3 changed files with 0 additions and 263 deletions
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AP_Radio.cpp - Radio library for Arduino |
Code by Jason Short. DIYDrones.com |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and / or |
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
*/ |
#include "AP_RC.h" |
#define CH1 0 |
#define CH2 1 |
#define CH3 2 |
#define CH4 3 |
#define THROTTLE_PIN 13 |
#include <avr/interrupt.h> |
#define CH3TRIM 1100 |
// Variable definition for interrupt
volatile uint16_t timer1count = 0; |
volatile uint16_t timer2count = 0; |
volatile uint16_t timer3count = 0; |
volatile uint16_t timer4count = 0; |
volatile uint16_t timer1diff = 1500 * 2; |
volatile uint16_t timer2diff = 1500 * 2; |
volatile uint16_t timer3diff = 1100 * 2; |
volatile uint16_t timer4diff = 1500 * 2; |
#define CH1_READ 1 |
#define CH2_READ 2 |
#define CH3_READ 4 |
#define CH4_READ 8 |
volatile int8_t _rc_ch_read = 0; |
volatile uint8_t _timer_ovf_a = 0; |
volatile uint8_t _timer_ovf_b = 0; |
volatile uint8_t _timer_ovf = 0; |
//volatile uint16_t ap_rc_input[4];
AP_RC::AP_RC() |
{ |
pinMode(11,INPUT); // PB3 - MOSI/OC2 - Throttle in
pinMode(13,INPUT); // PB5 - SCK - Rudder in
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // PB1 - OC1A - Elevator PWM out
pinMode(10,OUTPUT); // PB2 - OC1B - Aileron PWM out
// set Analog out 4 to output
DDRC |= B00010000;
} |
void |
AP_RC::read_pwm() |
{ |
input[CH1] = timer1diff; |
input[CH2] = timer2diff; |
input[CH3] = timer3diff; |
input[CH4] = timer4diff; |
} |
void AP_RC::init(int trims[]) |
{ |
// enable pin change interrupt 2 - PCINT23..16
// enable pin change interrupt 0 - PCINT7..0
PCICR |= _BV(PCIE0); |
// enable in change interrupt on PB5 (digital pin 13)
// enable pin change interrupt on PD2,PD3 (digital pin 2,3)
PCMSK2 = _BV(PCINT18) | _BV(PCINT19); |
// Timer 1
TCCR1A = ((1 << WGM11) | (1 << COM1B1) | (1 << COM1A1)); |
TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11); |
// apply initial values
set_ch_pwm(CH1, 1500); |
set_ch_pwm(CH2, 1500); |
ICR1 = 40000; |
// Throttle;
// Setting up the Timer 2 - 8 bit timer
TCCR2A = 0x0; // Normal Mode
TCCR2B = _BV(CS21) |_BV(CS20); //prescaler 32, at 16mhz (32/16) = 2, the counter will increment 1 every 2us
// apply initial values
//OCR2A = (trims[CH3]-1000) / 4;
//OCR2B = trims[CH4] / 4; // center the rudder
set_ch_pwm(CH3, CH3TRIM); |
set_ch_pwm(CH4, 1500); |
TIMSK1 |= _BV(ICIE1); // Timer / Counter1, Input Capture Interrupt Enable // PB0 - output throttle
TIMSK2 = _BV(TOIE1) | _BV(OCIE2A) | _BV(OCIE2B); // Timer / Counter2 Compare Match A
} |
void |
AP_RC::set_ch_pwm(uint8_t ch, uint16_t pwm) |
switch(ch){ |
case CH1: |
pwm <<= 1; |
OCR1A = pwm; |
break; |
case CH2: |
pwm <<= 1; |
OCR1B = pwm; |
break; |
case CH3: |
// Jason's fancy 2µs hack
_timer_out = pwm % 512;
_timer_ovf_a = pwm / 512; |
_timer_out >>= 1; |
OCR2A = _timer_out; |
break; |
case CH4: |
_timer_out = pwm % 512;
_timer_ovf_b = pwm / 512; |
_timer_out >>= 1; |
OCR2B = _timer_out; |
break; |
} |
// radio PWM input timers
ISR(PCINT2_vect) { |
int cnt = TCNT1; |
