// @Description: This noise controls the growth of the vertical acelerometer bias state error estimate. Increasing it makes accelerometer bias estimation faster and noisier.
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of earth magnetic field state error estimates. Increasing it makes earth magnetic field bias estimation faster and noisier.
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of body magnetic field state error estimates. Increasing it makes compass offset estimation faster and noisier.
// @Description: This parameter controls use of GPS measurements : 0 = use 3D velocity & 2D position, 1 = use 2D velocity and 2D position, 2 = use 2D position, 3 = use no GPS (optical flow will be used if available)
// @Range: 0 3
// @Increment: 1
// @Values: 0:GPS 3D Vel and 2D Pos, 1:GPS 2D vel and 2D pos, 2:GPS 2D pos, 3:No GPS use optical flow
// @Description: EKF_MAG_CAL = 0 enables calibration based on flying speed and altitude and is the default setting for Plane users. EKF_MAG_CAL = 1 enables calibration based on manoeuvre level and is the default setting for Copter and Rover users. EKF_MAG_CAL = 2 prevents magnetometer calibration regardless of flight condition and is recommended if in-flight magnetometer calibration is unreliable.
// @Values: 0:Speed and Height,1:Acceleration,2:Never,3:Always
// @Description: This parameter sets the RMS terrain gradient percentage assumed by the terrain height estimation. Terrain height can be estimated using optical flow and/or range finder sensor data if fitted. Smaller values cause the terrain height estimate to be slower to respond to changes in measurement. Larger values casue the terrain height estimate to be faster to respond, but also more noisy. Generally this value can be reduced if operating over very flat terrain and increased if operating over uneven terrain.
// @Description: This parameter sets the number of standard deviations applied to the optical flow innovation consistency check. Decreasing it makes it more likely that good measurements will be rejected. Increasing it makes it more likely that bad measurements will be accepted.
// @Description: This is the number of msec that the optical flow measurements lag behind the inertial measurements. It is the time from the end of the optical flow averaging period and does not include the time delay due to the 100msec of averaging within the flow sensor.
// @Description: This parameter sets the number of standard deviations applied to the range finder innovation consistency check. Decreasing it makes it more likely that good measurements will be rejected. Increasing it makes it more likely that bad measurements will be accepted.