// @DisplayName: Autorotation Throttle Percentage for External Governor
// @Description: The throttle percentage sent to external governors, signaling to enable fast spool-up, when bailing out of an autorotation. Set 0 to disable. If also using a tail rotor of type DDVP with external governor then this value must lie within the autorotation window of both governors.
// set the throttle percentage to be sent to external governor to signal that autorotation bailout ramp should be used within this instance of Heli_RSC
// @Description: Tail type selection. Simpler yaw controller used if external gyro is selected. Direct Drive Variable Pitch is used for tails that have a motor that is governed at constant speed by an ESC. Tail pitch is still accomplished with a servo. Direct Drive Fixed Pitch (DDFP) CW is used for helicopters with a rotor that spins clockwise when viewed from above. Direct Drive Fixed Pitch (DDFP) CCW is used for helicopters with a rotor that spins counter clockwise when viewed from above. In both DDFP cases, no servo is used for the tail and the tail motor esc is controlled by the yaw axis.
// @Description: Tail type selection. Simpler yaw controller used if external gyro is selected. Direct Drive Variable Pitch is used for tails that have a motor that is governed at constant speed by an ESC. Tail pitch is still accomplished with a servo. Direct Drive Fixed Pitch (DDFP) CW is used for helicopters with a rotor that spins clockwise when viewed from above. Direct Drive Fixed Pitch (DDFP) CCW is used for helicopters with a rotor that spins counter clockwise when viewed from above. In both DDFP cases, no servo is used for the tail and the tail motor esc is controlled by the yaw axis.