-- Lua "motor driver" for a four legged (aka quadruped) walking robot
-- This script consumes controller outputs (i.e. roll, pitch, yaw/steering, throttle, lateral) from
-- the vehicle code and then calculates the outputs for 12 servos controlling four legs
-- AutoPilot servo connections:
-- Output1: front right coxa (hip) servo
-- Output2: front right femur (thigh) servo
-- Output3: front right tibia (shin) servo
-- Output4: front left coxa (hip) servo
-- Output5: front left femur (thigh) servo
-- Output6: front left tibia (shin) servo
-- Output7: back left coxa (hip) servo
-- Output8: back left femur (thigh) servo
-- Output9: back left tibia (shin) servo
-- Output10: back right coxa (hip) servo
-- Output11: back right femur (thigh) servo
-- Output12: back right tibia (shin) servo
-- CAUTION: This script should only be used with ArduPilot Rover's firmware
local FRAME_LEN = 80 -- frame length in mm
local FRAME_WIDTH = 150 -- frame width in mm
local COXA_LEN = 30 -- distance (in mm) from coxa (aka hip) servo to femur servo
local FEMUR_LEN = 85 -- distance (in mm) from femur servo to tibia servo
local TIBIA_LEN = 125 -- distance (in mm) from tibia servo to foot
--body position and rotation parameters
local body_rot_max = 10 -- body rotation maximum for any individual axis
local body_rot_x = 0 -- body rotation about the X axis (i.e. roll rotation)
local body_rot_y = 0 -- body rotation about the Y axis (i.e. pitch rotation)
local body_rot_z = 0 -- body rotation about the Z axis (i.e. yaw rotation)
local body_pos_x = 0 -- body position in the X axis (i.e. forward, back). should be -40mm to +40mm
local body_pos_y = 0 -- body position in the Y axis (i.e. right, left). should be -40mm to +40mm
local body_pos_z = 0 -- body position in the Z axis (i.e. up, down). should be -40mm to +40mm
-- starting positions of the legs
local endpoint_LB = { math.cos ( math.rad ( 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , math.sin ( math.rad ( 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , TIBIA_LEN }
local endpoint_LF = { math.cos ( math.rad ( 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , math.sin ( math.rad ( - 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , TIBIA_LEN }
local endpoint_RF = { - math.cos ( math.rad ( 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , math.sin ( math.rad ( - 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , TIBIA_LEN }
local endpoint_RB = { - math.cos ( math.rad ( 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , math.sin ( math.rad ( 45 ) ) * ( COXA_LEN + FEMUR_LEN ) , TIBIA_LEN }
-- control input enum
local control_input_roll = 1
local control_input_pitch = 2
local control_input_throttle = 3
local control_input_yaw = 4
local control_input_height = 8
local xy_travel_max = 80 -- x and y axis travel max (used to convert control input) in mm
local yaw_travel_max = 10 -- yaw travel maximum (used to convert control input)
local height_max = 40 -- height maximum (used to convert control input)
local travel_dz = 5 -- travel deadzone. x, y and yaw travel requests are ignored if their absolute value is less than this number
local x_travel = 0 -- target lenght of gait along x
local y_travel = 0 -- target travel of gait along y
local yaw_travel = 0 -- yaw rotation travel target
local leg_lift_height = 50 -- leg lift height (in mm) while walking
-- gait definition parameters
local gait_type = 0 -- gait pattern. 0 = alternating gait, 1 = wave gait.
