Browse Source

AHRS: revert to the old drift correction algorithm

we need to work out why Craigs quad flipped today before we enable
this new drift correction
Andrew Tridgell 13 years ago
  1. 10
  2. 459
  3. 45


@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ public: @@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ public:
// Constructor
AP_AHRS(IMU *imu, GPS *&gps):
// base the ki values by the sensors maximum drift
// rate. The APM2 has gyros which are much less drift
@ -90,6 +89,9 @@ protected: @@ -90,6 +89,9 @@ protected:
// pointer to compass object, if enabled
Compass * _compass;
// pointer to compass object, if enabled
AP_Baro * _barometer;
// time in microseconds of last compass update
uint32_t _compass_last_update;
@ -97,10 +99,8 @@ protected: @@ -97,10 +99,8 @@ protected:
// IMU under us without our noticing.
IMU *_imu;
GPS *&_gps;
AP_Baro *_barometer;
// true if we can assume the aircraft will be flying forward
// on its X axis
// true if we are doing centripetal acceleration correction
bool _fly_forward;
// the limit of the gyro drift claimed by the sensors, in


@ -23,12 +23,6 @@ @@ -23,12 +23,6 @@
// from the GPS and wait for the ground speed to get above GPS_SPEED_MIN
#define GPS_SPEED_RESET 100
// the limit (in degrees/second) beyond which we stop integrating
// omega_I. At larger spin rates the DCM PI controller can get 'dizzy'
// which results in false gyro drift. See
#define SPIN_RATE_LIMIT 20
// table of user settable parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_AHRS::var_info[] PROGMEM = {
// @Param: YAW_P
@ -76,13 +70,49 @@ AP_AHRS_DCM::update(void) @@ -76,13 +70,49 @@ AP_AHRS_DCM::update(void)
AP_AHRS_DCM::matrix_update(float _G_Dt)
// Equation 16, adding proportional and integral correction terms
_omega = _gyro_vector + _omega_I + _omega_P + _omega_yaw_P;
// _omega_integ_corr is used for _centripetal correction
// (theoretically better than _omega)
_omega_integ_corr = _gyro_vector + _omega_I;
_dcm_matrix.rotate(_omega * _G_Dt);
// Equation 16, adding proportional and integral correction terms
_omega = _omega_integ_corr + _omega_P + _omega_yaw_P;
// this is a replacement of the DCM matrix multiply (equation
// 17), with known zero elements removed and the matrix
// operations inlined. This runs much faster than the original
// version of this code, as the compiler was doing a terrible
// job of realising that so many of the factors were in common
// or zero. It also uses much less stack, as we no longer need
// two additional local matrices
Vector3f r = _omega * _G_Dt;
// adjust an accelerometer vector for known acceleration forces
AP_AHRS_DCM::accel_adjust(Vector3f &accel)
float veloc;
// compensate for linear acceleration. This makes a
// surprisingly large difference in the pitch estimate when
// turning, plus on takeoff and landing
float acceleration = _gps->acceleration();
accel.x -= acceleration;
// compensate for centripetal acceleration
veloc = _gps->ground_speed * 0.01;
// We are working with a modified version of equation 26 as
// our IMU object reports acceleration in the positive axis
// direction as positive
// Equation 26 broken up into separate pieces
accel.y -= _omega_integ_corr.z * veloc;
accel.z += _omega_integ_corr.y * veloc;
reset the DCM matrix and omega. Used on ground start, and on
extreme errors in the matrix
@ -94,6 +124,7 @@ AP_AHRS_DCM::reset(bool recover_eulers) @@ -94,6 +124,7 @@ AP_AHRS_DCM::reset(bool recover_eulers);;;;;
// if the caller wants us to try to recover to the current
@ -228,262 +259,216 @@ AP_AHRS_DCM::normalize(void) @@ -228,262 +259,216 @@ AP_AHRS_DCM::normalize(void)
// produce a yaw error value. The returned value is proportional
// to sin() of the current heading error in earth frame
// perform drift correction. This function aims to update _omega_P and
// _omega_I with our best estimate of the short term and long term
// gyro error. The _omega_P value is what pulls our attitude solution
// back towards the reference vector quickly. The _omega_I term is an
// attempt to learn the long term drift rate of the gyros.
