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#pragma once
#include "defines.h"
#include "AP_Arming.h"
#include <AP_ServoRelayEvents/AP_ServoRelayEvents.h>
class AP_MotorsUGV {
// Constructor
AP_MotorsUGV(AP_ServoRelayEvents &relayEvents);
enum pwm_type {
// initialise motors
void init();
// setup output in case of main CPU failure
void setup_safety_output();
void setup_servo_output();
// set steering as a value from -4500 to +4500
float get_steering() const { return _steering; }
void set_steering(float steering) { _steering = steering; }
// get or set throttle as a value from 0 to 100
float get_throttle() const { return _throttle; }
void set_throttle(float throttle) { _throttle = throttle; }
// true if vehicle is capable of skid steering
bool have_skid_steering() const;
// output to motors and steering servos
void output(bool armed, float dt);
// set when to use slew rate limiter
void slew_limit_throttle(bool value) { _use_slew_rate = value; }
// var_info for holding Parameter information
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// setup pwm output type
void setup_pwm_type();
// output to regular steering and throttle channels
void output_regular(bool armed, float steering, float throttle);
// output to skid steering channels
void output_skid_steering(bool armed, float steering, float throttle);
// slew limit throttle for one iteration
void slew_limit_throttle(float dt);
// external references
AP_ServoRelayEvents &_relayEvents;
// parameters
AP_Int8 _pwm_type; // PWM output type
AP_Int8 _pwm_freq; // PWM output freq for brushed motors
AP_Int8 _disarm_disable_pwm; // disable PWM output while disarmed
AP_Int8 _slew_rate; // slew rate expressed as a percentage / second
// internal variables
float _steering; // requested steering as a value from -4500 to +4500
float _throttle; // requested throttle as a value from 0 to 100
float _last_throttle;
bool _use_slew_rate; // true if we should slew limit the throttle for one interation