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#pragma once
#include "AP_Proximity.h"
#include "AP_Proximity_Backend.h"
#include <SITL/SITL.h>
#include <AC_Fence/AC_PolyFence_loader.h>
class AP_Proximity_SITL : public AP_Proximity_Backend
// constructor
AP_Proximity_SITL(AP_Proximity &_frontend, AP_Proximity::Proximity_State &_state);
// update state
void update(void) override;
// get maximum and minimum distances (in meters) of sensor
float distance_max() const;
float distance_min() const;
// get distance upwards in meters. returns true on success
bool get_upward_distance(float &distance) const;
SITL::SITL *sitl;
Vector2l *fence;
AP_Int8 *fence_count;
AP_Float *fence_alt_max;
uint32_t last_load_ms;
AC_PolyFence_loader fence_loader;
Location current_loc;
// latest sector updated
uint8_t last_sector;
void load_fence(void);
// get distance in meters to fence in a particular direction in degrees (0 is forward, angles increase in the clockwise direction)
bool get_distance_to_fence(float angle_deg, float &distance) const;