* This file is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Author : Eugene Shamaev , Siddharth Bharat Purohit
# include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
# include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
# include "AP_UAVCAN.h"
# include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
# include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h>
# include <AP_CANManager/AP_CANManager.h>
# include <uavcan/transport/can_acceptance_filter_configurator.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/actuator/ArrayCommand.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/actuator/Command.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/actuator/Status.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/esc/RawCommand.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/esc/Status.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/indication/LightsCommand.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/indication/SingleLightCommand.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/indication/BeepCommand.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/indication/RGB565.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/safety/ArmingStatus.hpp>
# include <ardupilot/indication/SafetyState.hpp>
# include <ardupilot/indication/Button.hpp>
# include <ardupilot/indication/NotifyState.hpp>
# include <ardupilot/equipment/trafficmonitor/TrafficReport.hpp>
# include <uavcan/equipment/gnss/RTCMStream.hpp>
# include <uavcan/protocol/debug/LogMessage.hpp>
# include <AP_Arming/AP_Arming.h>
# include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro_UAVCAN.h>
# include <AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_UAVCAN.h>
# include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS_UAVCAN.h>
# include <AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor_UAVCAN.h>
# include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass_UAVCAN.h>
# include <AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed_UAVCAN.h>
# include <SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.h>
# include <AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow_HereFlow.h>
# include <AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB.h>
# include "AP_UAVCAN_DNA_Server.h"
# include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h>
# define LED_DELAY_US 50000
extern const AP_HAL : : HAL & hal ;
# define debug_uavcan(level_debug, fmt, args...) do { AP::can().log_text(level_debug, "UAVCAN", fmt, ##args); } while (0)
// Translation of all messages from UAVCAN structures into AP structures is done
// in AP_UAVCAN and not in corresponding drivers.
// The overhead of including definitions of DSDL is very high and it is best to
// concentrate in one place.
// table of user settable CAN bus parameters
const AP_Param : : GroupInfo AP_UAVCAN : : var_info [ ] = {
// @Param: NODE
// @DisplayName: UAVCAN node that is used for this network
// @Description: UAVCAN node should be set implicitly
// @Range: 1 250
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " NODE " , 1 , AP_UAVCAN , _uavcan_node , 10 ) ,
// @Param: SRV_BM
AP_UAVCAN: added CAN_Dx_UC_ESC_OF parameter
this allows for an offset in ESC numbering for much more efficient CAN
bandwidth usage.
For example, on a coaxial OctoQuad quadplane the ESCs are typically
setup as outputs 5 to 12. An ideal setup is to split these over 2 CAN
buses, with one CAN bus for the top layer and the one bus for the
bottom layer (allowing for VTOL flight with one bus failed).
Without this offset parameter you would be sending RawCommand messages
like this:
bus1: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
this is very wasteful of bus bandwidth, with bus1 using 3x the
bandwidth it should and bus2 using 4x the bandwidth it should (the
above will take 3 can frames for bus1, and 4 can frames for bus 2)
With this patch you can set:
and you will get this on the bus:
bus1: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
that takes just 1 can frame per send on each bus
3 years ago
// @DisplayName: Output channels to be transmitted as servo over UAVCAN
// @Description: Bitmask with one set for channel to be transmitted as a servo command over UAVCAN
// @Bitmask: 0: Servo 1, 1: Servo 2, 2: Servo 3, 3: Servo 4, 4: Servo 5, 5: Servo 6, 6: Servo 7, 7: Servo 8, 8: Servo 9, 9: Servo 10, 10: Servo 11, 11: Servo 12, 12: Servo 13, 13: Servo 14, 14: Servo 15
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " SRV_BM " , 2 , AP_UAVCAN , _servo_bm , 0 ) ,
// @Param: ESC_BM
AP_UAVCAN: added CAN_Dx_UC_ESC_OF parameter
this allows for an offset in ESC numbering for much more efficient CAN
bandwidth usage.
For example, on a coaxial OctoQuad quadplane the ESCs are typically
setup as outputs 5 to 12. An ideal setup is to split these over 2 CAN
buses, with one CAN bus for the top layer and the one bus for the
bottom layer (allowing for VTOL flight with one bus failed).
Without this offset parameter you would be sending RawCommand messages
like this:
bus1: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
this is very wasteful of bus bandwidth, with bus1 using 3x the
bandwidth it should and bus2 using 4x the bandwidth it should (the
above will take 3 can frames for bus1, and 4 can frames for bus 2)
With this patch you can set:
and you will get this on the bus:
bus1: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
that takes just 1 can frame per send on each bus
3 years ago
// @DisplayName: Output channels to be transmitted as ESC over UAVCAN
// @Description: Bitmask with one set for channel to be transmitted as a ESC command over UAVCAN
// @Bitmask: 0: ESC 1, 1: ESC 2, 2: ESC 3, 3: ESC 4, 4: ESC 5, 5: ESC 6, 6: ESC 7, 7: ESC 8, 8: ESC 9, 9: ESC 10, 10: ESC 11, 11: ESC 12, 12: ESC 13, 13: ESC 14, 14: ESC 15, 15: ESC 16
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " ESC_BM " , 3 , AP_UAVCAN , _esc_bm , 0 ) ,
// @Param: SRV_RT
// @DisplayName: Servo output rate
// @Description: Maximum transmit rate for servo outputs
// @Range: 1 200
// @Units: Hz
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " SRV_RT " , 4 , AP_UAVCAN , _servo_rate_hz , 50 ) ,
// @Param: OPTION
// @DisplayName: UAVCAN options
// @Description: Option flags
// @Bitmask: 0:ClearDNADatabase,1:IgnoreDNANodeConflicts
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " OPTION " , 5 , AP_UAVCAN , _options , 0 ) ,
// @Param: NTF_RT
// @DisplayName: Notify State rate
// @Description: Maximum transmit rate for Notify State Message
// @Range: 1 200
// @Units: Hz
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " NTF_RT " , 6 , AP_UAVCAN , _notify_state_hz , 20 ) ,
AP_UAVCAN: added CAN_Dx_UC_ESC_OF parameter
this allows for an offset in ESC numbering for much more efficient CAN
bandwidth usage.
