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# hw definition file for processing by
# for pixhawk1, based on fmuv3
include ../fmuv3/hwdef.dat
# define the IMU types to probe. You can list more IMUs than you
# actually have. The syntax for IMU declarations is:
# IMU DriverName DeviceDeclarations Arguments
# the DriverName is the C++ name of the driver in AP_InertialSensor
# the DeviceDeclarations are either SPI or I2C
# for SPI the format is SPI:devicename where devicename comes from the
# SPIDEV table above
# for I2C the format is I2C:BusNum:BusAddr7bit, for example I2C:0:0x1e
# for fmuv3 we normally have two IMUs, one is a mpu6000 with a single SPI CS
# line. The other is a LSM303D/L3GD20 which uses the LSM9DS0 driver,
# and two SPIDEV endpoints, one for gyro, one for accel/mag
IMU Invensense SPI:mpu6000 ROTATION_ROLL_180
IMU LSM9DS0 SPI:lsm9ds0_g SPI:lsm9ds0_am ROTATION_ROLL_180
# define the barometers to probe with BARO lines. These follow the
# same format as IMU lines
BARO MS56XX SPI:ms5611
# probe for two mags.
# note that the number of arguments and meanings for compass driver
# declarations is driver dependent. The HMC5843 driver takes two
# arguments, the first for whether the compass is external and the
# second the orientation. The LSM303D driver doesn't take any arguments
COMPASS HMC5843 SPI:hmc5843 false ROTATION_PITCH_180
# also probe for external compasses