# include "AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough.h"
# include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
# include <AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.h>
# include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
# include <AP_HAL/utility/RingBuffer.h>
# include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h>
# include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h>
# include <AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.h>
# include <AP_RPM/AP_RPM.h>
# include <AP_Terrain/AP_Terrain.h>
# include <AC_Fence/AC_Fence.h>
# include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
# include <AP_WindVane/AP_WindVane.h>
# endif
# include "AP_Frsky_MAVlite.h"
# include "AP_Frsky_Parameters.h"
for FrSky SPort Passthrough
// data bits preparation
// for parameter data
# define PARAM_ID_OFFSET 24
// for gps status data
# define GPS_SATS_LIMIT 0xF
# define GPS_STATUS_LIMIT 0x3
# define GPS_HDOP_OFFSET 6
// for battery data
// for autopilot status data
# define AP_ARMED_OFFSET 8
# define AP_BATT_FS_OFFSET 9
# define AP_EKF_FS_OFFSET 10
# define AP_FS_OFFSET 12
# define AP_IMU_TEMP_MIN 19.0f
# define AP_IMU_TEMP_MAX 82.0f
# define AP_IMU_TEMP_OFFSET 26
// for home position related data
# define HOME_ALT_OFFSET 12
// for velocity and yaw data
// for attitude (roll, pitch) and range data
// for terrain data
// for wind data
# define WIND_ANGLE_LIMIT 0x7F
extern const AP_HAL : : HAL & hal ;
AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough * AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : singleton ;
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : init ( )
if ( ! AP_RCTelemetry : : init ( ) ) {
return false ;
return AP_Frsky_SPort : : init ( ) ;
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : init_serial_port ( )
if ( _use_external_data ) {
return true ;
return AP_Frsky_SPort : : init_serial_port ( ) ;
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : send_sport_frame ( uint8_t frame , uint16_t appid , uint32_t data )
if ( _use_external_data ) {
external_data . packet . frame = frame ;
external_data . packet . appid = appid ;
external_data . packet . data = data ;
external_data . pending = true ;
return ;
return AP_Frsky_SPort : : send_sport_frame ( frame , appid , data ) ;
setup ready for passthrough telem
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : setup_wfq_scheduler ( void )
// initialize packet weights for the WFQ scheduler
// priority[i] = 1/_scheduler.packet_weight[i]
// rate[i] = LinkRate * ( priority[i] / (sum(priority[1-n])) )
set_scheduler_entry ( TEXT , 35 , 28 ) ; // 0x5000 status text (dynamic)
set_scheduler_entry ( ATTITUDE , 50 , 38 ) ; // 0x5006 Attitude and range (dynamic)
set_scheduler_entry ( GPS_LAT , 550 , 280 ) ; // 0x800 GPS lat
set_scheduler_entry ( GPS_LON , 550 , 280 ) ; // 0x800 GPS lon
set_scheduler_entry ( VEL_YAW , 400 , 250 ) ; // 0x5005 Vel and Yaw
set_scheduler_entry ( AP_STATUS , 700 , 500 ) ; // 0x5001 AP status
set_scheduler_entry ( GPS_STATUS , 700 , 500 ) ; // 0x5002 GPS status
set_scheduler_entry ( HOME , 400 , 500 ) ; // 0x5004 Home
set_scheduler_entry ( BATT_2 , 1300 , 500 ) ; // 0x5008 Battery 2 status
set_scheduler_entry ( BATT_1 , 1300 , 500 ) ; // 0x5003 Battery 1 status
set_scheduler_entry ( PARAM , 1700 , 1000 ) ; // 0x5007 parameters
set_scheduler_entry ( RPM , 300 , 330 ) ; // 0x500A rpm sensors 1 and 2
set_scheduler_entry ( TERRAIN , 700 , 500 ) ; // 0x500B terrain data
set_scheduler_entry ( WIND , 700 , 500 ) ; // 0x500C wind data
set_scheduler_entry ( UDATA , 5000 , 200 ) ; // user data
// initialize default sport sensor ID
set_sensor_id ( _frsky_parameters - > _dnlink_id , downlink_sensor_id ) ;
set_scheduler_entry ( MAV , 35 , 25 ) ; // mavlite
// initialize sport sensor IDs
set_sensor_id ( _frsky_parameters - > _uplink_id , _SPort_bidir . uplink_sensor_id ) ;
set_sensor_id ( _frsky_parameters - > _dnlink1_id , _SPort_bidir . downlink1_sensor_id ) ;
set_sensor_id ( _frsky_parameters - > _dnlink2_id , _SPort_bidir . downlink2_sensor_id ) ;
// initialize sport
hal . scheduler - > register_io_process ( FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER ( & AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : process_rx_queue , void ) ) ;
dynamically change scheduler priorities based on queue sizes
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : adjust_packet_weight ( bool queue_empty )
When queues are empty set a low priority ( high weight ) , when queues
are not empty set a higher priority ( low weight ) based on the following
relative priority order : mavlite > status text > attitude .
