* Added instructions on installing prerequisites in (Ubuntu) Linux.
* Added instructions on how to use vagrant for development.
* Minor copy-editing.
pch: rebased pullreq 183
4. In the `ardupilot` directory, run `vagrant up` from the command
line. This will create a new Ubuntu Linux VM.
5. Run `vagrant ssh -c
"ardupilot/Tools/scripts/install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh -y"`. This will
install all the prerequisites for doing ardupilot development.
You can now run `vagrant ssh` to log in to the development
environment. The `~/ardupilot` directory in the VM is actually the
`ardupilot` directory in your host operating system--changes in either
directory show up in the other.
Once you've followed the instructions above, here's how you would
build ArduCopter for PX4 in the development environment:
$ vagrant ssh
# cd ardupilot/Arducopter
# make configure
Now edit `ardupilot/config.mk` so it has the following line:
PX4_ROOT = ~/PX4-Firmware
Back at the terminal:
# cd ~/PX4-Firmware
# make configure_px4fmu
# make px4
# User Technical Support
ArduPilot users should use the DIYDrones.com forums for technical support.
@ -53,9 +125,8 @@ ArduPilot users should use the DIYDrones.com forums for technical support.
@@ -53,9 +125,8 @@ ArduPilot users should use the DIYDrones.com forums for technical support.
The ArduPilot project is open source and maintained by a team of volunteers.
To contribute, you can send a pull request on Github. You can also join the
[development discussion on Google Groups][2]. Note that the Google Groups
mailing lists are NOT for user tech support, and are moderated for new users to