# include "AP_Avoidance.h"
extern const AP_HAL : : HAL & hal ;
# include <limits>
# include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
# include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
# else // APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_ArduCopter),Heli, Rover, Boat
# endif
# include <stdio.h>
# define debug(fmt, args ...) do {::fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: " fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## args); } while(0)
# else
# define debug(fmt, args ...)
# endif
// table of user settable parameters
const AP_Param : : GroupInfo AP_Avoidance : : var_info [ ] = {
// @Param: ENABLE
// @DisplayName: Enable Avoidance using ADSB
// @Description: Enable Avoidance using ADSB
// @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO_FLAGS ( " ENABLE " , 1 , AP_Avoidance , _enabled , 0 , AP_PARAM_FLAG_ENABLE ) ,
// @Param: F_ACTION
// @DisplayName: Collision Avoidance Behavior
// @Description: Specifies aircraft behaviour when a collision is imminent
// @Values: 0:None,1:Report,2:Climb Or Descend,3:Move Horizontally,4:Move Perpendicularly in 3D,5:RTL,6:Hover
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " F_ACTION " , 2 , AP_Avoidance , _fail_action , AP_AVOIDANCE_FAIL_ACTION_DEFAULT ) ,
// @Param: W_ACTION
// @DisplayName: Collision Avoidance Behavior - Warn
// @Description: Specifies aircraft behaviour when a collision may occur
// @Values: 0:None,1:Report
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " W_ACTION " , 3 , AP_Avoidance , _warn_action , MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_REPORT ) ,
// @Param: F_RCVRY
// @DisplayName: Recovery behaviour after a fail event
// @Description: Determines what the aircraft will do after a fail event is resolved
// @Values: 0:Remain in AVOID_ADSB,1:Resume previous flight mode,2:RTL,3:Resume if AUTO else Loiter
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " F_RCVRY " , 4 , AP_Avoidance , _fail_recovery , uint8_t ( AP_AVOIDANCE_RECOVERY_DEFAULT ) ) ,
// @Param: OBS_MAX
// @DisplayName: Maximum number of obstacles to track
// @Description: Maximum number of obstacles to track
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " OBS_MAX " , 5 , AP_Avoidance , _obstacles_max , 20 ) ,
// @Param: W_TIME
// @DisplayName: Time Horizon Warn
// @Description: Aircraft velocity vectors are multiplied by this time to determine closest approach. If this results in an approach closer than W_DIST_XY or W_DIST_Z then W_ACTION is undertaken (assuming F_ACTION is not undertaken)
// @Units: s
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " W_TIME " , 6 , AP_Avoidance , _warn_time_horizon , AP_AVOIDANCE_WARN_TIME_DEFAULT ) ,
// @Param: F_TIME
// @DisplayName: Time Horizon Fail
// @Description: Aircraft velocity vectors are multiplied by this time to determine closest approach. If this results in an approach closer than F_DIST_XY or F_DIST_Z then F_ACTION is undertaken
// @Units: s
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " F_TIME " , 7 , AP_Avoidance , _fail_time_horizon , AP_AVOIDANCE_FAIL_TIME_DEFAULT ) ,
// @Param: W_DIST_XY
// @DisplayName: Distance Warn XY
// @Description: Closest allowed projected distance before W_ACTION is undertaken
// @Units: m
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " W_DIST_XY " , 8 , AP_Avoidance , _warn_distance_xy , AP_AVOIDANCE_WARN_DISTANCE_XY_DEFAULT ) ,
// @Param: F_DIST_XY
// @DisplayName: Distance Fail XY
// @Description: Closest allowed projected distance before F_ACTION is undertaken
// @Units: m
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " F_DIST_XY " , 9 , AP_Avoidance , _fail_distance_xy , AP_AVOIDANCE_FAIL_DISTANCE_XY_DEFAULT ) ,
// @Param: W_DIST_Z
// @DisplayName: Distance Warn Z
// @Description: Closest allowed projected distance before BEHAVIOUR_W is undertaken
// @Units: m
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " W_DIST_Z " , 10 , AP_Avoidance , _warn_distance_z , AP_AVOIDANCE_WARN_DISTANCE_Z_DEFAULT ) ,
// @Param: F_DIST_Z
// @DisplayName: Distance Fail Z
// @Description: Closest allowed projected distance before BEHAVIOUR_F is undertaken
// @Units: m
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " F_DIST_Z " , 11 , AP_Avoidance , _fail_distance_z , AP_AVOIDANCE_FAIL_DISTANCE_Z_DEFAULT ) ,
// @Param: F_ALT_MIN
// @DisplayName: ADS-B avoidance minimum altitude
// @Description: Minimum AMSL (above mean sea level) altitude for ADS-B avoidance. If the vehicle is below this altitude, no avoidance action will take place. Useful to prevent ADS-B avoidance from activating while below the tree line or around structures. Default of 0 is no minimum.