local gait_step = 0 -- gait step in execution
local gait_step_total = 0 -- number of steps in gait
local gait_step_leg_start = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } -- leg starts moving on this gait step (front-right, front-left, back-left, back-right)
local gait_lifted_steps = 0 -- number of steps that a leg is lifted for
local gait_down_steps = 0 -- number of steps that the leg lifted needs to be put down for
local gait_lift_divisor = 0 -- when a leg is lifted and brought back down the action is divided into 2 or multiple steps, so the travel distance also need to be split in between the steps to make the transition natural
local gait_half_lift_height = 0 -- used to split lift across two steps
local gait_travel_divisor = 0 -- number of steps in the gait the leg is touching the floor, this is used as a factor to split the travel distance between the steps
local gait_pos_x = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } -- X-axis position for each leg (back-right, front-right, back-left, front-left)
local gait_pos_y = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } -- Y-axis position for each leg (back-right, front-right, back-left, front-left)
local gait_pos_z = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } -- Z-axis position for each leg (back-right, front-right, back-left, front-left)
local gait_rot_z = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } -- Z-axis rotation for each leg (back-right, front-right, back-left, front-left)
local last_angle = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
local start_time = 0
local curr_target = 0
function Gaitselect ( )
if ( gait_type == 0 ) then
-- alternating gait
gait_step_total = 6
gait_step_leg_start = { 1 , 4 , 4 , 1 }
gait_lifted_steps = 2
gait_down_steps = 1
gait_lift_divisor = 2
gait_half_lift_height = 1
gait_travel_divisor = 4
elseif ( gait_type == 1 ) then
-- wave gait with 28 steps
gait_step_total = 28
gait_step_leg_start = { 8 , 15 , 1 , 22 }
gait_lifted_steps = 3
gait_down_steps = 2
gait_lift_divisor = 2
gait_half_lift_height = 3
gait_travel_divisor = 24
-- Calculate Gait sequence
function calc_gait_sequence ( )
local move_requested = ( math.abs ( x_travel ) > travel_dz ) or ( math.abs ( y_travel ) > travel_dz ) or ( math.abs ( yaw_travel ) > travel_dz )
if move_requested then
for leg_index = 1 , 4 do
update_leg ( leg_index , move_requested )
gait_step = gait_step + 1
if ( gait_step > gait_step_total ) then
gait_step = 1
gait_pos_x = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
gait_pos_y = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
gait_pos_z = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
gait_rot_z = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
-- in order for the robot to move forward it needs to move its legs in a
-- specific order and this is repeated over and over to attain linear motion. when a
-- specific leg number is passed the update_leg() produces the set of values for the
-- given leg at that step, for each cycle of the gait each leg will move to a set
-- distance which is decided by the x_travel, yaw_travel, y_travel
function update_leg ( moving_leg , move_requested )
local leg_step = gait_step - gait_step_leg_start [ moving_leg ]
if ( ( move_requested and ( gait_lifted_steps > 0 ) and leg_step == 0 ) or
( not move_requested and leg_step == 0 and ( ( gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] > 2 ) or
( gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] > 2 ) or ( gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] > 2 ) ) ) ) then
gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] = 0
gait_pos_z [ moving_leg ] = - leg_lift_height
gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] = 0
gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] = 0
elseif ( ( ( gait_lifted_steps == 2 and leg_step == 0 ) or ( gait_lifted_steps >= 3 and
( leg_step ==- 1 or leg_step == ( gait_step_total - 1 ) ) ) ) and move_requested ) then
gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] = - x_travel / gait_lift_divisor
gait_pos_z [ moving_leg ] = - 3 * leg_lift_height / ( 3 + gait_half_lift_height )
gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] = - y_travel / gait_lift_divisor
gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] = - yaw_travel / gait_lift_divisor
elseif ( ( gait_lifted_steps >= 2 ) and ( leg_step == 1 or leg_step ==- ( gait_step_total - 1 ) ) and move_requested ) then
gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] = x_travel / gait_lift_divisor
gait_pos_z [ moving_leg ] = - 3 * leg_lift_height / ( 3 + gait_half_lift_height )
gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] = y_travel / gait_lift_divisor
gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] = yaw_travel / gait_lift_divisor
elseif ( ( ( gait_lifted_steps == 5 and ( leg_step ==- 2 ) ) ) and move_requested ) then
gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] = - x_travel * 0.5
gait_pos_z [ moving_leg ] = - leg_lift_height * 0.5
gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] = - y_travel * 0.5
gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] = - yaw_travel * 0.5
elseif ( ( gait_lifted_steps == 5 ) and ( leg_step == 2 or leg_step ==- ( gait_step_total - 2 ) ) and move_requested ) then
gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] = x_travel * 0.5
gait_pos_z [ moving_leg ] = - leg_lift_height * 0.5
gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] = y_travel * 0.5
gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] = yaw_travel * 0.5
elseif ( ( leg_step == gait_down_steps or leg_step ==- ( gait_step_total - gait_down_steps ) ) and gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] < 0 ) then
gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] = x_travel * 0.5
gait_pos_z [ moving_leg ] = 0
gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] = y_travel * 0.5
gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] = yaw_travel * 0.5
gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] = gait_pos_x [ moving_leg ] - ( x_travel / gait_travel_divisor )
gait_pos_z [ moving_leg ] = 0
gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] = gait_pos_y [ moving_leg ] - ( y_travel / gait_travel_divisor )
gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] = gait_rot_z [ moving_leg ] - ( yaw_travel / gait_travel_divisor )
-- Body Forward Kinematics calculates where each leg should be.
