// User Hooks : For User Developed code that you wish to run
// User Hooks : For User Developed code that you wish to run
// Put your variable definitions into the UserVariables.h file (or another file name and then change the #define below).
// Put your variable definitions into the UserVariables.h file (or another file name and then change the #define below).
//#define USERHOOK_VARIABLES "UserVariables.h"
//#define USERHOOK_VARIABLES "UserVariables.h"
// Put your custom code into the UserCode.pde with function names matching those listed below and ensure the appropriate #define below is uncommented below
// Put your custom code into the UserCode.cpp with function names matching those listed below and ensure the appropriate #define below is uncommented below
//#define USERHOOK_INIT userhook_init(); // for code to be run once at startup
//#define USERHOOK_INIT userhook_init(); // for code to be run once at startup
//#define USERHOOK_FASTLOOP userhook_FastLoop(); // for code to be run at 100hz
//#define USERHOOK_FASTLOOP userhook_FastLoop(); // for code to be run at 100hz
//#define USERHOOK_50HZLOOP userhook_50Hz(); // for code to be run at 50hz
//#define USERHOOK_50HZLOOP userhook_50Hz(); // for code to be run at 50hz