// @Units: m
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " F_ALT_MIN " , 12 , AP_Avoidance , _fail_altitude_minimum , 0 ) ,
} ;
AP_Avoidance : : AP_Avoidance ( AP_ADSB & adsb ) :
_adsb ( adsb )
AP_Param : : setup_object_defaults ( this , var_info ) ;
if ( _singleton ! = nullptr ) {
AP_HAL : : panic ( " AP_Avoidance must be singleton " ) ;
_singleton = this ;
* Initialize variables and allocate memory for array
void AP_Avoidance : : init ( void )
debug ( " ADSB initialisation: %d obstacles " , _obstacles_max . get ( ) ) ;
if ( _obstacles = = nullptr ) {
_obstacles = new AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle [ _obstacles_max ] ;
if ( _obstacles = = nullptr ) {
// dynamic RAM allocation of _obstacles[] failed, disable gracefully
DEV_PRINTF ( " Unable to initialize Avoidance obstacle list \n " ) ;
// disable ourselves to avoid repeated allocation attempts
_enabled . set ( 0 ) ;
return ;
_obstacles_allocated = _obstacles_max ;
_obstacle_count = 0 ;
_last_state_change_ms = 0 ;
_gcs_cleared_messages_first_sent = std : : numeric_limits < uint32_t > : : max ( ) ;
_current_most_serious_threat = - 1 ;
* de - initialize and free up some memory
void AP_Avoidance : : deinit ( void )
if ( _obstacles ! = nullptr ) {
delete [ ] _obstacles ;
_obstacles = nullptr ;
_obstacles_allocated = 0 ;
handle_recovery ( RecoveryAction : : RTL ) ;
_obstacle_count = 0 ;
bool AP_Avoidance : : check_startup ( )
if ( ! _enabled ) {
if ( _obstacles ! = nullptr ) {
deinit ( ) ;
// nothing to do
return false ;
if ( _obstacles = = nullptr ) {
init ( ) ;
return _obstacles ! = nullptr ;
// vel is north/east/down!
void AP_Avoidance : : add_obstacle ( const uint32_t obstacle_timestamp_ms ,
const uint32_t src_id ,
const Location & loc ,
const Vector3f & vel_ned )
if ( ! check_startup ( ) ) {
return ;
uint32_t oldest_timestamp = std : : numeric_limits < uint32_t > : : max ( ) ;
uint8_t oldest_index = 255 ; // avoid compiler warning with initialisation
int16_t index = - 1 ;
uint8_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _obstacle_count ; i + + ) {
if ( _obstacles [ i ] . src_id = = src_id & &
_obstacles [ i ] . src = = src ) {
// pre-existing obstacle found; we will update its information
index = i ;
break ;
if ( _obstacles [ i ] . timestamp_ms < oldest_timestamp ) {
oldest_timestamp = _obstacles [ i ] . timestamp_ms ;
oldest_index = i ;
WITH_SEMAPHORE ( _rsem ) ;
if ( index = = - 1 ) {
// existing obstacle not found. See if we can store it anyway:
if ( i < _obstacles_allocated ) {
// have room to store more vehicles...
