#!/usr/bin/env python
# APM automatic test suite
# Andrew Tridgell, October 2011
import pexpect, os, sys, shutil, atexit
import optparse, fnmatch, time, glob, traceback, signal
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'pysim'))
import util
os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1'
os.putenv('TMPDIR', util.reltopdir('tmp'))
def get_default_params(atype):
'''get default parameters'''
sil = util.start_SIL(atype, wipe=True)
mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL(atype)
print("Dumping defaults")
idx = mavproxy.expect(['Please Run Setup', 'Saved [0-9]+ parameters to (\S+)'])
if idx == 0:
# we need to restart it after eeprom erase
sil = util.start_SIL(atype)
mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL(atype)
idx = mavproxy.expect('Saved [0-9]+ parameters to (\S+)')
parmfile = mavproxy.match.group(1)
dest = 'buildlogs/%s-defaults.parm' % atype
shutil.copy(parmfile, dest)
print("Saved defaults for %s to %s" % (atype, dest))
return True
def build_all():
'''run the build_all.sh script'''
print("Running build_all.sh")
if util.run_cmd(util.reltopdir('Tools/scripts/build_all.sh'), dir=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0:
print("Failed build_all.sh")
return False
return True
def build_binaries():
'''run the build_binaries.sh script'''
print("Running build_binaries.sh")
import shutil
# copy the script as it changes git branch, which can change the script while running
shutil.copyfile(orig, copy)
shutil.copymode(orig, copy)
if util.run_cmd(copy, dir=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0:
print("Failed build_binaries.sh")
return False
return True
def build_devrelease():
'''run the build_devrelease.sh script'''
print("Running build_devrelease.sh")
import shutil
# copy the script as it changes git branch, which can change the script while running
shutil.copyfile(orig, copy)
shutil.copymode(orig, copy)
if util.run_cmd(copy, dir=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0:
print("Failed build_devrelease.sh")
return False
return True
def build_examples():
'''run the build_examples.sh script'''
print("Running build_examples.sh")
if util.run_cmd(util.reltopdir('Tools/scripts/build_examples.sh'), dir=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0:
print("Failed build_examples.sh")
return False
return True
def build_parameters():
'''run the param_parse.py script'''
print("Running param_parse.py")
if util.run_cmd(util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/param_metadata/param_parse.py'), dir=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0:
print("Failed param_parse.py")
return False
return True
def convert_gpx():
'''convert any tlog files to GPX and KML'''
import glob
mavlog = glob.glob("buildlogs/*.tlog")
for m in mavlog:
util.run_cmd(util.reltopdir("../mavlink/pymavlink/tools/mavtogpx.py") + " --nofixcheck " + m)
gpx = m + '.gpx'
kml = m + '.kml'
util.run_cmd('gpsbabel -i gpx -f %s -o kml,units=m,floating=1,extrude=1 -F %s' % (gpx, kml), checkfail=False)
util.run_cmd('zip %s.kmz %s.kml' % (m, m), checkfail=False)
util.run_cmd("mavflightview.py --imagefile=%s.png %s" % (m,m))
return True
def test_prerequisites():
'''check we have the right directories and tools to run tests'''
print("Testing prerequisites")
return True
def alarm_handler(signum, frame):
'''handle test timeout'''
global results, opts
results.add('TIMEOUT', '<span class="failed-text">FAILED</span>', opts.timeout)
os.killpg(0, signal.SIGKILL)
except Exception:
############## main program #############
parser = optparse.OptionParser("autotest")
parser.add_option("--skip", type='string', default='', help='list of steps to skip (comma separated)')
parser.add_option("--list", action='store_true', default=False, help='list the available steps')
parser.add_option("--viewerip", default=None, help='IP address to send MAVLink and fg packets to')