-- inputs are
-- a) body rotations: body_rot_x, body_rot_y, body_rot_z
-- b) body position: body_pos_x, body_pos_y, body_pos_z
-- c) offset of the center of body
function body_forward_kinematics ( X , Y , Z , Xdist , Ydist , Zrot )
local totaldist_x = X + Xdist + body_pos_x
local totaldist_y = Y + Ydist + body_pos_y
local distBodyCenterFeet = math.sqrt ( totaldist_x ^ 2 + totaldist_y ^ 2 )
local AngleBodyCenter = math.atan ( totaldist_y , totaldist_x )
local rolly = math.tan ( math.rad ( body_rot_y ) ) * totaldist_x
local pitchy = math.tan ( math.rad ( body_rot_x ) ) * totaldist_y
local ansx = math.cos ( AngleBodyCenter + math.rad ( body_rot_z + Zrot ) ) * distBodyCenterFeet - totaldist_x + body_pos_x
local ansy = math.sin ( AngleBodyCenter + math.rad ( body_rot_z + Zrot ) ) * distBodyCenterFeet - totaldist_y + body_pos_y
local ansz = rolly + pitchy + body_pos_z
return { ansx , ansy , ansz }
-- Leg Inverse Kinematics calculates the angles for each servo of each joint using the output of the
-- body_forward_kinematics() function which gives the origin of each leg on the body frame
function leg_inverse_kinematics ( x , y , z )
local coxa = math.deg ( math.atan ( x , y ) )
local trueX = math.sqrt ( x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 ) - COXA_LEN
local im = math.sqrt ( trueX ^ 2 + z ^ 2 )
local q1 = - math.atan ( z , trueX )
local d1 = FEMUR_LEN ^ 2 - TIBIA_LEN ^ 2 + im ^ 2
local d2 = 2 * FEMUR_LEN * im
local q2 = math.acos ( d1 / d2 )
local femur = math.deg ( q1 + q2 )
d1 = FEMUR_LEN ^ 2 - im ^ 2 + TIBIA_LEN ^ 2
local tibia = math.deg ( math.acos ( d1 / d2 ) - math.rad ( 90 ) )
return { coxa , - femur , - tibia }
-- checks if the servo has moved to its expected position
function servo_estimate ( current_angle )
local target = 0
for j = 1 , 12 do
curr_target = math.abs ( current_angle [ j ] - last_angle [ j ] )
if curr_target > target then
target = curr_target
local target_time = target * ( 0.24 / 60 ) * 1000
return ( millis ( ) - start_time ) > target_time
-- main_inverse_kinematics produces the inverse kinematic solution for each
-- leg joint servo by taking into consideration the initial_pos, gait offset and the body inverse kinematic values.
