Browse Source

AP_Mount: backend restructure and support for ef/bf angle and rate

Randy Mackay 3 years ago
  1. 257
  2. 87


@ -6,13 +6,31 @@ extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; @@ -6,13 +6,31 @@ extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
#define AP_MOUNT_UPDATE_DT 0.02 // update rate in seconds. update() should be called at this rate
// set_angle_targets - sets angle targets in degrees
void AP_Mount_Backend::set_angle_targets(float roll, float tilt, float pan)
// set angle target in degrees
// yaw_is_earth_frame (aka yaw_lock) should be true if yaw angle is earth-frame, false if body-frame
void AP_Mount_Backend::set_angle_target(float roll_deg, float pitch_deg, float yaw_deg, bool yaw_is_earth_frame)
// set angle targets
_angle_ef_target_rad.x = radians(roll);
_angle_ef_target_rad.y = radians(tilt);
_angle_ef_target_rad.z = radians(pan);
mavt_target.target_type = MountTargetType::ANGLE;
mavt_target.angle_rad.roll = radians(roll_deg);
mavt_target.angle_rad.pitch = radians(pitch_deg);
mavt_target.angle_rad.yaw = radians(yaw_deg);
mavt_target.angle_rad.yaw_is_ef = yaw_is_earth_frame;
// set the mode to mavlink targeting
// sets rate target in deg/s
// yaw_lock should be true if the yaw rate is earth-frame, false if body-frame (e.g. rotates with body of vehicle)
void AP_Mount_Backend::set_rate_target(float roll_degs, float pitch_degs, float yaw_degs, bool yaw_is_earth_frame)
// set rate targets
mavt_target.target_type = MountTargetType::RATE;
mavt_target.rate_rads.roll = radians(roll_degs);
mavt_target.rate_rads.pitch = radians(pitch_degs);
mavt_target.rate_rads.yaw = radians(yaw_degs);
mavt_target.rate_rads.yaw_is_ef = yaw_is_earth_frame;
// set the mode to mavlink targeting
@ -66,7 +84,7 @@ void AP_Mount_Backend::control(int32_t pitch_or_lat, int32_t roll_or_lon, int32_ @@ -66,7 +84,7 @@ void AP_Mount_Backend::control(int32_t pitch_or_lat, int32_t roll_or_lon, int32_
// set earth frame target angles from mavlink message
set_angle_targets(roll_or_lon*0.01f, pitch_or_lat*0.01f, yaw_or_alt*0.01f);
set_angle_target(roll_or_lon*0.01f, pitch_or_lat*0.01f, yaw_or_alt*0.01f, false);
// Load neutral position and start RC Roll,Pitch,Yaw control with stabilization
@ -116,86 +134,100 @@ bool AP_Mount_Backend::handle_global_position_int(uint8_t msg_sysid, const mavli @@ -116,86 +134,100 @@ bool AP_Mount_Backend::handle_global_position_int(uint8_t msg_sysid, const mavli
return true;
// update rate and angle targets from RC input
// current angle target (in radians) should be provided in angle_rad target
// rate and angle targets are returned in rate_rads and angle_rad arguments
// angle min and max are in centi-degrees
void AP_Mount_Backend::update_rate_and_angle_from_rc(const RC_Channel *chan, float &rate_rads, float &angle_rad, float angle_min_cd, float angle_max_cd) const
if ((chan == nullptr) || (chan->get_radio_in() == 0)) {
rate_rads = 0;
rate_rads = chan->norm_input_dz() * radians(_frontend._rc_rate_max);
angle_rad = constrain_float(angle_rad + (rate_rads * AP_MOUNT_UPDATE_DT), radians(angle_min_cd*0.01f), radians(angle_max_cd*0.01f));
// update_targets_from_rc - updates angle targets using input from receiver
void AP_Mount_Backend::update_targets_from_rc()
// get pilot input (in the range -1 to +1) received through RC
void AP_Mount_Backend::get_rc_input(float& roll_in, float& pitch_in, float& yaw_in) const
const RC_Channel *roll_ch = rc().channel(_state._roll_rc_in - 1);
const RC_Channel *tilt_ch = rc().channel(_state._tilt_rc_in - 1);
const RC_Channel *pan_ch = rc().channel(_state._pan_rc_in - 1);
const RC_Channel *pitch_ch = rc().channel(_state._tilt_rc_in - 1);
const RC_Channel *yaw_ch = rc().channel(_state._pan_rc_in - 1);
// if joystick_speed is defined then pilot input defines a rate of change of the angle
if (_frontend._rc_rate_max > 0) {
