@ -107,11 +107,12 @@ protected:
@@ -107,11 +107,12 @@ protected:
// steering_out is in the range -4500 ~ +4500, throttle_out is in the range -100 ~ +100
void get_pilot_desired_steering_and_throttle(float &steering_out, float &throttle_out); |
// calculate steering output to drive along line from origin to destination waypoint
void calc_steering_to_waypoint(const struct Location &origin, const struct Location &destination, bool reversed = false); |
// calculate steering angle given a desired lateral acceleration
void calc_steering_from_lateral_acceleration(bool reversed = false); |
// calculate steering output to drive along line from origin to destination waypoint
void calc_steering_to_waypoint(const struct Location &origin, const struct Location &destination, bool reversed = false); |
// calculates the amount of throttle that should be output based
// on things like proximity to corners and current speed