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git-svn-id: f9c3cf11-9bcb-44bc-f272-b75c42450872mission-4.1.18
3 changed files with 330 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ |
GPS_UBLOX.cpp - Ublox GPS library for Arduino |
Code by Jordi Muñoz and Jose Julio. |
This code works with boards based on ATMega168/328 and ATMega1280 (Serial port 1) |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and / or |
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
GPS configuration : Ublox protocol |
Baud rate : 38400 |
Active messages :
NAV - POSLLH Geodetic Position Solution, PAGE 66 of datasheet |
NAV - VELNED Velocity Solution in NED, PAGE 71 of datasheet |
NAV - STATUS Receiver Navigation Status |
NAV - SOL Navigation Solution Information |
Methods: |
init() : GPS initialization |
update() : Call this funcion as often as you want to ensure you read the incomming gps data |
Properties: |
Lattitude : Lattitude * 10000000 (long value) |
Longitude : Longitude * 10000000 (long value) |
altitude : altitude * 100 (meters) (long value) |
ground_speed : Speed (m/s) * 100 (long value) |
ground_course : Course (degrees) * 100 (long value) |
new_data : 1 when a new data is received. |
You need to write a 0 to new_data when you read the data |
fix : 1: GPS FIX, 0: No fix (normal logic) |
*/ |
#include "AP_GPS_406.h" |
#include "WProgram.h" |
AP_GPS_406::buffer[MAXPAYLOAD] = {0x24,0x50,0x53,0x52,0x46,0x31,0x30,0x30,0x2C,0x30,0x2C,0x35,0x37,0x36,0x30,0x30,0x2C,0x38,0x2C,0x31,0x2C,0x30,0x2A,0x33,0x37,0x0D,0x0A}; |
#define PAYLOAD_LENGTH 92 |
#define BAUD_RATE 57600 |
// Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
AP_GPS_406::AP_GPS_406() |
{ |
} |
// Public Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void AP_GPS_406::init(void) |
{ |
change_to_sirf_protocol(); |
delay(100); //Waits fot the GPS to start_UP
configure_gps(); //Function to configure GPS, to output only the desired msg's
step = 0; |
new_data = 0; |
fix = 0; |
print_errors = 0; |
// initialize serial port
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) |
Serial1.begin(38400); // Serial port 1 on ATMega1280
#else |
#endif |
} |
// optimization : This code don´t wait for data, only proccess the data available
// We can call this function on the main loop (50Hz loop)
// If we get a complete packet this function calls parse_gps() to parse and update the GPS info.
void AP_GPS_406::update(void) |
{ |
byte data; |
int numc; |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) // If AtMega1280 then Serial port 1...
numc = Serial1.available(); |
#else |
numc = Serial.available(); |
#endif |
if (numc > 0){ |
for (int i = 0; i < numc; i++){ // Process bytes received
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) |
data =; |
#else |
data =; |
#endif |
switch(step){ |
case 0: |
if(data == 0xA0) |
step++; |
break; |
case 1:
if(data == 0xA2) |
step++; |
else |
step = 0; |
break; |
case 2:
if(data == 0xA2) |
step++; |
else |
step = 0; |
break; |
case 3:
if(data == 0x00) |
step++; |
else |
step = 0; |
break; |
case 4: |
if(data == 0x5B) |
step++; |
else |
step = 0; |
break; |
case 5: |
if(data == 0x29){ |
payload_counter = 0; |
step++; |
}else |
step = 0; |
break; |
case 6: // Payload data read...
if (payload_counter <= PAYLOAD_LENGTH){ // We stay in this state until we reach the payload_length
buffer[payload_counter] = data; |
payload_counter++; |
if (payload_counter == PAYLOAD_LENGTH){ |
parse_gps(); |
step = 0; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
} // End for...
} |
} |
// Private Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void |
AP_GPS_406::parse_gps(void) |
{ |
uint8_t j; |
fix = (buffer[1] > 0) ? 1:0; |
j = 22; |
lattitude = join_4_bytes(&buffer[j]); // lat * 10, 000, 000
j = 26; |
longitude = join_4_bytes(&buffer[j]); // lon * 10, 000, 000
j = 34; |
altitude = join_4_bytes(&buffer[j]); // alt in meters * 100
j = 39; |
ground_speed = join_2_bytes(&buffer[j]); // meters / second * 100
if(ground_speed >= 50){ |
//Only updates data if we are really moving...