// This function also updates _omega_yaw_P with a yaw correction term
// from our yaw reference vector
AP_AHRS_DCM::drift_correction(float deltat)
Vector3f mag = Vector3f(_compass->mag_x, _compass->mag_y, _compass->mag_z);
// get the mag vector in the earth frame
Vector3f rb = _dcm_matrix * mag;
if (rb.is_inf()) {
// not a valid vector
return 0.0;
float error_course = 0;
Vector3f accel;
Vector3f error;
float error_norm = 0;
float yaw_deltat = 0;
accel = _accel_vector;
// if enabled, use the GPS to correct our accelerometer vector
// for centripetal forces
if(_fly_forward &&
_gps != NULL &&
_gps->status() == GPS::GPS_OK) {
// get the earths magnetic field (only X and Y components needed)
Vector3f mag_earth = Vector3f(cos(_compass->get_declination()),
sin(_compass->get_declination()), 0);
// calculate the error term in earth frame
Vector3f error = rb % mag_earth;
//*****Roll and Pitch***************
return error.z;
// normalise the accelerometer vector to a standard length
// this is important to reduce the impact of noise on the
// drift correction, as very noisy vectors tend to have
// abnormally high lengths. By normalising the length we
// reduce their impact.
float accel_length = accel.length();
accel *= (_gravity / accel_length);
if (accel.is_inf()) {
// we can't do anything useful with this sample;
// produce a yaw error value using the GPS. The returned value is proportional
// to sin() of the current heading error in earth frame
return sin(ToRad(_gps->ground_course * 0.01) - yaw);
// calculate the error, in m/2^2, between the attitude
// implied by the accelerometers and the attitude
// in the current DCM matrix
error = _dcm_matrix.c % accel;
// Limit max error to limit the effect of noisy values
// on the algorithm. This limits the error to about 11
// degrees
error_norm = error.length();
if (error_norm > 2) {
error *= (2 / error_norm);
// we now want to calculate _omega_P and _omega_I. The
// _omega_P value is what drags us quickly to the
// accelerometer reading.
_omega_P = error * _kp_roll_pitch;
AP_AHRS_DCM::_P_gain(float spin_rate)
if (spin_rate < ToDeg(50)) {
return 1.0;
if (spin_rate > ToDeg(500)) {
return 10.0;
return spin_rate/ToDeg(50);
// the _omega_I is the long term accumulated gyro
// error. This determines how much gyro drift we can
// handle.
_omega_I_sum += error * (_ki_roll_pitch * deltat);
_omega_I_sum_time += deltat;
// yaw drift correction using the compass or GPS
// this function prodoces the _omega_yaw_P vector, and also
// contributes to the _omega_I.z long term yaw drift estimate
bool new_value = false;
float yaw_error;
float yaw_deltat;
// these sums support the reporting of the DCM state via MAVLink
_error_rp_sum += error_norm;
// yaw drift correction
// we only do yaw drift correction when we get a new yaw
// reference vector. In between times we rely on the gyros for
// yaw. Avoiding this calculation on every call to
// update_DCM() saves a lot of time
if (_compass && _compass->use_for_yaw()) {
if (_compass->last_update != _compass_last_update) {
yaw_deltat = (_compass->last_update - _compass_last_update) * 1.0e-6;
_compass_last_update = _compass->last_update;
if (!_have_initial_yaw) {
yaw_deltat = 1.0e-6*(_compass->last_update - _compass_last_update);
if (_have_initial_yaw && yaw_deltat < 2.0) {
// Equation 23, Calculating YAW error
// We make the gyro YAW drift correction based
// on compass magnetic heading
float heading_x, heading_y;
float heading = _compass->calculate_heading(_dcm_matrix);
heading_x = cos(heading);
heading_y = sin(heading);
error_course = (_dcm_matrix.a.x * heading_y) - (_dcm_matrix.b.x * heading_x);
_compass_last_update = _compass->last_update;
} else {
// this is our first estimate of the yaw,
// or the compass has come back online after
// no readings for 2 seconds.
// construct a DCM matrix based on the current
// roll/pitch and the compass heading.
