@ -43,90 +43,21 @@ static const struct {
@@ -43,90 +43,21 @@ static const struct {
{ Vector2l(-266435650, 1518313540), false },
{ Vector2l(-266435690, 1518303530), false },
{ Vector2l(-266435690, 1518303490), true },
{ Vector2l(-265875990, 1518344049), true },
{ Vector2l(-265875990, 1518344051), false },
{ Vector2l(-266454781, 1518820530), true },
{ Vector2l(-266454779, 1518820530), true },
{ Vector2l(-266092109, 1518747420), true },
{ Vector2l(-266092111, 1518747420), false },
{ Vector2l(-266092110, 1518747421), true },
{ Vector2l(-266092110, 1518747419), false },
{ Vector2l(-266092111, 1518747421), true },
{ Vector2l(-266092109, 1518747421), true },
{ Vector2l(-266092111, 1518747419), false },
#define ARRAY_LENGTH(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((x)[0]))
static float point_distance(Vector2l &p1, Vector2l &p2)
float rads = (fabs(p1.x)*1.0e-7) * 0.0174532925;
float lng_scale = cos(rads);
float dlat = (float)(p1.x - p2.x);
float dlong = ((float)(p1.y - p2.y)) * lng_scale;
return sqrt((dlat*dlat) + (dlong*dlong)) * .01113195;
test precision of the calculation
static void precision_test(void)
Vector2l p1, p2, p;
float r;
int32_t dx, dy;
float worst_precision = 0.0;
const float delta = 0.5;
const float base = 0.9;
Serial.println("Precision test:");
p1 = OBC_boundary[8];
p2 = OBC_boundary[10];
dx = p2.x - p1.x;
dy = p2.y - p1.y;
// first come from the left
for (r=-base; r<0.0; r *= delta) {
p.x = p1.x + r*dx;
p.y = p1.y + r*dy;
if (!Polygon_outside(p, OBC_boundary, ARRAY_LENGTH(OBC_boundary))) {
float precision = point_distance(p, p1);
if (precision > worst_precision) {
worst_precision = precision;
// in the middle
for (r=base; r>0.0; r *= delta) {
p.x = p1.x + r*dx;
p.y = p1.y + r*dy;
if (Polygon_outside(p, OBC_boundary, ARRAY_LENGTH(OBC_boundary))) {
float precision = point_distance(p, p1);
if (precision > worst_precision) {
worst_precision = precision;
// from the left on other side
for (r=-base; r<0.0; r *= delta) {
p.x = p2.x + r*dx;
p.y = p2.y + r*dy;
if (Polygon_outside(p, OBC_boundary, ARRAY_LENGTH(OBC_boundary))) {
float precision = point_distance(p, p2);
if (precision > worst_precision) {
worst_precision = precision;
// from the right
for (r=base; r>0.0; r *= delta) {
p.x = p2.x + r*dx;
p.y = p2.y + r*dy;
if (!Polygon_outside(p, OBC_boundary, ARRAY_LENGTH(OBC_boundary))) {
float precision = point_distance(p, p2);
if (precision > worst_precision) {
worst_precision = precision;
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("worst precision: %f meters\n"), worst_precision);
polygon tests
@ -163,8 +94,6 @@ void setup(void)
@@ -163,8 +94,6 @@ void setup(void)
Serial.println(all_passed?"TEST PASSED":"TEST FAILED");
Serial.println("Speed test:");
start_time = micros();
for (count=0; count<1000; count++) {