//#define THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND 100 // redefine size of throttle deadband in pwm (0 ~ 1000)
//#define THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND 100 // redefine size of throttle deadband in pwm (0 ~ 1000)
//#define LAND_REQUIRE_MIN_THROTTLE_TO_DISARM DISABLED // when set to DISABLED vehicle will disarm after landing (in LAND mode or RTL) even if pilot has not put throttle to zero
//#define LAND_REQUIRE_MIN_THROTTLE_TO_DISARM ENABLED // when set to ENABLED vehicle will only disarm after landing (in AUTO, LAND or RTL) if pilot has put throttle to zero
//#define HIL_MODE HIL_MODE_SENSORS // build for hardware-in-the-loop simulation
//#define HIL_MODE HIL_MODE_SENSORS // build for hardware-in-the-loop simulation
# define LAND_REQUIRE_MIN_THROTTLE_TO_DISARM DISABLED // we do not require pilot to reduce throttle to minimum before vehicle will disarm in AUTO, LAND or RTL
# define LAND_REPOSITION_DEFAULT 1 // by default the pilot can override roll/pitch during landing
# define LAND_REPOSITION_DEFAULT 1 // by default the pilot can override roll/pitch during landing