38 lines
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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#include "Copter.h"
// Run landing gear controller at 10Hz
void Copter::landinggear_update(){
// If landing gear control is active, run update function.
if (check_if_auxsw_mode_used(AUXSW_LANDING_GEAR)){
// last status (deployed or retracted) used to check for changes
static bool last_deploy_status;
// if we are doing an automatic landing procedure, force the landing gear to deploy.
// To-Do: should we pause the auto-land procedure to give time for gear to come down?
if (control_mode == LAND ||
(control_mode==RTL && (rtl_state == RTL_LoiterAtHome || rtl_state == RTL_Land || rtl_state == RTL_FinalDescent)) ||
(control_mode == AUTO && auto_mode == Auto_Land) ||
(control_mode == AUTO && auto_mode == Auto_RTL && (rtl_state == RTL_LoiterAtHome || rtl_state == RTL_Land || rtl_state == RTL_FinalDescent))) {
// send event message to datalog if status has changed
if (landinggear.deployed() != last_deploy_status){
if (landinggear.deployed()) {
} else {
last_deploy_status = landinggear.deployed();