parser.add_option("--map", action='store_true', default=False, help='show map')
parser.add_option("--experimental", default=False, action='store_true', help='enable experimental tests')
parser.add_option("--timeout", default=3000, type='int', help='maximum runtime in seconds')
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
import arducopter, arduplane, apmrover2
steps = [
skipsteps = opts.skip.split(',')
# ensure we catch timeouts
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
if opts.list:
for step in steps:
def skip_step(step):
'''see if a step should be skipped'''
for skip in skipsteps:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(step.lower(), skip.lower()):
return True
return False
def run_step(step):
'''run one step'''
# remove old logs
util.run_cmd('/bin/rm -f logs/*.BIN logs/LASTLOG.TXT')
if step == "prerequisites":
return test_prerequisites()
if step == 'build.ArduPlane':
return util.build_SIL('ArduPlane')
if step == 'build.APMrover2':
return util.build_SIL('APMrover2')
if step == 'build.ArduCopter':
return util.build_SIL('ArduCopter')
if step == 'build2560.ArduPlane':
return util.build_AVR('ArduPlane', board='mega2560')
if step == 'build2560.APMrover2':
return util.build_AVR('APMrover2', board='mega2560')
if step == 'defaults.ArduPlane':
return get_default_params('ArduPlane')
if step == 'defaults.ArduCopter':
return get_default_params('ArduCopter')
if step == 'defaults.APMrover2':
return get_default_params('APMrover2')
if step == 'fly.ArduCopter':
return arducopter.fly_ArduCopter(viewerip=opts.viewerip, map=opts.map)
if step == 'fly.CopterAVC':
return arducopter.fly_CopterAVC(viewerip=opts.viewerip, map=opts.map)
if step == 'fly.ArduPlane':
return arduplane.fly_ArduPlane(viewerip=opts.viewerip, map=opts.map)
if step == 'drive.APMrover2':
return apmrover2.drive_APMrover2(viewerip=opts.viewerip, map=opts.map)
if step == 'build.All':
return build_all()
if step == 'build.Binaries':
return build_binaries()
if step == 'build.DevRelease':
return build_devrelease()
if step == 'build.Examples':
return build_examples()
if step == 'build.Parameters':
return build_parameters()
if step == 'convertgpx':
return convert_gpx()
raise RuntimeError("Unknown step %s" % step)
class TestResult(object):
'''test result class'''
def __init__(self, name, result, elapsed):
self.name = name
self.result = result
self.elapsed = "%.1f" % elapsed
class TestFile(object):
'''test result file'''
def __init__(self, name, fname):
self.name = name
self.fname = fname
class TestResults(object):
'''test results class'''
def __init__(self):
self.date = time.asctime()
self.githash = util.run_cmd('git rev-parse HEAD', output=True, dir=util.reltopdir('.')).strip()
self.tests = []
self.files = []
self.images = []
def add(self, name, result, elapsed):
'''add a result'''
self.tests.append(TestResult(name, result, elapsed))
def addfile(self, name, fname):
'''add a result file'''
self.files.append(TestFile(name, fname))
def addimage(self, name, fname):
'''add a result image'''
self.images.append(TestFile(name, fname))
def addglob(self, name, pattern):
'''add a set of files'''
import glob
for f in glob.glob('buildlogs/%s' % pattern):
self.addfile(name, os.path.basename(f))
def addglobimage(self, name, pattern):
'''add a set of images'''
import glob
for f in glob.glob('buildlogs/%s' % pattern):
self.addimage(name, os.path.basename(f))
def write_webresults(results):
'''write webpage results'''
from pymavlink.generator import mavtemplate
t = mavtemplate.MAVTemplate()
for h in glob.glob(util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/web/*.html')):
html = util.loadfile(h)
f = open("buildlogs/%s" % os.path.basename(h), mode='w')
t.write(f, html, results)
for f in glob.glob(util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/web/*.png')):
