// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
/// @file AC_AttitudeControl.h
/// @brief ArduCopter attitude control library
# ifndef AC_AttitudeControl_H
# define AC_AttitudeControl_H
# include <AP_Common.h>
# include <AP_Param.h>
# include <AP_Math.h>
# include <AP_InertialSensor.h>
# include <AP_AHRS.h>
# include <AP_Motors.h>
# include <DataFlash.h>
# include <AC_PID.h>
# include <APM_PI.h>
// To-Do: change the name or move to AP_Math?
# define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_DEGX100 5729.57795f // constant to convert from radians to centi-degrees
# define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_RATE_RP_MAX_DEFAULT 18000 // maximum rotation rate in roll/pitch axis requested by angle controller used in stabilize, loiter, rtl, auto flight modes
# define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_RATE_Y_MAX_DEFAULT 18000 // maximum rotation rate on yaw axis requested by angle controller used in stabilize, loiter, rtl, auto flight modes
# define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_SLEW_YAW_DEFAULT 6000 // default yaw slew rate in centi-degrees/sec (i.e. maximum yaw target change in 1second)
# define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_CONTROLLER_TIMEOUT 1.0f // body-frame rate controller timeout in seconds
# define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX 5000.0f // body-frame rate controller maximum output (for roll-pitch axis)
# define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_YAW_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX 4500.0f // body-frame rate controller maximum output (for yaw axis)
# define AC_ATTITUDE_ANGLE_YAW_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX 4500.0f // earth-frame angle controller maximum output (for yaw axis)
# define AC_ATTITUDE_ANGLE_CONTROLLER_ANGLE_MAX 4500.0f // earth-frame angle controller maximum input angle (To-Do: replace with reference to aparm.angle_max)
# define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX 3000.0f // earth-frame rate stabilize controller's maximum overshoot angle
# define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_PITCH_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX 3000.0f // earth-frame rate stabilize controller's maximum overshoot angle
# define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX 1000.0f // earth-frame rate stabilize controller's maximum overshoot angle
# define AC_ATTITUDE_100HZ_DT 0.0100f // delta time in seconds for 100hz update rate
# define AC_ATTITUDE_400HZ_DT 0.0025f // delta time in seconds for 400hz update rate
class AC_AttitudeControl {
public :
AC_AttitudeControl ( AP_AHRS & ahrs ,
AP_InertialSensor & ins ,
const AP_Vehicle : : MultiCopter & aparm ,
AP_Motors & motors ,
APM_PI & pi_angle_roll , APM_PI & pi_angle_pitch , APM_PI & pi_angle_yaw ,
AC_PID & pid_rate_roll , AC_PID & pid_rate_pitch , AC_PID & pid_rate_yaw ,
int16_t & motor_roll , int16_t & motor_pitch , int16_t & motor_yaw , int16_t & motor_throttle
) :
_ahrs ( ahrs ) ,
_ins ( ins ) ,
_aparm ( aparm ) ,
_motors ( motors ) ,
_pi_angle_roll ( pi_angle_roll ) ,
_pi_angle_pitch ( pi_angle_pitch ) ,
_pi_angle_yaw ( pi_angle_yaw ) ,
_pid_rate_roll ( pid_rate_roll ) ,
_pid_rate_pitch ( pid_rate_pitch ) ,
_pid_rate_yaw ( pid_rate_yaw ) ,
_motor_roll ( motor_roll ) ,
_motor_pitch ( motor_pitch ) ,
_motor_yaw ( motor_yaw ) ,
_motor_throttle ( motor_throttle ) ,
_dt ( AC_ATTITUDE_100HZ_DT ) ,
_angle_boost ( 0 )
AP_Param : : setup_object_defaults ( this , var_info ) ;
// initialise flags
_flags . limit_angle_to_rate_request = true ;
// initialisation functions
// set_dt - sets time delta in seconds for all controllers (i.e. 100hz = 0.01, 400hz = 0.0025)
void set_dt ( float delta_sec ) { _dt = delta_sec ; }
float get_dt ( ) { return _dt ; }
// init_targets - resets target angles to current angles
void init_targets ( ) ;
