ftype_magVarRateScale;// scale factor applied to magnetometer variance due to angular rate
ftype_easNoise;// equivalent airspeed measurement noise : m/s
ftype_windVelProcessNoise;// wind velocity state process noise : m/s^2
ftype_wndVarHgtRateScale;// scale factor applied to wind process noise due to height rate
ftype_gyrNoise;// gyro process noise : rad/s
ftype_accNoise;// accelerometer process noise : m/s^2
ftype_gyroBiasNoiseScaler;// scale factor applied to gyro bias state process variance when on ground
ftype_gyroBiasProcessNoise;// gyro bias state process noise : rad/s
ftype_accelBiasProcessNoise;// accel bias state process noise : m/s^2
ftype_magEarthProcessNoise;// earth magnetic field process noise : gauss/sec
ftype_magBodyProcessNoise;// earth magnetic field process noise : gauss/sec
uint16_t_msecVelDelay;// effective average delay of GPS velocity measurements rel to IMU (msec)
uint16_t_msecPosDelay;// effective average delay of GPS position measurements rel to (msec)
uint16_t_msecHgtDelay;// effective average delay of height measurements rel to (msec)
uint16_t_msecMagDelay;// effective average delay of magnetometer measurements rel to IMU (msec)
uint16_t_msecTasDelay;// effective average delay of airspeed measurements rel to IMU (msec)
uint16_t_msecGpsAvg;// average number of msec between GPS measurements
uint16_t_msecHgtAvg;// average number of msec between height measurements
uint8_t_fusionModeGPS;// 0 = use 3D velocity, 1 = use 2D velocity, 2 = use no velocity
uint8_t_gpsVelInnovGate;// Number of standard deviations applied to GPS velocity innovation consistency check
uint8_t_gpsPosInnovGate;// Number of standard deviations applied to GPS position innovation consistency check
uint8_t_hgtInnovGate;// Number of standard deviations applied to height innovation consistency check
uint8_t_magInnovGate;// Number of standard deviations applied to magnetometer innovation consistency check
uint8_t_tasInnovGate;// Number of standard deviations applied to true airspeed innovation consistency check
uint32_t_gpsRetryTimeUseTAS;// GPS retry time following innovation consistency fail if TAS measurements are used
uint32_t_gpsRetryTimeNoTAS;// GPS retry time following innovation consistency fail if no TAS measurements are used
uint32_t_hgtRetryTimeMode0;// height measurement retry time following innovation consistency fail if GPS fusion mode is = 0
uint32_t_hgtRetryTimeMode12;// height measurement retry time following innovation consistency fail if GPS fusion mode is > 0
Vector21states;// state matrix - 4 x quaternions, 3 x Vel, 3 x Pos, 3 x gyro bias, 3 x accel bias, 2 x wind vel, 3 x earth mag field, 3 x body mag field
Matrix21KH;// intermediate result used for covariance updates
Matrix21KHP;// intermediate result used for covariance updates
Matrix21P;// covariance matrix
Matrix21_50storedStates;// state vectors stored for the last 50 time steps
uint32_tstatetimeStamp[50];// time stamp for each state vector stored
Vector3fcorrectedDelAng;// delta angles about the xyz body axes corrected for errors (rad)
Vector3fcorrectedDelVel;// delta velocities along the XYZ body axes corrected for errors (m/s)
Vector3fsummedDelAng;// corrected & summed delta angles about the xyz body axes (rad)
Vector3fsummedDelVel;// corrected & summed delta velocities along the XYZ body axes (m/s)
Vector3fprevDelAng;// previous delta angle use for INS coning error compensation
Matrix3fprevTnb;// previous nav to body transformation used for INS earth rotation compensation
ftypeaccNavMag;// magnitude of navigation accel - used to adjust GPS obs variance (m/s^2)
Vector3fearthRateNED;// earths angular rate vector in NED (rad/s)
Vector3fdVelIMU;// delta velocity vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (m/s)
Vector3fdAngIMU;// delta angle vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (rad)
ftypedtIMU;// time lapsed since the last IMU measurement (sec)
ftypedt;// time lapsed since the last covariance prediction (sec)
ftypehgtRate;// state for rate of change of height filter
boolonGround;// boolean true when the flight vehicle is on the ground (not flying)
constbooluseAirspeed;// boolean true if airspeed data is being used
constbooluseCompass;// boolean true if magnetometer data is being used
constuint8_tfusionModeGPS;// 0 = GPS outputs 3D velocity, 1 = GPS outputs 2D velocity, 2 = GPS outputs no velocity