shutil.copy(f, 'buildlogs/%s' % os.path.basename(f))
def write_fullresults():
'''write out full results set'''
global results
results.addglob("Google Earth track", '*.kmz')
results.addfile('Full Logs', 'autotest-output.txt')
results.addglob('DataFlash Log', '*-log.bin')
results.addglob("MAVLink log", '*.tlog')
results.addglob("GPX track", '*.gpx')
results.addfile('ArduPlane build log', 'ArduPlane.txt')
results.addfile('ArduPlane code size', 'ArduPlane.sizes.txt')
results.addfile('ArduPlane stack sizes', 'ArduPlane.framesizes.txt')
results.addfile('ArduPlane defaults', 'ArduPlane-defaults.parm')
results.addglob("ArduPlane log", 'ArduPlane-*.BIN')
results.addglob("ArduPlane core", 'ArduPlane.core')
results.addglob("ArduPlane ELF", 'ArduPlane.elf')
results.addfile('ArduCopter build log', 'ArduCopter.txt')
results.addfile('ArduCopter code size', 'ArduCopter.sizes.txt')
results.addfile('ArduCopter stack sizes', 'ArduCopter.framesizes.txt')
results.addfile('ArduCopter defaults', 'ArduCopter-defaults.parm')
results.addglob("ArduCopter log", 'ArduCopter-*.BIN')
results.addglob("ArduCopter core", 'ArduCopter.core')
results.addglob("ArduCopter elf", 'ArduCopter.elf')
results.addglob("CopterAVC log", 'CopterAVC-*.BIN')
results.addglob("CopterAVC core", 'CopterAVC.core')
results.addfile('APMrover2 build log', 'APMrover2.txt')
results.addfile('APMrover2 code size', 'APMrover2.sizes.txt')
results.addfile('APMrover2 stack sizes', 'APMrover2.framesizes.txt')
results.addfile('APMrover2 defaults', 'APMrover2-defaults.parm')
results.addglob("APMrover2 log", 'APMrover2-*.BIN')
results.addglob("APMrover2 core", 'APMrover2.core')
results.addglob("APMrover2 ELF", 'APMrover2.elf')
results.addglob('APM:Libraries documentation', 'docs/libraries/index.html')
results.addglob('APM:Plane documentation', 'docs/ArduPlane/index.html')
results.addglob('APM:Copter documentation', 'docs/ArduCopter/index.html')
results.addglob('APM:Rover documentation', 'docs/APMrover2/index.html')
results.addglobimage("Flight Track", '*.png')
results = TestResults()
def check_logs(step):
'''check for log files from a step'''
print("check step: ", step)
if step.startswith('fly.'):
vehicle = step[4:]
elif step.startswith('drive.'):
vehicle = step[6:]
logs = glob.glob("logs/*.BIN")
for log in logs:
bname = os.path.basename(log)
newname = "buildlogs/%s-%s" % (vehicle, bname)
print("Renaming %s to %s" % (log, newname))
os.rename(log, newname)
corefile = "core"
if os.path.exists(corefile):
newname = "buildlogs/%s.core" % vehicle
print("Renaming %s to %s" % (corefile, newname))
os.rename(corefile, newname)
util.run_cmd('/bin/cp A*/A*.elf ../buildlogs', dir=util.reltopdir('.'))
def run_tests(steps):
'''run a list of steps'''
global results
passed = True
failed = []
for step in steps:
if skip_step(step):
t1 = time.time()
print(">>>> RUNNING STEP: %s at %s" % (step, time.asctime()))
if not run_step(step):
print(">>>> FAILED STEP: %s at %s" % (step, time.asctime()))
passed = False
results.add(step, '<span class="failed-text">FAILED</span>', time.time() - t1)
except Exception, msg:
passed = False
print(">>>> FAILED STEP: %s at %s (%s)" % (step, time.asctime(), msg))
results.add(step, '<span class="failed-text">FAILED</span>', time.time() - t1)
results.add(step, '<span class="passed-text">PASSED</span>', time.time() - t1)
print(">>>> PASSED STEP: %s at %s" % (step, time.asctime()))
if not passed:
print("FAILED %u tests: %s" % (len(failed), failed))
return passed
lck = util.lock_file('buildlogs/autotest.lck')
if lck is None:
print("autotest is locked - exiting")
if len(args) > 0:
# allow a wildcard list of steps
matched = []
for a in args:
for s in steps:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(s.lower(), a.lower()):
steps = matched
if not run_tests(steps):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
# make sure we kill off any children