# Code to abstract the parsing of APM Dataflash log files, currently only used by the LogAnalyzer
# Initial code by Andrew Chapman (chapman@skymount.com), 16th Jan 2014
import pprint # temp
import collections
import os
import numpy
import bisect
class Format :
''' Channel format as specified by the FMT lines in the log file '''
msgType = 0
msgLen = 0
name = " "
types = " "
labels = [ ]
def __init__ ( self , msgType , msgLen , name , types , labels ) :
self . msgType = msgType
self . msgLen = msgLen
self . name = name
self . types = types
self . labels = labels . split ( ' , ' )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " %8s %s " % ( self . name , ` self . labels ` )
class Channel :
''' storage for a single stream of data, i.e. all GPS.RelAlt values '''
# TODO: rethink data storage, but do regression test suite first before refactoring it
# TODO: store data as a scipy spline curve so we can more easily interpolate and sample the slope?
dictData = None # dict of linenum->value # store dupe data in dict and list for now, until we decide which is the better way to go
listData = None # list of (linenum,value)
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . dictData = { }
self . listData = [ ]
def getSegment ( self , startLine , endLine ) :
''' returns a segment of this data (from startLine to endLine, inclusive) as a new Channel instance '''
segment = Channel ( )
segment . dictData = { k : v for k , v in self . dictData . iteritems ( ) if k > = startLine and k < = endLine }
return segment
def min ( self ) :
return min ( self . dictData . values ( ) )
def max ( self ) :
return max ( self . dictData . values ( ) )
def avg ( self ) :
return numpy . mean ( self . dictData . values ( ) )
def getNearestValueFwd ( self , lineNumber ) :
''' Returns (value,lineNumber) '''
index = bisect . bisect_left ( self . listData , ( lineNumber , - 99999 ) )
while index < len ( self . listData ) :
line = self . listData [ index ] [ 0 ]
#print "Looking forwards for nearest value to line number %d, starting at line %d" % (lineNumber,line) # TEMP
if line > = lineNumber :
return ( self . listData [ index ] [ 1 ] , line )
index + = 1
raise Exception ( " Error finding nearest value for line %d " % lineNumber )
def getNearestValueBack ( self , lineNumber ) :
''' Returns (value,lineNumber) '''
index = bisect . bisect_left ( self . listData , ( lineNumber , - 99999 ) ) - 1
while index > = 0 :
line = self . listData [ index ] [ 0 ]
#print "Looking backwards for nearest value to line number %d, starting at line %d" % (lineNumber,line) # TEMP
if line < = lineNumber :
return ( self . listData [ index ] [ 1 ] , line )
index - = 1
raise Exception ( " Error finding nearest value for line %d " % lineNumber )
def getNearestValue ( self , lineNumber , lookForwards = True ) :
''' find the nearest data value to the given lineNumber, defaults to first looking forwards. Returns (value,lineNumber) '''
if lookForwards :
try :
return self . getNearestValueFwd ( lineNumber )
except :
return self . getNearestValueBack ( lineNumber )
else :
try :
return self . getNearestValueBack ( lineNumber )
except :
return self . getNearestValueFwd ( lineNumber )
raise Exception ( " Error finding nearest value for line %d " % lineNumber )
def getInterpolatedValue ( self , lineNumber ) :
( prevValue , prevValueLine ) = self . getNearestValue ( lineNumber , lookForwards = False )
( nextValue , nextValueLine ) = self . getNearestValue ( lineNumber , lookForwards = True )
if prevValueLine == nextValueLine :
return prevValue
weight = ( lineNumber - prevValueLine ) / float ( nextValueLine - prevValueLine )
return ( ( weight * prevValue ) + ( ( 1 - weight ) * nextValue ) )
def getIndexOf ( self , lineNumber ) :
''' returns the index within this channel ' s listData of the given lineNumber, or raises an Exception if not found '''
index = bisect . bisect_left ( self . listData , ( lineNumber , - 99999 ) )
#print "INDEX of line %d: %d" % (lineNumber,index)
#print "self.listData[index][0]: %d" % self.listData[index][0]
if ( self . listData [ index ] [ 0 ] == lineNumber ) :
return index
else :
raise Exception ( " Error finding index for line %d " % lineNumber )
class LogIterator :
