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-- This script checks Proximity
function update()
sensor_count = proximity:num_sensors()
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("%d proximity sensors found.", sensor_count))
if sensor_count > 0 then
object_count = proximity:get_object_count()
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("%d objects found.", object_count))
closest_angle, closest_distance = proximity:get_closest_object()
if closest_angle and closest_distance then
gcs:send_text(0, "Closest object at angle "..closest_angle.." distance "..closest_distance)
for i = 0, object_count do
angle, distance = proximity:get_object_angle_and_distance(i)
if angle and distance then
gcs:send_text(0, "Object "..i.." at angle "..angle.." distance "..distance)
return update, 2000 -- check again in 0.5Hz
return update(), 2000 -- first message may be displayed 2 seconds after start-up