index = _obstacle_count + + ;
} else if ( oldest_timestamp < obstacle_timestamp_ms ) {
// replace this very old entry with this new data
index = oldest_index ;
} else {
// no room for this (old?!) data
return ;
_obstacles [ index ] . src = src ;
_obstacles [ index ] . src_id = src_id ;
_obstacles [ index ] . _location = loc ;
_obstacles [ index ] . _velocity = vel_ned ;
_obstacles [ index ] . timestamp_ms = obstacle_timestamp_ms ;
void AP_Avoidance : : add_obstacle ( const uint32_t obstacle_timestamp_ms ,
const uint32_t src_id ,
const Location & loc ,
const float cog ,
const float hspeed ,
const float vspeed )
Vector3f vel ;
vel [ 0 ] = hspeed * cosf ( radians ( cog ) ) ;
vel [ 1 ] = hspeed * sinf ( radians ( cog ) ) ;
vel [ 2 ] = vspeed ;
// debug("cog=%f hspeed=%f veln=%f vele=%f", cog, hspeed, vel[0], vel[1]);
return add_obstacle ( obstacle_timestamp_ms , src , src_id , loc , vel ) ;
uint32_t AP_Avoidance : : src_id_for_adsb_vehicle ( const AP_ADSB : : adsb_vehicle_t & vehicle ) const
// TODO: need to include squawk code and callsign
return vehicle . info . ICAO_address ;
void AP_Avoidance : : get_adsb_samples ( )
AP_ADSB : : adsb_vehicle_t vehicle ;
while ( _adsb . next_sample ( vehicle ) ) {
uint32_t src_id = src_id_for_adsb_vehicle ( vehicle ) ;
Location loc = _adsb . get_location ( vehicle ) ;
add_obstacle ( vehicle . last_update_ms ,
src_id ,
loc ,
vehicle . info . heading * 0.01 ,
vehicle . info . hor_velocity * 0.01 ,
- vehicle . info . ver_velocity * 0.01 ) ; // convert cm-up to m-down
float closest_approach_xy ( const Location & my_loc ,
const Vector3f & my_vel ,
const Location & obstacle_loc ,
const Vector3f & obstacle_vel ,
const uint8_t time_horizon )
Vector2f delta_vel_ne = Vector2f ( obstacle_vel [ 0 ] - my_vel [ 0 ] , obstacle_vel [ 1 ] - my_vel [ 1 ] ) ;
const Vector2f delta_pos_ne = obstacle_loc . get_distance_NE ( my_loc ) ;
Vector2f line_segment_ne = delta_vel_ne * time_horizon ;
float ret = Vector2 < float > : : closest_distance_between_radial_and_point
( line_segment_ne ,
delta_pos_ne ) ;
debug ( " time_horizon: (%d) " , time_horizon ) ;
debug ( " delta pos: (y=%f,x=%f) " , delta_pos_ne [ 0 ] , delta_pos_ne [ 1 ] ) ;
debug ( " delta vel: (y=%f,x=%f) " , delta_vel_ne [ 0 ] , delta_vel_ne [ 1 ] ) ;
debug ( " line segment: (y=%f,x=%f) " , line_segment_ne [ 0 ] , line_segment_ne [ 1 ] ) ;
debug ( " closest: (%f) " , ret ) ;
return ret ;
// returns the closest these objects will get in the body z axis (in metres)
float closest_approach_z ( const Location & my_loc ,
const Vector3f & my_vel ,
const Location & obstacle_loc ,
const Vector3f & obstacle_vel ,
const uint8_t time_horizon )
float delta_vel_d = obstacle_vel [ 2 ] - my_vel [ 2 ] ;
float delta_pos_d = obstacle_loc . alt - my_loc . alt ;
float ret ;
if ( delta_pos_d > = 0 & & delta_vel_d > = 0 ) {
ret = delta_pos_d ;
} else if ( delta_pos_d < = 0 & & delta_vel_d < = 0 ) {
ret = fabsf ( delta_pos_d ) ;
} else {
ret = fabsf ( delta_pos_d - delta_vel_d * time_horizon ) ;
debug ( " time_horizon: (%d) " , time_horizon ) ;
debug ( " delta pos: (%f) metres " , delta_pos_d / 100.0f ) ;
debug ( " delta vel: (%f) m/s " , delta_vel_d ) ;
debug ( " closest: (%f) metres " , ret / 100.0f ) ;
return ret / 100.0f ;
void AP_Avoidance : : update_threat_level ( const Location & my_loc ,
const Vector3f & my_vel ,
AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle & obstacle )
Location & obstacle_loc = obstacle . _location ;
Vector3f & obstacle_vel = obstacle . _velocity ;
obstacle . threat_level = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_NONE ;
const uint32_t obstacle_age = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) - obstacle . timestamp_ms ;
float closest_xy = closest_approach_xy ( my_loc , my_vel , obstacle_loc , obstacle_vel , _fail_time_horizon + obstacle_age / 1000 ) ;
if ( closest_xy < _fail_distance_xy ) {
obstacle . threat_level = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_HIGH ;
} else {
closest_xy = closest_approach_xy ( my_loc , my_vel , obstacle_loc , obstacle_vel , _warn_time_horizon + obstacle_age / 1000 ) ;
if ( closest_xy < _warn_distance_xy ) {
obstacle . threat_level = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_LOW ;
// check for vertical separation; our threat level is the minimum
