/// @file AP_MotorsSingle.h
/// @brief Motor and Servo control class for Singlecopters
# pragma once
# include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
# include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library
# include <SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.h>
# include "AP_MotorsMulticopter.h"
// feedback direction
# define NUM_ACTUATORS 4
# define AP_MOTORS_SINGLE_SPEED_DIGITAL_SERVOS 250 // update rate for digital servos
# define AP_MOTORS_SINGLE_SPEED_ANALOG_SERVOS 125 // update rate for analog servos
# define AP_MOTORS_SINGLE_SERVO_INPUT_RANGE 4500 // roll or pitch input of -4500 will cause servos to their minimum (i.e. radio_min), +4500 will move them to their maximum (i.e. radio_max)
/// @class AP_MotorsSingle
class AP_MotorsSingle : public AP_MotorsMulticopter {
public :
/// Constructor
AP_MotorsSingle ( uint16_t loop_rate , uint16_t speed_hz = AP_MOTORS_SPEED_DEFAULT ) :
AP_MotorsMulticopter ( loop_rate , speed_hz )
} ;
// init
void init ( motor_frame_class frame_class , motor_frame_type frame_type ) override ;
// set frame class (i.e. quad, hexa, heli) and type (i.e. x, plus)
void set_frame_class_and_type ( motor_frame_class frame_class , motor_frame_type frame_type ) override ;
// set update rate to motors - a value in hertz
void set_update_rate ( uint16_t speed_hz ) override ;
// output_to_motors - sends minimum values out to the motors
virtual void output_to_motors ( ) override ;
// get_motor_mask - returns a bitmask of which outputs are being used for motors or servos (1 means being used)
// this can be used to ensure other pwm outputs (i.e. for servos) do not conflict
uint16_t get_motor_mask ( ) override ;
protected :
// output - sends commands to the motors
void output_armed_stabilizing ( ) override ;
const char * _get_frame_string ( ) const override { return " SINGLE " ; }
// output_test_seq - spin a motor at the pwm value specified
// motor_seq is the motor's sequence number from 1 to the number of motors on the frame
// pwm value is an actual pwm value that will be output, normally in the range of 1000 ~ 2000
virtual void _output_test_seq ( uint8_t motor_seq , int16_t pwm ) override ;
int16_t _throttle_radio_output ; // total throttle pwm value, summed onto throttle channel minimum, typically ~1100-1900
float _actuator_out [ NUM_ACTUATORS ] ; // combined roll, pitch, yaw and throttle outputs to motors in 0~1 range
float _thrust_out ;
} ;