For example, on a coaxial OctoQuad quadplane the ESCs are typically
setup as outputs 5 to 12. An ideal setup is to split these over 2 CAN
buses, with one CAN bus for the top layer and the one bus for the
bottom layer (allowing for VTOL flight with one bus failed).
Without this offset parameter you would be sending RawCommand messages
like this:
bus1: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
this is very wasteful of bus bandwidth, with bus1 using 3x the
bandwidth it should and bus2 using 4x the bandwidth it should (the
above will take 3 can frames for bus1, and 4 can frames for bus 2)
With this patch you can set:
and you will get this on the bus:
bus1: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
that takes just 1 can frame per send on each bus
3 years ago
// @Param: ESC_OF
// @DisplayName: ESC Output channels offset
// @Description: Offset for ESC numbering in DroneCAN ESC RawCommand messages. This allows for more efficient packing of ESC command messages. If your ESCs are on servo functions 5 to 8 and you set this parameter to 4 then the ESC RawCommand will be sent with the first 4 slots filled. This can be used for more efficint usage of CAN bandwidth
// @Range: 0 18
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " ESC_OF " , 7 , AP_UAVCAN , _esc_offset , 0 ) ,
} ;
// this is the timeout in milliseconds for periodic message types. We
// set this to 1 to minimise resend of stale msgs
// publisher interfaces
static uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : ArrayCommand > * act_out_array [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : esc : : RawCommand > * esc_raw [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : indication : : LightsCommand > * rgb_led [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : indication : : BeepCommand > * buzzer [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : Publisher < ardupilot : : indication : : SafetyState > * safety_state [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : safety : : ArmingStatus > * arming_status [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : gnss : : RTCMStream > * rtcm_stream [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : Publisher < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState > * notify_state [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
// Clients
UC_CLIENT_CALL_REGISTRY_BINDER ( ParamGetSetCb , uavcan : : protocol : : param : : GetSet ) ;
static uavcan : : ServiceClient < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : GetSet , ParamGetSetCb > * param_get_set_client [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : protocol : : param : : GetSet : : Request param_getset_req [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
UC_CLIENT_CALL_REGISTRY_BINDER ( ParamExecuteOpcodeCb , uavcan : : protocol : : param : : ExecuteOpcode ) ;
static uavcan : : ServiceClient < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : ExecuteOpcode , ParamExecuteOpcodeCb > * param_execute_opcode_client [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
static uavcan : : protocol : : param : : ExecuteOpcode : : Request param_save_req [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
// subscribers
// handler SafteyButton
UC_REGISTRY_BINDER ( ButtonCb , ardupilot : : indication : : Button ) ;
static uavcan : : Subscriber < ardupilot : : indication : : Button , ButtonCb > * safety_button_listener [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
// handler TrafficReport
UC_REGISTRY_BINDER ( TrafficReportCb , ardupilot : : equipment : : trafficmonitor : : TrafficReport ) ;
static uavcan : : Subscriber < ardupilot : : equipment : : trafficmonitor : : TrafficReport , TrafficReportCb > * traffic_report_listener [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
// handler actuator status
UC_REGISTRY_BINDER ( ActuatorStatusCb , uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : Status ) ;
static uavcan : : Subscriber < uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : Status , ActuatorStatusCb > * actuator_status_listener [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
// handler ESC status
UC_REGISTRY_BINDER ( ESCStatusCb , uavcan : : equipment : : esc : : Status ) ;
static uavcan : : Subscriber < uavcan : : equipment : : esc : : Status , ESCStatusCb > * esc_status_listener [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
// handler DEBUG
UC_REGISTRY_BINDER ( DebugCb , uavcan : : protocol : : debug : : LogMessage ) ;
static uavcan : : Subscriber < uavcan : : protocol : : debug : : LogMessage , DebugCb > * debug_listener [ HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS ] ;
_node_allocator ( )
AP_Param : : setup_object_defaults ( this , var_info ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER ; i + + ) {
_SRV_conf [ i ] . esc_pending = false ;
_SRV_conf [ i ] . servo_pending = false ;
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_INFO , " AP_UAVCAN constructed \n \r " ) ;
AP_UAVCAN * AP_UAVCAN : : get_uavcan ( uint8_t driver_index )
if ( driver_index > = AP : : can ( ) . get_num_drivers ( ) | |
AP : : can ( ) . get_driver_type ( driver_index ) ! = AP_CANManager : : Driver_Type_UAVCAN ) {
return nullptr ;
return static_cast < AP_UAVCAN * > ( AP : : can ( ) . get_driver ( driver_index ) ) ;
bool AP_UAVCAN : : add_interface ( AP_HAL : : CANIface * can_iface ) {
if ( _iface_mgr = = nullptr ) {
_iface_mgr = new uavcan : : CanIfaceMgr ( ) ;
if ( _iface_mgr = = nullptr ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: can't create UAVCAN interface manager \n \r " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! _iface_mgr - > add_interface ( can_iface ) ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: can't add UAVCAN interface \n \r " ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wframe-larger-than=1700"
void AP_UAVCAN : : init ( uint8_t driver_index , bool enable_filters )
_driver_index = driver_index ;
if ( _initialized ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: init called more than once \n \r " ) ;
return ;
if ( _iface_mgr = = nullptr ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: can't get UAVCAN interface driver \n \r " ) ;
return ;
_node = new uavcan : : Node < 0 > ( * _iface_mgr , uavcan : : SystemClock : : instance ( ) , _node_allocator ) ;
if ( _node = = nullptr ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: couldn't allocate node \n \r " ) ;
return ;
if ( _node - > isStarted ( ) ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: node was already started? \n \r " ) ;
return ;
uavcan : : NodeID self_node_id ( _uavcan_node ) ;
_node - > setNodeID ( self_node_id ) ;
char ndname [ 20 ] ;
snprintf ( ndname , sizeof ( ndname ) , " org.ardupilot:%u " , driver_index ) ;
uavcan : : NodeStatusProvider : : NodeName name ( ndname ) ;
_node - > setName ( name ) ;
uavcan : : protocol : : SoftwareVersion sw_version ; // Standard type uavcan.protocol.SoftwareVersion
sw_version . major = AP_UAVCAN_SW_VERS_MAJOR ;
sw_version . minor = AP_UAVCAN_SW_VERS_MINOR ;
_node - > setSoftwareVersion ( sw_version ) ;
uavcan : : protocol : : HardwareVersion hw_version ; // Standard type uavcan.protocol.HardwareVersion
hw_version . major = AP_UAVCAN_HW_VERS_MAJOR ;
hw_version . minor = AP_UAVCAN_HW_VERS_MINOR ;
const uint8_t uid_buf_len = hw_version . unique_id . capacity ( ) ;
uint8_t uid_len = uid_buf_len ;
uint8_t unique_id [ uid_buf_len ] ;
if ( hal . util - > get_system_id_unformatted ( unique_id , uid_len ) ) {
//This is because we are maintaining a common Server Record for all UAVCAN Instances.
