@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ This library receives time history data (angular rate or angle) during a dwell t
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ This library receives time history data (angular rate or angle) during a dwell t
# include "AC_AutoTune_FreqResp.h"
// Initialize the Frequency Response Object. Must be called before running dwell or frequency sweep tests
void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp : : init ( InputType input_type )
void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp : : init ( InputType input_type , ResponseType response_type )
excitation = input_type ;
response = response_type ;
max_target_cnt = 0 ;
min_target_cnt = 0 ;
max_meas_cnt = 0 ;
@ -29,188 +30,12 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::init(InputType input_type)
@@ -29,188 +30,12 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::init(InputType input_type)
cycle_complete = false ;
// update_rate - this function receives time history data during a dwell and frequency sweep tests for max gain,
// rate P and rate D tuning and determines the gain and phase of the response to the input. For dwell tests once
// the designated number of cycles are complete, the average of the gain and phase are determined over the last 5 cycles
// and the cycle_complete flag is set. For frequency sweep tests, phase and gain are determined for every cycle and
// cycle_complete flag is set to indicate when to pull the phase and gain data. The flag is reset to enable the next
// cycle to be analyzed.
void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp : : update_rate ( float tgt_rate , float meas_rate , float tgt_freq )
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
uint32_t half_cycle_time_ms = 0 ;
uint32_t cycle_time_ms = 0 ;
if ( cycle_complete ) {
return ;
if ( ! is_zero ( tgt_freq ) ) {
half_cycle_time_ms = ( uint32_t ) ( 300 * M_2PI / tgt_freq ) ;
cycle_time_ms = ( uint32_t ) ( 1000 * M_2PI / tgt_freq ) ;
if ( input_start_time_ms = = 0 ) {
input_start_time_ms = now ;
// cycles are complete! determine gain and phase and exit
if ( max_meas_cnt > AUTOTUNE_DWELL_CYCLES + 1 & & max_target_cnt > AUTOTUNE_DWELL_CYCLES + 1 & & excitation = = DWELL ) {
float delta_time = 0.0f ;
float sum_gain = 0.0f ;
uint8_t cnt = 0 ;
uint8_t gcnt = 0 ;
uint16_t meas_cnt , tgt_cnt ;
float meas_ampl = 0.0f ;
float tgt_ampl = 0.0f ;
uint32_t meas_time = 0 ;
uint32_t tgt_time = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < AUTOTUNE_DWELL_CYCLES ; i + + ) {
meas_cnt = 0 ;
tgt_cnt = 0 ;
pull_from_meas_buffer ( meas_cnt , meas_ampl , meas_time ) ;
pull_from_tgt_buffer ( tgt_cnt , tgt_ampl , tgt_time ) ;
push_to_meas_buffer ( 0 , 0.0f , 0 ) ;
push_to_tgt_buffer ( 0 , 0.0f , 0 ) ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: tgt_cnt=%f meas_cnt=%f", (double)(tgt_cnt), (double)(meas_cnt));
if ( meas_cnt = = tgt_cnt & & meas_cnt ! = 0 ) {
if ( tgt_ampl > 0.0f ) {
sum_gain + = meas_ampl / tgt_ampl ;
gcnt + + ;
float d_time = ( float ) ( meas_time - tgt_time ) ;
if ( d_time < 2.0f * ( float ) cycle_time_ms ) {
delta_time + = d_time ;
cnt + + ;
} else if ( meas_cnt > tgt_cnt ) {
pull_from_tgt_buffer ( tgt_cnt , tgt_ampl , tgt_time ) ;
push_to_tgt_buffer ( 0 , 0.0f , 0 ) ;
} else if ( meas_cnt < tgt_cnt ) {
pull_from_meas_buffer ( meas_cnt , meas_ampl , meas_time ) ;
push_to_meas_buffer ( 0 , 0.0f , 0 ) ;
if ( gcnt > 0 ) {
curr_test_gain = sum_gain / gcnt ;
if ( cnt > 0 ) {
delta_time = delta_time / cnt ;
curr_test_phase = tgt_freq * delta_time * 0.001f * 360.0f / M_2PI ;
if ( curr_test_phase > 360.0f ) {
curr_test_phase = curr_test_phase - 360.0f ;
curr_test_freq = tgt_freq ;
cycle_complete = true ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: cycles completed");
return ;
// Indicates when the target(input) is positive or negative half of the cycle to notify when the max or min should be sought
if ( ! is_positive ( prev_target ) & & is_positive ( tgt_rate ) & & ! new_target & & now > new_tgt_time_ms ) {
