// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# include <AP_Camera.h>
# include <AP_Relay.h>
# include <../RC_Channel/RC_Channel_aux.h>
extern RC_Channel_aux * g_rc_function [ RC_Channel_aux : : k_nr_aux_servo_functions ] ; // the aux. servo ch. assigned to each function
extern int32_t wp_distance ;
extern AP_Relay relay ;
// ------------------------------
const AP_Param : : GroupInfo AP_Camera : : var_info [ ] PROGMEM = {
// @Param: TRIGG_TYPE
// @DisplayName: Camera shutter (trigger) type
// @Description: how to trigger the camera to take a picture
// @Values: 0:Servo,1:relay,2:throttle_off_time,3:throttle_off_waypoint,4:transistor
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " TRIGG_TYPE " , 0 , AP_Camera , trigger_type ) ,
} ;
/// Servo operated camera
AP_Camera : : servo_pic ( )
if ( g_rc_function [ RC_Channel_aux : : k_cam_trigger ] )
g_rc_function [ RC_Channel_aux : : k_cam_trigger ] - > radio_out = g_rc_function [ RC_Channel_aux : : k_cam_trigger ] - > radio_max ;
keep_cam_trigg_active_cycles = 2 ; // leave a message that it should be active for two event loop cycles
/// basic relay activation
AP_Camera : : relay_pic ( )
relay . on ( ) ;
keep_cam_trigg_active_cycles = 2 ; // leave a message that it should be active for two event loop cycles
/// pictures blurry? use this trigger. Turns off the throttle until for # of cycles of medium loop then takes the picture and re-enables the throttle.
AP_Camera : : throttle_pic ( )
// TODO find a way to do this without using the global parameter g
// g.channel_throttle.radio_out = g.throttle_min;
if ( thr_pic = = 10 ) {
servo_pic ( ) ; // triggering method
thr_pic = 0 ;
// g.channel_throttle.radio_out = g.throttle_cruise;
thr_pic + + ;
/// pictures blurry? use this trigger. Turns off the throttle until closer to waypoint then takes the picture and re-enables the throttle.
AP_Camera : : distance_pic ( )
// TODO find a way to do this without using the global parameter g
// g.channel_throttle.radio_out = g.throttle_min;
if ( wp_distance < 3 ) {
servo_pic ( ) ; // triggering method
// g.channel_throttle.radio_out = g.throttle_cruise;
/// hacked the circuit to run a transistor? use this trigger to send output.
AP_Camera : : NPN_pic ( )
// TODO: Assign pin spare pin for output
digitalWrite ( camtrig , HIGH ) ;
keep_cam_trigg_active_cycles = 1 ; // leave a message that it should be active for two event loop cycles
/// single entry point to take pictures
AP_Camera : : trigger_pic ( )
switch ( trigger_type )
case 0 :
servo_pic ( ) ; // Servo operated camera
break ;
case 1 :
relay_pic ( ) ; // basic relay activation
break ;
case 2 :
throttle_pic ( ) ; // pictures blurry? use this trigger. Turns off the throttle until for # of cycles of medium loop then takes the picture and re-enables the throttle.
break ;
case 3 :
distance_pic ( ) ; // pictures blurry? use this trigger. Turns off the throttle until closer to waypoint then takes the picture and re-enables the throttle.
break ;
case 4 :
NPN_pic ( ) ; // hacked the circuit to run a transistor? use this trigger to send output.
break ;
/// de-activate the trigger after some delay, but without using a delay() function
AP_Camera : : trigger_pic_cleanup ( )
if ( keep_cam_trigg_active_cycles )
keep_cam_trigg_active_cycles - - ;
switch ( trigger_type )
case 0 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
G_RC_AUX ( k_cam_trigger ) - > radio_out = g_rc_function [ RC_Channel_aux : : k_cam_trigger ] - > radio_min ;
break ;
case 1 :
relay . off ( ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
digitalWrite ( camtrig , LOW ) ;
break ;
/// decode MavLink that configures camera
AP_Camera : : configure_msg ( mavlink_message_t * msg )
__mavlink_digicam_configure_t packet ;
mavlink_msg_digicam_configure_decode ( msg , & packet ) ;
if ( mavlink_check_target ( packet . target_system , packet . target_component ) ) {
// not for us
return ;
// TODO do something with these values
packet . aperture
packet . command_id
packet . engine_cut_off
packet . exposure_type
packet . extra_param
packet . extra_value
packet . iso
packet . mode
packet . shutter_speed
// echo the message to the ArduCam OSD camera control board
// for more info see: http://code.google.com/p/arducam-osd/
// TODO is it connected to MAVLINK_COMM_3 ?
mavlink_msg_digicam_configure_send ( MAVLINK_COMM_3 , packet . target_system , packet . target_component , packet . mode , packet . shutter_speed , packet . aperture , packet . iso , packet . exposure_type , packet . command_id , packet . engine_cut_off , packet . extra_param , packet . extra_value ) ;
/// decode MavLink that controls camera
AP_Camera : : control_msg ( mavlink_message_t * msg )
__mavlink_digicam_control_t packet ;
mavlink_msg_digicam_control_decode ( msg , & packet ) ;
if ( mavlink_check_target ( packet . target_system , packet . target_component ) ) {
// not for us
return ;
// TODO do something with these values
packet . command_id
packet . extra_param
packet . extra_value
packet . focus_lock
packet . session
packet . shot
packet . zoom_pos
packet . zoom_step
if ( packet . shot )
trigger_pic ( ) ;
// echo the message to the ArduCam OSD camera control board
// for more info see: http://code.google.com/p/arducam-osd/
// TODO is it connected to MAVLINK_COMM_3 ?
mavlink_msg_digicam_control_send ( MAVLINK_COMM_3 , packet . target_system , packet . target_component , packet . session , packet . zoom_pos , packet . zoom_step , packet . focus_lock , packet . shot , packet . command_id , packet . extra_param , packet . extra_value ) ;