//In case the node IDs are different, and unique id same, it will create
//conflict in the Server Record.
unique_id [ uid_len - 1 ] + = _uavcan_node ;
uavcan : : copy ( unique_id , unique_id + uid_len , hw_version . unique_id . begin ( ) ) ;
_node - > setHardwareVersion ( hw_version ) ;
int start_res = _node - > start ( ) ;
if ( start_res < 0 ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: node start problem, error %d \n \r " , start_res ) ;
return ;
//Start Servers
if ( ! AP : : uavcan_dna_server ( ) . init ( this ) ) {
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: Failed to start DNA Server \n \r " ) ;
return ;
// Roundup all subscribers from supported drivers
AP_UAVCAN_DNA_Server : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
AP_GPS_UAVCAN : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
AP_Compass_UAVCAN : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
AP_Baro_UAVCAN : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
AP_BattMonitor_UAVCAN : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
AP_Airspeed_UAVCAN : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
AP_OpticalFlow_HereFlow : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
# endif
AP_RangeFinder_UAVCAN : : subscribe_msgs ( this ) ;
act_out_array [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : ArrayCommand > ( * _node ) ;
act_out_array [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 2 ) ) ;
act_out_array [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneLowerThanHighest ) ;
esc_raw [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : esc : : RawCommand > ( * _node ) ;
esc_raw [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 2 ) ) ;
esc_raw [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneLowerThanHighest ) ;
rgb_led [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : indication : : LightsCommand > ( * _node ) ;
rgb_led [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 20 ) ) ;
rgb_led [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneHigherThanLowest ) ;
buzzer [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : indication : : BeepCommand > ( * _node ) ;
buzzer [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 20 ) ) ;
buzzer [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneHigherThanLowest ) ;
safety_state [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < ardupilot : : indication : : SafetyState > ( * _node ) ;
safety_state [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 20 ) ) ;
safety_state [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneHigherThanLowest ) ;
arming_status [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : safety : : ArmingStatus > ( * _node ) ;
arming_status [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 20 ) ) ;
arming_status [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneHigherThanLowest ) ;
rtcm_stream [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < uavcan : : equipment : : gnss : : RTCMStream > ( * _node ) ;
rtcm_stream [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 20 ) ) ;
rtcm_stream [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneHigherThanLowest ) ;
notify_state [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Publisher < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState > ( * _node ) ;
notify_state [ driver_index ] - > setTxTimeout ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 20 ) ) ;
notify_state [ driver_index ] - > setPriority ( uavcan : : TransferPriority : : OneHigherThanLowest ) ;
param_get_set_client [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : ServiceClient < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : GetSet , ParamGetSetCb > ( * _node , ParamGetSetCb ( this , & AP_UAVCAN : : handle_param_get_set_response ) ) ;
param_execute_opcode_client [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : ServiceClient < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : ExecuteOpcode , ParamExecuteOpcodeCb > ( * _node , ParamExecuteOpcodeCb ( this , & AP_UAVCAN : : handle_param_save_response ) ) ;
safety_button_listener [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Subscriber < ardupilot : : indication : : Button , ButtonCb > ( * _node ) ;
if ( safety_button_listener [ driver_index ] ) {
safety_button_listener [ driver_index ] - > start ( ButtonCb ( this , & handle_button ) ) ;
traffic_report_listener [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Subscriber < ardupilot : : equipment : : trafficmonitor : : TrafficReport , TrafficReportCb > ( * _node ) ;
if ( traffic_report_listener [ driver_index ] ) {
traffic_report_listener [ driver_index ] - > start ( TrafficReportCb ( this , & handle_traffic_report ) ) ;
actuator_status_listener [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Subscriber < uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : Status , ActuatorStatusCb > ( * _node ) ;
if ( actuator_status_listener [ driver_index ] ) {
actuator_status_listener [ driver_index ] - > start ( ActuatorStatusCb ( this , & handle_actuator_status ) ) ;
esc_status_listener [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Subscriber < uavcan : : equipment : : esc : : Status , ESCStatusCb > ( * _node ) ;
if ( esc_status_listener [ driver_index ] ) {
esc_status_listener [ driver_index ] - > start ( ESCStatusCb ( this , & handle_ESC_status ) ) ;
debug_listener [ driver_index ] = new uavcan : : Subscriber < uavcan : : protocol : : debug : : LogMessage , DebugCb > ( * _node ) ;
if ( debug_listener [ driver_index ] ) {
debug_listener [ driver_index ] - > start ( DebugCb ( this , & handle_debug ) ) ;
_led_conf . devices_count = 0 ;
* Informing other nodes that we ' re ready to work .
