@ -297,6 +297,31 @@ You may (like me) need to reverse the Roll servo, using the Radio Calibration pa
@@ -297,6 +297,31 @@ You may (like me) need to reverse the Roll servo, using the Radio Calibration pa
on Mission Planner, else the vehicle will steer in exactly the wrong direction
when on Auto, but will be OK on Manual.
GPS notes
I tested intially with an EM-405A GPS (This is a 5Hz, 5V GPS, and therefore I
also needed a voltage divider to make the received data compatible with the
Flymaple 3.3V GPS input on pin D0). This GPS was unsatisfactory due to long
time lags in changing ground track and speed, and also due to large random
ground speeds up to 1.0 m/s when stationary. I was able to get ok behaviour
with very large values for NAVL1_PERIOD of around 40. Dont use this GPS.
I also tested with a Eagle Tree GPS$v, which is a 10Hz, 3.3V GPS board
containing a GTPA010 GPS. This GPS worked much better with the suggested