- inhibit crash detection warnings when disabled by param so now it can be completely disabled
- reset is_crashed when disabled by param
- fixed pre-takeoff detection bug by adding in_preLaunch_flight_stage() where we are actually in FLIGHT_NORMAL instead of FLIGHT_TAKEOFF during setup of bungee launches. This now detects if we're in that state
- simplified the use of been_auto_flying to check across all flight stages. before it was excluded to handle hand-launches which can now be detected with in_preLaunch_flight_stage()
- added impact detector timer to clamp is_flying a few seconds after an impact
- logging new impact detector as "STAT.Hit"
new functions that get a filtered min/max accel peaks on each axis with fixed 500ms timeout:
Vector3f get_accel_peak_hold_pos()
Vector3f get_accel_peak_hold_neg()
This allows slower mechanisms, such as is_flying, to detect accel spikes which would indicate ground or object impacts. Vibe is too filtered. Independent positive and negative peaks are available
For ROTATION_ROLL_90_PITCH_68_YAW_293 consider the angles as 90, 68.8
and 293.3 degrees to pre-calculate rotation. This matches the rotation
matrix used in code.
While at it, check not only the values are close enough but also the
length of the vector.
The rotations are supposed to follow the name of the enum, in order. The
ROTATION_YAW_293_PITCH_68_ROLL_90 was added with the name of an
intrinsic 321 rotation, but the matrix is actually a 123 rotation,
following the other rotations already present.
Change the name to follow the other names.