* Default mode is INITIALIZING .
_node - > setModeOperational ( ) ;
// Spin node for device discovery
_node - > spin ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 5000 ) ) ;
snprintf ( _thread_name , sizeof ( _thread_name ) , " uavcan_%u " , driver_index ) ;
if ( ! hal . scheduler - > thread_create ( FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER ( & AP_UAVCAN : : loop , void ) , _thread_name , 4096 , AP_HAL : : Scheduler : : PRIORITY_CAN , 0 ) ) {
_node - > setModeOfflineAndPublish ( ) ;
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_ERROR , " UAVCAN: couldn't create thread \n \r " ) ;
return ;
_initialized = true ;
debug_uavcan ( AP_CANManager : : LOG_INFO , " UAVCAN: init done \n \r " ) ;
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
void AP_UAVCAN : : loop ( void )
while ( true ) {
if ( ! _initialized ) {
hal . scheduler - > delay_microseconds ( 1000 ) ;
continue ;
const int error = _node - > spin ( uavcan : : MonotonicDuration : : fromMSec ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( error < 0 ) {
hal . scheduler - > delay_microseconds ( 100 ) ;
continue ;
if ( _SRV_armed ) {
bool sent_servos = false ;
if ( _servo_bm > 0 ) {
// if we have any Servos in bitmask
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : native_micros ( ) ;
const uint32_t servo_period_us = 1000000UL / unsigned ( _servo_rate_hz . get ( ) ) ;
if ( now - _SRV_last_send_us > = servo_period_us ) {
_SRV_last_send_us = now ;
SRV_send_actuator ( ) ;
sent_servos = true ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER ; i + + ) {
_SRV_conf [ i ] . servo_pending = false ;
// if we have any ESC's in bitmask
if ( _esc_bm > 0 & & ! sent_servos ) {
SRV_send_esc ( ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER ; i + + ) {
_SRV_conf [ i ] . esc_pending = false ;
led_out_send ( ) ;
buzzer_send ( ) ;
rtcm_stream_send ( ) ;
safety_state_send ( ) ;
notify_state_send ( ) ;
send_parameter_request ( ) ;
send_parameter_save_request ( ) ;
AP : : uavcan_dna_server ( ) . verify_nodes ( this ) ;
///// SRV output /////
void AP_UAVCAN : : SRV_send_actuator ( void )
uint8_t starting_servo = 0 ;
bool repeat_send ;
do {
repeat_send = false ;
uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : ArrayCommand msg ;
uint8_t i ;
// UAVCAN can hold maximum of 15 commands in one frame
for ( i = 0 ; starting_servo < UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER & & i < 15 ; starting_servo + + ) {
uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : Command cmd ;
* Servo output uses a range of 1000 - 2000 PWM for scaling .
* This converts output PWM from [ 1000 : 2000 ] range to [ - 1 : 1 ] range that
* is passed to servo as unitless type via UAVCAN .
* This approach allows for MIN / TRIM / MAX values to be used fully on
* autopilot side and for servo it should have the setup to provide maximum
* physically possible throws at [ - 1 : 1 ] limits .
if ( _SRV_conf [ starting_servo ] . servo_pending & & ( ( ( ( uint32_t ) 1 ) < < starting_servo ) & _servo_bm ) ) {
cmd . actuator_id = starting_servo + 1 ;
// TODO: other types
cmd . command_type = uavcan : : equipment : : actuator : : Command : : COMMAND_TYPE_UNITLESS ;
// TODO: failsafe, safety
cmd . command_value = constrain_float ( ( ( float ) _SRV_conf [ starting_servo ] . pulse - 1000.0 ) / 500.0 - 1.0 , - 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
msg . commands . push_back ( cmd ) ;
i + + ;
if ( i > 0 ) {
act_out_array [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( msg ) ;
if ( i = = 15 ) {
repeat_send = true ;
} while ( repeat_send ) ;
void AP_UAVCAN : : SRV_send_esc ( void )
static const int cmd_max = uavcan : : equipment : : esc : : RawCommand : : FieldTypes : : cmd : : RawValueType : : max ( ) ;
uavcan : : equipment : : esc : : RawCommand esc_msg ;
uint8_t active_esc_num = 0 , max_esc_num = 0 ;
uint8_t k = 0 ;
AP_UAVCAN: added CAN_Dx_UC_ESC_OF parameter
this allows for an offset in ESC numbering for much more efficient CAN
bandwidth usage.
For example, on a coaxial OctoQuad quadplane the ESCs are typically
setup as outputs 5 to 12. An ideal setup is to split these over 2 CAN
buses, with one CAN bus for the top layer and the one bus for the
bottom layer (allowing for VTOL flight with one bus failed).
Without this offset parameter you would be sending RawCommand messages
like this:
bus1: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
this is very wasteful of bus bandwidth, with bus1 using 3x the
bandwidth it should and bus2 using 4x the bandwidth it should (the
above will take 3 can frames for bus1, and 4 can frames for bus 2)
With this patch you can set:
and you will get this on the bus:
bus1: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
that takes just 1 can frame per send on each bus
3 years ago
// esc offset allows for efficient packing of higher ESC numbers in RawCommand
const uint8_t esc_offset = constrain_int16 ( _esc_offset . get ( ) , 0 , UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER ) ;
// find out how many esc we have enabled and if they are active at all
AP_UAVCAN: added CAN_Dx_UC_ESC_OF parameter
this allows for an offset in ESC numbering for much more efficient CAN
bandwidth usage.
For example, on a coaxial OctoQuad quadplane the ESCs are typically
setup as outputs 5 to 12. An ideal setup is to split these over 2 CAN
buses, with one CAN bus for the top layer and the one bus for the
bottom layer (allowing for VTOL flight with one bus failed).
