198 lines
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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Many thanks to members of the UAVCAN project:
* Pavel Kirienko <pavel.kirienko@gmail.com>
* Ilia Sheremet <illia.sheremet@gmail.com>
* license info can be found in the uavcan submodule located:
* modules/uavcan/LICENSE
* modules/uavcan/libuavcan_drivers/linux/include/uavcan_linux/socketcan.hpp
#pragma once
#include "AP_HAL_Linux.h"
#include <AP_HAL/CANIface.h>
#include <linux/can.h>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <poll.h>
namespace Linux {
enum class SocketCanError
class CANIface: public AP_HAL::CANIface {
CANIface(int index)
: _self_index(index)
, _frames_in_socket_tx_queue(0)
, _max_frames_in_socket_tx_queue(2)
{ }
~CANIface() { }
// Initialise CAN Peripheral
bool init(const uint32_t bitrate, const OperatingMode mode) override;
// Put frame into Tx FIFO returns negative on error, 0 on buffer full,
// 1 on successfully pushing a frame into FIFO
int16_t send(const AP_HAL::CANFrame& frame, uint64_t tx_deadline,
CanIOFlags flags) override;
// Receive frame from Rx Buffer, returns negative on error, 0 on nothing available,
// 1 on successfully poping a frame
int16_t receive(AP_HAL::CANFrame& out_frame, uint64_t& out_timestamp_us,
CanIOFlags& out_flags) override;
// Set Filters to ignore frames not to be handled by us
bool configureFilters(const CanFilterConfig* filter_configs,
uint16_t num_configs) override;
// Always return false, there's no busoff condition in Linux CAN
bool is_busoff() const override
return false;
void flush_tx() override;
void clear_rx() override;
// Get number of Filter configurations
uint16_t getNumFilters() const override;
// Get total number of Errors discovered
uint32_t getErrorCount() const override;
// returns true if init was successfully called
bool is_initialized() const override;
* Select Method *
* ****************************************/
// wait until selected event is available, false when timed out waiting else true
bool select(bool &read, bool &write,
const AP_HAL::CANFrame* const pending_tx,
uint64_t blocking_deadline) override;
// setup event handle for waiting on events
bool set_event_handle(AP_HAL::EventHandle* handle) override;
// fetch stats text and return the size of the same,
// results available via @SYS/can0_stats.txt or @SYS/can1_stats.txt
void get_stats(ExpandingString &str) override;
class CANSocketEventSource : public AP_HAL::EventSource {
friend class CANIface;
CANIface *_ifaces[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES];
// we just poll fd, no signaling is done
void signal(uint32_t evt_mask) override { return; }
bool wait(uint64_t duration, AP_HAL::EventHandle* evt_handle) override;
void _pollWrite();
bool _pollRead();
int _write(const AP_HAL::CANFrame& frame) const;
int _read(AP_HAL::CANFrame& frame, uint64_t& ts_usec, bool& loopback) const;
void _incrementNumFramesInSocketTxQueue();
void _confirmSentFrame();
bool _wasInPendingLoopbackSet(const AP_HAL::CANFrame& frame);
bool _checkHWFilters(const can_frame& frame) const;
bool _hasReadyTx() const;
bool _hasReadyRx() const;
void _poll(bool read, bool write);
int _openSocket(const std::string& iface_name);
void _updateDownStatusFromPollResult(const pollfd& pfd);
uint32_t _bitrate;
bool _down;
bool _initialized;
int _fd;
const uint8_t _self_index;
const unsigned _max_frames_in_socket_tx_queue;
unsigned _frames_in_socket_tx_queue;
uint32_t _tx_frame_counter;
AP_HAL::EventHandle *_evt_handle;
static CANSocketEventSource evt_can_socket[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES];
pollfd _pollfd;
std::map<SocketCanError, uint64_t> _errors;
std::priority_queue<CanTxItem> _tx_queue;
std::queue<CanRxItem> _rx_queue;
std::unordered_multiset<uint32_t> _pending_loopback_ids;
std::vector<can_filter> _hw_filters_container;
struct {
uint32_t tx_requests;
uint32_t tx_full;
uint32_t tx_confirmed;
uint32_t tx_write_fail;
uint32_t tx_success;
uint32_t tx_timedout;
uint32_t rx_received;
uint32_t rx_errors;
uint32_t num_downs;
uint32_t num_rx_poll_req;
uint32_t num_tx_poll_req;
uint32_t num_poll_waits;
uint32_t num_poll_tx_events;
uint32_t num_poll_rx_events;
} stats;
#endif //#if HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES