a) save roll, pitch, yaw rate acceleration limits along with gains
b) more conservative gains
2) Roll, pitch rate control feed-forward now on by default (set ATC_RATE_FF_ENAB to "0" to disable)
3) Serial ports increased to maximum of 4 (set SERIALX_PROTOCOL to 1)
4) MOT_THR_MIX_MIN param to control minimum throttle vs attitude during landing (higher = more attitude control but bumpier landing)
5) EKF fixes/improvements
a) prevent yaw errors during fast spins
b) bug fix preventing external selection of optical flow mode
6) Parachute:
a) servo/relay held open for 2sec when deploying (was 1sec)
b) fix altitude check to be alt-above-home (was alt-above ekf origin which could be slightly different)
7) TradHeli:
a) parameters moved to stop possibility of corruption if board is switched between tradheli and multicopter firmware. Heli users may need to re-setup some heli-specific params.
b) H_COLYAW param can be float
8) Small Improvements / Bug Fixes:
a) reduced spline overshoot after very long track followed by very short track
b) log entire mission to dataflash whenver it's uploaded
c) altitude reported if vehicle takes off before GPS lock
d) high speed logging of IMU
e) STOP flight mode renamed to BRAKE and aux switch option added