Without this offset parameter you would be sending RawCommand messages
like this:
bus1: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
this is very wasteful of bus bandwidth, with bus1 using 3x the
bandwidth it should and bus2 using 4x the bandwidth it should (the
above will take 3 can frames for bus1, and 4 can frames for bus 2)
With this patch you can set:
and you will get this on the bus:
bus1: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
that takes just 1 can frame per send on each bus
3 years ago
for ( uint8_t i = esc_offset ; i < UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER ; i + + ) {
if ( ( ( ( uint32_t ) 1 ) < < i ) & _esc_bm ) {
max_esc_num = i + 1 ;
if ( _SRV_conf [ i ] . esc_pending ) {
active_esc_num + + ;
// if at least one is active (update) we need to send to all
if ( active_esc_num > 0 ) {
k = 0 ;
AP_UAVCAN: added CAN_Dx_UC_ESC_OF parameter
this allows for an offset in ESC numbering for much more efficient CAN
bandwidth usage.
For example, on a coaxial OctoQuad quadplane the ESCs are typically
setup as outputs 5 to 12. An ideal setup is to split these over 2 CAN
buses, with one CAN bus for the top layer and the one bus for the
bottom layer (allowing for VTOL flight with one bus failed).
Without this offset parameter you would be sending RawCommand messages
like this:
bus1: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
this is very wasteful of bus bandwidth, with bus1 using 3x the
bandwidth it should and bus2 using 4x the bandwidth it should (the
above will take 3 can frames for bus1, and 4 can frames for bus 2)
With this patch you can set:
and you will get this on the bus:
bus1: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
that takes just 1 can frame per send on each bus
3 years ago
for ( uint8_t i = esc_offset ; i < max_esc_num & & k < 20 ; i + + ) {
if ( ( ( ( uint32_t ) 1 ) < < i ) & _esc_bm ) {
// TODO: ESC negative scaling for reverse thrust and reverse rotation
float scaled = cmd_max * ( hal . rcout - > scale_esc_to_unity ( _SRV_conf [ i ] . pulse ) + 1.0 ) / 2.0 ;
scaled = constrain_float ( scaled , 0 , cmd_max ) ;
esc_msg . cmd . push_back ( static_cast < int > ( scaled ) ) ;
} else {
esc_msg . cmd . push_back ( static_cast < unsigned > ( 0 ) ) ;
k + + ;
esc_raw [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( esc_msg ) ;
void AP_UAVCAN : : SRV_push_servos ( )
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_SERVO_CHANNELS ; i + + ) {
// Check if this channels has any function assigned
if ( SRV_Channels : : channel_function ( i ) ) {
_SRV_conf [ i ] . pulse = SRV_Channels : : srv_channel ( i ) - > get_output_pwm ( ) ;
_SRV_conf [ i ] . esc_pending = true ;
_SRV_conf [ i ] . servo_pending = true ;
_SRV_armed = hal . util - > safety_switch_state ( ) ! = AP_HAL : : Util : : SAFETY_DISARMED ;
///// LED /////
void AP_UAVCAN : : led_out_send ( )
uint64_t now = AP_HAL : : native_micros64 ( ) ;
if ( ( now - _led_conf . last_update ) < LED_DELAY_US ) {
return ;
uavcan : : equipment : : indication : : LightsCommand msg ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _led_out_sem ) ;
if ( _led_conf . devices_count = = 0 ) {
return ;
uavcan : : equipment : : indication : : SingleLightCommand cmd ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < _led_conf . devices_count ; i + + ) {
cmd . light_id = _led_conf . devices [ i ] . led_index ;
cmd . color . red = _led_conf . devices [ i ] . red > > 3 ;
cmd . color . green = _led_conf . devices [ i ] . green > > 2 ;
cmd . color . blue = _led_conf . devices [ i ] . blue > > 3 ;
msg . commands . push_back ( cmd ) ;
rgb_led [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( msg ) ;
_led_conf . last_update = now ;
bool AP_UAVCAN : : led_write ( uint8_t led_index , uint8_t red , uint8_t green , uint8_t blue )
if ( _led_conf . devices_count > = AP_UAVCAN_MAX_LED_DEVICES ) {
return false ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _led_out_sem ) ;
// check if a device instance exists. if so, break so the instance index is remembered
uint8_t instance = 0 ;
for ( ; instance < _led_conf . devices_count ; instance + + ) {
if ( _led_conf . devices [ instance ] . led_index = = led_index ) {
break ;
// load into the correct instance.
// if an existing instance was found in above for loop search,
// then instance value is < _led_conf.devices_count.
// otherwise a new one was just found so we increment the count.