new_target = true ;
new_tgt_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
// reset max_target
max_target = 0.0f ;
max_target_cnt + + ;
temp_min_target = min_target ;
if ( min_target_cnt > 0 ) {
sweep_tgt . max_time_m1 = temp_max_tgt_time ;
temp_max_tgt_time = max_tgt_time ;
sweep_tgt . count_m1 = min_target_cnt - 1 ;
sweep_tgt . amplitude_m1 = temp_tgt_ampl ;
temp_tgt_ampl = temp_max_target - temp_min_target ;
push_to_tgt_buffer ( min_target_cnt , temp_tgt_ampl , temp_max_tgt_time ) ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: min_tgt_cnt=%f", (double)(min_target_cnt));
} else if ( is_positive ( prev_target ) & & ! is_positive ( tgt_rate ) & & new_target & & now > new_tgt_time_ms & & max_target_cnt > 0 ) {
new_target = false ;
new_tgt_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
min_target_cnt + + ;
temp_max_target = max_target ;
min_target = 0.0f ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: min_tgt_cnt=%f", (double)(min_target_cnt));
// Indicates when the measured value (output) is positive or negative half of the cycle to notify when the max or min should be sought
if ( ! is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & is_positive ( meas_rate ) & & ! new_meas & & now > new_meas_time_ms & & max_target_cnt > 0 ) {
new_meas = true ;
new_meas_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
// reset max_meas
max_meas = 0.0f ;
max_meas_cnt + + ;
temp_min_meas = min_meas ;
if ( min_meas_cnt > 0 & & min_target_cnt > 0 ) {
sweep_meas . max_time_m1 = temp_max_meas_time ;
temp_max_meas_time = max_meas_time ;
sweep_meas . count_m1 = min_meas_cnt - 1 ;
sweep_meas . amplitude_m1 = temp_meas_ampl ;
temp_meas_ampl = temp_max_meas - temp_min_meas ;
push_to_meas_buffer ( min_meas_cnt , temp_meas_ampl , temp_max_meas_time ) ;
if ( excitation = = SWEEP ) {
float tgt_period = 0.001f * ( temp_max_tgt_time - sweep_tgt . max_time_m1 ) ;
if ( ! is_zero ( tgt_period ) ) {
curr_test_freq = M_2PI / tgt_period ;
} else {
curr_test_freq = 0.0f ;
if ( ! is_zero ( sweep_tgt . amplitude_m1 ) ) {
curr_test_gain = sweep_meas . amplitude_m1 / sweep_tgt . amplitude_m1 ;
} else {
curr_test_gain = 0.0f ;
curr_test_phase = curr_test_freq * ( float ) ( sweep_meas . max_time_m1 - sweep_tgt . max_time_m1 ) * 0.001f * 360.0f / M_2PI ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: freq=%f sweepgain=%f", (double)(curr_test_freq), (double)(curr_test_gain));
cycle_complete = true ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: min_meas_cnt=%f", (double)(min_meas_cnt));
} else if ( is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & ! is_positive ( meas_rate ) & & new_meas & & now > new_meas_time_ms & & max_meas_cnt > 0 ) {
new_meas = false ;
new_meas_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
min_meas_cnt + + ;
temp_max_meas = max_meas ;
min_meas = 0.0f ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: min_meas_cnt=%f", (double)(min_meas_cnt));
if ( new_target ) {
if ( tgt_rate > max_target ) {
max_target = tgt_rate ;
max_tgt_time = now ;
} else {
if ( tgt_rate < min_target ) {
min_target = tgt_rate ;
if ( new_meas ) {
if ( meas_rate > max_meas ) {
max_meas = meas_rate ;
max_meas_time = now ;
} else {
if ( meas_rate < min_meas ) {
min_meas = meas_rate ;
prev_target = tgt_rate ;
prev_meas = meas_rate ;
// update_angle - this function receives time history data during a dwell and frequency sweep tests for angle_p tuning
// and determines the gain, phase, and max acceleration of the response to the input. For dwell tests once the designated number
// of cycles are complete, the average of the gain, phase, and max acceleration are determined over the last 5 cycles and the
// cycles_complete flag is set. For frequency sweep tests, phase and gain are determined for every cycle and cycle_complete flag is set
// to indicate when to pull the phase and gain data. The flag is reset to enable the next cycle to be analyzed.