// First ensure the compass heading has been
// calculated
float heading = _compass->calculate_heading(_dcm_matrix);
// now construct a new DCM matrix
_dcm_matrix.from_euler(roll, pitch, heading);;
_have_initial_yaw = true;
_compass_last_update = _compass->last_update;
error_course = 0;
new_value = true;
yaw_error = yaw_error_compass();
} else if (_gps && _gps->status() == GPS::GPS_OK) {
if (_gps->last_fix_time != _gps_last_update &&
_gps->ground_speed >= GPS_SPEED_MIN) {
yaw_deltat = (_gps->last_fix_time - _gps_last_update) * 1.0e-3;
_gps_last_update = _gps->last_fix_time;
if (!_have_initial_yaw) {
_dcm_matrix.from_euler(roll, pitch, ToRad(_gps->ground_course*0.01));;
_have_initial_yaw = true;
if (_gps->last_fix_time != _gps_last_update) {
// Use GPS Ground course to correct yaw gyro drift
if (_gps->ground_speed >= GPS_SPEED_MIN) {
yaw_deltat = 1.0e-3*(_gps->last_fix_time - _gps_last_update);
if (_have_initial_yaw && yaw_deltat < 2.0) {
float course_over_ground_x = cos(ToRad(_gps->ground_course/100.0));
float course_over_ground_y = sin(ToRad(_gps->ground_course/100.0));
// Equation 23, Calculating YAW error
error_course = (_dcm_matrix.a.x * course_over_ground_y) - (_dcm_matrix.b.x * course_over_ground_x);
_gps_last_update = _gps->last_fix_time;
} else {
// when we first start moving, set the
// DCM matrix to the current
// roll/pitch values, but with yaw
// from the GPS
_dcm_matrix.from_euler(roll, pitch, ToRad(_gps->ground_course));
_have_initial_yaw = true;
error_course = 0;
_gps_last_update = _gps->last_fix_time;
} else if (_gps->ground_speed >= GPS_SPEED_RESET) {
// we are not going fast enough to use GPS for
// course correction, but we won't reset
// _have_initial_yaw yet, instead we just let
// the gyro handle yaw
error_course = 0;
} else {
// we are moving very slowly. Reset
// _have_initial_yaw and adjust our heading
// rapidly next time we get a good GPS ground
// speed
error_course = 0;
_have_initial_yaw = false;
new_value = true;
yaw_error = yaw_error_gps();
if (!new_value) {
// we don't have any new yaw information
// slowly decay _omega_yaw_P to cope with loss
// of our yaw source
_omega_yaw_P.z *= 0.97;
// see if there is any error in our heading relative to the
// yaw reference. This will be zero most of the time, as we
// only calculate it when we get new data from the yaw
// reference source
if (yaw_deltat == 0 || error_course == 0) {
// we don't have a new reference heading. Slowly
// decay the _omega_yaw_P to ensure that if we have
// lost the yaw reference sensor completely we don't
// keep using a stale offset
_omega_yaw_P *= 0.97;
goto check_sum_time;
// the yaw error is a vector in earth frame
Vector3f error = Vector3f(0,0, yaw_error);
// convert the error vector to body frame
error = _dcm_matrix.mul_transpose(error);
// the spin rate changes the P gain, and disables the
// integration at higher rates
float spin_rate = _omega.length();
// update the proportional control to drag the
// yaw back to the right value. We use a gain
// that depends on the spin rate. See the fastRotations.pdf
// paper from Bill Premerlani
_omega_yaw_P = error * _P_gain(spin_rate) * _kp_yaw.get();
// don't update the drift term if we lost the yaw reference
// for more than 2 seconds
if (yaw_deltat < 2.0 && spin_rate < ToRad(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT)) {
// also add to the I term
_omega_I_sum.z += error.z * _ki_yaw * yaw_deltat;
// ensure the course error is scaled from -PI to PI
if (error_course > PI) {
error_course -= 2*PI;
} else if (error_course < -PI) {
error_course += 2*PI;
_error_yaw_sum += fabs(yaw_error);
// Equation 24, Applys the yaw correction to the XYZ rotation of the aircraft
// this gives us an error in radians
error = _dcm_matrix.c * error_course;
// Adding yaw correction to proportional correction vector. We
// allow the yaw reference source to affect all 3 components
// of _omega_yaw_P as we need to be able to correctly hold a
// heading when roll and pitch are non-zero
_omega_yaw_P = error * _kp_yaw.get();
// add yaw correction to integrator correction vector, but
// only for the z gyro. We rely on the accelerometers for x
// and y gyro drift correction. Using the compass or GPS for
// x/y drift correction is too inaccurate, and can lead to
// incorrect builups in the x/y drift. We rely on the
// accelerometers to get the x/y components right
_omega_I_sum.z += error.z * (_ki_yaw * yaw_deltat);
// we keep the sum of yaw error for reporting via MAVLink.