j = 41; |
ground_course = (unsigned int)join_2_bytes(&buffer[j]); // meters / second * 100
} |
j = 45; |
//climb_rate = join_2_bytes(&buffer[j]); // meters / second * 100
if(lattitude == 0){ |
new_data = false; |
fix = 0; |
}else{ |
new_data = true; |
} |
} |
// Join 4 bytes into a long
int32_t |
AP_GPS_406::join_4_bytes(unsigned char Buffer[]) |
{ |
longUnion.byte[3] = *Buffer; |
longUnion.byte[2] = *(Buffer + 1); |
longUnion.byte[1] = *(Buffer + 2); |
longUnion.byte[0] = *(Buffer + 3); |
return(longUnion.dword); |
} |
// Join 2 bytes into an int
int16_t |
AP_GPS_406::join_2_bytes(unsigned char Buffer[]) |
{ |
intUnion.byte[1] = *Buffer; |
intUnion.byte[0] = *(Buffer + 1); |
return(intUnion.word); |
} |
AP_GPS_406::configure_gps(void) |
{ |
const uint8_t gps_header[] = {0xA0, 0xA2, 0x00, 0x08, 0xA6, 0x00}; |
const uint8_t gps_payload[] = {0x02, 0x04, 0x07, 0x09, 0x1B}; |
const uint8_t gps_checksum[] = {0xA8, 0xAA, 0xAD, 0xAF, 0xC1}; |
const uint8_t gps_ender[] = {0xB0, 0xB3}; |
const uint8_t cero = 0x00; |
for(int z = 0; z < 2; z++){ |
for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++){ |
for(int y = 0; y < 6; y++){ |
Serial.print(gps_header[y]); // Prints the msg header, is the same header for all msg..
} |
Serial.print(gps_payload[x]); // Prints the payload, is not the same for every msg
for(int y = 0; y < 6; y++){ |
Serial.print(cero); // Prints 6 zeros
} |
Serial.print(gps_checksum[x]); // Print the Checksum
Serial.print(gps_ender[0]); // Print the Ender of the string, is same on all msg's.
Serial.print(gps_ender[1]); // ender
} |
} |
AP_GPS_406::change_to_sirf_protocol(void) |
{ |
Serial.begin(4800); // First try in 4800
delay(300); |
for (byte x = 0; x <= 28; x++){ |
Serial.print(buffer[x]); // Sending special bytes declared at the beginning
} |
delay(300); |
Serial.begin(9600); // Then try in 9600
delay(300); |
for (byte x = 0; x <= 28; x++){ |
Serial.print(buffer[x]); |
} |
Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); // Universal Sincronus Asyncronus Receiveing Transmiting
} |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
#ifndef AP_GPS_UBLOX_h |
#define AP_GPS_UBLOX_h |
#include <GPS.h> |
#define MAXPAYLOAD 100 |
class AP_GPS_406 : public GPS |
{ |
public: |
// Methods
AP_GPS_406(); |
void init(); |
void update(); |
private: |
// Internal variables
uint8_t step; |
uint8_t payload_counter; |
static uint8_t buffer[MAXPAYLOAD]; |
void parse_gps(); |
int32_t join_4_bytes(uint8_t Buffer[]); |
int16_t join_2_bytes(uint8_t Buffer[]); |
void change_to_sirf_protocol(void); |
void configure_gps(void); |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
/* |
Example of GPS MTK library. |
Code by Jordi Munoz and Jose Julio. |
Works with Ardupilot Mega Hardware (GPS on Serial Port1) |
and with standard ATMega168 and ATMega328 on Serial Port 0 |
*/ |
#include <AP_GPS_406.h> // UBLOX GPS Library |
AP_GPS_406 gps; |
#define T6 1000000 |
#define T7 10000000 |
void setup() |
{ |
Serial.begin(57600); |
Serial.println("GPS 406 library test"); |
gps.init(); // GPS Initialization |
delay(1000); |
} |
void loop() |
{ |
delay(20); |
gps.update(); |
if (gps.new_data){ |
Serial.print("gps:"); |
Serial.print(" Lat:"); |
Serial.print((float)gps.lattitude / T7, DEC); |
Serial.print(" Lon:"); |
Serial.print((float)gps.longitude / T7, DEC); |
Serial.print(" Alt:"); |
Serial.print((float)gps.altitude / 100.0, DEC); |
Serial.print(" GSP:"); |
Serial.print(gps.ground_speed / 100.0); |
Serial.print(" COG:"); |
Serial.print(gps.ground_course / 100, DEC); |
Serial.print(" SAT:"); |
Serial.print(gps.num_sats, DEC); |
Serial.print(" FIX:"); |
Serial.print(gps.fix, DEC); |
Serial.print(" TIM:"); |
Serial.print(gps.time, DEC); |
Serial.println(); |
gps.new_data = 0; // We have readed the data |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue