Andrew Tridgell
autotest: fixed home altitude for CMAC
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
autotest: dump all GPS points, even if fix==0
for some reason HIL gives fix 0 sometimes
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
autotest: enable dumping of DataFlash logs at end of test
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
fixed permissions of valgrind log file
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
autotest: run SIL binary under valgrind
this lets us find uninitialised variables in the APM code, and other
common C/C++ errors
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
fixed home location
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
autotest: a complete mission now flies
with the TCP buffering fixed, the mission flies quite well with standard parameters
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
autotest: added a mission to ArduCopter testing
the mission is not flown well at all, but its a start
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
autotest: ArduCopter test can now fly a square
the copter now takes off, yaws to north, flies a 50m square, then
does a loiter test for 10s and lands
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
First version of APM autotest
This does SIL testing of ArduPlane and ArduCopter. For now it just does
a basic LOITER test of ArduCopter. It produces logs and a kml of the
flight on
14 years ago