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#pragma once
#include <AP_Logger/LogStructure.h>
// @LoggerMessage: XKT
// @Description: EKF3 timing information
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF core this message instance applies to
// @Field: Cnt: count of samples used to create this message
// @Field: IMUMin: smallest IMU sample interval
// @Field: IMUMax: largest IMU sample interval
// @Field: EKFMin: low-passed achieved average time step rate for the EKF (minimum)
// @Field: EKFMax: low-passed achieved average time step rate for the EKF (maximum)
// @Field: AngMin: accumulated measurement time interval for the delta angle (minimum)
// @Field: AngMax: accumulated measurement time interval for the delta angle (maximum)
// @Field: VMin: accumulated measurement time interval for the delta velocity (minimum)
// @Field: VMax: accumulated measurement time interval for the delta velocity (maximum)
struct PACKED log_XKT {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t core;
uint32_t timing_count;
float dtIMUavg_min;
float dtIMUavg_max;
float dtEKFavg_min;
float dtEKFavg_max;
float delAngDT_min;
float delAngDT_max;
float delVelDT_min;
float delVelDT_max;
// @LoggerMessage: XKFM
// @Description: EKF3 diagnostic data for on-ground-and-not-moving check
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF core this message instance applies to
// @Field: OGNM: True of on ground and not moving
// @Field: GLR: Gyroscope length ratio
// @Field: ALR: Accelerometer length ratio
// @Field: GDR: Gyroscope rate of change ratio
// @Field: ADR: Accelerometer rate of change ratio
struct PACKED log_XKFM {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t core;
uint8_t ongroundnotmoving;
float gyro_length_ratio;
float accel_length_ratio;
float gyro_diff_ratio;
float accel_diff_ratio;
// @LoggerMessage: XKTV
// @Description: EKF3 Yaw Estimator States
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: TVS: Tilt Error Variance from symbolic equations (rad^2)
// @Field: TVD: Tilt Error Variance from difference method (rad^2)
struct PACKED log_XKTV {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t core;
float tvs;
float tvd;
// @LoggerMessage: XKY0
// @Description: EKF3 Yaw Estimator States
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: YC: GSF yaw estimate (rad)
// @Field: YCS: GSF yaw estimate 1-Sigma uncertainty (rad)
// @Field: Y0: Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 0 (rad)
// @Field: Y1: Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 1 (rad)
// @Field: Y2: Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 2 (rad)
// @Field: Y3: Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 3 (rad)
// @Field: Y4: Yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 4 (rad)
// @Field: W0: Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 0
// @Field: W1: Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 1
// @Field: W2: Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 2
// @Field: W3: Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 3
// @Field: W4: Weighting applied to yaw estimate from individual EKF filter 4
struct PACKED log_XKY0 {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t core;
float yaw_composite;
float yaw_composite_variance;
float yaw0;
float yaw1;
float yaw2;
float yaw3;
float yaw4;
float wgt0;
float wgt1;
float wgt2;
float wgt3;
float wgt4;
// @LoggerMessage: XKY1
// @Description: EKF3 Yaw Estimator Innovations
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: IVN0: North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 0 (m/s)
// @Field: IVN1: North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 1 (m/s)
// @Field: IVN2: North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 2 (m/s)
// @Field: IVN3: North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 3 (m/s)
// @Field: IVN4: North velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 4 (m/s)
// @Field: IVE0: East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 0 (m/s)
// @Field: IVE1: East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 1 (m/s)
// @Field: IVE2: East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 2 (m/s)
// @Field: IVE3: East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 3 (m/s)
// @Field: IVE4: East velocity innovation from individual EKF filter 4 (m/s)
struct PACKED log_XKY1 {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t core;
float ivn0;
float ivn1;
float ivn2;
float ivn3;
float ivn4;
float ive0;
float ive1;
float ive2;
float ive3;
float ive4;
{ LOG_XKT_MSG, sizeof(log_XKT), \
"XKT", "QBIffffffff", "TimeUS,C,Cnt,IMUMin,IMUMax,EKFMin,EKFMax,AngMin,AngMax,VMin,VMax", "s#sssssssss", "F-000000000"}, \
{ LOG_XKTV_MSG, sizeof(log_XKTV), \
"XKTV", "QBff", "TimeUS,C,TVS,TVD", "s#rr", "F-00"}, \
{ LOG_XKY0_MSG, sizeof(log_XKY0), \
"XKY0", "QBffffffffffff", "TimeUS,C,YC,YCS,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,W0,W1,W2,W3,W4", "s#rrrrrrr-----", "F-000000000000"}, \
{ LOG_XKY1_MSG, sizeof(log_XKY1), \
"XKY1", "QBffffffffff", "TimeUS,C,IVN0,IVN1,IVN2,IVN3,IVN4,IVE0,IVE1,IVE2,IVE3,IVE4", "s#nnnnnnnnnn", "F-0000000000"}, \
{ LOG_XKFM_MSG, sizeof(log_XKFM), \
"XKFM", "QBBffff", "TimeUS,C,OGNM,GLR,ALR,GDR,ADR", "s------", "F------"},