_error_yaw_sum += error_course;
// perform drift correction. This function aims to update _omega_P and
// _omega_I with our best estimate of the short term and long term
// gyro error. The _omega_P value is what pulls our attitude solution
// back towards the reference vector quickly. The _omega_I term is an
// attempt to learn the long term drift rate of the gyros.
// This drift correction implementation is based on a paper
// by Bill Premerlani from here:
AP_AHRS_DCM::drift_correction(float deltat)
Vector3f error;
Vector3f velocity;
uint32_t last_correction_time;
bool use_gps = true;
// perform yaw drift correction if we have a new yaw reference
// vector
// integrate the accel vector in the earth frame between GPS readings
_ra_sum += _dcm_matrix * (_accel_vector * deltat);
// keep a sum of the deltat values, so we know how much time
// we have integrated over
_ra_deltat += deltat;
// check if we have GPS lock
if (_gps == NULL || _gps->status() != GPS::GPS_OK) {
use_gps = false;
// a copter (which has _fly_forward false) which doesn't have a
// compass for yaw can't rely on the GPS velocity lining up with
// the earth frame from DCM, so it needs to assume zero velocity
// in the drift correction
if (!_fly_forward && !(_compass && _compass->use_for_yaw())) {
use_gps = false;
if (use_gps == false) {
// no GPS, or no lock. We assume zero velocity. This at
// least means we can cope with gyro drift while sitting
// on a bench with no GPS lock
if (_ra_deltat < 0.1) {
// not enough time has accumulated
last_correction_time = millis();
} else {
if (_gps->last_fix_time == _ra_sum_start) {
// we don't have a new GPS fix - nothing more to do
velocity = Vector3f(_gps->velocity_north(), _gps->velocity_east(), 0);
last_correction_time = _gps->last_fix_time;
// even without GPS lock we can correct for the vertical acceleration
if (_barometer != NULL) {
// Z velocity is down
velocity.z = - _barometer->get_climb_rate();
// see if this is our first time through - in which case we
// just setup the start times and return
if (_ra_sum_start == 0) {
_ra_sum_start = last_correction_time;
_last_velocity = velocity;
// get the corrected acceleration vector in earth frame. Units
// are m/s/s
Vector3f ge;
float v_scale = 1.0/(_ra_deltat*_gravity);
ge = Vector3f(0, 0, -1.0) + ((velocity - _last_velocity) * v_scale);
// calculate the error term in earth frame.
if (_ra_sum.is_inf() || ge.is_inf()) {
// the _ra_sum length is zero - we are falling with
// no apparent gravity. This gives us no information
// about which way up we are, so treat the error as zero
error = Vector3f(0,0,0);
} else {
error = _ra_sum % ge;
_error_rp_sum += error.length();
// convert the error term to body frame
error = _dcm_matrix.mul_transpose(error);
// base the P gain on the spin rate
float spin_rate = _omega.length();
// we now want to calculate _omega_P and _omega_I. The
// _omega_P value is what drags us quickly to the
// accelerometer reading.