// angleef_rp_rateef_y - attempts to maintain a roll and pitch angle and yaw rate (all earth frame)
void angleef_rp_rateef_y ( float roll_angle_ef , float pitch_angle_ef , float yaw_rate_ef ) ;
// angleef_rpy - attempts to maintain a roll, pitch and yaw angle (all earth frame)
// if yaw_slew is true then target yaw movement will be gradually moved to the new target based on the YAW_SLEW parameter
void angleef_rpy ( float roll_angle_ef , float pitch_angle_ef , float yaw_angle_ef , bool slew_yaw ) ;
// rateef_rpy - attempts to maintain a roll, pitch and yaw rate (all earth frame)
void rateef_rpy ( float roll_rate_ef , float pitch_rate_ef , float yaw_rate_ef ) ;
// ratebf_rpy - attempts to maintain a roll, pitch and yaw rate (all body frame)
void ratebf_rpy ( float roll_rate_bf , float pitch_rate_bf , float yaw_rate_bf ) ;
// limit_angle_to_rate_request
void limit_angle_to_rate_request ( bool limit_request ) { _flags . limit_angle_to_rate_request = limit_request ; }
// angle controller (earth-frame) methods
// angle_ef_targets - get and set angle controller earth-frame-targets
Vector3f angle_ef_targets ( ) const { return _angle_ef_target ; }
void angle_ef_targets ( Vector3f & angle_cd ) { _angle_ef_target = angle_cd ; }
// angle_to_rate_ef_roll - converts earth-frame angle targets to earth-frame rate targets for roll, pitch and yaw axis
// targets angles in centi-degrees should be placed in _angle_ef_targets
// results in centi-degrees/sec put directly into _rate_ef_target
void angle_to_rate_ef_roll ( ) ;
void angle_to_rate_ef_pitch ( ) ;
void angle_to_rate_ef_yaw ( ) ;
// stabilized rate controller (earth-frame) methods
// rate_stab_ef_targets - gets and sets the stabilized rate controller earth-frame targets
// stabilized rate controllers are better at maintaining a desired rate than the simpler earth-frame rate controllers
// because they also maintain angle-targets and increase/decrease the rate request passed to the earth-frame rate controller
// upon the errors between the actual angle and angle-target.
Vector3f rate_stab_ef_targets ( ) const { return _rate_stab_ef_target ; }
void rate_stab_ef_targets ( Vector3f & rates_cds ) { _rate_stab_ef_target = rates_cds ; }
// rate_stab_ef_to_rate_ef_roll - converts earth-frame stabilized rate targets to regular earth-frame rate targets for roll, pitch and yaw axis
// targets rates in centi-degrees/second taken from _rate_stab_ef_target
// results in centi-degrees/sec put into _rate_ef_target
void rate_stab_ef_to_rate_ef_roll ( ) ;
void rate_stab_ef_to_rate_ef_pitch ( ) ;
void rate_stab_ef_to_rate_ef_yaw ( ) ;
// stabilized rate controller (body-frame) methods
// rate_stab_bf_targets - gets and sets the stabilized rate controller body-frame targets
Vector3f rate_stab_bf_targets ( ) const { return _rate_stab_bf_target ; }
void rate_stab_bf_targets ( Vector3f & rates_cds ) { _rate_stab_bf_target = rates_cds ; }
// rate_stab_bf_to_rate_ef_roll - converts body-frame stabilized rate targets to regular body-frame rate targets for roll, pitch and yaw axis
// targets rates in centi-degrees/second taken from _rate_stab_bf_target
// results in centi-degrees/sec put into _rate_bf_target
void rate_stab_bf_update_error ( ) ;
void rate_stab_bf_to_rate_bf_roll ( ) ;
void rate_stab_bf_to_rate_bf_pitch ( ) ;
void rate_stab_bf_to_rate_bf_yaw ( ) ;
// rate controller (earth-frame) methods
// rate_ef_targets - gets and sets rate controller earth-frame-targets
Vector3f rate_ef_targets ( ) const { return _rate_ef_target ; }
void rate_ef_targets ( Vector3f & rates_cds ) { _rate_ef_target = rates_cds ; }
// rate_ef_targets_to_bf - converts earth frame rate targets to body frame rate targets
void rate_ef_targets_to_bf ( const Vector3f & rate_ef_target , Vector3f & rate_bf_target ) ;
// rate controller (body-frame) methods
// rate_bf_targets - gets and sets rate controller body-frame targets
// To-Do: can we return these Vector3fs by reference? i.e. using "&"?
