#!/usr/bin/env python
script to determine what features have been built into an ArduPilot binary
import optparse
import os
import re
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import build_options
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
running_python3 = False
running_python3 = True
class ExtractFeatures(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.nm = 'arm-none-eabi-nm'
# feature_name should match the equivalent feature in
# build_options.py ('FEATURE_NAME', 'EXPECTED_SYMBOL').
# EXPECTED_SYMBOL is a regular expression which will be matched
# against "define" in build_options's feature list, and
# FEATURE_NAME will have substitutions made from the match.
# the substitutions will be upper-cased
self.features = [
('AP_AIRSPEED_ENABLED', 'AP_Airspeed::AP_Airspeed',),
('AP_AIRSPEED_{type}_ENABLED', 'AP_Airspeed_(?P<type>.*)::AP_Airspeed_(?P=type)',),
('BEACON_ENABLED', 'AP_Beacon::AP_Beacon',),
('HAL_TORQEEDO_ENABLED', 'AP_Torqeedo::AP_Torqeedo'),
def progress(self, string):
'''pretty-print progress'''
print("EF: %s" % string)
def run_program(self, prefix, cmd_list, show_output=True, env=None):
'''swiped from build_binaries.py'''
if show_output:
self.progress("Running (%s)" % " ".join(cmd_list))
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, bufsize=1, stdin=None,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env)
output = ""
while True:
x = p.stdout.readline()
if len(x) == 0:
returncode = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)
if returncode:
# select not available on Windows... probably...
if running_python3:
x = bytearray(x)
x = filter(lambda x : chr(x) in string.printable, x)
x = "".join([chr(c) for c in x])
output += x
x = x.rstrip()
if show_output:
print("%s: %s" % (prefix, x))
(_, status) = returncode
if status != 0 and show_output:
self.progress("Process failed (%s)" %
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
returncode, cmd_list)
return output
class Symbols(object):
def __init__(self):
self.symbols = dict()
self.symbols_without_arguments = dict()
def add(self, key, attributes):
self.symbols[key] = attributes
# also keep around the same symbol name without arguments.
# if the key is already present then the attributes become
# None as there are multiple possible answers...
m = re.match("^([^(]+).*", key)
if m is None:
extracted_symbol_name = key
extracted_symbol_name = m.group(1)
# print("Adding (%s)" % str(extracted_symbol_name))
if extracted_symbol_name in self.symbols_without_arguments:
self.symbols_without_arguments[extracted_symbol_name] = None
self.symbols_without_arguments[extracted_symbol_name] = attributes
def dict_for_symbol(self, symbol):
if '(' not in symbol:
some_dict = self.symbols_without_arguments
some_dict = self.symbols
return some_dict
def extract_symbols_from_elf(self, filename):
'''parses ELF in filename, returns dict of symbols=>attributes'''
text_output = self.run_program('EF', [
], show_output=False)
ret = ExtractFeatures.Symbols()
for line in text_output.split("\n"):
m = re.match("^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]) (.*)", line.rstrip())
if m is None:
m = re.match("^([^ ]+) ([^ ]) (.*)", line.rstrip())
if m is None:
# raise ValueError("Did not match (%s)" % line)
# e.g. Did not match ( U _errno)
(offset, symbol_type, symbol_name) = m.groups()
size = "0"
(offset, size, symbol_type, symbol_name) = m.groups()
size = int(size, 16)
# print("symbol (%s) size %u" % (str(symbol_name), size))
ret.add(symbol_name, {
"size": size,
return ret
def run(self):
build_options_defines = set([x.define for x in build_options.BUILD_OPTIONS])
symbols = self.extract_symbols_from_elf(filename)
for (feature_define, symbol) in self.features:
some_dict = symbols.dict_for_symbol(symbol)
# look for symbols without arguments
# print("Looking for (%s)" % str(name))
for s in some_dict.keys():
m = re.match(symbol, s)
# print("matching %s with %s" % (symbol, s))
if m is None:
d = m.groupdict()
for key in d.keys():
d[key] = d[key].upper()
# filter to just the defines present in
# build_options.py - otherwise we end up with (e.g.)
# AP_AIRSPEED_BACKEND_ENABLED, even 'though that
# doesn't exist in the ArduPilot codebase.
some_define = feature_define.format(**d)
if some_define not in build_options_defines:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = optparse.OptionParser("extract_features.py FILENAME")
cmd_opts, cmd_args = parser.parse_args()
if len(cmd_args) < 1:
filename = cmd_args[0]
ef = ExtractFeatures(filename)