_omega_P = error * _P_gain(spin_rate) * _kp;
// accumulate some integrator error
if (spin_rate < ToRad(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT)) {
_omega_I_sum += error * _ki * _ra_deltat;
_omega_I_sum_time += _ra_deltat;
if (_omega_I_sum_time >= 5) {
// limit the rate of change of omega_I to the hardware
// reported maximum gyro drift rate. This ensures that
// short term errors don't cause a buildup of omega_I
// beyond the physical limits of the device
float change_limit = _gyro_drift_limit * _omega_I_sum_time;
_omega_I_sum.x = constrain(_omega_I_sum.x, -change_limit, change_limit);
_omega_I_sum.y = constrain(_omega_I_sum.y, -change_limit, change_limit);
_omega_I_sum.z = constrain(_omega_I_sum.z, -change_limit, change_limit);
_omega_I += _omega_I_sum;;
_omega_I_sum_time = 0;
// zero our accumulator ready for the next GPS step;
_ra_deltat = 0;
_ra_sum_start = last_correction_time;
// remember the velocity for next time
_last_velocity = velocity;
if (_omega_I_sum_time > 10) {
// every 10 seconds we apply the accumulated
// _omega_I_sum changes to _omega_I. We do this to
// prevent short term feedback between the P and I
// terms of the controller. The _omega_I vector is
// supposed to refect long term gyro drift, but with
// high noise it can start to build up due to short
// term interactions. By summing it over 10 seconds we
// prevent the short term interactions and can apply
// the slope limit more accurately
float drift_limit = _gyro_drift_limit * _omega_I_sum_time;
_omega_I_sum.x = constrain(_omega_I_sum.x, -drift_limit, drift_limit);
_omega_I_sum.y = constrain(_omega_I_sum.y, -drift_limit, drift_limit);
_omega_I_sum.z = constrain(_omega_I_sum.z, -drift_limit, drift_limit);
_omega_I += _omega_I_sum;
// zero the sum;
_omega_I_sum_time = 0;


@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ public: @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ public:
// Constructors
AP_AHRS_DCM(IMU *imu, GPS *&gps) : AP_AHRS(imu, gps)
// these are experimentally derived from the simulator
// with large drift levels
_ki = 0.0087;
_ki_yaw = 0.01;
_kp = 0.4;
_kp_roll_pitch = 0.13;
_dcm_matrix(Vector3f(1, 0, 0),
Vector3f(0, 1, 0),
Vector3f(0, 0, 1));
// base the ki values on the sensors drift rate
_ki_roll_pitch = _gyro_drift_limit * 5;
_ki_yaw = _gyro_drift_limit * 8;
// return the smoothed gyro vector corrected for drift
@ -46,20 +46,18 @@ public: @@ -46,20 +46,18 @@ public:
AP_Float _kp_yaw;
float _kp;
float _ki;
float _kp_roll_pitch;
float _ki_roll_pitch;
float _ki_yaw;
bool _have_initial_yaw;
// Methods
void accel_adjust(Vector3f &accel);
void matrix_update(float _G_Dt);
void normalize(void);
void check_matrix(void);
bool renorm(Vector3f const &a, Vector3f &result);
void drift_correction(float deltat);
void drift_correction_yaw(void);
float yaw_error_compass();
float yaw_error_gps();
void euler_angles(void);
// primary representation of attitude
@ -68,16 +66,14 @@ private: @@ -68,16 +66,14 @@ private:
Vector3f _gyro_vector; // Store the gyros turn rate in a vector
Vector3f _accel_vector; // current accel vector
Vector3f _omega_P; // accel Omega proportional correction
Vector3f _omega_yaw_P; // proportional yaw correction
Vector3f _omega_P; // accel Omega Proportional correction
Vector3f _omega_yaw_P; // yaw Omega Proportional correction
Vector3f _omega_I; // Omega Integrator correction
Vector3f _omega_I_sum;
Vector3f _omega_I_sum; // summation vector for omegaI
float _omega_I_sum_time;
Vector3f _omega_integ_corr; // Partially corrected Gyro_Vector data - used for centrepetal correction
Vector3f _omega; // Corrected Gyro_Vector data
// P term gain based on spin rate
float _P_gain(float spin_rate);
// state to support status reporting
float _renorm_val_sum;
uint16_t _renorm_val_count;
@ -90,15 +86,6 @@ private: @@ -90,15 +86,6 @@ private:
// time in millis when we last got a GPS heading
uint32_t _gps_last_update;
// state of accel drift correction
Vector3f _ra_sum;
Vector3f _last_velocity;
float _ra_deltat;
uint32_t _ra_sum_start;
// current drift error in earth frame
Vector3f _drift_error_earth;
#endif // AP_AHRS_DCM_H
