@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo QuadPlane::var_info2[] = {
@@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo QuadPlane::var_info2[] = {
// @Param: TRANS_FAIL
// @DisplayName: Quadplane transition failure time
// @Description: Maximum time allowed for forward transitions, exceeding this time will cancel the transition and the aircraft will immediately change to QLAND or finish the transition depending on Q_OPTIONS bit 19. 0 for no limit.
// @Description: Maximum time allowed for forward transitions, exceeding this time will cancel the transition and the aircraft will immediately change to the mode set by Q_TRANS_FAIL_ACT or finish the transition depending on Q_OPTIONS bit 19. 0 for no limit.
// @Units: s
// @Range: 0 20
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " TRANS_FAIL " , 8 , QuadPlane , transition_failure , 0 ) ,
AP_GROUPINFO ( " TRANS_FAIL " , 8 , QuadPlane , transition_failure . timeout , 0 ) ,
@ -436,6 +436,12 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo QuadPlane::var_info2[] = {
@@ -436,6 +436,12 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo QuadPlane::var_info2[] = {
// @Range: 0 10000
AP_GROUPINFO ( " BACKTRANS_MS " , 28 , QuadPlane , back_trans_pitch_limit_ms , 3000 ) ,
// @DisplayName: Quadplane transition failure action
// @Description: This sets the mode that is changed to when Q_TRANS_FAIL time elapses, if set. See also Q_OPTIONS bit 19: CompleteTransition if Q_TRANS_FAIL
// @Values: -1:Warn only, 0:QLand, 1:QRTL
AP_GROUPINFO ( " TRANS_FAIL_ACT " , 29 , QuadPlane , transition_failure . action , 0 ) ,
} ;
@ -1482,22 +1488,35 @@ void SLT_Transition::update()
@@ -1482,22 +1488,35 @@ void SLT_Transition::update()
// check if we have failed to transition while in TRANSITION_AIRSPEED_WAIT
if ( transition_start_ms ! = 0 & &
( quadplane . transition_failure > 0 ) & &
( ( now - transition_start_ms ) > ( ( uint32_t ) quadplane . transition_failure * 1000 ) ) ) {
( quadplane . transition_failure . timeout > 0 ) & &
( ( now - transition_start_ms ) > ( ( uint32_t ) quadplane . transition_failure . timeout * 1000 ) ) ) {
if ( ! quadplane . transition_failure . warned ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " Transition failed, exceeded time limit " ) ;
quadplane . transition_failure . warned = true ;
// if option is set and ground speed> 1/2 arspd_fbw_min for non-tiltrotors, then complete transition, otherwise QLAND.
// tiltrotors will immediately transition
if ( quadplane . options & QuadPlane : : OPTION_TRANS_FAIL_TO_FW ) {
if ( ! plane . quadplane . tiltrotor . enabled ( ) & &
plane . ahrs . groundspeed ( ) < plane . aparm . airspeed_min * 0.5 ) {
plane . set_mode ( plane . mode_qland , ModeReason : : VTOL_FAILED_TRANSITION ) ;
} else {
const bool tiltrotor_with_ground_speed = quadplane . tiltrotor . enabled ( ) & & ( plane . ahrs . groundspeed ( ) > plane . aparm . airspeed_min * 0.5 ) ;
if ( ( quadplane . options & QuadPlane : : OPTION_TRANS_FAIL_TO_FW ) & & tiltrotor_with_ground_speed ) {
transition_state = TRANSITION_TIMER ;
in_forced_transition = true ;
} else {
switch ( QuadPlane : : TRANS_FAIL : : ACTION ( quadplane . transition_failure . action ) ) {
case QuadPlane : : TRANS_FAIL : : ACTION : : QLAND :
plane . set_mode ( plane . mode_qland , ModeReason : : VTOL_FAILED_TRANSITION ) ;
break ;
case QuadPlane : : TRANS_FAIL : : ACTION : : QRTL :
plane . set_mode ( plane . mode_qrtl , ModeReason : : VTOL_FAILED_TRANSITION ) ;
quadplane . poscontrol . set_state ( QuadPlane : : QPOS_POSITION1 ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} else {
quadplane . transition_failure . warned = false ;
transition_low_airspeed_ms = now ;