WAF Tool to select the correct toolchain based on the target archtecture.
This tool must be loaded before compiler tools. Use the environment variable
TOOLCHAIN to define the toolchain prefix.
def configure(cfg):
cfg.env.TOOLCHAIN = 'arm-linux-gnueabihf'
from waflib import Utils, Context
import os
def find_realexec_path(cfg, filename, path_list=[]):
if not filename:
return ''
if not path_list:
path_list = cfg.environ.get('PATH','').split(os.pathsep)
for dir in path_list:
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(dir, filename)))
if os.path.isfile(path):
if os.path.islink(path):
realpath = os.path.realpath(path)
if filename not in os.path.basename(realpath):
return os.path.dirname(realpath)
return os.path.dirname(path)
cfg.fatal('Could not find real exec path to %s in path_list %s:' % (filename, path_list))
def configure(cfg):
toolchain = cfg.env.TOOLCHAIN
if toolchain != 'native':
cfg.msg('Using toolchain prefix', toolchain)
prefix = toolchain + '-'
c_compiler = cfg.options.check_c_compiler or 'gcc'
cxx_compiler = cfg.options.check_cxx_compiler or 'g++'
if 'gcc' == c_compiler or 'g++' == cxx_compiler or 'clang' == c_compiler or 'clang++' == cxx_compiler:
toolchain_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(find_realexec_path(cfg, prefix + 'ar'), '..'))
cfg.msg('Using toolchain path', toolchain_path)
if 'gcc' == c_compiler or 'g++' == cxx_compiler:
cfg.env['AR'] = prefix + 'ar'
cfg.env['CXX'] = prefix + 'g++'
cfg.env['CC'] = prefix + 'gcc'
if 'clang' == c_compiler or 'clang++' == cxx_compiler:
sysroot = cfg.cmd_and_log([prefix + 'gcc', '--print-sysroot'], quiet=Context.BOTH)[:-1]
clang_flags = [
'--target=' + toolchain,
'--gcc-toolchain=' + toolchain_path,
'--sysroot=' + sysroot,
'-B' + os.path.join(toolchain_path, 'bin')
cfg.env.LINKFLAGS += clang_flags
if 'gcc' == c_compiler:
cfg.env['CC'] = prefix + 'gcc'
elif 'clang' == c_compiler:
cfg.env['CC'] = c_compiler
cfg.env['AR'] = prefix + 'ar'
cfg.env.CFLAGS += clang_flags
if 'g++' == cxx_compiler:
cfg.env['CXX'] = prefix + 'g++'
elif 'clang++' == cxx_compiler:
cfg.env['CXX'] = cxx_compiler
cfg.env['AR'] = prefix + 'ar'
cfg.env.CXXFLAGS += clang_flags