// allow pilot position input to come directly from an RC_Channel
update_rate_and_angle_from_rc(roll_ch, _rate_target_rads.x, _angle_ef_target_rad.x, _state._roll_angle_min, _state._roll_angle_max);
update_rate_and_angle_from_rc(tilt_ch, _rate_target_rads.y, _angle_ef_target_rad.y, _state._tilt_angle_min, _state._tilt_angle_max);
update_rate_and_angle_from_rc(pan_ch, _rate_target_rads.z, _angle_ef_target_rad.z, _state._pan_angle_min, _state._pan_angle_max);
_rate_target_rads_valid = true;
} else {
// allow pilot rate input to come directly from an RC_Channel
if ((roll_ch != nullptr) && (roll_ch->get_radio_in() != 0)) {
_angle_ef_target_rad.x = angle_input_rad(roll_ch, _state._roll_angle_min, _state._roll_angle_max);
if ((tilt_ch != nullptr) && (tilt_ch->get_radio_in() != 0)) {
_angle_ef_target_rad.y = angle_input_rad(tilt_ch, _state._tilt_angle_min, _state._tilt_angle_max);
if ((pan_ch != nullptr) && (pan_ch->get_radio_in() != 0)) {
_angle_ef_target_rad.z = angle_input_rad(pan_ch, _state._pan_angle_min, _state._pan_angle_max);
// not using rate input
_rate_target_rads_valid = false;
roll_in = 0;
if ((roll_ch != nullptr) && (roll_ch->get_radio_in() > 0)) {
roll_in = roll_ch->norm_input_dz();
pitch_in = 0;
if ((pitch_ch != nullptr) && (pitch_ch->get_radio_in() > 0)) {
pitch_in = pitch_ch->norm_input_dz();
// returns the angle (radians) that the RC_Channel input is receiving
float AP_Mount_Backend::angle_input_rad(const RC_Channel* rc, int16_t angle_min, int16_t angle_max)
return radians(((rc->norm_input_ignore_trim() + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (angle_max - angle_min) + angle_min)*0.01f);
yaw_in = 0;
if ((yaw_ch != nullptr) && (yaw_ch->get_radio_in() > 0)) {
yaw_in = yaw_ch->norm_input_dz();
bool AP_Mount_Backend::calc_angle_to_roi_target(Vector3f& angles_to_target_rad, bool calc_tilt, bool calc_pan, bool relative_pan) const
// get rate targets (in rad/s) from pilot RC
// returns true on success (RC is providing rate targets), false on failure (RC is providing angle targets)
bool AP_Mount_Backend::get_rc_rate_target(MountTarget& rate_rads) const
if (!_roi_target_set) {
// exit immediately if RC is not providing rate targets
if (_frontend._rc_rate_max <= 0) {
return false;
return calc_angle_to_location(_roi_target, angles_to_target_rad, calc_tilt, calc_pan, relative_pan);
// get RC input from pilot
float roll_in, pitch_in, yaw_in;
get_rc_input(roll_in, pitch_in, yaw_in);
// calculate rates
const float rc_rate_max_rads = radians(_frontend._rc_rate_max.get());
rate_rads.roll = roll_in * rc_rate_max_rads;
rate_rads.pitch = pitch_in * rc_rate_max_rads;
rate_rads.yaw = yaw_in * rc_rate_max_rads;
// yaw frame
rate_rads.yaw_is_ef = _yaw_lock;
return true;
bool AP_Mount_Backend::calc_angle_to_sysid_target(Vector3f& angles_to_target_rad, bool calc_tilt, bool calc_pan, bool relative_pan) const
// get angle targets (in radians) from pilot RC
// returns true on success (RC is providing angle targets), false on failure (RC is providing rate targets)
bool AP_Mount_Backend::get_rc_angle_target(MountTarget& angle_rad) const
if (!_target_sysid_location_set) {
// exit immediately if RC is not providing angle targets
if (_frontend._rc_rate_max > 0) {
return false;
if (!_target_sysid) {
return false;
// get RC input from pilot
float roll_in, pitch_in, yaw_in;
get_rc_input(roll_in, pitch_in, yaw_in);
// roll angle
angle_rad.roll = radians(((roll_in + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (_state._roll_angle_max - _state._roll_angle_min) + _state._roll_angle_min)*0.01f);
// pitch angle
angle_rad.pitch = radians(((pitch_in + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (_state._tilt_angle_max - _state._tilt_angle_min) + _state._tilt_angle_min)*0.01f);
// yaw angle
angle_rad.yaw_is_ef = _yaw_lock;
if (angle_rad.yaw_is_ef) {
// if yaw is earth-frame pilot yaw input control angle from -180 to +180 deg