// of vertical and horizontal threat levels
float closest_z = closest_approach_z ( my_loc , my_vel , obstacle_loc , obstacle_vel , _warn_time_horizon + obstacle_age / 1000 ) ;
if ( obstacle . threat_level ! = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_NONE ) {
if ( closest_z > _warn_distance_z ) {
obstacle . threat_level = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_NONE ;
} else {
closest_z = closest_approach_z ( my_loc , my_vel , obstacle_loc , obstacle_vel , _fail_time_horizon + obstacle_age / 1000 ) ;
if ( closest_z > _fail_distance_z ) {
obstacle . threat_level = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_LOW ;
// If we haven't heard from a vehicle then assume it is no threat
if ( obstacle_age > MAX_OBSTACLE_AGE_MS ) {
obstacle . threat_level = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_NONE ;
// could optimise this to not calculate a lot of this if threat
// level is none - but only *once the GCS has been informed*!
obstacle . closest_approach_xy = closest_xy ;
obstacle . closest_approach_z = closest_z ;
float current_distance = my_loc . get_distance ( obstacle_loc ) ;
obstacle . distance_to_closest_approach = current_distance - closest_xy ;
Vector2f net_velocity_ne = Vector2f ( my_vel [ 0 ] - obstacle_vel [ 0 ] , my_vel [ 1 ] - obstacle_vel [ 1 ] ) ;
obstacle . time_to_closest_approach = 0.0f ;
if ( ! is_zero ( obstacle . distance_to_closest_approach ) & &
! is_zero ( net_velocity_ne . length ( ) ) ) {
obstacle . time_to_closest_approach = obstacle . distance_to_closest_approach / net_velocity_ne . length ( ) ;
MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL AP_Avoidance : : current_threat_level ( ) const {
if ( _obstacles = = nullptr ) {
if ( _current_most_serious_threat = = - 1 ) {
return _obstacles [ _current_most_serious_threat ] . threat_level ;
void AP_Avoidance : : send_collision_all ( const AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle & threat , MAV_COLLISION_ACTION behaviour ) const
const mavlink_collision_t packet {
id : threat . src_id ,
time_to_minimum_delta : threat . time_to_closest_approach ,
altitude_minimum_delta : threat . closest_approach_z ,
horizontal_minimum_delta : threat . closest_approach_xy ,
action : ( uint8_t ) behaviour ,
threat_level : ( uint8_t ) threat . threat_level ,
} ;
gcs ( ) . send_to_active_channels ( MAVLINK_MSG_ID_COLLISION , ( const char * ) & packet ) ;
void AP_Avoidance : : handle_threat_gcs_notify ( AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle * threat )
if ( threat = = nullptr ) {
return ;
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
if ( threat - > threat_level = = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_NONE ) {
// only send cleared messages for a few seconds:
if ( _gcs_cleared_messages_first_sent = = 0 ) {
_gcs_cleared_messages_first_sent = now ;
if ( now - _gcs_cleared_messages_first_sent > _gcs_cleared_messages_duration * 1000 ) {
return ;
} else {
_gcs_cleared_messages_first_sent = 0 ;
if ( now - threat - > last_gcs_report_time > _gcs_notify_interval * 1000 ) {
send_collision_all ( * threat , mav_avoidance_action ( ) ) ;
threat - > last_gcs_report_time = now ;
bool AP_Avoidance : : obstacle_is_more_serious_threat ( const AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle & obstacle ) const
if ( _current_most_serious_threat = = - 1 ) {
// any threat is more of a threat than no threat
return true ;
const AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle & current = _obstacles [ _current_most_serious_threat ] ;
if ( obstacle . threat_level > current . threat_level ) {
// threat_level is updated by update_threat_level
return true ;
if ( obstacle . threat_level = = current . threat_level & &
obstacle . time_to_closest_approach < current . time_to_closest_approach ) {
return true ;
return false ;
void AP_Avoidance : : check_for_threats ( )
const AP_AHRS & _ahrs = AP : : ahrs ( ) ;
Location my_loc ;
if ( ! _ahrs . get_location ( my_loc ) ) {
// if we don't know our own location we can't determine any threat level
return ;
Vector3f my_vel ;
if ( ! _ahrs . get_velocity_NED ( my_vel ) ) {
// assuming our own velocity to be zero here may cause us to
// fly into something. Better not to attempt to avoid in this
// case.
