5 changed files with 239 additions and 7 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
<root> |
<!-- |
Microsoft ResX Schema |
Version 2.0 |
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format |
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the |
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes |
associated with the data types. |
Example: |
... ado.net/XML headers & schema ... |
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader> |
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader> |
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader> |
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader> |
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data> |
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data> |
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64"> |
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value> |
</data> |
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64"> |
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value> |
<comment>This is a comment</comment> |
</data> |
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple |
name/value pairs. |
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a |
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support |
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture. |
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the |
mimetype set. |
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the |
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not |
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly: |
Note - application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 is the format |
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can |
read any of the formats listed below. |
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 |
value : The object must be serialized with |
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter |
: and then encoded with base64 encoding. |
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.soap.base64 |
value : The object must be serialized with |
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter |
: and then encoded with base64 encoding. |
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64 |
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array |
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter |
: and then encoded with base64 encoding. |
--> |
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata"> |
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" /> |
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true"> |
<xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
<xsd:element name="metadata"> |
<xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" /> |
</xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" /> |
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" /> |
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" /> |
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" /> |
</xsd:complexType> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="assembly"> |
<xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" /> |
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" /> |
</xsd:complexType> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="data"> |
<xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" /> |
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" /> |
</xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" /> |
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" /> |
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" /> |
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" /> |
</xsd:complexType> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="resheader"> |
<xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" /> |
</xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" /> |
</xsd:complexType> |
</xsd:element> |
</xsd:choice> |
</xsd:complexType> |
</xsd:element> |
</xsd:schema> |
<resheader name="resmimetype"> |
<value>text/microsoft-resx</value> |
</resheader> |
<resheader name="version"> |
<value>2.0</value> |
</resheader> |
<resheader name="reader"> |
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value> |
</resheader> |
<resheader name="writer"> |
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value> |
</resheader> |
<data name="label33.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>传感器</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label26.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>视频格式</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label24.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>航 点</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_loadwponconnect.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>连接时加载航点?</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label23.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>轨迹长度</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_speechaltwarning.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>高度警告</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label108.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>APM 重启</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_resetapmonconnect.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>USB 连接时重置 APM</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_mavdebug.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Mavlink 消息调试</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label104.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>模式/状态</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label103.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>位置</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label102.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>姿态</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label101.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>遥测速率</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label99.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>注意: 配置选项卡中不会显示这些单位,因为它们是原始数据</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label98.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>速度单位</value> |
</data> |
<assembly alias="System.Drawing" name="System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" /> |
<data name="label97.Size" type="System.Drawing.Size, System.Drawing"> |
<value>65, 13</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label97.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>长度单位</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label96.Size" type="System.Drawing.Size, System.Drawing"> |
<value>69, 13</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label96.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>游戏摇杆</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label95.Size" type="System.Drawing.Size, System.Drawing"> |
<value>57, 13</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label95.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>语音合成</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_speechbattery.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>电池警告</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_speechcustom.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>时间间隔</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_speechmode.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>模式</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_speechwaypoint.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>航点</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label94.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>OSD 颜色</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label93.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>UI 语言</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_enablespeech.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>启用语音</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_hudshow.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>启用HUD叠加</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label92.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>视频设备</value> |
</data> |
<data name="BUT_Joystick.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>摇杆设置</value> |
</data> |
<data name="BUT_videostop.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>停止</value> |
</data> |
<data name="BUT_videostart.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>启动</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label1.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>地图追随</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_maprotation.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>地图随飞机转动</value> |
</data> |
</root> |
Reference in new issue