolStripSeparator4" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . toolStripSeparator4 , "toolStripSeparator4" ) ;
// GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem
this . GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem . Name = "GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem , "GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem
this . GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem . Name = "GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem , "GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem
this . setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem . Name = "setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem , "setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem
this . loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem . Name = "loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem , "loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// saveToFileToolStripMenuItem
this . saveToFileToolStripMenuItem . Name = "saveToFileToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . saveToFileToolStripMenuItem , "saveToFileToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . saveToFileToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . saveToFileToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// autoWPToolStripMenuItem
this . autoWPToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem ,
this . gridToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . autoWPToolStripMenuItem . Name = "autoWPToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . autoWPToolStripMenuItem , "autoWPToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem
this . createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem . Name = "createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem , "createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// gridToolStripMenuItem
this . gridToolStripMenuItem . Name = "gridToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . gridToolStripMenuItem , "gridToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . gridToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . gridToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// mapToolToolStripMenuItem
this . mapToolToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . ContextMeasure ,
this . rotateMapToolStripMenuItem ,
this . zoomToToolStripMenuItem ,
this . prefetchToolStripMenuItem ,
this . kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . mapToolToolStripMenuItem . Name = "mapToolToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . mapToolToolStripMenuItem , "mapToolToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// ContextMeasure
this . ContextMeasure . Name = "ContextMeasure" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . ContextMeasure , "ContextMeasure" ) ;
// rotateMapToolStripMenuItem
this . rotateMapToolStripMenuItem . Name = "rotateMapToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . rotateMapToolStripMenuItem , "rotateMapToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
// zoomToToolStripMenuItem
this . zoomToToolStripMenuItem . Name = "zoomToToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . zoomToToolStripMenuItem , "zoomToToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . zoomToToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . zoomToToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// prefetchToolStripMenuItem
this . prefetchToolStripMenuItem . Name = "prefetchToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . prefetchToolStripMenuItem , "prefetchToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . prefetchToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . prefetchToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem
this . kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem . Name = "kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem" ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem , "kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem" ) ;
this . kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// trackBar1
resources . ApplyResources ( this . trackBar1 , "trackBar1" ) ;
this . trackBar1 . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 3 8 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 3 9 ) ) ) ) , ( ( int ) ( ( ( byte ) ( 4 0 ) ) ) ) ) ;
this . trackBar1 . LargeChange = 5 0 ;
this . trackBar1 . Maximum = 1 9D ;
this . trackBar1 . Minimum = 1D ;
this . trackBar1 . Name = "trackBar1" ;
this . trackBar1 . SmallChange = 5 0 ;
this . trackBar1 . TickFrequency = 1 0 0 ;
this . trackBar1 . TickStyle = System . Windows . Forms . TickStyle . TopLeft ;
this . trackBar1 . Value = 2D ;
this . trackBar1 . Scroll + = new System . EventHandler ( this . trackBar1_Scroll ) ;
// label11
resources . ApplyResources ( this . label11 , "label11" ) ;
this . label11 . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . label11 . Name = "label11" ;
// panelBASE
this . panelBASE . Controls . Add ( this . splitter1 ) ;
this . panelBASE . Controls . Add ( this . panelMap ) ;
this . panelBASE . Controls . Add ( this . panelWaypoints ) ;
this . panelBASE . Controls . Add ( this . panelAction ) ;
this . panelBASE . Controls . Add ( this . label6 ) ;
resources . ApplyResources ( this . panelBASE , "panelBASE" ) ;
this . panelBASE . Name = "panelBASE" ;
// timer1
this . timer1 . Interval = 1 0 0 0 ;
this . timer1 . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . timer1_Tick ) ;
// FlightPlanner
resources . ApplyResources ( this , "$this" ) ;
this . AutoScaleMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoScaleMode . Font ;
this . BackColor = System . Drawing . SystemColors . Control ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . panelBASE ) ;
this . Name = "FlightPlanner" ;
this . FormClosing + = new System . Windows . Forms . FormClosingEventHandler ( this . FlightPlanner_FormClosing ) ;
this . Load + = new System . EventHandler ( this . Planner_Load ) ;
this . Resize + = new System . EventHandler ( this . Planner_Resize ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . Commands ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
this . panel5 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . panel1 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . panel1 . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . panel2 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . panel2 . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . panelWaypoints . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . panelAction . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . panelAction . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . panelMap . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . panelMap . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . contextMenuStrip1 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . trackBar1 ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
this . panelBASE . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
# endregion
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton SaveFile ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton BUT_read ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton BUT_write ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel panel5 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel panel1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . LinkLabel label4 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label3 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label2 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label Label1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_homealt ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_homelng ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_homelat ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn dataGridViewImageColumn1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn dataGridViewImageColumn2 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label6 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel panel2 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label7 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label8 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label9 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label10 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_mousealt ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_mouselong ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_mouselat ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton BUT_loadwpfile ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ComboBox comboBoxMapType ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbl_status ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridView Commands ;
private System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox CHK_geheight ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton BUT_Add ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_WPRad ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_DefaultAlt ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label LBL_WPRad ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label LBL_defalutalt ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox TXT_loiterrad ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label5 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox CHK_holdalt ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton button1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox CHK_altmode ;
private BSE . Windows . Forms . Panel panelWaypoints ;
private BSE . Windows . Forms . Panel panelAction ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel panelMap ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . myGMAP MainMap ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyTrackBar trackBar1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label11 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbl_distance ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbl_prevdist ;
private BSE . Windows . Forms . Splitter splitter1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel panelBASE ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbl_homedist ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ContextMenuStrip contextMenuStrip1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolTip toolTip1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem clearMissionToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem polygonToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem loiterToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem loitertimeToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem jumpToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem jumpstartToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem jumpwPToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripSeparator toolStripSeparator1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem deleteWPToolStripMenuItem ;
private ArdupilotMega . Controls . MyButton BUT_Camera ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Command ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Param1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Param2 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Param3 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Param4 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Lat ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Lon ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Alt ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewButtonColumn Delete ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn Up ;
private System . Windows . Forms . DataGridViewImageColumn Down ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Timer timer1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem geoFenceToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem saveToFileToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem toolStripMenuItem1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripSeparator toolStripSeparator4 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem setROIToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem autoWPToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem createWpCircleToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem gridToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem mapToolToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ContextMeasure ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem rotateMapToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem zoomToToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem prefetchToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem kMLOverlayToolStripMenuItem ;