// Either way, the correct instance is the current value of instance
_led_conf . devices [ instance ] . led_index = led_index ;
_led_conf . devices [ instance ] . red = red ;
_led_conf . devices [ instance ] . green = green ;
_led_conf . devices [ instance ] . blue = blue ;
if ( instance = = _led_conf . devices_count ) {
_led_conf . devices_count + + ;
return true ;
// buzzer send
void AP_UAVCAN : : buzzer_send ( )
uavcan : : equipment : : indication : : BeepCommand msg ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _buzzer . sem ) ;
uint8_t mask = ( 1U < < _driver_index ) ;
if ( ( _buzzer . pending_mask & mask ) = = 0 ) {
return ;
_buzzer . pending_mask & = ~ mask ;
msg . frequency = _buzzer . frequency ;
msg . duration = _buzzer . duration ;
buzzer [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( msg ) ;
// buzzer support
void AP_UAVCAN : : set_buzzer_tone ( float frequency , float duration_s )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _buzzer . sem ) ;
_buzzer . frequency = frequency ;
_buzzer . duration = duration_s ;
_buzzer . pending_mask = 0xFF ;
// notify state send
void AP_UAVCAN : : notify_state_send ( )
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : native_millis ( ) ;
if ( _notify_state_hz = = 0 | | ( now - _last_notify_state_ms ) < uint32_t ( 1000 / _notify_state_hz ) ) {
return ;
ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState msg ;
msg . vehicle_state = 0 ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . initialising ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_INITIALISING ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . armed ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_ARMED ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . flying ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_FLYING ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . compass_cal_running ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_MAGCAL_RUN ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . ekf_bad ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_EKF_BAD ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . esc_calibration ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_ESC_CALIBRATION ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_battery ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_FAILSAFE_BATT ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_gcs ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_FAILSAFE_GCS ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_radio ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_FAILSAFE_RADIO ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . firmware_update ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_FW_UPDATE ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . gps_fusion ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_GPS_FUSION ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . gps_glitching ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_GPS_GLITCH ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . have_pos_abs ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_POS_ABS_AVAIL ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . leak_detected ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_LEAK_DET ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . parachute_release ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_CHUTE_RELEASED ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . powering_off ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_POWERING_OFF ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . pre_arm_check ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_PREARM ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . pre_arm_gps_check ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_PREARM_GPS ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . save_trim ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_SAVE_TRIM ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . vehicle_lost ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_LOST ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . video_recording ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_VIDEO_RECORDING ;
if ( AP_Notify : : flags . waiting_for_throw ) {
msg . vehicle_state | = 1 < < ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_STATE_THROW_READY ;
msg . aux_data_type = ardupilot : : indication : : NotifyState : : VEHICLE_YAW_EARTH_CENTIDEGREES ;
uint16_t yaw_cd = ( uint16_t ) ( 360.0f - degrees ( AP : : ahrs ( ) . get_yaw ( ) ) ) * 100.0f ;
const uint8_t * data = ( uint8_t * ) & yaw_cd ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + ) {
msg . aux_data . push_back ( data [ i ] ) ;
notify_state [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( msg ) ;
_last_notify_state_ms = AP_HAL : : native_millis ( ) ;
void AP_UAVCAN : : rtcm_stream_send ( )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _rtcm_stream . sem ) ;
if ( _rtcm_stream . buf = = nullptr | |
_rtcm_stream . buf - > available ( ) = = 0 ) {
// nothing to send
return ;
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : native_millis ( ) ;
if ( now - _rtcm_stream . last_send_ms < 20 ) {
// don't send more than 50 per second
return ;
_rtcm_stream . last_send_ms = now ;
uavcan : : equipment : : gnss : : RTCMStream msg ;
uint32_t len = _rtcm_stream . buf - > available ( ) ;
if ( len > 128 ) {
len = 128 ;
msg . protocol_id = uavcan : : equipment : : gnss : : RTCMStream : : PROTOCOL_ID_RTCM3 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
uint8_t b ;
if ( ! _rtcm_stream . buf - > read_byte ( & b ) ) {
return ;
msg . data . push_back ( b ) ;
rtcm_stream [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( msg ) ;
// SafetyState send
void AP_UAVCAN : : safety_state_send ( )
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : native_millis ( ) ;
if ( now - _last_safety_state_ms < 500 ) {
// update at 2Hz
return ;
_last_safety_state_ms = now ;
{ // handle SafetyState
ardupilot : : indication : : SafetyState safety_msg ;
switch ( hal . util - > safety_switch_state ( ) ) {
case AP_HAL : : Util : : SAFETY_ARMED :
safety_msg . status = ardupilot : : indication : : SafetyState : : STATUS_SAFETY_OFF ;
break ;
case AP_HAL : : Util : : SAFETY_DISARMED :
safety_msg . status = ardupilot : : indication : : SafetyState : : STATUS_SAFETY_ON ;
break ;
default :
// nothing to send
break ;
safety_state [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( safety_msg ) ;
{ // handle ArmingStatus
uavcan : : equipment : : safety : : ArmingStatus arming_msg ;