if ( ! _SPort_bidir . tx_packet_queue . is_empty ( ) ) {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ MAV ] = 30 ; // mavlite
if ( ! queue_empty ) {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ TEXT ] = 45 ; // messages
_scheduler . packet_weight [ ATTITUDE ] = 80 ; // attitude
} else {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ TEXT ] = 5000 ; // messages
_scheduler . packet_weight [ ATTITUDE ] = 80 ; // attitude
} else {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ MAV ] = 5000 ; // mavlite
if ( ! queue_empty ) {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ TEXT ] = 45 ; // messages
_scheduler . packet_weight [ ATTITUDE ] = 80 ; // attitude
} else {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ TEXT ] = 5000 ; // messages
_scheduler . packet_weight [ ATTITUDE ] = 45 ; // attitude
if ( ! queue_empty ) {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ TEXT ] = 45 ; // messages
_scheduler . packet_weight [ ATTITUDE ] = 80 ; // attitude
} else {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ TEXT ] = 5000 ; // messages
_scheduler . packet_weight [ ATTITUDE ] = 45 ; // attitude
// when using fport raise user data priority if any packets are pending
if ( _use_external_data & & _sport_push_buffer . pending ) {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ UDATA ] = 250 ;
} else {
_scheduler . packet_weight [ UDATA ] = 5000 ; // user data
// WFQ scheduler
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : is_packet_ready ( uint8_t idx , bool queue_empty )
bool packet_ready = false ;
switch ( idx ) {
case TEXT :
packet_ready = ! queue_empty ;
break ;
case GPS_LAT :
case GPS_LON :
// force gps coords to use default sensor ID, always send when used with external data
packet_ready = _use_external_data | | ( _passthrough . new_byte = = downlink_sensor_id ) ;
break ;
case AP_STATUS :
packet_ready = gcs ( ) . vehicle_initialised ( ) ;
break ;
case BATT_2 :
packet_ready = AP : : battery ( ) . num_instances ( ) > 1 ;
break ;
case RPM :
packet_ready = false ;
const AP_RPM * rpm = AP : : rpm ( ) ;
if ( rpm = = nullptr ) {
break ;
packet_ready = rpm - > num_sensors ( ) > 0 ;
break ;
case TERRAIN :
packet_ready = false ;
const AP_Terrain * terrain = AP : : terrain ( ) ;
packet_ready = terrain & & terrain - > enabled ( ) ;
# endif
break ;
case WIND :
float a ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( AP : : ahrs ( ) . get_semaphore ( ) ) ;
if ( AP : : ahrs ( ) . airspeed_estimate_true ( a ) ) {
// if we have an airspeed estimate then we have a valid wind estimate
packet_ready = true ;
# else
const AP_WindVane * windvane = AP_WindVane : : get_singleton ( ) ;
packet_ready = windvane ! = nullptr & & windvane - > enabled ( ) ;
# endif
break ;
case UDATA :
// when using fport user data is sent by scheduler
// when using sport user data is sent responding to custom polling
packet_ready = _use_external_data & & _sport_push_buffer . pending ;
break ;
case MAV :
packet_ready = ! _SPort_bidir . tx_packet_queue . is_empty ( ) ;
break ;
default :
packet_ready = true ;
break ;
return packet_ready ;
* WFQ scheduler
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : process_packet ( uint8_t idx )
// send packet
switch ( idx ) {
case TEXT : // 0x5000 status text
if ( get_next_msg_chunk ( ) ) {
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID , _msg_chunk . chunk ) ;
break ;
case ATTITUDE : // 0x5006 Attitude and range
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 6 , calc_attiandrng ( ) ) ;
break ;
case GPS_LAT : // 0x800 GPS lat
// sample both lat and lon at the same time
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , GPS_LONG_LATI_FIRST_ID , calc_gps_latlng ( _passthrough . send_latitude ) ) ; // gps latitude or longitude
_passthrough . gps_lng_sample = calc_gps_latlng ( _passthrough . send_latitude ) ;
