namespace ArdupilotMega.Controls
partial class QuickView
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System . ComponentModel . IContainer components = null ;
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
protected override void Dispose ( bool disposing )
if ( disposing & & ( components ! = null ) )
components . Dispose ( ) ;
base . Dispose ( disposing ) ;
#region Component Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent ( )
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . LabelWithPseudoOpacity ( ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 = new System . Windows . Forms . TableLayoutPanel ( ) ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 = new ArdupilotMega . Controls . LabelWithPseudoOpacity ( ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
// labelWithPseudoOpacity1
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . AutoSize = true ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . DoubleBuffered = true ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 9.75F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 0 ) ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . Name = "labelWithPseudoOpacity1" ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1 1 8 , 2 0 ) ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . Text = "Altitude:" ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
// tableLayoutPanel1
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . ColumnCount = 1 ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . ColumnStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . ColumnStyle ( ) ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 , 0 , 1 ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . labelWithPseudoOpacity1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . Name = "tableLayoutPanel1" ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . RowCount = 2 ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . RowStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . RowStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Absolute , 2 0F ) ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . RowStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . RowStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Percent , 1 0 0F ) ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1 2 2 , 7 2 ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . TabIndex = 2 ;
// labelWithPseudoOpacity2
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . DoubleBuffered = true ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 2 1.75F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 2 0 ) ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . Name = "labelWithPseudoOpacity2" ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1 1 8 , 5 2 ) ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . Text = "000.00" ;
this . labelWithPseudoOpacity2 . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
// QuickView
this . AutoScaleDimensions = new System . Drawing . SizeF ( 6F , 1 3F ) ;
this . AutoScaleMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoScaleMode . Font ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . tableLayoutPanel1 ) ;
this . Name = "QuickView" ;
this . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1 2 2 , 7 2 ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . tableLayoutPanel1 . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
# endregion
private LabelWithPseudoOpacity labelWithPseudoOpacity1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel1 ;
private LabelWithPseudoOpacity labelWithPseudoOpacity2 ;