arming_msg . status = hal . util - > get_soft_armed ( ) ? uavcan : : equipment : : safety : : ArmingStatus : : STATUS_FULLY_ARMED :
uavcan : : equipment : : safety : : ArmingStatus : : STATUS_DISARMED ;
arming_status [ _driver_index ] - > broadcast ( arming_msg ) ;
send RTCMStream packet on all active UAVCAN drivers
void AP_UAVCAN : : send_RTCMStream ( const uint8_t * data , uint32_t len )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _rtcm_stream . sem ) ;
if ( _rtcm_stream . buf = = nullptr ) {
// give enough space for a full round from a NTRIP server with all
// constellations
_rtcm_stream . buf = new ByteBuffer ( 2400 ) ;
if ( _rtcm_stream . buf = = nullptr ) {
return ;
_rtcm_stream . buf - > write ( data , len ) ;
handle Button message
void AP_UAVCAN : : handle_button ( AP_UAVCAN * ap_uavcan , uint8_t node_id , const ButtonCb & cb )
switch ( cb . msg - > button ) {
case ardupilot : : indication : : Button : : BUTTON_SAFETY : {
AP_BoardConfig * brdconfig = AP_BoardConfig : : get_singleton ( ) ;
if ( brdconfig & & brdconfig - > safety_button_handle_pressed ( cb . msg - > press_time ) ) {
AP_HAL : : Util : : safety_state state = hal . util - > safety_switch_state ( ) ;
if ( state = = AP_HAL : : Util : : SAFETY_ARMED ) {
hal . rcout - > force_safety_on ( ) ;
} else {
hal . rcout - > force_safety_off ( ) ;
break ;
handle traffic report
void AP_UAVCAN : : handle_traffic_report ( AP_UAVCAN * ap_uavcan , uint8_t node_id , const TrafficReportCb & cb )
AP_ADSB * adsb = AP : : ADSB ( ) ;
if ( ! adsb | | ! adsb - > enabled ( ) ) {
// ADSB not enabled
return ;
const ardupilot : : equipment : : trafficmonitor : : TrafficReport & msg = cb . msg [ 0 ] ;
AP_ADSB : : adsb_vehicle_t vehicle ;
mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t & pkt = vehicle . info ;
pkt . ICAO_address = msg . icao_address ;
pkt . tslc = msg . tslc ;
pkt . lat = msg . latitude_deg_1e7 ;
pkt . lon = msg . longitude_deg_1e7 ;
pkt . altitude = msg . alt_m * 1000 ;
pkt . heading = degrees ( msg . heading ) * 100 ;
pkt . hor_velocity = norm ( msg . velocity [ 0 ] , msg . velocity [ 1 ] ) * 100 ;
pkt . ver_velocity = - msg . velocity [ 2 ] * 100 ;
pkt . squawk = msg . squawk ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i + + ) {
pkt . callsign [ i ] = msg . callsign [ i ] ;
pkt . emitter_type = msg . traffic_type ;
if ( msg . alt_type = = ardupilot : : equipment : : trafficmonitor : : TrafficReport : : ALT_TYPE_PRESSURE_AMSL ) {
pkt . altitude_type = ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE_PRESSURE_QNH ;
} else if ( msg . alt_type = = ardupilot : : equipment : : trafficmonitor : : TrafficReport : : ALT_TYPE_WGS84 ) {
pkt . altitude_type = ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE_GEOMETRIC ;
if ( msg . lat_lon_valid ) {
pkt . flags | = ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_COORDS ;
if ( msg . heading_valid ) {
pkt . flags | = ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_HEADING ;
if ( msg . velocity_valid ) {
if ( msg . callsign_valid ) {
if ( msg . ident_valid ) {
pkt . flags | = ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_SQUAWK ;
if ( msg . simulated_report ) {
pkt . flags | = ADSB_FLAGS_SIMULATED ;
if ( msg . vertical_velocity_valid ) {
if ( msg . baro_valid ) {
pkt . flags | = ADSB_FLAGS_BARO_VALID ;
vehicle . last_update_ms = AP_HAL : : native_millis ( ) - ( vehicle . info . tslc * 1000 ) ;
adsb - > handle_adsb_vehicle ( vehicle ) ;
# endif
handle actuator status message
void AP_UAVCAN : : handle_actuator_status ( AP_UAVCAN * ap_uavcan , uint8_t node_id , const ActuatorStatusCb & cb )
// log as CSRV message
AP : : logger ( ) . Write_ServoStatus ( AP_HAL : : native_micros64 ( ) ,
cb . msg - > actuator_id ,
cb . msg - > position ,
cb . msg - > force ,
cb . msg - > speed ,
cb . msg - > power_rating_pct ) ;
handle ESC status message
void AP_UAVCAN : : handle_ESC_status ( AP_UAVCAN * ap_uavcan , uint8_t node_id , const ESCStatusCb & cb )
AP_UAVCAN: added CAN_Dx_UC_ESC_OF parameter
this allows for an offset in ESC numbering for much more efficient CAN
bandwidth usage.
For example, on a coaxial OctoQuad quadplane the ESCs are typically
setup as outputs 5 to 12. An ideal setup is to split these over 2 CAN
buses, with one CAN bus for the top layer and the one bus for the
bottom layer (allowing for VTOL flight with one bus failed).
Without this offset parameter you would be sending RawCommand messages
like this:
bus1: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
this is very wasteful of bus bandwidth, with bus1 using 3x the
bandwidth it should and bus2 using 4x the bandwidth it should (the
above will take 3 can frames for bus1, and 4 can frames for bus 2)
With this patch you can set:
and you will get this on the bus:
bus1: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
bus2: [ ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4 ]
that takes just 1 can frame per send on each bus
3 years ago
const uint8_t esc_offset = constrain_int16 ( ap_uavcan - > _esc_offset . get ( ) , 0 , UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER ) ;
const uint8_t esc_index = cb . msg - > esc_index + esc_offset ;
if ( ! is_esc_data_index_valid ( esc_index ) ) {
return ;
TelemetryData t {
. temperature_cdeg = int16_t ( ( KELVIN_TO_C ( cb . msg - > temperature ) ) * 100 ) ,
. voltage = cb . msg - > voltage ,
. current = cb . msg - > current ,
} ;
ap_uavcan - > update_rpm ( esc_index , cb . msg - > rpm ) ;
ap_uavcan - > update_telem_data ( esc_index , t ,
AP_ESC_Telem_Backend : : TelemetryType : : CURRENT
| AP_ESC_Telem_Backend : : TelemetryType : : VOLTAGE
| AP_ESC_Telem_Backend : : TelemetryType : : TEMPERATURE ) ;
# endif
bool AP_UAVCAN : : is_esc_data_index_valid ( const uint8_t index ) {
if ( index > UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER ) {
// printf("UAVCAN: invalid esc index: %d. max index allowed: %d\n\r", index, UAVCAN_SRV_NUMBER);
return false ;
return true ;
handle LogMessage debug
void AP_UAVCAN : : handle_debug ( AP_UAVCAN * ap_uavcan , uint8_t node_id , const DebugCb & cb )
const auto & msg = * cb . msg ;
if ( AP : : can ( ) . get_log_level ( ) ! = AP_CANManager : : LOG_NONE ) {
// log to onboard log and mavlink
GCS_SEND_TEXT ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " CAN[%u] %s " , node_id , msg . text . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else {
// only log to onboard log
AP : : logger ( ) . Write_MessageF ( " CAN[%u] %s " , node_id , msg . text . c_str ( ) ) ;
# endif
void AP_UAVCAN : : send_parameter_request ( )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _param_sem ) ;
if ( param_request_sent ) {
return ;