return ;
// we always check all obstacles to see if they are threats since it
// is most likely our own position and/or velocity have changed
// determine the current most-serious-threat
_current_most_serious_threat = - 1 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < _obstacle_count ; i + + ) {
AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle & obstacle = _obstacles [ i ] ;
const uint32_t obstacle_age = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) - obstacle . timestamp_ms ;
debug ( " i=%d src_id=%d timestamp=%u age=%d " , i , obstacle . src_id , obstacle . timestamp_ms , obstacle_age ) ;
update_threat_level ( my_loc , my_vel , obstacle ) ;
debug ( " threat-level=%d " , obstacle . threat_level ) ;
// ignore any really old data:
if ( obstacle_age > MAX_OBSTACLE_AGE_MS ) {
// shrink list if this is the last entry:
if ( i = = _obstacle_count - 1 ) {
_obstacle_count - = 1 ;
continue ;
if ( obstacle_is_more_serious_threat ( obstacle ) ) {
_current_most_serious_threat = i ;
if ( _current_most_serious_threat ! = - 1 ) {
debug ( " Current most serious threat: %d level=%d " , _current_most_serious_threat , _obstacles [ _current_most_serious_threat ] . threat_level ) ;
AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle * AP_Avoidance : : most_serious_threat ( )
if ( _current_most_serious_threat < 0 ) {
// we *really_ should not have been called!
return nullptr ;
return & _obstacles [ _current_most_serious_threat ] ;
void AP_Avoidance : : update ( )
if ( ! check_startup ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( _adsb . enabled ( ) ) {
get_adsb_samples ( ) ;
check_for_threats ( ) ;
// avoid object (if necessary)
handle_avoidance_local ( most_serious_threat ( ) ) ;
// notify GCS of most serious thread
handle_threat_gcs_notify ( most_serious_threat ( ) ) ;
void AP_Avoidance : : handle_avoidance_local ( AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle * threat )
if ( threat ! = nullptr ) {
new_threat_level = threat - > threat_level ;
if ( new_threat_level = = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_HIGH ) {
action = ( MAV_COLLISION_ACTION ) _fail_action . get ( ) ;
Location my_loc ;
if ( action ! = MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_NONE & & _fail_altitude_minimum > 0 & &
AP : : ahrs ( ) . get_location ( my_loc ) & & ( ( my_loc . alt * 0.01f ) < _fail_altitude_minimum ) ) {
// disable avoidance when close to ground, report only
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
if ( new_threat_level ! = _threat_level ) {
// transition to higher states immediately, recovery to lower states more slowly
if ( ( ( now - _last_state_change_ms ) > AP_AVOIDANCE_STATE_RECOVERY_TIME_MS ) | | ( new_threat_level > _threat_level ) ) {
// handle recovery from high threat level
if ( _threat_level = = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_HIGH ) {
handle_recovery ( RecoveryAction ( _fail_recovery . get ( ) ) ) ;
_latest_action = MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_NONE ;
// update state
_last_state_change_ms = now ;
_threat_level = new_threat_level ;
// handle ongoing threat by calling vehicle specific handler
if ( ( threat ! = nullptr ) & & ( _threat_level = = MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL_HIGH ) & & ( action > MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_REPORT ) ) {
_latest_action = handle_avoidance ( threat , action ) ;
void AP_Avoidance : : handle_msg ( const mavlink_message_t & msg )
if ( ! check_startup ( ) ) {
// avoidance is not active / allocated
return ;
if ( msg . msgid ! = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_GLOBAL_POSITION_INT ) {
// we only take position from GLOBAL_POSITION_INT
return ;
if ( msg . sysid = = mavlink_system . sysid ) {
// we do not obstruct ourselves....