void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp : : update_angle ( float command , float tgt_angle , float meas_angle , float tgt_freq )
void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp : : update ( float command , float tgt_resp , float meas_resp , float tgt_freq )
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
@ -229,14 +54,21 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
@@ -229,14 +54,21 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
if ( input_start_time_ms = = 0 ) {
input_start_time_ms = now ;
prev_tgt_angle = tgt_angle ;
prev_meas_angle = meas_angle ;
prev_target = 0.0f ;
prev_meas = 0.0f ;
if ( response = = ANGLE ) {
prev_tgt_resp = tgt_resp ;
prev_meas_resp = meas_resp ;
prev_target = 0.0f ;
prev_meas = 0.0f ;
target_rate = ( tgt_angle - prev_tgt_angle ) / dt ;
measured_rate = ( meas_angle - prev_meas_angle ) / dt ;
if ( response = = ANGLE ) {
target_rate = ( tgt_resp - prev_tgt_resp ) / dt ;
measured_rate = ( meas_resp - prev_meas_resp ) / dt ;
} else {
target_rate = tgt_resp ;
measured_rate = meas_resp ;
// cycles are complete! determine gain and phase and exit
if ( max_meas_cnt > AUTOTUNE_DWELL_CYCLES + 1 & & max_target_cnt > AUTOTUNE_DWELL_CYCLES + 1 & & excitation = = DWELL ) {
@ -287,14 +119,20 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
@@ -287,14 +119,20 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
if ( curr_test_phase > 360.0f ) {
curr_test_phase = curr_test_phase - 360.0f ;
float dwell_max_accel = tgt_freq * max_meas_rate * 5730.0f ;
if ( ! is_zero ( max_command ) ) {
// normalize accel for input size
dwell_max_accel = dwell_max_accel / ( 2.0f * max_command ) ;
if ( dwell_max_accel > max_accel ) {
max_accel = dwell_max_accel ;
// determine max accel for angle response type test
float dwell_max_accel ;
if ( response = = ANGLE ) {
dwell_max_accel = tgt_freq * max_meas_rate * 5730.0f ;
if ( ! is_zero ( max_command ) ) {
// normalize accel for input size
dwell_max_accel = dwell_max_accel / ( 2.0f * max_command ) ;
if ( dwell_max_accel > max_accel ) {
max_accel = dwell_max_accel ;
curr_test_freq = tgt_freq ;
cycle_complete = true ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: cycles completed");
@ -302,7 +140,9 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
@@ -302,7 +140,9 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
// Indicates when the target(input) is positive or negative half of the cycle to notify when the max or min should be sought
if ( is_positive ( prev_target ) & & ! is_positive ( target_rate ) & & ! new_target & & now > new_tgt_time_ms ) {
if ( ( ( response = = ANGLE & & is_positive ( prev_target ) & & ! is_positive ( target_rate ) )
| | ( response = = RATE & & ! is_positive ( prev_target ) & & is_positive ( target_rate ) ) )
& & ! new_target & & now > new_tgt_time_ms ) {
new_target = true ;
new_tgt_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
// reset max_target
@ -317,19 +157,21 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
@@ -317,19 +157,21 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
temp_tgt_ampl = temp_max_target - temp_min_target ;
push_to_tgt_buffer ( min_target_cnt , temp_tgt_ampl , temp_max_tgt_time ) ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: max_tgt_cnt=%f", (double)(max_target_cnt));
} else if ( ! is_positive ( prev_target ) & & is_positive ( target_rate ) & & new_target & & now > new_tgt_time_ms & & max_target_cnt > 0 ) {
} else if ( ( ( response = = ANGLE & & ! is_positive ( prev_target ) & & is_positive ( target_rate ) )
| | ( response = = RATE & & is_positive ( prev_target ) & & ! is_positive ( target_rate ) ) )