// force the scheduler to select GPS lon as packet that's been waiting the most
// this guarantees that lat and lon are sent as consecutive packets
_scheduler . packet_timer [ GPS_LON ] = _scheduler . packet_timer [ GPS_LAT ] - 10000 ;
break ;
case GPS_LON : // 0x800 GPS lon
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , GPS_LONG_LATI_FIRST_ID , _passthrough . gps_lng_sample ) ; // gps longitude
break ;
case VEL_YAW : // 0x5005 Vel and Yaw
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 5 , calc_velandyaw ( ) ) ;
break ;
case AP_STATUS : // 0x5001 AP status
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 1 , calc_ap_status ( ) ) ;
break ;
case GPS_STATUS : // 0x5002 GPS Status
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 2 , calc_gps_status ( ) ) ;
break ;
case HOME : // 0x5004 Home
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 4 , calc_home ( ) ) ;
break ;
case BATT_2 : // 0x5008 Battery 2 status
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 8 , calc_batt ( 1 ) ) ;
break ;
case BATT_1 : // 0x5003 Battery 1 status
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 3 , calc_batt ( 0 ) ) ;
break ;
case PARAM : // 0x5007 parameters
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 7 , calc_param ( ) ) ;
break ;
case RPM : // 0x500A rpm sensors 1 and 2
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 0x0A , calc_rpm ( ) ) ;
break ;
case TERRAIN : // 0x500B terrain data
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 0x0B , calc_terrain ( ) ) ;
break ;
case WIND : // 0x500C terrain data
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DATA_FRAME , DIY_FIRST_ID + 0x0C , calc_wind ( ) ) ;
break ;
case UDATA : // user data
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _sport_push_buffer . sem ) ;
if ( _use_external_data & & _sport_push_buffer . pending ) {
send_sport_frame ( _sport_push_buffer . packet . frame , _sport_push_buffer . packet . appid , _sport_push_buffer . packet . data ) ;
_sport_push_buffer . pending = false ;
break ;
case MAV : // mavlite
process_tx_queue ( ) ;
break ;
* send telemetry data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : send ( void )
const uint16_t numc = MIN ( _port - > available ( ) , 1024U ) ;
// this is the constant for hub data frame
if ( _port - > txspace ( ) < 19 ) {
return ;
// keep only the last two bytes of the data found in the serial buffer, as we shouldn't respond to old poll requests
uint8_t prev_byte = 0 ;
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < numc ; i + + ) {
prev_byte = _passthrough . new_byte ;
_passthrough . new_byte = _port - > read ( ) ;
AP_Frsky_SPort : : sport_packet_t sp ;
if ( _sport_handler . process_byte ( sp , _passthrough . new_byte ) ) {
queue_rx_packet ( sp ) ;
// check if we should respond to this polling byte
if ( prev_byte = = FRAME_HEAD ) {
if ( is_passthrough_byte ( _passthrough . new_byte ) ) {
run_wfq_scheduler ( ) ;
} else {
// respond to custom user data polling
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _sport_push_buffer . sem ) ;
if ( _sport_push_buffer . pending & & _passthrough . new_byte = = _sport_push_buffer . packet . sensor ) {
send_sport_frame ( _sport_push_buffer . packet . frame , _sport_push_buffer . packet . appid , _sport_push_buffer . packet . data ) ;
_sport_push_buffer . pending = false ;
* grabs one " chunk " ( 4 bytes ) of the queued message to be transmitted
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : get_next_msg_chunk ( void )
if ( ! _statustext . available ) {
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _statustext . sem ) ;
if ( ! _statustext . queue . pop ( _statustext . next ) ) {
return false ;
_statustext . available = true ;
if ( _msg_chunk . repeats = = 0 ) { // if it's the first time get_next_msg_chunk is called for a given chunk
uint8_t character = 0 ;