angle_rad.yaw = yaw_in * M_PI;
} else {
// yaw target in body frame so apply body frame limits
angle_rad.yaw = radians(((yaw_in + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (_state._pan_angle_max - _state._pan_angle_min) + _state._pan_angle_min)*0.01f);
return calc_angle_to_location(_target_sysid_location, angles_to_target_rad, calc_tilt, calc_pan, relative_pan);
return true;
// calc_angle_to_location - calculates the earth-frame roll, tilt and pan angles (in radians) to point at the given target
bool AP_Mount_Backend::calc_angle_to_location(const Location &target, Vector3f& angles_to_target_rad, bool calc_tilt, bool calc_pan, bool relative_pan) const
// get angle targets (in radians) to a Location
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool AP_Mount_Backend::get_angle_target_to_location(const Location &loc, MountTarget& angle_rad) const
// exit immediately if vehicle's location is unavailable
Location current_loc;
if (!AP::ahrs().get_location(current_loc)) {
return false;
const float GPS_vector_x = Location::diff_longitude(target.lng,current_loc.lng)*cosf(ToRad((*0.00000005f))*0.01113195f;
const float GPS_vector_y = (*0.01113195f;
const float GPS_vector_x = Location::diff_longitude(loc.lng, current_loc.lng)*cosf(ToRad(( + * 0.00000005f)) * 0.01113195f;
const float GPS_vector_y = ( - * 0.01113195f;
int32_t target_alt_cm = 0;
if (!target.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABOVE_HOME, target_alt_cm)) {
if (!loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABOVE_HOME, target_alt_cm)) {
return false;
int32_t current_alt_cm = 0;
@ -205,23 +237,102 @@ bool AP_Mount_Backend::calc_angle_to_location(const Location &target, Vector3f& @@ -205,23 +237,102 @@ bool AP_Mount_Backend::calc_angle_to_location(const Location &target, Vector3f&
float GPS_vector_z = target_alt_cm - current_alt_cm;
float target_distance = 100.0f*norm(GPS_vector_x, GPS_vector_y); // Careful , centimeters here locally. Baro/alt is in cm, lat/lon is in meters.
// initialise all angles to zero;
// calculate roll, pitch, yaw angles
angle_rad.roll = 0;
angle_rad.pitch = atan2f(GPS_vector_z, target_distance);
angle_rad.yaw = atan2f(GPS_vector_x, GPS_vector_y);
angle_rad.yaw_is_ef = true;
// tilt calcs
if (calc_tilt) {
angles_to_target_rad.y = atan2f(GPS_vector_z, target_distance);
return true;
// pan calcs
if (calc_pan) {
// calc absolute heading and then convert to vehicle relative yaw
angles_to_target_rad.z = atan2f(GPS_vector_x, GPS_vector_y);
if (relative_pan) {
angles_to_target_rad.z = wrap_PI(angles_to_target_rad.z - AP::ahrs().yaw);
// get angle targets (in radians) to ROI location
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool AP_Mount_Backend::get_angle_target_to_roi(MountTarget& angle_rad) const
if (!_roi_target_set) {
return false;
return get_angle_target_to_location(_roi_target, angle_rad);
return true;
// return body-frame yaw angle from a mount target
float AP_Mount_Backend::get_bf_yaw_angle(const MountTarget& angle_rad) const
if (angle_rad.yaw_is_ef) {
// convert to body-frame
return wrap_PI(angle_rad.yaw - AP::ahrs().yaw);
// target is already body-frame
return angle_rad.yaw;
// return earth-frame yaw angle from a mount target
float AP_Mount_Backend::get_ef_yaw_angle(const MountTarget& angle_rad) const
if (angle_rad.yaw_is_ef) {
// target is already earth-frame
return angle_rad.yaw;
// convert to earth-frame
return wrap_PI(angle_rad.yaw + AP::ahrs().yaw);
// update angle targets using a given rate target
// the resulting angle_rad yaw frame will match the rate_rad yaw frame
// assumes a 50hz update rate
void AP_Mount_Backend::update_angle_target_from_rate(const MountTarget& rate_rad, MountTarget& angle_rad) const
// update roll and pitch angles and apply limits
angle_rad.roll = constrain_float(angle_rad.roll + rate_rad.roll * AP_MOUNT_UPDATE_DT, radians(_state._roll_angle_min * 0.01), radians(_state._roll_angle_max * 0.01));
