// set_min_throttle - sets the minimum throttle that will be sent to the engines when they're not off (i.e. to prevents issues with some motors spinning and some not at very low throttle)
AP_Int16_spin_when_armed;// used to control whether the motors always spin when armed. pwm value above radio_min
// internal variables
RC_Channel*_rc_roll,*_rc_pitch,*_rc_throttle,*_rc_yaw;// input in from users
RC_Channel&_rc_roll;// roll input in from users is held in servo_out
RC_Channel&_rc_pitch;// pitch input in from users is held in servo_out
RC_Channel&_rc_throttle;// throttle input in from users is held in servo_out
RC_Channel&_rc_yaw;// yaw input in from users is held in servo_out
uint8_t_motor_to_channel_map[AP_MOTORS_MAX_NUM_MOTORS];// mapping of motor number (as received from upper APM code) to RC channel output - used to account for differences between APM1 and APM2
uint16_t_speed_hz;// speed in hz to send updates to motors
int16_t_min_throttle;// the minimum throttle to be sent to the motors when they're on (prevents motors stalling while flying)