@ -1078,16 +1078,21 @@ void NavEKF3_core::CovariancePrediction(Vector3f *rotVarVecPtr)
@@ -1078,16 +1078,21 @@ void NavEKF3_core::CovariancePrediction(Vector3f *rotVarVecPtr)
bool quatCovResetOnly = false; |
if (rotVarVecPtr != nullptr) { |
// handle special case where we are initialising the quaternion covarianfces using an earth frame
// vector defining the varaince of the angular alignment uncertainty
// use the exisiting gyro error propagation mechanism to define an equivalent gyro error variance
// Handle special case where we are initialising the quaternion covariances using an earth frame
// vector defining the variance of the angular alignment uncertainty. Convert he varaince vector
// to a matrix and rotate into body frame. Use the exisiting gyro error propagation mechanism to
// propagate the body frame angular uncertainty variances.
Vector3f rotVarVec = *rotVarVecPtr; |
Matrix3f R_ef = Matrix3f ( |
rotVarVec.x, 0.0f, 0.0f, |
0.0f, rotVarVec.y, 0.0f, |
0.0f, 0.0f, rotVarVec.z); |
Matrix3f Tnb; |
stateStruct.quat.inverse().rotation_matrix(Tnb); |
rotVarVec = rotVarVec * Tnb; |
daxVar = rotVarVec.x; |
dayVar = rotVarVec.y; |
dazVar = rotVarVec.z; |
Matrix3f R_bf = Tnb * R_ef * Tnb.transposed(); |
daxVar = R_bf.a.x; |
dayVar = R_bf.b.y; |
dazVar = R_bf.c.z; |
quatCovResetOnly = true; |
zeroRows(P,0,3); |
zeroCols(P,0,3); |