_msg_chunk . chunk = 0 ; // clear the 4 bytes of the chunk buffer
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 & & _msg_chunk . char_index < sizeof ( _statustext . next . text ) ; i + + ) {
character = _statustext . next . text [ _msg_chunk . char_index + + ] ;
if ( ! character ) {
break ;
_msg_chunk . chunk | = character < < ( 3 - i ) * 8 ;
if ( ! character | | ( _msg_chunk . char_index = = sizeof ( _statustext . next . text ) ) ) { // we've reached the end of the message (string terminated by '\0' or last character of the string has been processed)
_msg_chunk . char_index = 0 ; // reset index to get ready to process the next message
// add severity which is sent as the MSB of the last three bytes of the last chunk (bits 24, 16, and 8) since a character is on 7 bits
_msg_chunk . chunk | = ( _statustext . next . severity & 0x4 ) < < 21 ;
_msg_chunk . chunk | = ( _statustext . next . severity & 0x2 ) < < 14 ;
_msg_chunk . chunk | = ( _statustext . next . severity & 0x1 ) < < 7 ;
// repeat each message chunk 3 times to ensure transmission
// on slow links reduce the number of duplicate chunks
uint8_t extra_chunks = 2 ;
if ( _scheduler . avg_packet_rate < 20 ) {
// with 3 or more extra frsky sensors on the bus
// send messages only once
extra_chunks = 0 ;
} else if ( _scheduler . avg_packet_rate < 30 ) {
// with 1 or 2 extra frsky sensors on the bus
// send messages twice
extra_chunks = 1 ;
if ( _msg_chunk . repeats + + > extra_chunks ) {
_msg_chunk . repeats = 0 ;
if ( _msg_chunk . char_index = = 0 ) {
// we're ready for the next message
_statustext . available = false ;
return true ;
* prepare parameter data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_param ( void )
uint8_t param_id = _paramID ; //cache it because it gets changed inside the switch
uint32_t param_value = 0 ;
switch ( _paramID ) {
case NONE :
param_value = gcs ( ) . frame_type ( ) ; // see MAV_TYPE in Mavlink definition file common.h
_paramID = BATT_CAPACITY_1 ;
break ;
param_value = ( uint32_t ) roundf ( AP : : battery ( ) . pack_capacity_mah ( 0 ) ) ; // battery pack capacity in mAh
_paramID = AP : : battery ( ) . num_instances ( ) > 1 ? BATT_CAPACITY_2 : TELEMETRY_FEATURES ;
break ;
param_value = ( uint32_t ) roundf ( AP : : battery ( ) . pack_capacity_mah ( 1 ) ) ; // battery pack capacity in mAh
break ;
BIT_SET ( param_value , PassthroughFeatures : : BIDIR ) ;
# endif
BIT_SET ( param_value , PassthroughFeatures : : SCRIPTING ) ;
# endif
_paramID = FRAME_TYPE ;
break ;
//Reserve first 8 bits for param ID, use other 24 bits to store parameter value
return ( param_id < < PARAM_ID_OFFSET ) | ( param_value & PARAM_VALUE_LIMIT ) ;
* prepare gps status data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_gps_status ( void )
const AP_GPS & gps = AP : : gps ( ) ;
// number of GPS satellites visible (limit to 15 (0xF) since the value is stored on 4 bits)
uint32_t gps_status = ( gps . num_sats ( ) < GPS_SATS_LIMIT ) ? gps . num_sats ( ) : GPS_SATS_LIMIT ;
// GPS receiver status (limit to 0-3 (0x3) since the value is stored on 2 bits: NO_GPS = 0, NO_FIX = 1, GPS_OK_FIX_2D = 2, GPS_OK_FIX_3D or GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS or GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT or GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED = 3)
gps_status | = ( ( gps . status ( ) < GPS_STATUS_LIMIT ) ? gps . status ( ) : GPS_STATUS_LIMIT ) < < GPS_STATUS_OFFSET ;
// GPS horizontal dilution of precision in dm
gps_status | = prep_number ( roundf ( gps . get_hdop ( ) * 0.1f ) , 2 , 1 ) < < GPS_HDOP_OFFSET ;
// GPS receiver advanced status (0: no advanced fix, 1: GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS, 2: GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT, 3: GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED)
