// @Description: Automatically begin landing sequence after arriving at RTL location. This requires the addition of a DO_LAND_START mission item, which acts as a marker for the start of a landing sequence. The closest landing sequence will be chosen to the current location.
// @Values: 0:Disable,1:Enable - go HOME then land,2:Enable - go directly to landing sequence
// @Description: Automatically begin landing sequence after arriving at RTL location. This requires the addition of a DO_LAND_START mission item, which acts as a marker for the start of a landing sequence. The closest landing sequence will be chosen to the current location. If this is set to 0 and there is a DO_LAND_START mission item then you will get an arming check failure. You can set to a value of 3 to avoid the arming check failure and use the DO_LAND_START for go-around without it changing RTL behaviour. For a value of 1 a rally point will be used instead of HOME if in range (see rally point documentation).
// @Values: 0:Disable,1:Fly HOME then land,2:Go directly to landing sequence, 3:OnlyForGoAround