''' Smart iterator that can move through a log by line number and maintain an index into the nearest values of all data channels '''
# TODO: LogIterator currently indexes the next available value rather than the nearest value, we should make it configurable between next/nearest
class LogIteratorSubValue :
''' syntactic sugar to allow access by LogIterator[lineLabel][dataLabel] '''
logdata = None
iterators = None
lineLabel = None
def __init__ ( self , logdata , iterators , lineLabel ) :
self . logdata = logdata
self . lineLabel = lineLabel
self . iterators = iterators
def __getitem__ ( self , dataLabel ) :
index = self . iterators [ self . lineLabel ] [ 0 ]
return self . logdata . channels [ self . lineLabel ] [ dataLabel ] . listData [ index ] [ 1 ]
iterators = { } # lineLabel -> (listIndex,lineNumber)
logdata = None
currentLine = None
def __init__ ( self , logdata , lineNumber = 0 ) :
self . logdata = logdata
self . currentLine = lineNumber
for lineLabel in self . logdata . formats :
if lineLabel in self . logdata . channels :
self . iterators [ lineLabel ] = ( )
self . jump ( lineNumber )
def __iter__ ( self ) :
return self
def __getitem__ ( self , lineLabel ) :
return LogIterator . LogIteratorSubValue ( self . logdata , self . iterators , lineLabel )
def next ( self ) :
self . currentLine + = 1
if self . currentLine > self . logdata . lineCount :
return self
for lineLabel in self . iterators . keys ( ) :
# check if the currentLine has gone past our the line we're pointing to for this type of data
dataLabel = self . logdata . formats [ lineLabel ] . labels [ 0 ]
( index , lineNumber ) = self . iterators [ lineLabel ]
# if so, and it is not the last entry in the log, then increment the indices for all dataLabels under that lineLabel
if ( self . currentLine > lineNumber ) and ( index < len ( self . logdata . channels [ lineLabel ] [ dataLabel ] . listData ) - 1 ) :
index + = 1
lineNumber = self . logdata . channels [ lineLabel ] [ dataLabel ] . listData [ index ] [ 0 ]
self . iterators [ lineLabel ] = ( index , lineNumber )
return self
def jump ( self , lineNumber ) :
self . currentLine = lineNumber
for lineLabel in self . iterators . keys ( ) :
dataLabel = self . logdata . formats [ lineLabel ] . labels [ 0 ]
( value , lineNumber ) = self . logdata . channels [ lineLabel ] [ dataLabel ] . getNearestValue ( self . currentLine )
#print " Found value: %.2f, lineNumber: %d" % (value,lineNumber)
#print " Found index: %d" % self.logdata.channels[lineLabel][dataLabel].getIndexOf(lineNumber)
self . iterators [ lineLabel ] = ( self . logdata . channels [ lineLabel ] [ dataLabel ] . getIndexOf ( lineNumber ) , lineNumber )
class DataflashLogHelper :
def getTimeAtLine ( logdata , lineNumber ) :
''' returns the nearest GPS timestamp in milliseconds after the given line number '''
if not " GPS " in logdata . channels :
raise Exception ( " no GPS log data found " )
# older logs use 'TIme', newer logs use 'TimeMS'
timeLabel = " TimeMS "
if " Time " in logdata . channels [ " GPS " ] :
timeLabel = " Time "
while lineNumber < = logdata . lineCount :
if lineNumber in logdata . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . dictData :
return logdata . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . dictData [ lineNumber ]
lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
def findLoiterChunks ( logdata , minLengthSeconds = 0 , noRCInputs = True ) :
''' returns a list of (to,from) pairs defining sections of the log which are in loiter mode. Ordered from longest to shortest in time. If noRCInputs == True it only returns chunks with no control inputs '''
# TODO: implement noRCInputs handling when identifying stable loiter chunks, for now we're ignoring it
def chunkSizeCompare ( chunk1 , chunk2 ) :
chunk1Len = chunk1 [ 1 ] - chunk1 [ 0 ]
chunk2Len = chunk2 [ 1 ] - chunk2 [ 0 ]
if chunk1Len == chunk2Len :
return 0
elif chunk1Len > chunk2Len :
return - 1
else :
return 1
od = collections . OrderedDict ( sorted ( logdata . modeChanges . items ( ) , key = lambda t : t [ 0 ] ) )
chunks = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( od . keys ( ) ) ) :
if od . values ( ) [ i ] [ 0 ] == " LOITER " :
startLine = od . keys ( ) [ i ]