if(PIND & B00000100){ // ch 1 (pin 2) is high
if ((_rc_ch_read & CH1_READ) != CH1_READ){ |
_rc_ch_read |= CH1_READ; |
timer1count = cnt; |
} |
}else if ((_rc_ch_read & CH1_READ) == CH1_READ){ // ch 1 (pin 2) is Low, and we were reading
_rc_ch_read &= B11111110; |
if (cnt < timer1count) // Timer1 reset during the read of this pulse
timer1diff = (cnt + 40000 - timer1count); // Timer1 TOP = 40000
else |
timer1diff = (cnt - timer1count); |
timer1diff >>= 1; |
} |
if(PIND & B00001000){ // ch 2 (pin 3) is high
if ((_rc_ch_read & CH2_READ) != CH2_READ){ |
_rc_ch_read |= CH2_READ; |
timer2count = cnt; |
} |
}else if ((_rc_ch_read & CH2_READ) == CH2_READ){ // ch 1 (pin 2) is Low
_rc_ch_read &= B11111101; |
if (cnt < timer2count) // Timer1 reset during the read of this pulse
timer2diff = (cnt + 40000 - timer2count); // Timer1 TOP = 40000
else |
timer2diff = (cnt - timer2count); |
timer2diff >>= 1; |
} |
} |
ISR(PCINT0_vect) |
{ |
int cnt = TCNT1; |
#if THROTTLE_PIN == 11 |
if(PINB & 8){ // pin 11
#else |
if(PINB & 32){ // pin 13
#endif |
if ((_rc_ch_read & CH3_READ) != CH3_READ){ |
_rc_ch_read |= CH3_READ; |
timer3count = cnt; |
} |
}else if ((_rc_ch_read & CH3_READ) == CH3_READ){ // ch 1 (pin 2) is Low
_rc_ch_read &= B11111011; |
if (cnt < timer3count) // Timer1 reset during the read of this pulse
timer3diff = (cnt + 40000 - timer3count); // Timer1 TOP = 40000
else |
timer3diff = (cnt - timer3count); |
timer3diff >>= 1; |
} |
#if THROTTLE_PIN == 11 |
if(PINB & 32){ // pin 13
#else |
if(PINB & 8){ // pin 11
#endif |
if ((_rc_ch_read & CH4_READ) != CH4_READ){ |
_rc_ch_read |= CH4_READ; |
timer4count = cnt; |
} |
}else if ((_rc_ch_read & CH4_READ) == CH4_READ){ // ch 1 (pin 2) is Low
_rc_ch_read &= B11110111; |
if (cnt < timer4count) // Timer1 reset during the read of this pulse
timer4diff = (cnt + 40000 - timer4count); // Timer1 TOP = 40000
else |
timer4diff = (cnt - timer4count); |
timer4diff >>= 1; |
} |
} |
// Throttle Timer Interrupt
// ------------------------
ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) // Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
{ |
//This is a timer 1 interrupts, executed every 20us
PORTB |= B00000001; //Putting the pin high!
PORTC |= B00010000; //Putting the pin high!
TCNT2 = 0; //restarting the counter of timer 2
_timer_ovf = 0; |
} |
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) |
{ |
_timer_ovf++; |
} |
ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect) // Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A
{ |
if(_timer_ovf == _timer_ovf_a){ |
PORTB &= B11111110; //Putting the pin low
} |
} |
ISR(TIMER2_COMPB_vect) // Timer/Counter2 Compare Match B Rudder Servo
{ |
if(_timer_ovf == _timer_ovf_b){ |
PORTC &= B11101111; //Putting the pin low!
} |
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#ifndef AP_RC_h |
#define AP_RC_h |
#include <inttypes.h> |
#include "WProgram.h" |
class AP_RC
{ |
public: |
AP_RC(); |
void set_ch_pwm(uint8_t ch, uint16_t pwm); |
void init(int trims[]); |
void read_pwm(); |
uint16_t input[4]; |
private: |
uint16_t _timer_out; |
}; |
#endif |
Reference in new issue