@ -252,6 +252,19 @@ const struct LogStructure Plane::log_structure[] = {
@@ -252,6 +252,19 @@ const struct LogStructure Plane::log_structure[] = {
{ LOG_STARTUP_MSG, sizeof(log_Startup),
"STRT", "QBH", "TimeUS,SType,CTot", "s--", "F--" }, |
// @LoggerMessage: CTUN
// @Description: Control Tuning information
// @Field: TimeUS: microseconds since system startup
// @Field: NavRoll: desired roll
// @Field: Roll: achieved roll
// @Field: NavPitch: desired pitch
// @Field: Pitch: achieved pitch
// @Field: ThrOut: scaled output throttle
// @Field: RdrOut: scaled output rudder
// @Field: ThrDem: demanded speed-height-controller throttle
// @Field: Aspd: airspeed estimate
{ LOG_CTUN_MSG, sizeof(log_Control_Tuning),
"CTUN", "Qcccchhhf", "TimeUS,NavRoll,Roll,NavPitch,Pitch,ThrOut,RdrOut,ThrDem,Aspd", "sdddd---n", "FBBBB---0" }, |
@ -279,10 +292,36 @@ const struct LogStructure Plane::log_structure[] = {
@@ -279,10 +292,36 @@ const struct LogStructure Plane::log_structure[] = {
"ATRP", "QBBcfff", "TimeUS,Type,State,Servo,Demanded,Achieved,P", "s---dd-", "F---00-" }, |
{ LOG_STATUS_MSG, sizeof(log_Status), |
"STAT", "QBfBBBBBB", "TimeUS,isFlying,isFlyProb,Armed,Safety,Crash,Still,Stage,Hit", "s--------", "F--------" }, |
// @LoggerMessage: QTUN
// @Description: QuadPlane vertical tuning message
// @Field: TimeUS: microseconds since system startup
// @Field: ThI: throttle input
// @Field: ABst: angle boost
// @Field: ThO: throttle output
// @Field: ThH: calculated hover throttle
// @Field: DAlt: desired altitude
// @Field: Alt: achieved altitude
// @Field: BAlt: barometric altitude
// @Field: DCRt: desired climb rate
// @Field: CRt: climb rate
// @Field: TMix: transition throttle mix value
// @Field: Sscl: speed scalar for surfaces
{ LOG_QTUN_MSG, sizeof(QuadPlane::log_QControl_Tuning), |
"QTUN", "Qffffffeccff", "TimeUS,ThI,ABst,ThO,ThH,DAlt,Alt,BAlt,DCRt,CRt,TMix,Sscl", "s----mmmnn--", "F----00000-0" }, |
{ LOG_AOA_SSA_MSG, sizeof(log_AOA_SSA), |
"AOA", "Qff", "TimeUS,AOA,SSA", "sdd", "F00" }, |
// @LoggerMessage: PIQR,PIQP,PIQY,PIQA
// @Description: Proportional/Intergral/Derivative gain values
// @Field: TimeUS: microseconds since system startup
// @Field: Tar: desired value
// @Field: Act: achieved value
// @Field: Err: error between target and achieved
// @Field: P: proportial part of PID
// @Field: I: integral part of PID
// @Field: D: integral part of PID
// @Field: FF: controller feed-forward portion of response
{ LOG_PIQR_MSG, sizeof(log_PID), \
{ LOG_PIQP_MSG, sizeof(log_PID), \