return ;
// inform AP_Avoidance we have a new player
mavlink_global_position_int_t packet ;
mavlink_msg_global_position_int_decode ( & msg , & packet ) ;
const Location loc {
packet . lat ,
packet . lon ,
int32_t ( packet . alt * 0.1 ) , // mm -> cm
Location : : AltFrame : : ABSOLUTE
} ;
const Vector3f vel {
packet . vx * 0.01f , // cm to m
packet . vy * 0.01f ,
packet . vz * 0.01f
} ;
add_obstacle ( AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ,
msg . sysid ,
loc ,
vel ) ;
// get unit vector away from the nearest obstacle
bool AP_Avoidance : : get_vector_perpendicular ( const AP_Avoidance : : Obstacle * obstacle , Vector3f & vec_neu ) const
if ( obstacle = = nullptr ) {
// why where we called?!
return false ;
Location my_abs_pos ;
if ( ! AP : : ahrs ( ) . get_location ( my_abs_pos ) ) {
// we should not get to here! If we don't know our position
// we can't know if there are any threats, for starters!
return false ;
// if their velocity is moving around close to zero then flying
// perpendicular to that velocity may mean we do weird things.
// Instead, we will fly directly away from them
if ( obstacle - > _velocity . length ( ) < _low_velocity_threshold ) {
const Vector2f delta_pos_xy = obstacle - > _location . get_distance_NE ( my_abs_pos ) ;
const float delta_pos_z = my_abs_pos . alt - obstacle - > _location . alt ;
Vector3f delta_pos_xyz = Vector3f ( delta_pos_xy . x , delta_pos_xy . y , delta_pos_z ) ;
// avoid div by zero
if ( delta_pos_xyz . is_zero ( ) ) {
return false ;
delta_pos_xyz . normalize ( ) ;
vec_neu = delta_pos_xyz ;
return true ;
} else {
vec_neu = perpendicular_xyz ( obstacle - > _location , obstacle - > _velocity , my_abs_pos ) ;
// avoid div by zero
if ( vec_neu . is_zero ( ) ) {
return false ;
vec_neu . normalize ( ) ;
return true ;
// helper functions to calculate 3D destination to get us away from obstacle
// v1 is NED
Vector3f AP_Avoidance : : perpendicular_xyz ( const Location & p1 , const Vector3f & v1 , const Location & p2 )
const Vector2f delta_p_2d = p1 . get_distance_NE ( p2 ) ;
Vector3f delta_p_xyz = Vector3f ( delta_p_2d [ 0 ] , delta_p_2d [ 1 ] , ( p2 . alt - p1 . alt ) / 100.0f ) ; //check this line
Vector3f v1_xyz = Vector3f ( v1 [ 0 ] , v1 [ 1 ] , - v1 [ 2 ] ) ;
Vector3f ret = Vector3f : : perpendicular ( delta_p_xyz , v1_xyz ) ;
return ret ;
// helper functions to calculate horizontal destination to get us away from obstacle
// v1 is NED
Vector2f AP_Avoidance : : perpendicular_xy ( const Location & p1 , const Vector3f & v1 , const Location & p2 )
const Vector2f delta_p = p1 . get_distance_NE ( p2 ) ;
Vector2f delta_p_n = Vector2f ( delta_p [ 0 ] , delta_p [ 1 ] ) ;
Vector2f v1n ( v1 [ 0 ] , v1 [ 1 ] ) ;
Vector2f ret_xy = Vector2f : : perpendicular ( delta_p_n , v1n ) ;
return ret_xy ;
// singleton instance
AP_Avoidance * AP_Avoidance : : _singleton ;
namespace AP {
AP_Avoidance * ap_avoidance ( )
return AP_Avoidance : : get_singleton ( ) ;