gps_status | = ( ( gps . status ( ) > GPS_STATUS_LIMIT ) ? gps . status ( ) - GPS_STATUS_LIMIT : 0 ) < < GPS_ADVSTATUS_OFFSET ;
// Altitude MSL in dm
const Location & loc = gps . location ( ) ;
gps_status | = prep_number ( roundf ( loc . alt * 0.1f ) , 2 , 2 ) < < GPS_ALTMSL_OFFSET ;
return gps_status ;
* prepare battery data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_batt ( uint8_t instance )
const AP_BattMonitor & _battery = AP : : battery ( ) ;
float current , consumed_mah ;
if ( ! _battery . current_amps ( current , instance ) ) {
current = 0 ;
if ( ! _battery . consumed_mah ( consumed_mah , instance ) ) {
consumed_mah = 0 ;
// battery voltage in decivolts, can have up to a 12S battery (4.25Vx12S = 51.0V)
uint32_t batt = ( ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _battery . voltage ( instance ) * 10.0f ) ) & BATT_VOLTAGE_LIMIT ) ;
// battery current draw in deciamps
batt | = prep_number ( roundf ( current * 10.0f ) , 2 , 1 ) < < BATT_CURRENT_OFFSET ;
// battery current drawn since power on in mAh (limit to 32767 (0x7FFF) since value is stored on 15 bits)
batt | = ( ( consumed_mah < BATT_TOTALMAH_LIMIT ) ? ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( consumed_mah ) & BATT_TOTALMAH_LIMIT ) : BATT_TOTALMAH_LIMIT ) < < BATT_TOTALMAH_OFFSET ;
return batt ;
* true if we need to respond to the last polling byte
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : is_passthrough_byte ( const uint8_t byte ) const
if ( byte = = _SPort_bidir . downlink1_sensor_id | | byte = = _SPort_bidir . downlink2_sensor_id ) {
return true ;
# endif
return byte = = downlink_sensor_id ;
* prepare various autopilot status data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_ap_status ( void )
// IMU temperature: offset -19, 0 means temp =< 19°, 63 means temp => 82°
uint8_t imu_temp = ( uint8_t ) roundf ( constrain_float ( AP : : ins ( ) . get_temperature ( 0 ) , AP_IMU_TEMP_MIN , AP_IMU_TEMP_MAX ) - AP_IMU_TEMP_MIN ) ;
// control/flight mode number (limit to 31 (0x1F) since the value is stored on 5 bits)
uint32_t ap_status = ( uint8_t ) ( ( gcs ( ) . custom_mode ( ) + 1 ) & AP_CONTROL_MODE_LIMIT ) ;
// simple/super simple modes flags
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( gcs ( ) . simple_input_active ( ) ) < < AP_SIMPLE_OFFSET ;
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( gcs ( ) . supersimple_input_active ( ) ) < < AP_SSIMPLE_OFFSET ;
// is_flying flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . flying ) < < AP_FLYING_OFFSET ;
// armed flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . armed ) < < AP_ARMED_OFFSET ;
// battery failsafe flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_battery ) < < AP_BATT_FS_OFFSET ;
// bad ekf flag
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . ekf_bad ) < < AP_EKF_FS_OFFSET ;
// generic failsafe
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_battery | | AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_ekf | | AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_gcs | | AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_radio ) < < AP_FS_OFFSET ;
// fence status
AC_Fence * fence = AP : : fence ( ) ;
if ( fence ! = nullptr ) {
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( fence - > enabled ( ) & & fence - > present ( ) ) < < AP_FENCE_PRESENT_OFFSET ;
ap_status | = ( uint8_t ) ( fence - > get_breaches ( ) > 0 ) < < AP_FENCE_BREACH_OFFSET ;
// signed throttle [-100,100] scaled down to [-63,63] on 7 bits, MSB for sign + 6 bits for 0-63
ap_status | = prep_number ( gcs ( ) . get_hud_throttle ( ) * 0.63 , 2 , 0 ) < < AP_THROTTLE_OFFSET ;
// IMU temperature
ap_status | = imu_temp < < AP_IMU_TEMP_OFFSET ;
return ap_status ;
* prepare home position related data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_home ( void )
uint32_t home = 0 ;
Location loc ;
Location home_loc ;