& & new_target & & now > new_tgt_time_ms & & max_target_cnt > 0 ) {
new_target = false ;
new_tgt_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
min_target_cnt + + ;
temp_max_target = max_target ;
min_target = 0.0f ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: min_tgt_cnt=%f", (double)(min_target_cnt));
// Indicates when the measured value (output) is positive or negative half of the cycle to notify when the max or min should be sought
if ( is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & ! is_positive ( measured_rate ) & & ! new_meas & & now > new_meas_time_ms & & max_target_cnt > 0 ) {
if ( ( ( response = = ANGLE & & is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & ! is_positive ( measured_rate ) )
| | ( response = = RATE & & ! is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & is_positive ( measured_rate ) ) )
& & ! new_meas & & now > new_meas_time_ms & & max_target_cnt > 0 ) {
new_meas = true ;
new_meas_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
// reset max_meas
@ -357,55 +199,56 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
@@ -357,55 +199,56 @@ void AC_AutoTune_FreqResp::update_angle(float command, float tgt_angle, float me
curr_test_gain = 0.0f ;
curr_test_phase = curr_test_freq * ( float ) ( sweep_meas . max_time_m1 - sweep_tgt . max_time_m1 ) * 0.001f * 360.0f / M_2PI ;
//gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: freq=%f gain=%f phase=%f", (double)(curr_test_freq), (double)(curr_test_gain), (double)(curr_test_phase));
cycle_complete = true ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: max_meas_cnt=%f", (double)(max_meas_cnt));
} else if ( ! is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & is_positive ( measured_rate ) & & new_meas & & now > new_meas_time_ms & & max_meas_cnt > 0 ) {
} else if ( ( ( response = = ANGLE & & ! is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & is_positive ( measured_rate ) )
| | ( response = = RATE & & is_positive ( prev_meas ) & & ! is_positive ( measured_rate ) ) )
& & new_meas & & now > new_meas_time_ms & & max_meas_cnt > 0 ) {
new_meas = false ;
new_meas_time_ms = now + half_cycle_time_ms ;
min_meas_cnt + + ;
temp_max_meas = max_meas ;
min_meas = 0.0f ;
// gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: min_meas_cnt=%f", (double)(min_meas_cnt));
if ( new_target ) {
if ( tgt_angle > max_target ) {
max_target = tgt_angle ;
if ( tgt_resp > max_target ) {
max_target = tgt_resp ;
max_tgt_time = now ;
} else {
if ( tgt_angle < min_target ) {
min_target = tgt_angle ;
if ( tgt_resp < min_target ) {
min_target = tgt_resp ;
if ( new_meas ) {
if ( meas_angle > max_meas ) {
max_meas = meas_angle ;
if ( meas_resp > max_meas ) {
max_meas = meas_resp ;
max_meas_time = now ;
} else {
if ( meas_angle < min_meas ) {
min_meas = meas_angle ;
if ( meas_resp < min_meas ) {
min_meas = meas_resp ;
if ( now > ( uint32_t ) ( input_start_time_ms + 7.0f * cycle_time_ms ) & & now < ( uint32_t ) ( input_start_time_ms + 9.0f * cycle_time_ms ) ) {
if ( measured_rate > max_meas_rate ) {
max_meas_rate = measured_rate ;
if ( command > max_command ) {
max_command = command ;
if ( response = = ANGLE ) {
if ( now > ( uint32_t ) ( input_start_time_ms + 7.0f * cycle_time_ms ) & & now < ( uint32_t ) ( input_start_time_ms + 9.0f * cycle_time_ms ) ) {
if ( measured_rate > max_meas_rate ) {
max_meas_rate = measured_rate ;
if ( command > max_command ) {
max_command = command ;
prev_tgt_resp = tgt_resp ;
prev_meas_resp = meas_resp ;
prev_target = target_rate ;
prev_meas = measured_rate ;
prev_tgt_angle = tgt_angle ;
prev_meas_angle = meas_angle ;
// push measured peak info to buffer