// @Bitmask: 0:Rudder mixing in direct flight modes only (Manual / Stabilize / Acro),1:Use centered throttle in Cruise or FBWB to indicate trim airspeed, 2:Disable attitude check for takeoff arming, 3:Force target airspeed to trim airspeed in Cruise or FBWB, 4: Climb to ALT_HOLD_RTL before turning for RTL, 5: Enable yaw damper in acro mode, 6: Surpress speed scaling during auto takeoffs to be 1 or less to prevent oscillations without airpseed sensor., 7:EnableDefaultAirspeed for takeoff, 8: Remove the TRIM_PITCH_CD on the GCS horizon, 9: Remove the TRIM_PITCH_CD on the OSD horizon, 10: Adjust mid-throttle to be TRIM_THROTTLE in non-auto throttle modes except MANUAL, 11:Disable suppression of fixed wing rate gains in ground mode
// @Bitmask: 0:Rudder mixing in direct flight modes only (Manual / Stabilize / Acro),1:Use centered throttle in Cruise or FBWB to indicate trim airspeed, 2:Disable attitude check for takeoff arming, 3:Force target airspeed to trim airspeed in Cruise or FBWB, 4: Climb to ALT_HOLD_RTL before turning for RTL, 5: Enable yaw damper in acro mode, 6: Surpress speed scaling during auto takeoffs to be 1 or less to prevent oscillations without airpseed sensor., 7:EnableDefaultAirspeed for takeoff, 8: Remove the TRIM_PITCH_CD on the GCS horizon, 9: Remove the TRIM_PITCH_CD on the OSD horizon, 10: Adjust mid-throttle to be TRIM_THROTTLE in non-auto throttle modes except MANUAL, 11:Disable suppression of fixed wing rate gains in ground mode, 12: Enable FBWB style loiter altitude control
if(control_mode==&mode_guided&&((guided_state.target_alt_time_ms!=0)||guided_state.target_alt>-0.001)){// target_alt now defaults to -1, and _time_ms defaults to zero.