Vector3f rate_bf_targets ( ) const { return _rate_bf_target ; }
void rate_bf_targets ( Vector3f & rates_cds ) { _rate_bf_target = rates_cds ; }
void rate_bf_roll_target ( float rate_cds ) { _rate_bf_target . x = rate_cds ; }
void rate_bf_pitch_target ( float rate_cds ) { _rate_bf_target . y = rate_cds ; }
void rate_bf_yaw_target ( float rate_cds ) { _rate_bf_target . z = rate_cds ; }
// rate_controller_run - run lowest level body-frame rate controller and send outputs to the motors
// should be called at 100hz or more
virtual void rate_controller_run ( ) ;
// throttle functions
// set_throttle_out - to be called by upper throttle controllers when they wish to provide throttle output directly to motors
// provide 0 to cut motors
void set_throttle_out ( int16_t throttle_pwm , bool apply_angle_boost ) ;
// angle_boost - accessor for angle boost so it can be logged
int16_t angle_boost ( ) const { return _angle_boost ; }
// helper functions
// lean_angle_max - maximum lean angle of the copter in centi-degrees
int16_t lean_angle_max ( ) { return _aparm . angle_max ; }
// user settable parameters
static const struct AP_Param : : GroupInfo var_info [ ] ;
protected :
// attitude control flags
struct AttControlFlags {
uint8_t limit_angle_to_rate_request : 1 ; // 1 if the earth frame angle controller is limiting it's maximum rate request
} _flags ;
// body-frame rate controller
// rate_bf_to_motor_roll - ask the rate controller to calculate the motor outputs to achieve the target body-frame rate (in centi-degrees/sec) for roll, pitch and yaw
float rate_bf_to_motor_roll ( float rate_target_cds ) ;
float rate_bf_to_motor_pitch ( float rate_target_cds ) ;
virtual float rate_bf_to_motor_yaw ( float rate_target_cds ) ;
// throttle methods
// get_angle_boost - calculate total body frame throttle required to produce the given earth frame throttle
virtual int16_t get_angle_boost ( int16_t throttle_pwm ) ;
// logging
// log data on internal state of the controller. Called at 10Hz
void log_data ( DataFlash_Class & dataflash , uint8_t msgid ) ;
// dataflash logging packet
struct PACKED log_Attitude {
int16_t roll_in ;
int16_t roll ;
int16_t pitch_in ;
int16_t pitch ;
int16_t yaw_in ;
uint16_t yaw ;
uint16_t nav_yaw ;
} log_ACAttControl ;
// references to external libraries
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs ;
const AP_InertialSensor & _ins ;
const AP_Vehicle : : MultiCopter & _aparm ;
AP_Motors & _motors ;
APM_PI & _pi_angle_roll ;
APM_PI & _pi_angle_pitch ;
APM_PI & _pi_angle_yaw ;
AC_PID & _pid_rate_roll ;
AC_PID & _pid_rate_pitch ;
AC_PID & _pid_rate_yaw ;
int16_t & _motor_roll ; // g.rc_1.servo_out
int16_t & _motor_pitch ; // g.rc_2.servo_out
int16_t & _motor_yaw ; // g.rc_4.servo_out
int16_t & _motor_throttle ; // g.rc_3.servo_out
// parameters
AP_Float _angle_rate_rp_max ; // maximum rate request output from the earth-frame angle controller for roll and pitch axis
AP_Float _angle_rate_y_max ; // maximum rate request output from the earth-frame angle controller for yaw axis
AP_Float _slew_yaw ; // maximum rate the yaw target can be updated in Loiter, RTL, Auto flight modes
// internal variables
// To-Do: make rate targets a typedef instead of Vector3f?
float _dt ; // time delta in seconds
Vector3f _angle_ef_target ; // angle controller earth-frame targets
Vector3f _rate_stab_ef_target ; // stabilized rate controller earth-frame rate targets
Vector3f _rate_ef_target ; // rate controller earth-frame targets
Vector3f _rate_stab_bf_target ; // stabilized rate controller body-frame rate targets
Vector3f _rate_stab_bf_error ; // stabilized rate controller body-frame angle errors
Vector3f _rate_bf_target ; // rate controller body-frame targets
int16_t _angle_boost ; // used only for logging
} ;
# define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_LOG_FORMAT(msg) { msg, sizeof(AC_AttitudeControl::log_Attitude), \
" ATT " , " cccccCC " , " RollIn,Roll,PitchIn,Pitch,YawIn,Yaw,NavYaw " }
# endif //AC_AttitudeControl_H