Vector6innovVelPos;// innovation output for a group of measurements
Vector6varInnovVelPos;// innovation variance output for a group of measurements
boolfuseVelData;// this boolean causes the velNED measurements to be fused
boolfusePosData;// this boolean causes the posNE measurements to be fused
boolfuseHgtData;// this boolean causes the hgtMea measurements to be fused
Vector3fvelNED;// North, East, Down velocity measurements (m/s)
Vector2posNE;// North, East position measurements (m)
ftypehgtMea;// height measurement relative to reference point (m)
Vector21statesAtVelTime;// States at the effective time of velNED measurements
Vector21statesAtPosTime;// States at the effective time of posNE measurements
Vector21statesAtHgtTime;// States at the effective time of hgtMea measurement
Vector3finnovMag;// innovation output from fusion of X,Y,Z compass measurements
Vector3fvarInnovMag;// innovation variance output from fusion of X,Y,Z compass measurements
boolfuseMagData;// boolean true when magnetometer data is to be fused
Vector3fmagData;// magnetometer flux readings in X,Y,Z body axes
Vector21statesAtMagMeasTime;// filter states at the effective time of compass measurements
ftypeinnovVtas;// innovation output from fusion of airspeed measurements
ftypevarInnovVtas;// innovation variance output from fusion of airspeed measurements
boolfuseVtasData;// boolean true when airspeed data is to be fused
floatVtasMeas;// true airspeed measurement (m/s)
Vector21statesAtVtasMeasTime;// filter states at the effective measurement time
Vector3fmagBias;// magnetometer bias vector in XYZ body axes
constftypecovTimeStepMax;// maximum time allowed between covariance predictions
constftypecovDelAngMax;// maximum delta angle between covariance predictions
boolcovPredStep;// boolean set to true when a covariance prediction step has been performed
constftypeyawVarScale;// scale factor applied to yaw gyro errors when on ground
boolmagFusePerformed;// boolean set to true when magnetometer fusion has been perfomred in that time step
boolmagFuseRequired;// boolean set to true when magnetometer fusion will be perfomred in the next time step
boolposVelFuseStep;// boolean set to true when position and velocity fusion is being performed
booltasFuseStep;// boolean set to true when airspeed fusion is being performed
uint32_tTASmsecPrev;// time stamp of last TAS fusion step
constuint32_tTASmsecMax;// maximum allowed interval between TAS fusion steps
uint32_tMAGmsecPrev;// time stamp of last compass fusion step
constuint32_tMAGmsecMax;// maximum allowed interval between compass fusion steps
uint32_tHGTmsecPrev;// time stamp of last height measurement fusion step
constuint32_tHGTmsecMax;// maximum allowed interval between height measurement fusion steps
constboolfuseMeNow;// boolean to force fusion whenever data arrives
boolstaticMode;// boolean to force position and velocity measurements to zero for pre-arm or bench testing
// last time compass was updated
// last time airspeed was updated
// Estimated time delays (msec) for different measurements relative to IMU
// IMU input data variables
// GPS input data variables
// Magnetometer input data variables
// TAS input variables
// HGT input variables
// Time stamp when vel, pos or height measurements last failed checks
boolstatesInitialised;// boolean true when filter states have been initialised
boolvelHealth;// boolean true if velocity measurements have failed innovation consistency check
boolposHealth;// boolean true if position measurements have failed innovation consistency check
boolhgtHealth;// boolean true if height measurements have failed innovation consistency check
boolvelTimeout;// boolean true if velocity measurements have failed innovation consistency check and timed out
boolposTimeout;// boolean true if position measurements have failed innovation consistency check and timed out
boolhgtTimeout;// boolean true if height measurements have failed innovation consistency check and timed out
Vector22states;// state matrix - 4 x quaternions, 3 x Vel, 3 x Pos, 3 x gyro bias, 3 x accel bias, 2 x wind vel, 3 x earth mag field, 3 x body mag field
Vector22Kfusion;// Kalman gain vector
Matrix22KH;// intermediate result used for covariance updates
Matrix22KHP;// intermediate result used for covariance updates
Matrix22P;// covariance matrix
Matrix22_50storedStates;// state vectors stored for the last 50 time steps