endLine = None
if i == len ( od . keys ( ) ) - 1 :
endLine = logdata . lineCount
else :
endLine = od . keys ( ) [ i + 1 ] - 1
chunkTimeSeconds = ( DataflashLogHelper . getTimeAtLine ( logdata , endLine ) - DataflashLogHelper . getTimeAtLine ( logdata , startLine ) + 1 ) / 1000.0
if chunkTimeSeconds > minLengthSeconds :
chunks . append ( ( startLine , endLine ) )
#print "LOITER chunk: %d to %d, %d lines" % (startLine,endLine,endLine-startLine+1)
#print " (time %d to %d, %d seconds)" % (DataflashLogHelper.getTimeAtLine(logdata,startLine), DataflashLogHelper.getTimeAtLine(logdata,endLine), chunkTimeSeconds)
chunks . sort ( chunkSizeCompare )
return chunks
def isLogEmpty ( logdata ) :
''' returns an human readable error string if the log is essentially empty, otherwise returns None '''
# naive check for now, see if the throttle output was ever above 20%
throttleThreshold = 20
if logdata . vehicleType == " ArduCopter " :
throttleThreshold = 200 # copter uses 0-1000, plane+rover use 0-100
if " CTUN " in logdata . channels :
maxThrottle = logdata . channels [ " CTUN " ] [ " ThrOut " ] . max ( )
if maxThrottle < throttleThreshold :
return " Throttle never above 20 % "
return None
class DataflashLog :
''' APM Dataflash log file reader and container class. Keep this simple, add more advanced or specific functions to DataflashLogHelper class '''
filename = None
vehicleType = " " # ArduCopter, ArduPlane, ArduRover, etc, verbatim as given by header
firmwareVersion = " "
firmwareHash = " "
freeRAM = 0
hardwareType = " " # APM 1, APM 2, PX4, MPNG, etc What is VRBrain? BeagleBone, etc? Needs more testing
formats = { } # name -> Format
parameters = { } # token -> value
messages = { } # lineNum -> message
modeChanges = { } # lineNum -> (mode,value)
channels = { } # lineLabel -> {dataLabel:Channel}
filesizeKB = 0
durationSecs = 0
lineCount = 0
skippedLines = 0
def getCopterType ( self ) :
if self . vehicleType != " ArduCopter " :
return None
motLabels = [ ]
if " MOT " in self . formats : # not listed in PX4 log header for some reason?
motLabels = self . formats [ " MOT " ] . labels
if " GGain " in motLabels :
return " tradheli "
elif len ( motLabels ) == 4 :
return " quad "
elif len ( motLabels ) == 6 :
return " hex "
elif len ( motLabels ) == 8 :
return " octo "
else :
return " "
def __castToFormatType ( self , value , valueType ) :
''' using format characters from libraries/DataFlash/DataFlash.h to cast to basic python int/float/string types '''
intTypes = " bBhHiIM "
floatTypes = " fcCeEL "
charTypes = " nNZ "
if valueType in floatTypes :
return float ( value )
elif valueType in intTypes :
return int ( value )
elif valueType in charTypes :
return str ( value )
else :
raise Exception ( " Unknown value type of ' %s ' specified to __castToFormatType() " % valueType )
#def __init__(self, logfile, ignoreBadlines=False):
#self.read(logfile, ignoreBadlines)
def read ( self , logfile , ignoreBadlines = False ) :
''' returns on successful log read (including bad lines if ignoreBadlines==True), will throw an Exception otherwise '''
# TODO: dataflash log parsing code is *SUPER* hacky, should re-write more methodically
self . filename = logfile
f = open ( self . filename , ' r ' )
lineNumber = 0
knownHardwareTypes = [ " APM " , " PX4 " , " MPNG " ]
for line in f :
lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
try :
#print "Reading line: %d" % lineNumber
line = line . strip ( ' \n \r ' )
tokens = line . split ( ' , ' )
# first handle the log header lines
if line == " Ready to drive. " or line == " Ready to FLY. " :
if line == " ---------------------------------------- " : # present in pre-3.0 logs
raise Exception ( " Log file seems to be in the older format (prior to self-describing logs), which isn ' t supported " )
if len ( tokens ) == 1 :
tokens2 = line . split ( ' ' )
if line == " " :
elif len ( tokens2 ) == 1 and tokens2 [ 0 ] . isdigit ( ) : # log index
elif len ( tokens2 ) == 3 and tokens2 [ 0 ] == " Free " and tokens2 [ 1 ] == " RAM: " :
self . freeRAM = int ( tokens2 [ 2 ] )
elif tokens2 [ 0 ] in knownHardwareTypes :
self . hardwareType = line # not sure if we can parse this more usefully, for now only need to report it back verbatim