bool got_position = false ;
float _relative_home_altitude = 0 ;
AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _ahrs . get_semaphore ( ) ) ;
got_position = _ahrs . get_position ( loc ) ;
home_loc = _ahrs . get_home ( ) ;
if ( got_position ) {
// check home_loc is valid
if ( home_loc . lat ! = 0 | | home_loc . lng ! = 0 ) {
// distance between vehicle and home_loc in meters
home = prep_number ( roundf ( home_loc . get_distance ( loc ) ) , 3 , 2 ) ;
// angle from front of vehicle to the direction of home_loc in 3 degree increments (just in case, limit to 127 (0x7F) since the value is stored on 7 bits)
home | = ( ( ( uint8_t ) roundf ( loc . get_bearing_to ( home_loc ) * 0.00333f ) ) & HOME_BEARING_LIMIT ) < < HOME_BEARING_OFFSET ;
// altitude between vehicle and home_loc
_relative_home_altitude = loc . alt ;
if ( ! loc . relative_alt ) {
// loc.alt has home altitude added, remove it
_relative_home_altitude - = home_loc . alt ;
// altitude above home in decimeters
home | = prep_number ( roundf ( _relative_home_altitude * 0.1f ) , 3 , 2 ) < < HOME_ALT_OFFSET ;
return home ;
* prepare velocity and yaw data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_velandyaw ( void )
float vspd = get_vspeed_ms ( ) ;
// vertical velocity in dm/s
uint32_t velandyaw = prep_number ( roundf ( vspd * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) ;
float airspeed_m ; // m/s
float hspeed_m ; // m/s
bool airspeed_estimate_true ;
AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _ahrs . get_semaphore ( ) ) ;
hspeed_m = _ahrs . groundspeed ( ) ; // default is to use groundspeed
airspeed_estimate_true = AP : : ahrs ( ) . airspeed_estimate_true ( airspeed_m ) ;
bool option_airspeed_enabled = ( _frsky_parameters - > _options & frsky_options_e : : OPTION_AIRSPEED_AND_GROUNDSPEED ) ! = 0 ;
// airspeed estimate + airspeed option disabled (default) => send airspeed (we give priority to airspeed over groundspeed)
// airspeed estimate + airspeed option enabled => alternate airspeed/groundspeed, i.e send airspeed only when _passthrough.send_airspeed==true
if ( airspeed_estimate_true & & ( ! option_airspeed_enabled | | _passthrough . send_airspeed ) ) {
hspeed_m = airspeed_m ;
// horizontal velocity in dm/s
velandyaw | = prep_number ( roundf ( hspeed_m * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) < < VELANDYAW_XYVEL_OFFSET ;
// yaw from [0;36000] centidegrees to .2 degree increments [0;1800] (just in case, limit to 2047 (0x7FF) since the value is stored on 11 bits)
velandyaw | = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( _ahrs . yaw_sensor * 0.05f ) & VELANDYAW_YAW_LIMIT ) < < VELANDYAW_YAW_OFFSET ;
// flag the airspeed bit if required
if ( airspeed_estimate_true & & option_airspeed_enabled & & _passthrough . send_airspeed ) {
velandyaw | = 1U < < VELANDYAW_ARSPD_OFFSET ;
// toggle air/ground speed selector
_passthrough . send_airspeed = ! _passthrough . send_airspeed ;
return velandyaw ;
* prepare attitude ( roll , pitch ) and range data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_attiandrng ( void )
const RangeFinder * _rng = RangeFinder : : get_singleton ( ) ;
AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
// roll from [-18000;18000] centidegrees to unsigned .2 degree increments [0;1800] (just in case, limit to 2047 (0x7FF) since the value is stored on 11 bits)
uint32_t attiandrng = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( ( _ahrs . roll_sensor + 18000 ) * 0.05f ) & ATTIANDRNG_ROLL_LIMIT ) ;
// pitch from [-9000;9000] centidegrees to unsigned .2 degree increments [0;900] (just in case, limit to 1023 (0x3FF) since the value is stored on 10 bits)
attiandrng | = ( ( uint16_t ) roundf ( ( _ahrs . pitch_sensor + 9000 ) * 0.05f ) & ATTIANDRNG_PITCH_LIMIT ) < < ATTIANDRNG_PITCH_OFFSET ;
// rangefinder measurement in cm