angle_rad.pitch = constrain_float(angle_rad.pitch + rate_rad.pitch * AP_MOUNT_UPDATE_DT, radians(_state._tilt_angle_min * 0.01), radians(_state._tilt_angle_max * 0.01));
// ensure angle yaw frames matches rate yaw frame
if (angle_rad.yaw_is_ef != rate_rad.yaw_is_ef) {
if (rate_rad.yaw_is_ef) {
angle_rad.yaw = get_ef_yaw_angle(angle_rad);
} else {
angle_rad.yaw = get_bf_yaw_angle(angle_rad);
angle_rad.yaw_is_ef = rate_rad.yaw_is_ef;
// update yaw angle target
angle_rad.yaw = angle_rad.yaw + rate_rad.yaw * AP_MOUNT_UPDATE_DT;
if (angle_rad.yaw_is_ef) {
// if earth-frame yaw wraps between += 180 degrees
angle_rad.yaw = wrap_PI(angle_rad.yaw);
} else {
// if body-frame constrain yaw to body-frame limits
angle_rad.yaw = constrain_float(angle_rad.yaw, radians(_state._pan_angle_min * 0.01), radians(_state._pan_angle_max * 0.01));
// get angle targets (in radians) to home location
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool AP_Mount_Backend::get_angle_target_to_home(MountTarget& angle_rad) const
// exit immediately if home is not set
if (!AP::ahrs().home_is_set()) {
return false;
return get_angle_target_to_location(AP::ahrs().get_home(), angle_rad);
// get angle targets (in radians) to a vehicle with sysid of _target_sysid
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool AP_Mount_Backend::get_angle_target_to_sysid(MountTarget& angle_rad) const
// exit immediately if sysid is not set or no location available
if (!_target_sysid_location_set) {
return false;
if (!_target_sysid) {
return false;
return get_angle_target_to_location(_target_sysid_location, angle_rad);


@ -59,8 +59,13 @@ public: @@ -59,8 +59,13 @@ public:
// If false (aka "follow") the gimbal's yaw is maintained in body-frame meaning it will rotate with the vehicle
void set_yaw_lock(bool yaw_lock) { _yaw_lock = yaw_lock; }
// set_angle_targets - sets angle targets in degrees
void set_angle_targets(float roll, float tilt, float pan);
// set angle target in degrees
// yaw_is_earth_frame (aka yaw_lock) should be true if yaw angle is earth-frame, false if body-frame
void set_angle_target(float roll_deg, float pitch_deg, float yaw_deg, bool yaw_is_earth_frame);
// sets rate target in deg/s
// yaw_lock should be true if the yaw rate is earth-frame, false if body-frame (e.g. rotates with body of vehicle)
void set_rate_target(float roll_degs, float pitch_degs, float yaw_degs, bool yaw_is_earth_frame);
// set_roi_target - sets target location that mount should attempt to point towards
void set_roi_target(const Location &target_loc);
@ -97,26 +102,56 @@ public: @@ -97,26 +102,56 @@ public:
// update_targets_from_rc - updates angle targets (i.e. _angle_ef_target_rad) using input from receiver
void update_targets_from_rc();
enum class MountTargetType {
// structure for a single angle or rate target
struct MountTarget {
float roll;
float pitch;
float yaw;
bool yaw_is_ef;
// get pilot input (in the range -1 to +1) received through RC
void get_rc_input(float& roll_in, float& pitch_in, float& yaw_in) const;
// get rate targets (in rad/s) from pilot RC
// returns true on success (RC is providing rate targets), false on failure (RC is providing angle targets)
bool get_rc_rate_target(MountTarget& rate_rads) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// angle_input_rad - convert RC input into an earth-frame target angle
float angle_input_rad(const RC_Channel* rc, int16_t angle_min, int16_t angle_max);
// get angle targets (in radians) from pilot RC
// returns true on success (RC is providing angle targets), false on failure (RC is providing rate targets)
bool get_rc_angle_target(MountTarget& angle_rad) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// calc_angle_to_location - calculates the earth-frame roll, tilt
// and pan angles (in radians) to point at the given target