elif ( len ( tokens2 ) == 2 or len ( tokens2 ) == 3 ) and tokens2 [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == " v " : # e.g. ArduCopter V3.1 (5c6503e2)
self . vehicleType = tokens2 [ 0 ]
self . firmwareVersion = tokens2 [ 1 ]
if len ( tokens2 ) == 3 :
self . firmwareHash = tokens2 [ 2 ] [ 1 : - 1 ]
else :
errorMsg = " Error parsing line %d of log file: %s " % ( lineNumber , self . filename )
if ignoreBadlines :
print errorMsg + " (skipping line) "
self . skippedLines + = 1
else :
raise Exception ( " " )
# now handle the non-log data stuff, format descriptions, params, etc
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " FMT " :
format = None
if len ( tokens ) == 6 :
format = Format ( tokens [ 1 ] , tokens [ 2 ] , tokens [ 3 ] , tokens [ 4 ] , tokens [ 5 ] )
elif len ( tokens ) == 5 : # some logs have FMT STRT with no labels
format = Format ( tokens [ 1 ] , tokens [ 2 ] , tokens [ 3 ] , tokens [ 4 ] , " " )
else :
raise Exception ( " FMT error, nTokens: %d " % len ( tokens ) )
#print format # TEMP
self . formats [ tokens [ 3 ] ] = format
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " PARM " :
pName = tokens [ 1 ]
self . parameters [ pName ] = float ( tokens [ 2 ] )
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " MSG " :
self . messages [ lineNumber ] = tokens [ 1 ]
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " MODE " :
if self . vehicleType == " ArduCopter " :
self . modeChanges [ lineNumber ] = ( tokens [ 1 ] , int ( tokens [ 2 ] ) )
elif self . vehicleType == " ArduPlane " or self . vehicleType == " ArduRover " :
self . modeChanges [ lineNumber ] = ( tokens [ 2 ] , int ( tokens [ 3 ] ) )
else :
raise Exception ( " Unknown log type for MODE line " )
# anything else must be the log data
else :
groupName = tokens [ 0 ]
tokens2 = line . split ( ' , ' )
# first time seeing this type of log line, create the channel storage
if not groupName in self . channels :
self . channels [ groupName ] = { }
for label in self . formats [ groupName ] . labels :
self . channels [ groupName ] [ label ] = Channel ( )
# check the number of tokens matches between the line and what we're expecting from the FMT definition
if ( len ( tokens2 ) - 1 ) != len ( self . formats [ groupName ] . labels ) :
errorMsg = " %s line ' s value count ( %d ) not matching FMT specification ( %d ) on line %d " % ( groupName , len ( tokens2 ) - 1 , len ( self . formats [ groupName ] . labels ) , lineNumber )
if ignoreBadlines :
print errorMsg + " (skipping line) "
self . skippedLines + = 1
else :
raise Exception ( errorMsg )
# store each token in its relevant channel
for ( index , label ) in enumerate ( self . formats [ groupName ] . labels ) :
#value = float(tokens2[index+1]) # simple read without handling datatype
value = self . __castToFormatType ( tokens2 [ index + 1 ] , self . formats [ groupName ] . types [ index ] ) # handling datatype via this call slows down ready by about 50%
channel = self . channels [ groupName ] [ label ]
#print "Set data {%s,%s} for line %d to value %s, of type %c, stored at address %s" % (groupName, label, lineNumber, `value`, self.formats[groupName].types[index], hex(id(channel.dictData)))
channel . dictData [ lineNumber ] = value
channel . listData . append ( ( lineNumber , value ) )
except Exception as e :
raise Exception ( " Error parsing line %d of log file %s - %s " % ( lineNumber , self . filename , e . args [ 0 ] ) )
# gather some general stats about the log
self . lineCount = lineNumber
self . filesizeKB = os . path . getsize ( self . filename ) / 1024.0
# TODO: switch duration calculation to use TimeMS values rather than GPS timestemp
if " GPS " in self . channels :
# the GPS time label changed at some point, need to handle both
timeLabel = " TimeMS "
if timeLabel not in self . channels [ " GPS " ] :
timeLabel = " Time "
firstTimeGPS = self . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . listData [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
lastTimeGPS = self . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . listData [ - 1 ] [ 1 ]
self . durationSecs = ( lastTimeGPS - firstTimeGPS ) / 1000
# TODO: calculate logging rate based on timestamps