attiandrng | = prep_number ( _rng ? _rng - > distance_cm_orient ( ROTATION_PITCH_270 ) : 0 , 3 , 1 ) < < ATTIANDRNG_RNGFND_OFFSET ;
return attiandrng ;
* prepare rpm for sensors 1 and 2
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_rpm ( void )
const AP_RPM * ap_rpm = AP : : rpm ( ) ;
if ( ap_rpm = = nullptr ) {
return 0 ;
uint32_t value = 0 ;
// we send: rpm_value*0.1 as 16 bits signed
float rpm ;
// bits 0-15 for rpm 0
if ( ap_rpm - > get_rpm ( 0 , rpm ) ) {
value | = ( int16_t ) roundf ( rpm * 0.1 ) ;
// bits 16-31 for rpm 1
if ( ap_rpm - > get_rpm ( 1 , rpm ) ) {
value | = ( int16_t ) roundf ( rpm * 0.1 ) < < 16 ;
return value ;
* prepare terrain data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_terrain ( void )
uint32_t value = 0 ;
AP_Terrain * terrain = AP : : terrain ( ) ;
if ( terrain = = nullptr | | ! terrain - > enabled ( ) ) {
return value ;
float height_above_terrain ;
if ( terrain - > height_above_terrain ( height_above_terrain , true ) ) {
// vehicle height above terrain
value | = prep_number ( roundf ( height_above_terrain * 10 ) , 3 , 2 ) ;
// terrain unhealthy flag
value | = ( uint8_t ) ( terrain - > status ( ) = = AP_Terrain : : TerrainStatus : : TerrainStatusUnhealthy ) < < TERRAIN_UNHEALTHY_OFFSET ;
# endif
return value ;
* prepare wind data
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
* wind direction = 0 means North
uint32_t AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : calc_wind ( void )
Vector3f v ;
AP_AHRS & ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( ahrs . get_semaphore ( ) ) ;
v = ahrs . wind_estimate ( ) ;
// wind angle in 3 degree increments 0,360 (unsigned)
uint32_t value = prep_number ( roundf ( wrap_360 ( degrees ( atan2f ( - v . y , - v . x ) ) ) * ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) ) , 2 , 0 ) ;
// wind speed in dm/s
value | = prep_number ( roundf ( v . length ( ) * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) < < WIND_SPEED_OFFSET ;
# else
const AP_WindVane * windvane = AP_WindVane : : get_singleton ( ) ;
uint32_t value = 0 ;
if ( windvane ! = nullptr & & windvane - > enabled ( ) ) {
// true wind angle in 3 degree increments 0,360 (unsigned)
value = prep_number ( roundf ( wrap_360 ( degrees ( windvane - > get_true_wind_direction_rad ( ) ) ) * ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) ) , 2 , 0 ) ;
// true wind speed in dm/s
value | = prep_number ( roundf ( windvane - > get_true_wind_speed ( ) * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) < < WIND_SPEED_OFFSET ;
// apparent wind angle in 3 degree increments -180,180 (signed)
value | = prep_number ( roundf ( degrees ( windvane - > get_apparent_wind_direction_rad ( ) ) * ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) ) , 2 , 0 ) ;
// apparent wind speed in dm/s
value | = prep_number ( roundf ( windvane - > get_apparent_wind_speed ( ) * 10 ) , 2 , 1 ) < < WIND_APPARENT_SPEED_OFFSET ;
# endif
return value ;
fetch Sport data for an external transport , such as FPort or crossfire
Note : we need to create a packet array with unique packet types
For very big frames we might have to relax the " unique packet type per frame "
constraint in order to maximize bandwidth usage
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : get_telem_data ( sport_packet_t * packet_array , uint8_t & packet_count , const uint8_t max_size )
if ( ! _use_external_data ) {
return false ;
uint8_t idx = 0 ;
// max_size >= WFQ_LAST_ITEM
// get a packet per enabled type
if ( max_size > = WFQ_LAST_ITEM ) {
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < WFQ_LAST_ITEM ; i + + ) {
if ( process_scheduler_entry ( i ) ) {
if ( external_data . pending ) {
packet_array [ idx ] . frame = external_data . packet . frame ;
packet_array [ idx ] . appid = external_data . packet . appid ;
packet_array [ idx ] . data = external_data . packet . data ;
idx + + ;
