Andrew Tridgell
APM: enable the new offset nulling in APM
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
MAVLink: constrain variable changes to the datatype range
if someone tries to set a AP_Int16 to a value of 300000, they now get
32767 instead of -27678
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: adapt ArduPlane for AHRS framework
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: removed some config file cruft
these options are now settable via MAVLink
13 years ago
Michael Oborne
update AP version to 2.30
13 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
correct small typos in comments
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
AP_Declination: disable library when AUTOMATIC_DECLINATION is not ENABLED
unfortunately this library was causing avrdude to fail to load the hex
to my APM2. Until we work out why, it's disabled.
13 years ago
Adam M Rivera
AP_Declination: Added call to compass.set_initial_location if the compass is enabled when the 3D fix is obtained.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Tridgell <>
13 years ago
Adam M Rivera
AP_Declination: Added new config value to allow the user to have the declination overwritten on every 3D fix.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Tridgell <>
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
GCS: get_integrator() is now get_gyro_drift() in DCM
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
make 'ENABLE' and 'ENABLED' mean the same things
users get this wrong far too often!
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: removed quaternion special cases
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: avoid fetching the DCM matrix twice
also no special case for quaternions
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Quaternion: show "Quaternion test" on startup if enabled
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: make it possible to build ArduPlane with quaternion support
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
HWSTATUS: if we don't know the voltage, report it as zero
this will tell us if board_voltage() is really working
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: fixed reset of control switch when short_fs_action is disabled
When FS_SHORT_ACTN is 0, we should not re-read the control switch
unless we changed mode on the initial short fs action
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: added logging of DCM, HWSTATUS and SIMSTATE
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: added board_voltage() function
13 years ago
Pat Hickey
Cleanup: rename files with spaces in their names, replace with underscores
* Skipped /Tools/ArdupilotMegaPlanner/Resources/new...
and /archive/Configurator/Source/Utilities/TDMS/G...
because I don't want to mess with that.
13 years ago
ArduPlane - updated to use new filter library
13 years ago
ArduPlane - added Filter.h to unbreak the build!
13 years ago
ArduPlane - switch sonar to use new mode filter from filter library
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
allow MAG_ENABLE to be changed in flight
this disables the compass in DCM if MAG_ENABLE is changed in
flight. Without this we would use a fixed yaw once the compass is
This also makes sure we don't pass the compass to DCM till we have
done a read. This ensures we have a good compass fix for the initial
DCM heading
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
GCS: force scalar type in copy_name()
this enables access to compass offsets over MAVLink
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
DCM: renorm_sqrt_count is now called renorm_range_count
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
AP_Param: update users of AP_Param for ParamToken
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: expanded parameter area to match ACM
this ensures waypoints and basic eeprom layout remain in sync
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
AP_Param: fixed saving of sensor calibration
this fixes the saving of the accel and gyro calibration to EEPROM,
which was initially broken by the AP_Param conversion
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: use set_and_save_ifchanged() for GCS stream rates
this avoids a lot of EEPROM scan operations when the groundstation
updates the stream rates
13 years ago
APM: Fix rudder in elevon mode.
elevon planes can have rudders too
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: changed hold_course for landing to be based on yaw_sensor
when we are in the final stages of a landing (less than 2 seconds from
landing waypoint, or less than 3m above landing altitude) we switch
the navigation to use a fixed course. The code previously used the
crosstrack_bearing for this, but this can lead to a large nav_roll in
this final stage of the approach, which can put a wing into the
runway. In autotest we were seeing a nav_roll value of -45 degrees as
we crossed the transition point for the landing, which often led to a
This changes the code to use the current yaw_sensor value instead,
which is much less likely to lead to large rolls in the final landing
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: report the nav_bearing as hold_course when enabled
this gives a more accurate view of the navigation code, as when
hold_course is not -1 it overrides nav_bearing
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: added some comments related to hold_course
hold_course is either -1 (for disabled) or a course to hold for
takeoff/landing. This makes the code a bit clearer.
It also resets hold_course in all non-auto modes, to ensure it isn't
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
when setting airspeed and groundspeed in a mission, don't save to EEPROM
If you include airspeed, throttle or groundspeed changes in a mission
then those should not be saved to EEPROM, as otherwise if you restart
and re-fly the mission you will be starting with different parameters
to the ones you used for the first flight.
This is particularly important for setting the target airspeed when
coming in for a landing. You typically set a low target, but if you
fly again the next day I think it would be a real surprise to find
that your loiter airspeed has then changed to the value from the
landing part of your last mission.
This one can be argued either way, but I think that not saving these
changes is the more conservative choice, and better fits the
'principal of least surprise'
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: fixed some build warnings
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Mavlink: report the corrected pitch via MAVLink
this subtracts the TRIM_PITCH_CD from the pitch reported via
MAVLink. That gives a better indication of the true pitch in the tlog
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
fixed some printf casts
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: the CLI fits nicely on the 1280 again now
I find the CLI very useful for testing, so enable it by default on the
1280. Logging is still off by default.
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
token is 16 bits now
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
added AP_Param::show_all()
this moves the logic into common code
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
token size for first()/next() is now 16 bits
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
go back to 1024 bytes for variables in EEPROM
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
added group indexes to GCS_MAVLINK class
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
expand parameter area for ArduPlane
this ensures all parameters can be saved without overflow
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
tidy up a comment
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
fixed two parameter names
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
expose mavlink stream rates as parameters
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
imported new Parameters code to APM
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
import new Parameters.h for AP_Param to APM
13 years ago