uint8_treached_destination:1;// true if we have reached the destination
uint8_tfast_waypoint:1;// true if we should ignore the waypoint radius and consider the waypoint complete once the intermediate target has reached the waypoint
/// project_stopping_point - returns vector to stopping point based on a horizontal position and velocity
float_track_length;// distance in cm between origin and destination
float_track_desired;// our desired distance along the track in cm
float_distance_to_target;// distance to loiter target
bool_reached_destination;// true if we have reached the destination
float_vert_track_scale;// vertical scaling to give altitude equal weighting to horizontal position
float_wp_leash_xy;// horizontal leash length in cm
float_limited_speed_xy_cms;// horizontal speed in cm/s used to advance the intermediate target towards the destination. used to limit extreme acceleration after passing a waypoint