external_data . pending = false ;
} else {
// max_size < WFQ_LAST_ITEM
// call run_wfq_scheduler(false) enough times to create a packet of up to max_size unique elements
uint32_t item_mask = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < max_size ; i + + ) {
// call the scheduler with the shaper "disabled"
const uint8_t item = run_wfq_scheduler ( false ) ;
if ( ! BIT_IS_SET ( item_mask , item ) & & external_data . pending ) {
// ok got some data, flip the bitmask bit to prevent adding the same packet type more than once
BIT_SET ( item_mask , item ) ;
packet_array [ idx ] . frame = external_data . packet . frame ;
packet_array [ idx ] . appid = external_data . packet . appid ;
packet_array [ idx ] . data = external_data . packet . data ;
idx + + ;
external_data . pending = false ;
packet_count = idx ;
return idx > 0 ;
allow external transports ( e . g . FPort ) , to supply telemetry data
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : set_telem_data ( const uint8_t frame , const uint16_t appid , const uint32_t data )
// queue only Uplink packets
if ( frame = = SPORT_UPLINK_FRAME | | frame = = SPORT_UPLINK_FRAME_RW ) {
const AP_Frsky_SPort : : sport_packet_t sp {
0x00 , // this is ignored by process_sport_rx_queue() so no need for a real sensor ID
frame ,
appid ,
} ;
_SPort_bidir . rx_packet_queue . push_force ( sp ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
* Queue uplink packets in the sport rx queue
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : queue_rx_packet ( const AP_Frsky_SPort : : sport_packet_t packet )
// queue only Uplink packets
if ( packet . sensor = = _SPort_bidir . uplink_sensor_id & & packet . frame = = SPORT_UPLINK_FRAME ) {
_SPort_bidir . rx_packet_queue . push_force ( packet ) ;
* Extract up to 1 mavlite message from the sport rx packet queue
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : process_rx_queue ( )
AP_Frsky_SPort : : sport_packet_t packet ;
uint8_t loop_count = 0 ; // prevent looping forever
while ( _SPort_bidir . rx_packet_queue . pop ( packet ) & & loop_count + + < MAVLITE_MSG_SPORT_PACKETS_COUNT ( MAVLITE_MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN ) ) {
AP_Frsky_MAVlite_Message rxmsg ;
if ( sport_to_mavlite . process ( rxmsg , packet ) ) {
mavlite . process_message ( rxmsg ) ;
break ; // process only 1 mavlite message each call
* Process the sport tx queue
* pop and send 1 sport packet
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : process_tx_queue ( )
AP_Frsky_SPort : : sport_packet_t packet ;
if ( ! _SPort_bidir . tx_packet_queue . peek ( packet ) ) {
return ;
// when using fport repeat each packet to account for
// fport packet loss (around 15%)
if ( ! _use_external_data | | _SPort_bidir . tx_packet_duplicates + + = = SPORT_TX_PACKET_DUPLICATES ) {
_SPort_bidir . tx_packet_queue . pop ( ) ;
_SPort_bidir . tx_packet_duplicates = 0 ;
send_sport_frame ( SPORT_DOWNLINK_FRAME , packet . appid , packet . data ) ;
* Utility method to apply constraints in changing sensor id values
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
void AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : set_sensor_id ( AP_Int8 param_idx , uint8_t & sensor )
int8_t idx = param_idx . get ( ) ;
if ( idx = = - 1 ) {
// disable this sensor
sensor = 0xFF ;
return ;
sensor = calc_sensor_id ( idx ) ;
* Send a mavlite message
* Message is chunked in sport packets pushed in the tx queue
* for FrSky SPort Passthrough ( OpenTX ) protocol ( X - receivers )
bool AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : send_message ( const AP_Frsky_MAVlite_Message & txmsg )
return mavlite_to_sport . process ( _SPort_bidir . tx_packet_queue , txmsg ) ;
namespace AP
AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough * frsky_passthrough_telem ( )
return AP_Frsky_SPort_Passthrough : : get_singleton ( ) ;
} ;