bool calc_angle_to_location(const Location &target, Vector3f& angles_to_target_rad, bool yaw_is_earth_frame) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// get angle targets (in radians) to a Location
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool get_angle_target_to_location(const Location &loc, MountTarget& angle_rad) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// calc_angle_to_roi_target - calculates the earth-frame roll, tilt
// and pan angles (in radians) to point at the ROI-target (as set
// by various mavlink messages)
bool calc_angle_to_roi_target(Vector3f& angles_to_target_rad, bool calc_tilt, bool calc_pan, bool relative_pan) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// get angle targets (in radians) to ROI location
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool get_angle_target_to_roi(MountTarget& angle_rad) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// calc_angle_to_sysid_target - calculates the earth-frame roll, tilt
// and pan angles (in radians) to point at the sysid-target (as set
// by various mavlink messages)
bool calc_angle_to_sysid_target(Vector3f& angles_to_target_rad, bool calc_tilt, bool calc_pan, bool relative_pan) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// get angle targets (in radians) to home location
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool get_angle_target_to_home(MountTarget& angle_rad) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// get angle targets (in radians) to a vehicle with sysid of _target_sysid
// returns true on success, false on failure
bool get_angle_target_to_sysid(MountTarget& angle_rad) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// return body-frame yaw angle from a mount target
float get_bf_yaw_angle(const MountTarget& angle_rad) const;
// return earth-frame yaw angle from a mount target
float get_ef_yaw_angle(const MountTarget& angle_rad) const;
// update angle targets using a given rate target
// the resulting angle_rad yaw frame will match the rate_rad yaw frame
// assumes a 50hz update rate
void update_angle_target_from_rate(const MountTarget& rate_rad, MountTarget& angle_rad) const;
AP_Mount &_frontend; // reference to the front end which holds parameters
AP_Mount::mount_state &_state; // references to the parameters and state for this backend
@ -125,23 +160,19 @@ protected: @@ -125,23 +160,19 @@ protected:
MAV_MOUNT_MODE _mode; // current mode (see MAV_MOUNT_MODE enum)
bool _yaw_lock; // True if the gimbal's yaw target is maintained in earth-frame, if false (aka "follow") it is maintained in body-frame
Vector3f _angle_ef_target_rad; // desired earth-frame roll, tilt and vehicle-relative pan angles in radians
Vector3f _rate_target_rads; // desired roll, pitch, yaw rate in radians/sec
bool _rate_target_rads_valid;// true if _rate_target_rads should can be used (e.g. RC input is using rate control)
// structure for MAVLink Targeting angle and rate targets
struct {
MountTargetType target_type;// MAVLink targeting mode's current target type (e.g. angle or rate)
MountTarget angle_rad; // angle target in radians
MountTarget rate_rads; // rate target in rad/s
} mavt_target;
Location _roi_target; // roi target location
bool _roi_target_set; // true if the roi target has been set
uint8_t _target_sysid; // sysid to track
Location _target_sysid_location;// sysid target location
bool _target_sysid_location_set;// true if _target_sysid has been set
// update rate and angle targets from RC input
// current angle target (in radians) should be provided in angle_rad target
// rate and angle targets are returned in rate_rads and angle_rad arguments
// angle min and max are in centi-degrees
void update_rate_and_angle_from_rc(const RC_Channel *chan, float &rate_rads, float &angle_rad, float angle_min_cd, float angle_max_cd) const;
