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#pragma once
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
class GCS_MAVLINK_Tracker : public GCS_MAVLINK
void data_stream_send(void) override;
// telem_delay is not used by Tracker but is pure virtual, thus
// this implementaiton. it probably *should* be used by Tracker,
// as currently Tracker may brick XBees
uint32_t telem_delay() const override { return 0; }
Compass *get_compass() const override;
AP_Mission *get_mission() override { return nullptr; };
AP_Rally *get_rally() const override { return nullptr; };
AP_Camera *get_camera() const override { return nullptr; };
AP_ServoRelayEvents *get_servorelayevents() const override { return nullptr; }
AP_GPS *get_gps() const override;
const AP_FWVersion &get_fwver() const override;
void set_ekf_origin(const Location& loc) override;
uint8_t sysid_my_gcs() const override;
bool set_mode(uint8_t mode) override;
void handleMessage(mavlink_message_t * msg) override;
bool handle_guided_request(AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd) override;
void handle_change_alt_request(AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd) override;
bool try_send_message(enum ap_message id) override;