function main_inverse_kinematics ( )
local ans_RB = body_forward_kinematics ( endpoint_RB [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 1 ] ,
endpoint_RB [ 2 ] + gait_pos_y [ 1 ] ,
endpoint_RB [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 1 ] ,
- FRAME_LEN * 0.5 , FRAME_WIDTH * 0.5 ,
gait_rot_z [ 1 ] )
local angles_RB = leg_inverse_kinematics ( endpoint_RB [ 1 ] + ans_RB [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 1 ] ,
endpoint_RB [ 2 ] + ans_RB [ 2 ] + gait_pos_y [ 1 ] ,
endpoint_RB [ 3 ] + ans_RB [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 1 ] )
angles_RB [ 1 ] = 45 + angles_RB [ 1 ]
local ans_RF = body_forward_kinematics ( endpoint_RF [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 2 ] ,
endpoint_RF [ 2 ] + gait_pos_y [ 2 ] ,
endpoint_RF [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 2 ] ,
- FRAME_LEN * 0.5 , - FRAME_WIDTH * 0.5 ,
gait_rot_z [ 2 ] )
local angles_RF = leg_inverse_kinematics ( endpoint_RF [ 1 ] - ans_RF [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 2 ] ,
endpoint_RF [ 2 ] - ans_RF [ 2 ] - gait_pos_y [ 2 ] ,
endpoint_RF [ 3 ] + ans_RF [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 2 ] )
angles_RF [ 1 ] = 135 + angles_RF [ 1 ]
local ans_LB = body_forward_kinematics ( endpoint_LB [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 3 ] ,
endpoint_LB [ 2 ] + gait_pos_y [ 3 ] ,
endpoint_LB [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 3 ] ,
FRAME_LEN * 0.5 , FRAME_WIDTH * 0.5 ,
gait_rot_z [ 3 ] )
local angles_LB = leg_inverse_kinematics ( endpoint_LB [ 1 ] + ans_LB [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 3 ] ,
endpoint_LB [ 2 ] + ans_LB [ 2 ] + gait_pos_y [ 3 ] ,
endpoint_LB [ 3 ] + ans_LB [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 3 ] )
angles_LB [ 1 ] = - 45 + angles_LB [ 1 ]
local ans_LF = body_forward_kinematics ( endpoint_LF [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 4 ] ,
endpoint_LF [ 2 ] + gait_pos_y [ 4 ] ,
endpoint_LF [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 4 ] ,
FRAME_LEN * 0.5 , - FRAME_WIDTH * 0.5 ,
gait_rot_z [ 4 ] )
local angles_LF = leg_inverse_kinematics ( endpoint_LF [ 1 ] - ans_LF [ 1 ] + gait_pos_x [ 4 ] ,
endpoint_LF [ 2 ] - ans_LF [ 2 ] - gait_pos_y [ 4 ] ,
endpoint_LF [ 3 ] + ans_LF [ 3 ] + gait_pos_z [ 4 ] )
angles_LF [ 1 ] = - 135 + angles_LF [ 1 ]
Gaitselect ( )
local current_angle = { angles_RF [ 1 ] , angles_RF [ 2 ] , angles_RF [ 3 ] ,
angles_LF [ 1 ] , angles_LF [ 2 ] , angles_LF [ 3 ] ,
angles_LB [ 1 ] , angles_LB [ 2 ] , angles_LB [ 3 ] ,
angles_RB [ 1 ] , angles_RB [ 2 ] , angles_RB [ 3 ] }
if servo_estimate ( current_angle ) then
start_time = millis ( )
calc_gait_sequence ( )
last_angle = current_angle
return current_angle
-- servo angles when robot is disarmed and resting body on the ground
local rest_angles = { 45 , - 90 , 40 , -- front right leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
- 45 , - 90 , 40 , -- front left leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
- 45 , - 90 , 40 , -- back left leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
45 , - 90 , 40 } -- back right leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
function update ( )
local throttle = vehicle : get_control_output ( control_input_throttle ) * xy_travel_max
local gait_direction
if throttle > 0 then
gait_direction = - 1
y_travel = throttle
elseif throttle < 0 then
gait_direction = 1
y_travel = - throttle
elseif throttle == 0 then
gait_direction = 1
y_travel = 0
yaw_travel = - vehicle : get_control_output ( control_input_yaw ) * yaw_travel_max
body_rot_x = - vehicle : get_control_output ( control_input_roll ) * body_rot_max
body_rot_y = - vehicle : get_control_output ( control_input_pitch ) * body_rot_max
body_pos_z = vehicle : get_control_output ( control_input_height ) * height_max
local servo_direction = { gait_direction * 1 , - 1 , 1 , -- front right leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
gait_direction * 1 , 1 , - 1 , -- front left leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
gait_direction * - 1 , - 1 , 1 , -- back left leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
gait_direction * - 1 , 1 , - 1 } -- back right leg (coxa, femur, tibia)
local angles
if arming : is_armed ( ) then
angles = main_inverse_kinematics ( )
angles = rest_angles
for i = 1 , 12 do
SRV_Channels : set_output_pwm_chan_timeout ( i - 1 , math.floor ( ( ( angles [ i ] * servo_direction [ i ] * 1000 ) / 90 ) + 1500 ) , 1000 )
return update , 10
-- turn off rudder based arming/disarming
param : set_and_save ( ' ARMING_RUDDER ' , 0 )
gcs : send_text ( 0 , " quadruped simulation " )
return update ( )