uint32_tstatetimeStamp[50];// time stamp for each state vector stored
Vector3fcorrectedDelAng;// delta angles about the xyz body axes corrected for errors (rad)
Vector3fcorrectedDelVel;// delta velocities along the XYZ body axes corrected for errors (m/s)
Vector3fsummedDelAng;// corrected & summed delta angles about the xyz body axes (rad)
Vector3fsummedDelVel;// corrected & summed delta velocities along the XYZ body axes (m/s)
Vector3fprevDelAng;// previous delta angle use for INS coning error compensation
Matrix3fprevTnb;// previous nav to body transformation used for INS earth rotation compensation
ftypeaccNavMag;// magnitude of navigation accel - used to adjust GPS obs variance (m/s^2)
Vector3fearthRateNED;// earths angular rate vector in NED (rad/s)
Vector3fdVelIMU;// delta velocity vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (m/s)
Vector3fdAngIMU;// delta angle vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (rad)
ftypedtIMU;// time lapsed since the last IMU measurement (sec)
ftypedt;// time lapsed since the last covariance prediction (sec)
ftypehgtRate;// state for rate of change of height filter
boolonGround;// boolean true when the flight vehicle is on the ground (not flying)
constbooluseAirspeed;// boolean true if airspeed data is being used
constbooluseCompass;// boolean true if magnetometer data is being used
Vector6innovVelPos;// innovation output for a group of measurements
Vector6varInnovVelPos;// innovation variance output for a group of measurements
boolfuseVelData;// this boolean causes the velNED measurements to be fused
boolfusePosData;// this boolean causes the posNE measurements to be fused
boolfuseHgtData;// this boolean causes the hgtMea measurements to be fused
Vector3fvelNED;// North, East, Down velocity measurements (m/s)
Vector2posNE;// North, East position measurements (m)
ftypehgtMea;// height measurement relative to reference point (m)
Vector22statesAtVelTime;// States at the effective time of velNED measurements
Vector22statesAtPosTime;// States at the effective time of posNE measurements
Vector22statesAtHgtTime;// States at the effective time of hgtMea measurement
Vector3finnovMag;// innovation output from fusion of X,Y,Z compass measurements
Vector3fvarInnovMag;// innovation variance output from fusion of X,Y,Z compass measurements
boolfuseMagData;// boolean true when magnetometer data is to be fused
Vector3fmagData;// magnetometer flux readings in X,Y,Z body axes
Vector22statesAtMagMeasTime;// filter states at the effective time of compass measurements
ftypeinnovVtas;// innovation output from fusion of airspeed measurements
ftypevarInnovVtas;// innovation variance output from fusion of airspeed measurements
boolfuseVtasData;// boolean true when airspeed data is to be fused
floatVtasMeas;// true airspeed measurement (m/s)
Vector22statesAtVtasMeasTime;// filter states at the effective measurement time
Vector3fmagBias;// magnetometer bias vector in XYZ body axes
constftypecovTimeStepMax;// maximum time allowed between covariance predictions
constftypecovDelAngMax;// maximum delta angle between covariance predictions
boolcovPredStep;// boolean set to true when a covariance prediction step has been performed
boolmagFusePerformed;// boolean set to true when magnetometer fusion has been perfomred in that time step
boolmagFuseRequired;// boolean set to true when magnetometer fusion will be perfomred in the next time step
boolposVelFuseStep;// boolean set to true when position and velocity fusion is being performed
booltasFuseStep;// boolean set to true when airspeed fusion is being performed
uint32_tTASmsecPrev;// time stamp of last TAS fusion step
constuint32_tTASmsecMax;// maximum allowed interval between TAS fusion steps
uint32_tMAGmsecPrev;// time stamp of last compass fusion step
uint32_tHGTmsecPrev;// time stamp of last height measurement fusion step
constboolfuseMeNow;// boolean to force fusion whenever data arrives
boolstaticMode;// boolean to force position and velocity measurements to zero for pre-arm or bench testing
uint32_tlastMagUpdate;// last time compass was updated
uint8_timuStepsVelFuse;// Number of IMU time steps from the last velocity fusion
Vector3faccelSumVelFuse;// sum of gravity corrected acceleration since last velocity fusion
Vector3fvelDotNED;// rate of change of velocity in NED frame