param_get_set_client [ _driver_index ] - > call ( param_request_node_id , param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] ) ;
param_request_sent = true ;
bool AP_UAVCAN : : set_parameter_on_node ( uint8_t node_id , const char * name , float value , ParamGetSetFloatCb * cb )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _param_sem ) ;
if ( param_int_cb ! = nullptr | |
param_float_cb ! = nullptr ) {
return false ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . index = 0 ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . name = name ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : real_value > ( ) = value ;
param_float_cb = cb ;
param_request_sent = false ;
param_request_node_id = node_id ;
return true ;
bool AP_UAVCAN : : set_parameter_on_node ( uint8_t node_id , const char * name , int32_t value , ParamGetSetIntCb * cb )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _param_sem ) ;
if ( param_int_cb ! = nullptr | |
param_float_cb ! = nullptr ) {
return false ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . index = 0 ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . name = name ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : integer_value > ( ) = value ;
param_int_cb = cb ;
param_request_sent = false ;
param_request_node_id = node_id ;
return true ;
bool AP_UAVCAN : : get_parameter_on_node ( uint8_t node_id , const char * name , ParamGetSetFloatCb * cb )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _param_sem ) ;
if ( param_int_cb ! = nullptr | |
param_float_cb ! = nullptr ) {
return false ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . index = 0 ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . name = name ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : empty > ( ) ;
param_float_cb = cb ;
param_request_sent = false ;
param_request_node_id = node_id ;
return true ;
bool AP_UAVCAN : : get_parameter_on_node ( uint8_t node_id , const char * name , ParamGetSetIntCb * cb )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _param_sem ) ;
if ( param_int_cb ! = nullptr | |
param_float_cb ! = nullptr ) {
return false ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . index = 0 ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . name = name ;
param_getset_req [ _driver_index ] . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : empty > ( ) ;
param_int_cb = cb ;
param_request_sent = false ;
param_request_node_id = node_id ;
return true ;
void AP_UAVCAN : : handle_param_get_set_response ( AP_UAVCAN * ap_uavcan , uint8_t node_id , const ParamGetSetCb & cb )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( ap_uavcan - > _param_sem ) ;
if ( ! ap_uavcan - > param_int_cb & &
! ap_uavcan - > param_float_cb ) {
return ;
uavcan : : protocol : : param : : GetSet : : Response rsp = cb . rsp - > getResponse ( ) ;
if ( rsp . value . is ( uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : integer_value ) & & ap_uavcan - > param_int_cb ) {
int32_t val = rsp . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : integer_value > ( ) ;
if ( ( * ap_uavcan - > param_int_cb ) ( ap_uavcan , node_id , rsp . name . c_str ( ) , val ) ) {
// we want the parameter to be set with val
param_getset_req [ ap_uavcan - > _driver_index ] . index = 0 ;
param_getset_req [ ap_uavcan - > _driver_index ] . name = rsp . name ;
param_getset_req [ ap_uavcan - > _driver_index ] . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : integer_value > ( ) = val ;
ap_uavcan - > param_int_cb = ap_uavcan - > param_int_cb ;
ap_uavcan - > param_request_sent = false ;
ap_uavcan - > param_request_node_id = node_id ;
return ;
} else if ( rsp . value . is ( uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : real_value ) & & ap_uavcan - > param_float_cb ) {
float val = rsp . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : real_value > ( ) ;
if ( ( * ap_uavcan - > param_float_cb ) ( ap_uavcan , node_id , rsp . name . c_str ( ) , val ) ) {
// we want the parameter to be set with val
param_getset_req [ ap_uavcan - > _driver_index ] . index = 0 ;
param_getset_req [ ap_uavcan - > _driver_index ] . name = rsp . name ;
param_getset_req [ ap_uavcan - > _driver_index ] . value . to < uavcan : : protocol : : param : : Value : : Tag : : real_value > ( ) = val ;
ap_uavcan - > param_float_cb = ap_uavcan - > param_float_cb ;
ap_uavcan - > param_request_sent = false ;
ap_uavcan - > param_request_node_id = node_id ;
return ;
ap_uavcan - > param_int_cb = nullptr ;
ap_uavcan - > param_float_cb = nullptr ;
void AP_UAVCAN : : send_parameter_save_request ( )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _param_save_sem ) ;
if ( param_save_request_sent ) {
return ;
param_execute_opcode_client [ _driver_index ] - > call ( param_save_request_node_id , param_save_req [ _driver_index ] ) ;
param_save_request_sent = true ;
bool AP_UAVCAN : : save_parameters_on_node ( uint8_t node_id , ParamSaveCb * cb )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _param_save_sem ) ;
if ( save_param_cb ! = nullptr ) {
return false ;
param_save_req [ _driver_index ] . opcode = uavcan : : protocol : : param : : ExecuteOpcode : : Request : : OPCODE_SAVE ;
param_save_request_sent = false ;
param_save_request_node_id = node_id ;
save_param_cb = cb ;
return true ;
// handle parameter save request response
void AP_UAVCAN : : handle_param_save_response ( AP_UAVCAN * ap_uavcan , uint8_t node_id , const ParamExecuteOpcodeCb & cb )
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( ap_uavcan - > _param_save_sem ) ;
if ( ! ap_uavcan - > save_param_cb ) {
return ;
uavcan : : protocol : : param : : ExecuteOpcode : : Response rsp = cb . rsp - > getResponse ( ) ;
( * ap_uavcan - > save_param_cb ) ( ap_uavcan , node_id , rsp . ok ) ;
ap_uavcan - > save_param_cb = nullptr ;
// Send Reboot command
// Note: Do not call this from outside UAVCAN thread context,
void AP_UAVCAN : : send_reboot_request ( uint8_t node_id )
if ( _node = = nullptr ) {
return ;
uavcan : : protocol : : RestartNode : : Request request ;
request . magic_number = uavcan : : protocol : : RestartNode : : Request : : MAGIC_NUMBER ;
uavcan : : ServiceClient < uavcan : : protocol : : RestartNode > client ( * _node ) ;
client . setCallback ( [ ] ( const uavcan : : ServiceCallResult < uavcan : : protocol : : RestartNode > & call_result ) { } ) ;
client . call ( node_id , request ) ;
// check if a option is set and if it is then reset it to 0.
// return true if it was set
bool AP_UAVCAN : : check_and_reset_option ( Options option )
bool ret = option_is_set ( option ) ;
if ( ret ) {
_options . set_and_save ( int16_t ( _options . get ( ) & ~ uint16_t ( option ) ) ) ;
return ret ;